--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">
+ An effect consists of parameters and techniques. The "parameters"
+ section of an effect is a tree of values that describe, abstractly,
+ the graphical appearence of objects that use the effect. Techniques
+ refer to these parameters and use them to set OpenGL state or to
+ set parameters for shader programs. Parameters can be declared to
+ have a dynamic variance, which means that if their value is changed
+ the corresponding value in the technique will be changed too.
+ A technique can contain a predicate that describes the OpenGL
+ functionality required to support the technique. The first
+ technique with a valid predicate in the list of techniques is used
+ to set up the graphics state of the effect. A technique with no
+ predicate is always assumed to be valid.
+ A technique can consist of several passes, which are run in
+ sequence.
+ One feature not fully illustrated in the sample below is that
+ effects can inherit from each other. The parent effect is listed in
+ the "inherits-from" form. The child effect's property tree is
+ overlaid over that of the parent. This means that effects that
+ inherit from the example "default effect" below could be very
+ short, listing just new parameters and adding nothing to the
+ techniques section; alternatively, a technique could be altered or
+ customized in a child, listing (for example) a different shader
+ program. Terrain materials work in this way: for each material type
+ in materials.xml an effect is created that inherits from a single
+ default terrain effect. The parameters section of the effect is
+ filled in using the ambient, diffuse, etc. fields of the material.
+ Material animations will be implemented by creating a new effect
+ that inherits from one in a model, overriding the parameters that
+ will be animated.
+ Ultimately all OpenGL state will be setable in a technique. These
+ attributes and modes are currently implemented:
+ lighting - true, false
+ shade-model - flat, smooth
+ cull-face - front, back, front-back
+ rendering-hint - (OSG) opaque, transparent
+ render-bin - children: bin-number, bin-name
+ material - children: ambient, ambient-front, ambient-back, diffuse,
+ diffuse-front, diffuse-back, specular, specular-front,
+ specular-back, emissive, emissive-front, emissive-back, shininess,
+ shininess-front, shininess-back, color-mode
+ blend - true, false
+ alpha-test - true, false
+ texture-unit -
+ unit
+ texture2d
+ image (file name)
+ filter
+ mag-filter
+ wrap-s
+ wrap-t
+ wrap-r
+ environment
+ mode
+ color
+ program
+ vertex-shader
+ fragment-shader
+ uniform
+ name
+ type - float, float-vec3, float-vec4, sampler-1d, sampler-2d,
+ sampler-3d
+ polygon-mode
+ front - fill, line, point
+ back - fill, line, point
+ -->
+ <effect>
+ <name>city</name>
+ <!-- <inherits-from>another-effect</inherits-from> -->
+ <parameters>
+ <material>
+ <ambient type="vec4d">
+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
+ </ambient>
+ <diffuse type="vec4d">
+ .5 .5 .5 1.0
+ </diffuse>
+ <specular type="vec4d">
+ 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0
+ </specular>
+ <emissive type="vec4d" variance="dynamic">
+ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
+ </emissive>
+ <shininess>1.2</shininess>
+ </material>
+ <texture n="0">
+ <texture2d>
+ <image>city.png</image>
+ <filter>linear-mipmap-linear</filter>
+ <!-- also repeat -->
+ <wrap-s>clamp</wrap-s>
+ <wrap-t>clamp-to-edge</wrap-t>
+ <!--
+ <wrap-r>clamp-to-border</wrap-r>
+ -->
+ <!-- float, signed-integer, integer -->
+ <internal-format>normalized</internal-format>
+ </texture2d>
+ </texture>
+ <texture n="1">
+ <texture2d>
+ <image>detail.png</image>
+ <filter>linear-mipmap-linear</filter>
+ <!-- also repeat -->
+ <wrap-s>clamp</wrap-s>
+ <wrap-t>clamp-to-edge</wrap-t>
+ <!--
+ <wrap-r>clamp-to-border</wrap-r>
+ -->
+ <!-- float, signed-integer, integer -->
+ <internal-format>normalized</internal-format>
+ </texture2d>
+ </texture>
+ <bump-height type="double">.05</bump-height>
+ <pattern-rotation type="vec4d">0 0 1 1.5708</pattern-rotation>
+ </parameters>
+ <technique>
+ <predicate>
+ <!-- This is the general way to test for shader support -->
+ <or>
+ <less-equal>
+ <value type="float">2.0</value>
+ <glversion/>
+ </less-equal>
+ <and>
+ <extension-supported>GL_ARB_shader_objects</extension-supported>
+ <extension-supported>GL_ARB_shading_language_100</extension-supported>
+ <extension-supported>GL_ARB_vertex_shader</extension-supported>
+ <extension-supported>GL_ARB_fragment_shader</extension-supported>
+ </and>
+ </or>
+ </predicate>
+ <pass>
+ <lighting>true</lighting>
+ <material>
+ <ambient><use>material/ambient</use></ambient>
+ <diffuse><use>material/diffuse</use></diffuse>
+ <specular><use>material/specular</use></specular>
+ <shininess><use>material/shininess</use></shininess>
+ </material>
+ <texture-unit>
+ <texture2d><use>texture[0]/texture2d</use></texture2d>
+ </texture-unit>
+ <texture-unit>
+ <texture2d><use>texture[1]/texture2d</use></texture2d>
+ </texture-unit>
+ <uniform>
+ <name>bumpHeight</name>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <use>bump-height</use>
+ </uniform>
+ <uniform>
+ <name>patternRotation</name>
+ <type>float-vec4</type>
+ <use>pattern-rotation</use>
+ </uniform>
+ <uniform>
+ <name>baseTexture</name>
+ <type>sampler-2d</type>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </uniform>
+ <uniform>
+ <name>detailTexture</name>
+ <type>sampler-2d</type>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </uniform>
+ <shader-program>
+ <!-- These two vertex shaders are linked together -->
+ <vertex-shader>
+ "Shaders/util.vert"
+ </vertex-shader>
+ <vertex-shader>
+ "Shaders/foo.vert"
+ </vertex-shader>
+ <fragment-shader>
+ "Shaders/foo.frag"
+ </fragment-shader>
+ </shader-program>
+ </pass>
+ </technique>
+ <!-- This technique is always valid -->
+ <technique>
+ <pass>
+ <lighting>true</lighting>
+ <material>
+ <ambient><use>material/ambient</use></ambient>
+ <diffuse><use>material/diffuse</use></diffuse>
+ <specular><use>material/specular</use></specular>
+ </material>
+ <texture-unit>
+ <texture2d><use>texture[0]/texture2d</use></texture2d>
+ </texture-unit>
+ </pass>
+ </technique>
+ </effect>