if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
// This should not happen
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'File ' . basename($FQFN) . ' is not readable!');
- } // END - if
- // Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['file_content'][$FQFN])) {
+ } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['file_content'][$FQFN])) {
// Load the file
if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
// Use new function
} // END - if
// By default all is failed...
+ $GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN] = false;
+ unset($GLOBALS['file_content'][$FQFN]);
$return = false;
// Is the function there?
// Write it with fopen
$fp = fopen($FQFN, 'w') or debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot write to file ' . basename($FQFN) . '!');
- // Aquire lock
- if ($aquireLock === true) flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
+ // Do we need to aquire a lock?
+ if ($aquireLock === true) {
+ // Aquire lock
+ flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
+ } // END - if
// Write content
- fwrite($fp, $content);
+ $return = fwrite($fp, $content);
// Close stream
- // Mark it as readable
- $GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN] = true;
+ // Was something written?
+ if ($return !== false) {
+ // Mark it as readable
+ $GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN] = true;
- // Remember content in cache
- $GLOBALS['file_content'][$FQFN] = $content;
+ // Remember content in cache
+ $GLOBALS['file_content'][$FQFN] = $content;
+ } // END - if
// Return status
- return changeMode($FQFN, 0644);
+ return (($return !== false) && (changeMode($FQFN, 0644)));
// Clears the output buffer. This function does *NOT* backup sent content.
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'No arrays provided!');
} elseif (!is_array($array1)) {
// Left one is not an array
- debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("array1 is not an array. array != %s", gettype($array1)));
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("array1 is not an array. array != %s", gettype($array1)));
} elseif (!is_array($array2)) {
// Right one is not an array
- debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("array2 is not an array. array != %s", gettype($array2)));
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("array2 is not an array. array != %s", gettype($array2)));
// Merge all together
if (!isset($GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN])) {
// Check all...
$GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN] = ((file_exists($FQFN)) && (is_file($FQFN)) && (is_readable($FQFN)));
- // Debug message
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'file=' . basename($FQFN) . ' - CHECK! (' . intval($GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN]) . ')');
- } else {
- // Cache used
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'file=' . basename($FQFN) . ' - CACHE! (' . intval($GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN]) . ')');
- }
+ } // END - if
// Return result
return $GLOBALS['file_readable'][$FQFN];
// Checks wether the given FQFN is a directory and not ., .. or .svn
function isDirectory ($FQFN) {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_directory'][$FQFN])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$FQFN])) {
// Generate baseName
$baseName = basename($FQFN);
// Check it
- $GLOBALS['is_directory'][$FQFN] = ((is_dir($FQFN)) && ($baseName != '.') && ($baseName != '..') && ($baseName != '.svn'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$FQFN] = ((is_dir($FQFN)) && ($baseName != '.') && ($baseName != '..') && ($baseName != '.svn'));
} // END - if
// Return the result
- return $GLOBALS['is_directory'][$FQFN];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$FQFN];
// "Getter" for remote IP number
// Check wether we are installing
function isInstalling () {
// Determine wether we are installing
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['mailer_installing'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Check URL (css.php/js.php need this)
- $GLOBALS['mailer_installing'] = isGetRequestParameterSet('installing');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = isGetRequestParameterSet('installing');
} // END - if
// Return result
- return $GLOBALS['mailer_installing'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Check wether this script is installed
function isInstalled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_installed'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine wether this script is installed
- $GLOBALS['is_installed'] = (
// First is config
} // END - if
// Then use the cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_installed'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Check wether an admin is registered
// Checks wether the debug mode is enabled
function isDebugModeEnabled () {
// Is cache set?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_debugmode_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Simply check it
- $GLOBALS['is_debugmode_enabled'] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_MODE')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_MODE') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_MODE')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_MODE') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return it
- return $GLOBALS['is_debugmode_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether SQL debugging is enabled
function isSqlDebuggingEnabled () {
// Is cache set?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_sql_debug_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine if SQL debugging is enabled
- $GLOBALS['is_sql_debug_enabled'] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_SQL')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_SQL') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_SQL')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_SQL') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return it
- return $GLOBALS['is_sql_debug_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether we shall debug regular expressions
function isDebugRegularExpressionEnabled () {
// Is cache set?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_regular_exp_debug_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Simply check it
- $GLOBALS['is_regular_exp_debug_enabled'] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_REGEX')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_REGEX') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_REGEX')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_REGEX') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return it
- return $GLOBALS['is_regular_exp_debug_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether the cache instance is valid
} // END - if
// Try to set them
- chmod($FQFN, $mode);
+ return chmod($FQFN, $mode);
// Wrapper for unlink()
// Checks wether a nickname or userid was entered and caches the result
function isNicknameUsed ($userid) {
// Is the cache there
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_nickname_used'][$userid])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['is_nickname_used'][$userid] = (('' . round($userid) . '') != $userid);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = (('' . round($userid) . '') != $userid);
} // END - if
// Return the result
- return $GLOBALS['is_nickname_used'][$userid];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid];
// Getter for 'what' value
// Checks wether block-mode is enabled
function isBlockModeEnabled () {
// Abort if not set
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['block_mode'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Needs to be fixed
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Block_mode is not set.');
} // END - if
// Return it
- return $GLOBALS['block_mode'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Wrapper function for addPointsThroughReferalSystem()
// Wrapper function for checking if extension is installed and newer or same version
function isExtensionInstalledAndNewer ($ext_name, $version) {
// Is an cache entry found?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_installed_newer'][$ext_name][$version])) {
- $GLOBALS['ext_installed_newer'][$ext_name][$version] = ((isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) && (getExtensionVersion($ext_name) >= $version));
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version])) {
+ // Determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version] = ((isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) && (getExtensionVersion($ext_name) >= $version));
} else {
// Cache hits should be incremented twice
incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits', 2);
// Return it
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__.':'.$ext_name.'=>'.$version.':'.intval($GLOBALS['ext_installed_newer'][$ext_name][$version]));
- return $GLOBALS['ext_installed_newer'][$ext_name][$version];
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__.':'.$ext_name.'=>'.$version.':'.intval($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version]));
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version];
// Wrapper function for checking if extension is installed and older than given version
function isExtensionInstalledAndOlder ($ext_name, $version) {
// Is an cache entry found?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ext_installed_older'][$ext_name][$version])) {
- $GLOBALS['ext_installed_older'][$ext_name][$version] = ((isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) && (isExtensionOlder($ext_name, $version)));
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version])) {
+ // Determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version] = ((isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) && (isExtensionOlder($ext_name, $version)));
} else {
// Cache hits should be incremented twice
incrementStatsEntry('cache_hits', 2);
// Return it
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__.':'.$ext_name.'<'.$version.':'.intval($GLOBALS['ext_installed_older'][$ext_name][$version]));
- return $GLOBALS['ext_installed_older'][$ext_name][$version];
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__.':'.$ext_name.'<'.$version.':'.intval($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version]));
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$ext_name][$version];
// Set username
// Wrapper function for installation phase
function isInstallationPhase () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['installation_phase'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['installation_phase'] = ((!isInstalled()) || (isInstalling()));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((!isInstalled()) || (isInstalling()));
} // END - if
// Return result
- return $GLOBALS['installation_phase'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether the extension demo is actuve and the admin login is demo (password needs to be demo, too!)
function isDemoModeActive () {
// Is cache set?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['demo_mode_active'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Simply check it
- $GLOBALS['demo_mode_active'] = ((isExtensionActive('demo')) && (getAdminLogin(getSession('admin_id')) == 'demo'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionActive('demo')) && (getAdminLogin(getSession('admin_id')) == 'demo'));
} // END - if
// Return it
- return $GLOBALS['demo_mode_active'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Getter for PHP caching value
// Checks wether we are debugging template cache
function isDebuggingTemplateCache () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['debug_template_cache'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['debug_template_cache'] = (getConfig('DEBUG_TEMPLATE_CACHE') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('DEBUG_TEMPLATE_CACHE') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['debug_template_cache'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Wrapper for fetchUserData() and getUserData() calls
function getFetchedUserData ($keyColumn, $userid, $valueColumn) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['user_data_cache'][$userid][$keyColumn][$valueColumn])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid][$keyColumn][$valueColumn])) {
// Default is 'guest'
$data = '{--USERNAME_GUEST--}';
} // END - if
// Cache it
- $GLOBALS['user_data_cache'][$userid][$keyColumn][$valueColumn] = $data;
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid][$keyColumn][$valueColumn] = $data;
} // END - if
// Return it
- return $GLOBALS['user_data_cache'][$userid][$keyColumn][$valueColumn];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid][$keyColumn][$valueColumn];
// Wrapper for strpos() to ease porting from deprecated ereg() function
// Determines the country of the given user id
function determineCountry ($userid) {
- // Default is 'invalid'
- $country = 'invalid';
+ // Do we have cache?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid])) {
+ // Default is 'invalid'
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = 'invalid';
- // Is extension country active?
- if (isExtensionActive('country')) {
- // Determine the right country code through the country id
- $id = getUserData('country_code');
+ // Is extension country active?
+ if (isExtensionActive('country')) {
+ // Determine the right country code through the country id
+ $id = getUserData('country_code');
- // Then handle it over
- $country = generateCountryInfo($id);
- } else {
- // Get raw code from user data
- $country = getUserData('country');
- }
+ // Then handle it over
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = generateCountryInfo($id);
+ } else {
+ // Get raw code from user data
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = getUserData('country');
+ }
+ } // END - if
- // Return it
- return $country;
+ // Return cache
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid];
// "Getter" for total confirmed user accounts
function getTotalConfirmedUser () {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Then do it
- $GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'] = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
} // END - if
// Return cached value
- return $GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for total unconfirmed user accounts
function getTotalUnconfirmedUser () {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['total_unconfirmed_users'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Then do it
- $GLOBALS['total_unconfirmed_users'] = countSumTotalData('UNCONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = countSumTotalData('UNCONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
} // END - if
// Return cached value
- return $GLOBALS['total_unconfirmed_users'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for total locked user accounts
function getTotalLockedUser () {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['total_locked_users'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Then do it
- $GLOBALS['total_locked_users'] = countSumTotalData('LOCKED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = countSumTotalData('LOCKED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
} // END - if
// Return cached value
- return $GLOBALS['total_locked_users'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Is given userid valid?
function isValidUserId ($userid) {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_valid_userid'][$userid])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid])) {
// Check it out
- $GLOBALS['is_valid_userid'][$userid] = ((!is_null($userid)) && (!empty($userid)) && ($userid > 0));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = ((!is_null($userid)) && (!empty($userid)) && ($userid > 0));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_valid_userid'][$userid];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid];
// Encodes entities
// Getter for current year (default)
function getYear ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['year'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['year'][$timestamp] = date('Y', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('Y', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['year'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current month (default)
function getMonth ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['month'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['month'][$timestamp] = date('m', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('m', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['month'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current day (default)
function getDay ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['day'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['day'][$timestamp] = date('d', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('d', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['day'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current week (default)
function getWeek ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['week'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['week'][$timestamp] = date('W', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('W', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['week'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current short_hour (default)
function getShortHour ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['short_hour'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['short_hour'][$timestamp] = date('G', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('G', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['short_hour'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current long_hour (default)
function getLongHour ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['long_hour'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['long_hour'][$timestamp] = date('H', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('H', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['long_hour'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current second (default)
function getSecond ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['second'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['second'][$timestamp] = date('s', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('s', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['second'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Getter for current minute (default)
function getMinute ($timestamp = null) {
// Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['minute'][$timestamp])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp])) {
// null is time()
if (is_null($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();
// Then create it
- $GLOBALS['minute'][$timestamp] = date('i', $timestamp);
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp] = date('i', $timestamp);
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['minute'][$timestamp];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$timestamp];
// Checks wether the title decoration is enabled
function isTitleDecorationEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['title_deco_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Just check it
- $GLOBALS['title_deco_enabled'] = (getConfig('enable_title_deco') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('enable_title_deco') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['title_deco_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether filter usage updates are enabled (expensive queries!)
function isFilterUsageUpdateEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['filter_usage_updates'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['filter_usage_updates'] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.6.0')) && (isConfigEntrySet('update_filter_usage')) && (getConfig('update_filter_usage') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.6.0')) && (isConfigEntrySet('update_filter_usage')) && (getConfig('update_filter_usage') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['filter_usage_updates'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether debugging of weekly resets is enabled
function isWeeklyResetDebugEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['weekly_reset_debug'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['weekly_reset_debug'] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_WEEKLY')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_WEEKLY') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_WEEKLY')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_WEEKLY') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['weekly_reset_debug'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether debugging of monthly resets is enabled
function isMonthlyResetDebugEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['monthly_reset_debug'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['monthly_reset_debug'] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_MONTHLY')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_MONTHLY') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isConfigEntrySet('DEBUG_MONTHLY')) && (getConfig('DEBUG_MONTHLY') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['monthly_reset_debug'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether displaying of debug SQLs are enabled
function isDisplayDebugSqlEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['display_debug_sql'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['display_debug_sql'] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('other', '0.2.2')) && (getConfig('display_debug_sqls') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('other', '0.2.2')) && (getConfig('display_debug_sqls') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['display_debug_sql'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether module title is enabled
function isModuleTitleEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['mod_title_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['mod_title_enabled'] = (getConfig('enable_mod_title') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('enable_mod_title') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['mod_title_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether what title is enabled
function isWhatTitleEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['mod_title_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['mod_title_enabled'] = (getConfig('enable_what_title') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('enable_what_title') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['mod_title_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether stats are enabled
function ifStatsAreEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['stats_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Then determine it
- $GLOBALS['stats_enabled'] = (getConfig('stats_enabled') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('stats_enabled') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cached value
- return $GLOBALS['stats_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether admin-notification of certain user actions is enabled
function isAdminNotificationEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['admin_notification_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['admin_notification_enabled'] = (getConfig('admin_notify') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('admin_notify') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['admin_notification_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether random referal id selection is enabled
function isRandomReferalIdEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['select_user_zero_refid'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['select_user_zero_refid'] = (getConfig('select_user_zero_refid') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('select_user_zero_refid') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['select_user_zero_refid'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for default language
function getDefaultLanguage () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['default_language'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['default_language'] = getConfig('DEFAULT_LANG');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['default_language'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for path
function getPath () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['path'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['path'] = getConfig('PATH');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('PATH');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['path'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for url
function getUrl () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['url'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['url'] = getConfig('URL');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('URL');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['url'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for cache_path
function getCachePath () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['cache_path'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['cache_path'] = getConfig('CACHE_PATH');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('CACHE_PATH');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['cache_path'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for secret_key
function getSecretKey () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['secret_key'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['secret_key'] = getConfig('secret_key');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('secret_key');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['secret_key'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for master_salt
function getMasterSalt () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['master_salt'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['master_salt'] = getConfig('master_salt');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('master_salt');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['master_salt'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for prime
function getPrime () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['prime'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['prime'] = getConfig('_PRIME');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('_PRIME');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['prime'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for encrypt_seperator
function getEncryptSeperator () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['encrypt_seperator'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['encrypt_seperator'] = getConfig('ENCRYPT_SEPERATOR');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['encrypt_seperator'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for mysql_prefix
function getMysqlPrefix () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['mysql_prefix'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['mysql_prefix'] = getConfig('_MYSQL_PREFIX');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('_MYSQL_PREFIX');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['mysql_prefix'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for table_type
function getTableType () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['table_type'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['table_type'] = getConfig('_TABLE_TYPE');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('_TABLE_TYPE');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['table_type'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for salt_length
function getSaltLength () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['salt_length'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['salt_length'] = getConfig('salt_length');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('salt_length');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['salt_length'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for output_mode
function getOutputMode () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['cached_output_mode'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['cached_output_mode'] = getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['cached_output_mode'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for full_version
function getFullVersion () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['full_version'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['full_version'] = getConfig('FULL_VERSION');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['full_version'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for title
function getTitle () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['title'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['title'] = getConfig('TITLE');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('TITLE');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['title'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for curr_svn_revision
function getCurrSvnRevision () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['curr_svn_revision'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['curr_svn_revision'] = getConfig('CURR_SVN_REVISION');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['curr_svn_revision'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for server_url
function getServerUrl () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['server_url'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['server_url'] = getConfig('SERVER_URL');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('SERVER_URL');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['server_url'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for mt_word
function getMtWord () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['mt_word'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['mt_word'] = getConfig('mt_word');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('mt_word');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['mt_word'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for mt_word2
function getMtWord2 () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['mt_word2'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['mt_word2'] = getConfig('mt_word2');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('mt_word2');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['mt_word2'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for main_title
function getMainTitle () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['main_title'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['main_title'] = getConfig('MAIN_TITLE');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('MAIN_TITLE');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['main_title'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for file_hash
function getFileHash () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['file_hash'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['file_hash'] = getConfig('file_hash');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('file_hash');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['file_hash'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for pass_scramble
function getPassScramble () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['pass_scramble'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['pass_scramble'] = getConfig('pass_scramble');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('pass_scramble');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['pass_scramble'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for ap_inactive_since
function getApInactiveSince () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ap_inactive_since'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['ap_inactive_since'] = getConfig('ap_inactive_since');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ap_inactive_since');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['ap_inactive_since'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for user_min_confirmed
function getUserMinConfirmed () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['user_min_confirmed'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['user_min_confirmed'] = getConfig('user_min_confirmed');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('user_min_confirmed');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['user_min_confirmed'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for auto_purge
function getAutoPurge () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['auto_purge'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['auto_purge'] = getConfig('auto_purge');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('auto_purge');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['auto_purge'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for bonus_userid
function getBonusUserid () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['bonus_userid'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['bonus_userid'] = getConfig('bonus_userid');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('bonus_userid');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['bonus_userid'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for ap_inactive_time
function getApInactiveTime () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ap_inactive_time'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['ap_inactive_time'] = getConfig('ap_inactive_time');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ap_inactive_time');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['ap_inactive_time'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for ap_dm_timeout
function getApDmTimeout () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ap_dm_timeout'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['ap_dm_timeout'] = getConfig('ap_dm_timeout');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ap_dm_timeout');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['ap_dm_timeout'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for ap_tasks_time
function getApTasksTime () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ap_tasks_time'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['ap_tasks_time'] = getConfig('ap_tasks_time');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ap_tasks_time');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['ap_tasks_time'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for ap_unconfirmed_time
function getApUnconfirmedTime () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ap_unconfirmed_time'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['ap_unconfirmed_time'] = getConfig('ap_unconfirmed_time');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ap_unconfirmed_time');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['ap_unconfirmed_time'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for points
function getPoints () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['points'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['points'] = getConfig('POINTS');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('POINTS');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['points'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for slogan
function getSlogan () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['slogan'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['slogan'] = getConfig('SLOGAN');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('SLOGAN');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['slogan'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for copy
function getCopy () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['copy'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['copy'] = getConfig('COPY');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('COPY');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['copy'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for webmaster
function getWebmaster () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['webmaster'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['webmaster'] = getConfig('WEBMASTER');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('WEBMASTER');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['webmaster'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for sql_count
function getSqlCount () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_count'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['sql_count'] = getConfig('sql_count');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('sql_count');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['sql_count'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for num_templates
function getNumTemplates () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['num_templates'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['num_templates'] = getConfig('num_templates');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('num_templates');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['num_templates'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for dns_cache_timeout
function getDnsCacheTimeout () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['dns_cache_timeout'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['dns_cache_timeout'] = getConfig('dns_cache_timeout');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('dns_cache_timeout');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['dns_cache_timeout'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for menu_blur_spacer
function getMenuBlurSpacer () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['menu_blur_spacer'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['menu_blur_spacer'] = getConfig('menu_blur_spacer');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('menu_blur_spacer');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['menu_blur_spacer'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for points_register
function getPointsRegister () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['points_register'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['points_register'] = getConfig('points_register');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('points_register');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['points_register'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for points_ref
function getPointsRef () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['points_ref'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['points_ref'] = getConfig('points_ref');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('points_ref');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['points_ref'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for ref_payout
function getRefPayout () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['ref_payout'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['ref_payout'] = getConfig('ref_payout');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ref_payout');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['ref_payout'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for online_timeout
function getOnlineTimeout () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['online_timeout'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['online_timeout'] = getConfig('online_timeout');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('online_timeout');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['online_timeout'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for index_home
function getIndexHome () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['index_home'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['index_home'] = getConfig('index_home');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('index_home');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['index_home'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for one_day
function getOneDay () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['one_day'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['one_day'] = getConfig('ONE_DAY');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = getConfig('ONE_DAY');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['one_day'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether proxy configuration is used
function isProxyUsed () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_proxy_used'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['is_proxy_used'] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.4.3')) && (getConfig('proxy_host') != '') && (getConfig('proxy_port') > 0));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.4.3')) && (getConfig('proxy_host') != '') && (getConfig('proxy_port') > 0));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_proxy_used'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether POST data contains selections
function ifPostContainsSelections ($element = 'sel') {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['post_contains_selections'][$element])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$element])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['post_contains_selections'][$element] = ((isPostRequestParameterSet($element)) && (countPostSelection($element) > 0));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$element] = ((isPostRequestParameterSet($element)) && (countPostSelection($element) > 0));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['post_contains_selections'][$element];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$element];
// Checks wether verbose_sql is Y and returns true/false if so
function isVerboseSqlEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_verbose_sql_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['is_verbose_sql_enabled'] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.7')) && (getConfig('verbose_sql') == 'Y'));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.7')) && (getConfig('verbose_sql') == 'Y'));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_verbose_sql_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// "Getter" for total user points
function getTotalPoints ($userid) {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['total_points'][$userid])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['total_points'][$userid] = countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_points', 'points') - countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_data', 'used_points');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid] = countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_points', 'points') - countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_data', 'used_points');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['total_points'][$userid];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$userid];
// Wrapper to check if url_blacklist is enabled
function isUrlBlacklistEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_url_blacklist_enabled'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['is_url_blacklist_enabled'] = (getConfig('url_blacklist') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('url_blacklist') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_url_blacklist_enabled'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Checks wether direct payment is allowed in configuration
-function isDirectPaymentAllowed () {
+function isDirectPaymentEnabled () {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_direct_payment_allowed'])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['is_direct_payment_allowed'] = (getConfig('allow_direct_pay') == 'Y');
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = (getConfig('allow_direct_pay') == 'Y');
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_direct_payment_allowed'];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Wrapper to check if current task is for extension (not update)
function isExtensionTask ($content) {
// Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['is_extension_task'][$content['task_type'] . '_' . $content['infos']])) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$content['task_type'] . '_' . $content['infos']])) {
// Determine it
- $GLOBALS['is_extension_task'][$content['task_type'] . '_' . $content['infos']] = (($content['task_type'] == 'EXTENSION') && (isExtensionNameValid($content['infos'])) && (!isExtensionInstalled($content['infos'])));
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$content['task_type'] . '_' . $content['infos']] = (($content['task_type'] == 'EXTENSION') && (isExtensionNameValid($content['infos'])) && (!isExtensionInstalled($content['infos'])));
} // END - if
// Return cache
- return $GLOBALS['is_extension_task'][$content['task_type'] . '_' . $content['infos']];
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__][$content['task_type'] . '_' . $content['infos']];
// Wrapper to check if output mode is CSS