#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
-// #include <simgear/magvar/magvar.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/fgpath.hxx>
-// #include <FDM/flight.hxx>
-// #include <Main/options.hxx>
-// #include <Time/light.hxx>
#include "sg_time.hxx"
#include "timezone.h"
#include "lowleveltime.h"
-// #include "moonpos.hxx"
-// #include "sunpos.hxx"
#define DEGHR(x) ((x)/15.)
#define RADHR(x) DEGHR(x*RAD_TO_DEG)
-// #define MK_TIME_IS_GMT 0 // default value
-// #define TIME_ZONE_OFFSET_WORK 0 // default value
SGTime::SGTime( const string& root )
if (cur_time_params) {
FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_INFO, "Reading timezone info from: " << zone.str() );
tzContainer = new TimezoneContainer( zone.c_str() );
- warp=0;
- warp_delta=0;
+ // warp=0;
+ // warp_delta=0;
zonename = strdup( zone.c_str() );
currGMT = get_gmt( gmtime(&cur_time) );
aircraftLocalTime = get_gmt( (fgLocaltime(&cur_time, zone.c_str())) );
- localOffset = aircraftLocalTime - currGMT;
- // cerr << "Using " << localOffset << " as local time offset Timezone is "
- // << zonename << endl;
+ local_offset = aircraftLocalTime - currGMT;
+ cout << "Using " << local_offset << " as local time offset Timezone is "
+ << zonename << endl;
// Initialize the time dependent variables (maybe I'll put this in the
// constructor later)
-void SGTime::init( double lon, double lat, const string& root,
- time_t timeOffset, sgTimingOffsetType offsetType )
+void SGTime::init( double lon, double lat, const string& root )
+// time_t timeOffset, sgTimingOffsetType offsetType )
FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_INFO, "Initializing Time" );
gst_diff = -9999.0;
- "time offset = " << timeOffset );
- // time_t timeOffset = current_options.get_time_offset();
- // int offsetType = current_options.get_time_offset_type();
time_t currGMT;
time_t systemLocalTime;
zone.append( "Timezone" );
zone.append( nearestTz->getDescription() );
- // printf("Using %s for timezone information\n", buffer);
+ cout << "Using " << zone.str() << " for timezone information" << endl;
zonename = strdup( zone.c_str() );
+ cout << "zonename = " << zonename << endl;
//show( buffer.c_str(), cur_time, 1);
//printf ("Current greenwich mean time = %24s", asctime(gmtime(&cur_time)));
//printf ("Current local time = %24s", asctime(localtime(&cur_time)));
currGMT = get_gmt( gmtime(&cur_time) );
+ cout << "currGMT = " << currGMT << endl;
systemLocalTime = get_gmt( localtime(&cur_time) );
+ cout << "systemLocalTime = " << systemLocalTime << endl;
aircraftLocalTime = get_gmt( fgLocaltime(&cur_time, zone.c_str()) );
//printf ("Current greenwich mean time = %24s", asctime(gmtime(&cur_time)));
//printf ("Current local time = %24s", asctime(localtime(&cur_time)));
// printf("Gmt = %d, SLT = %d, (difference = %d)\n", currGMT, systemLocalTime, (currGMT - systemLocalTime));
// printf("Gmt = %d, ALT = %d, (difference = %d)\n", currGMT, aircraftLocalTime, (currGMT - aircraftLocalTime));
// exit(1);
+#if 0
// Okay, we now have six possible scenarios
switch (offsetType)
warp_delta = 0;
// pause = current_options.get_pause();
if (mn == last_mn && yr == last_yr && dy == last_dy) {
mjd = last_mjd;
- //return(mjd);
m = mn;
last_dy = dy;
last_yr = yr;
last_mjd = mjd;
- //return(mjd);
x /= 3600.0;
gst = (1.0/SIDRATE)*hr + x;
- FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_DEBUG, " gst => " << gst );
+ FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_INFO, " gst => " << gst );
// Update time variables such as gmt, julian date, and sidereal time
-void SGTime::update( double lon, double lat, double alt_m ) {
+void SGTime::update( double lon, double lat, double alt_m, long int warp ) {
double gst_precise, gst_course;
- FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_DEBUG, "Updating time" );
+ FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_INFO, "Updating time" );
// get current Unix calendar time (in seconds)
- warp += warp_delta;
+ // warp += warp_delta;
cur_time = time(NULL) + warp;
" Current Unix calendar time = " << cur_time
- << " warp = " << warp << " delta = " << warp_delta );
-#if 0
- if ( warp_delta ) {
- // time is changing so force an update
- local_update_sky_and_lighting_params();
- }
+ << " warp = " << warp );
// get GMT break down for current time
gmt = gmtime(&cur_time);
" Current GMT = " << gmt->tm_mon+1 << "/"
<< gmt->tm_mday << "/" << gmt->tm_year << " "
<< gmt->tm_hour << ":" << gmt->tm_min << ":"
// convert "back" to Julian date + partial day (as a fraction of one)
jd = mjd + MJD0;
- FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_DEBUG, " Current Julian Date = " << jd );
+ FG_LOG( FG_EVENT, FG_INFO, " Current Julian Date = " << jd );
// printf(" Current Longitude = %.3f\n", FG_Longitude * RAD_TO_DEG);
lst = sidereal_course( -(lon * RAD_TO_DEG)) + gst_diff;
" Current lon=0.00 Sidereal Time = " << gst );
" Current LOCAL Sidereal Time = " << lst << " ("
<< sidereal_precise(-(lon * RAD_TO_DEG))
<< ") (diff = " << gst_diff << ")" );
// tzContainer stores all the current Timezone control points/
TimezoneContainer* tzContainer;
- //Store the current local timezone name;
+ // Points to the current local timezone name;
char *zonename;
// Unix "calendar" time in seconds
time_t cur_time;
- // Break down of GMT time
+ // Break down of equivalent GMT time
struct tm *gmt;
+ // offset of local time relative to GMT
+ time_t local_offset;
// Julian date
double jd;
// modified Julian date
double mjd;
- double last_mjd, last_dy;
- int last_mn, last_yr;
// side real time at prime meridian
double gst;
// local sidereal time
double lst;
- // local offset to GMT
- time_t localOffset;
// the difference between the precise sidereal time algorithm
- // result and the course result. course + diff has good accuracy
- // for the short term
+ // result and the course result. course_gst + diff has good
+ // accuracy for the short term
double gst_diff;
- // An offset in seconds from the true time. Allows us to adjust
- // the effective time of day.
- long int warp;
- // How much to change the value of warp each iteration. Allows us
- // to make time progress faster than normal.
- long int warp_delta;
+ // internal book keeping data
+ double last_mjd, last_dy;
+ int last_mn, last_yr;
inline time_t get_cur_time() const { return cur_time; };
inline struct tm* getGmt()const { return gmt; };
- void adjust_warp(int val) { warp += val; };
- void adjust_warp_delta(int val) { warp_delta += val; };
+ // void adjust_warp(int val) { warp += val; };
+ // void adjust_warp_delta(int val) { warp_delta += val; };
// Initialize the time dependent variables
- void init( double lon, double lat, const string& root,
- time_t timeOffset, sgTimingOffsetType offsetType );
+ void init( double lon, double lat, const string& root );
+ // time_t timeOffset, sgTimingOffsetType offsetType );
// Update the time dependent variables
- void update( double lon, double lat, double alt_m );
+ void update( double lon, double lat, double alt_m, long int warp );
void updateLocal( double lon, double lat, const string& root );
void cal_mjd (int mn, double dy, int yr);
time_t get_gmt(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second);
time_t get_gmt(struct tm* the_time);
+ inline char* get_zonename() const { return zonename; }
char* format_time( const struct tm* p, char* buf );
long int fix_up_timezone( long int timezone_orig );
- inline int get_warp_delta() const { return warp_delta; }
+ // inline int get_warp_delta() const { return warp_delta; }