from twisted.application import service, internet, app, strports
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import usage, log
-from twisted.web2 import channel
from apt_p2p.apt_p2p_conf import config, version, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES
-from apt_p2p.interfaces import IDHT
+from apt_p2p.interfaces import IDHT, IDHTStatsFactory
config_file = ''
log.msg('Starting DHT')
DHT = __import__(config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT')+'.DHT', globals(), locals(), ['DHT'])
assert IDHT.implementedBy(DHT.DHT), "You must provide a DHT implementation that implements the IDHT interface."
-myDHT = DHT.DHT()
if not config.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'DHT-only'):
log.msg('Starting main application server')
from apt_p2p.apt_p2p import AptP2P
- myapp = AptP2P(myDHT)
+ myapp = AptP2P(DHT.DHT)
factory = myapp.getHTTPFactory()
s = strports.service('tcp:'+config.get('DEFAULT', 'port'), factory)
+ myDHT = DHT.DHT()
+ if IDHTStatsFactory.implementedBy(DHT.DHT):
+ log.msg("Starting the DHT's HTTP stats displayer")
+ factory = myDHT.getStatsFactory()
+ s = strports.service('tcp:'+config.get('DEFAULT', 'port'), factory)
+ s.setServiceParent(application)
myDHT.loadConfig(config, config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'))
@type manager: L{apt_p2p.AptP2P}
@ivar manager: the main program object to send requests to
@type factory: L{} or L{policies.ThrottlingFactory}
- @ivar factory: the factory to use to server HTTP requests
+ @ivar factory: the factory to use to serve HTTP requests
addSlash = True
return http.Response(
{'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html')},
- """<html><body>
- <h2>Statistics</h2>
- <p>TODO: eventually some stats will be shown here.</body></html>""")
+ self.manager.getStats())
def locateChild(self, request, segments):
"""Process the incoming request."""
from twisted.python import log, failure
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+from interfaces import IDHT, IDHTStats
from apt_p2p_conf import config
from PeerManager import PeerManager
from HTTPServer import TopLevel
Contains all of the sub-components that do all the low-level work, and
coordinates communication between them.
+ @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT}
+ @ivar dhtClass: the DHT class to use
@type cache_dir: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
@ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files
@type db: L{db.DB}
@ivar db: the database to use for tracking files and hashes
@type dht: L{interfaces.IDHT}
- @ivar dht: the DHT instance to use
+ @ivar dht: the DHT instance
@type http_server: L{HTTPServer.TopLevel}
@ivar http_server: the web server that will handle all requests from apt
and from other peers
download information (IP address and port)
- def __init__(self, dht):
+ def __init__(self, dhtClass):
"""Initialize all the sub-components.
@type dht: L{interfaces.IDHT}
- @param dht: the DHT instance to use
+ @param dht: the DHT class to use
log.msg('Initializing the main apt_p2p application')
+ self.dhtClass = dhtClass
self.cache_dir = FilePath(config.get('DEFAULT', 'cache_dir'))
if not self.cache_dir.child(download_dir).exists():
self.db = DB(self.cache_dir.child('apt-p2p.db'))
- self.dht = dht
+ self.dht = dhtClass()
self.dht.loadConfig(config, config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'))
self.dht.join().addCallbacks(self.joinComplete, self.joinError)
self.http_server = TopLevel(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self)
storeDefer.addBoth(self._refreshFiles, hashes)
reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
+ def getStats(self):
+ """Retrieve and format the statistics for the program.
+ @rtype: C{string}
+ @return: the formatted HTML page containing the statistics
+ """
+ out = '<html><body>\n\n'
+ if IDHTStats.implementedBy(self.dhtClass):
+ out += self.dht.getStats()
+ out += '\n</body></html>\n'
+ return out
#{ Main workflow
def check_freshness(self, req, url, modtime, resp):
The length of the key may be adjusted for use with the DHT.
+class IDHTStats(Interface):
+ """An abstract interface for DHTs that support statistics gathering."""
+ def getStats(self):
+ """Gather and format all the statistics for the DHT.
+ The statistics will be formatted for inclusion in the body
+ of an HTML page.
+ @rtype: C{string}
+ @return: the formatted statistics, suitable for displaying to the user
+ """
+class IDHTStatsFactory(Interface):
+ """An abstract interface for DHTs that support statistics displaying."""
+ def getStatsFactory(self):
+ """Create and return an HTTP factory for displaying statistics.
+ @rtype:
+ """
\ No newline at end of file
from datetime import datetime
+from StringIO import StringIO
import os, sha, random
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.trial import unittest
from zope.interface import implements
-from apt_p2p.interfaces import IDHT
+from apt_p2p.interfaces import IDHT, IDHTStats, IDHTStatsFactory
from khashmir import Khashmir
from bencode import bencode, bdecode
+ from twisted.web2 import channel, server, resource, http, http_headers
+ _web2 = True
+except ImportError:
+ _web2 = False
khashmir_dir = 'apt-p2p-Khashmir'
class DHTError(Exception):
@type retrieved: C{dictionary}
@ivar retrieved: keys are the keys for which getValue requests are active,
values are list of the values returned so far
+ @type factory: L{}
+ @ivar factory: the factory to use to serve HTTP requests for statistics
@type config_parser: L{apt_p2p.apt_p2p_conf.AptP2PConfigParser}
@ivar config_parser: the configuration info for the main program
@type section: C{string}
@ivar khashmir: the khashmir DHT instance to use
- implements(IDHT)
+ if _web2:
+ implements(IDHT, IDHTStats, IDHTStatsFactory)
+ else:
+ implements(IDHT, IDHTStats)
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the DHT."""
self.config = None
self.storing = {}
self.retrieving = {}
self.retrieved = {}
+ self.factory = None
def loadConfig(self, config, section):
"""See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHT}."""
del self.storing[key][bvalue]
if len(self.storing[key].keys()) == 0:
del self.storing[key]
+ def getStats(self):
+ """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStats}."""
+ stats = self.khashmir.getStats()
+ out = StringIO()
+ out.write('<h2>DHT Statistics</h2>\n')
+ old_group = None
+ for stat in stats:
+ if stat['group'] != old_group:
+ if old_group is not None:
+ out.write('</table>\n')
+ out.write('\n<h3>' + stat['group'] + '</h3>\n')
+ out.write("<table border='1'>\n")
+ if stat['group'] != 'Actions':
+ out.write("<tr><th>Statistic</th><th>Value</th></tr>\n")
+ else:
+ out.write("<tr><th>Action</th><th>Sent</th><th>OK</th><th>Failed</th><th>Received</th><th>Error</th></tr>\n")
+ old_group = stat['group']
+ if stat['group'] != 'Actions':
+ out.write("<tr title='" + stat['tip'] + "'><td>" + stat['desc'] + '</td><td>' + str(stat['value']) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ else:
+ actions = stat['value'].keys()
+ actions.sort()
+ for action in actions:
+ out.write("<tr><td>" + action + "</td>")
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ out.write("<td>" + str(stat['value'][action][i]) + "</td>")
+ out.write('</tr>\n')
+ return out.getvalue()
+ def getStatsFactory(self):
+ """See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStatsFactory}."""
+ assert _web2, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: twisted.web2 must be installed to use the stats factory."
+ if self.factory is None:
+ # Create a simple HTTP factory for stats
+ class StatsResource(resource.Resource):
+ def __init__(self, manager):
+ self.manager = manager
+ def render(self, ctx):
+ return http.Response(
+ 200,
+ {'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html')},
+ '<html><body>\n\n' + self.manager.getStats() + '\n</body></html>\n')
+ def locateChild(self, request, segments):
+ log.msg('Got HTTP stats request from %s' % (request.remoteAddr, ))
+ return self, ()
+ self.factory = channel.HTTPFactory(server.Site(StatsResource(self)))
+ return self.factory
class TestSimpleDHT(unittest.TestCase):
"""Simple 2-node unit tests for the DHT."""
@ivar table: the routing table
@type token_secrets: C{list} of C{string}
@ivar token_secrets: the current secrets to use to create tokens
+ @type stats: L{stats.StatsLogger}
+ @ivar stats: the statistics gatherer
@type udp: L{krpc.hostbroker}
@ivar udp: the factory for the KRPC protocol
@type listenport: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IListeningPort}
+ def getStats(self):
+ """Gather the statistics for the DHT."""
+ return self.stats.gather()
#{ Remote interface
def krpc_ping(self, id, _krpc_sender):
for stat in stats:
val = getattr(self, stat['name'], None)
if stat['name'] == 'uptime':
- stat['value'] = - self.startTime
+ stat['value'] = - self.startTime
elif stat['name'] == 'actions':
- stat['value'] = deepcopy(actions)
+ stat['value'] = deepcopy(self.actions)
elif val is not None:
stat['value'] = val