if (isDebugModeEnabled()) {
// In debug mode we want to display the mail instead of sending it away so we can debug this part
-Headers : ' . str_replace('<', '<', str_replace('>', '>', secureString(trim($mailHeader)))) . '
-To : ' . $toEmail . '
-Subject : ' . $subject . '
-Message : ' . $message . '
+Headers : ' . htmlentities(trim($mailHeader)) . '
+To : ' . htmlentities($toEmail) . '
+Subject : ' . htmlentities($subject) . '
+Message : ' . htmlentities($message) . '
} elseif (($isHtml == 'Y') && (isExtensionActive('html_mail'))) {
// Send mail as HTML away
function createNewTask ($subject, $notes, $taskType, $userid = '0', $adminId = '0', $strip = true) {
// Insert the task data into the database
SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_task_system` (`assigned_admin`, `userid`, `status`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`) VALUES (%s,%s,'NEW','%s','%s','%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())",
- array($adminId, $userid, $taskType, $subject, escapeQuotes($notes)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, true, $strip);
+ array(
+ $adminId,
+ $userid,
+ $taskType,
+ $subject,
+ $notes
+ ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, true, $strip);
// Updates last module / online time