$password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
$encrypted = hash('whirlpool',trim($password));
+ // allow "user@server" login (but ignore 'server' part)
+ $at=strstr($user, "@", true);
+ if ( $at ) $user=$at;
* next code from mod/auth.php. needs better solution
$record = null;
$addon_auth = array(
- 'username' => trim($user),
+ 'username' => trim($user),
'password' => trim($password),
'authenticated' => 0,
'user_record' => null
+ /**
+ * similar as /mod/redir.php
+ * redirect to 'url' after dfrn auth
+ *
+ * why this when there is mod/redir.php already?
+ * This use api_user() and api_login()
+ *
+ * params
+ * c_url: url of remote contact to auth to
+ * url: string, url to redirect after auth
+ */
+ function api_dfrn_remoteauth(&$a) {
+ $url = ((x($_GET,'url')) ? $_GET['url'] : '');
+ $c_url = ((x($_GET,'c_url')) ? $_GET['c_url'] : '');
+ if ($url === '' || $c_url === '')
+ die((api_error($a, 'json', "Wrong parameters")));
+ $c_url = normalise_link($c_url);
+ // traditional DFRN
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($c_url),
+ intval(api_user())
+ );
+ if ((! count($r)) || ($r[0]['network'] !== NETWORK_DFRN))
+ die((api_error($a, 'json', "Unknown contact")));
+ $cid = $r[0]['id'];
+ $dfrn_id = $orig_id = (($r[0]['issued-id']) ? $r[0]['issued-id'] : $r[0]['dfrn-id']);
+ if($r[0]['duplex'] && $r[0]['issued-id']) {
+ $orig_id = $r[0]['issued-id'];
+ $dfrn_id = '1:' . $orig_id;
+ }
+ if($r[0]['duplex'] && $r[0]['dfrn-id']) {
+ $orig_id = $r[0]['dfrn-id'];
+ $dfrn_id = '0:' . $orig_id;
+ }
+ $sec = random_string();
+ q("INSERT INTO `profile_check` ( `uid`, `cid`, `dfrn_id`, `sec`, `expire`)
+ VALUES( %d, %s, '%s', '%s', %d )",
+ intval(api_user()),
+ intval($cid),
+ dbesc($dfrn_id),
+ dbesc($sec),
+ intval(time() + 45)
+ );
+ logger($r[0]['name'] . ' ' . $sec, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ $dest = (($url) ? '&destination_url=' . $url : '');
+ goaway ($r[0]['poll'] . '?dfrn_id=' . $dfrn_id
+ . '&dfrn_version=' . DFRN_PROTOCOL_VERSION
+ . '&type=profile&sec=' . $sec . $dest . $quiet );
+ }
+ api_register_func('api/dfrn/remoteauth', 'api_dfrn_remoteauth', true);
function api_share_as_retweet(&$item) {
$body = trim($item["body"]);
$contacts = array($contacts[0]);
Not implemented by now: