+function fb_get_timeline($access_token, &$since) {
+ $entries->data = array();
+ $newest = 0;
+ $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?access_token='.$access_token;
+ if ($since != 0)
+ $url .= "&since=".$since;
+ do {
+ $s = fetch_url($url);
+ $j = json_decode($s);
+ $oldestdate = time();
+ if (isset($j->data))
+ foreach ($j->data as $entry) {
+ $created = strtotime($entry->created_time);
+ if ($newest < $created)
+ $newest = $created;
+ if ($created >= $since)
+ $entries->data[] = $entry;
+ if ($created <= $oldestdate)
+ $oldestdate = $created;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ $url = $s->paging->next;
+ } while (($oldestdate > $since) and ($since != 0));
+ if ($newest > $since)
+ $since = $newest;
+ return($entries);
function fb_consume_all($uid) {
- $s = fetch_url('https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?access_token=' . $access_token);
- if($s) {
- $j = json_decode($s);
- if (isset($j->data)) {
- logger('fb_consume_stream: feed: ' . print_r($j,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- fb_consume_stream($uid,$j,false);
- } else {
- logger('fb_consume_stream: feed: got no data from Facebook: ' . print_r($j,true), LOGGER_NORMAL);
- }
- }
+ // Get the last date
+ $lastdate = get_pconfig($uid,'facebook','lastdate');
+ // echo "Alt: ".$lastdate."\n";
+ // fetch all items since the last date
+ $j = fb_get_timeline($access_token, &$lastdate);
+ if (isset($j->data)) {
+ logger('fb_consume_stream: feed: ' . print_r($j,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ fb_consume_stream($uid,$j,false);
+ // echo "Neu: ".$lastdate."\n";
+ // Write back the last date
+ set_pconfig($uid,'facebook','lastdate', $lastdate);
+ } else
+ logger('fb_consume_stream: feed: got no data from Facebook: ' . print_r($j,true), LOGGER_NORMAL);
function fb_get_photo($uid,$link) {
// // Definitely a quickhack
// $datarray['contact-id'] = $self[0]['id'];
//} else {
- logger('no contact: post ignored');
+ logger('facebook: no contact '.$from->name.' '.$from->id.'. post ignored');
$datarray['author-avatar'] = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $from->id . '/picture';
$datarray['plink'] = $datarray['author-link'] . '&v=wall&story_fbid=' . substr($entry->id,strpos($entry->id,'_') + 1);
+ logger('facebook: post '.$entry->id.' from '.$from->name);
$datarray['body'] = escape_tags($entry->message);
if($entry->name and $entry->link)
if(trim($datarray['body']) == '') {
- logger('facebook: empty body');
+ logger('facebook: empty body '.$entry->id.' '.print_r($entry, true));
//if(($datarray['body'] != '') and ($uid == 1))
// $datarray['body'] .= "[noparse]".print_r($entry, true)."[/noparse]";
+ if ($entry->place->name)
+ $datarray['coord'] = $entry->place->name;
+ else if ($entry->place->location->street or $entry->place->location->city or $entry->place->location->Denmark) {
+ if ($entry->place->location->street)
+ $datarray['coord'] = $entry->place->location->street;
+ if ($entry->place->location->city)
+ $datarray['coord'] .= " ".$entry->place->location->city;
+ if ($entry->place->location->country)
+ $datarray['coord'] .= " ".$entry->place->location->country;
+ } else if ($entry->place->location->latitude and $entry->place->location->longitude)
+ $datarray['coord'] = substr($entry->place->location->latitude, 0, 8)
+ .' '.substr($entry->place->location->longitude, 0, 8);
$datarray['created'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$entry->created_time);
$datarray['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$entry->updated_time);