--- /dev/null
+quick example:
+import khashmir, threading
+k = khashmir.Khashmir('', 4444)
+start_new_thread(k.dispatcher.run, ())
+k.addContact('', 8080) # right now we don't do gethostbyname
+alternatively, you can call k.dispatcher.runOnce() periodically from whatever thread you choose
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+A library for streaming and unstreaming of simple objects, designed
+for speed, compactness, and ease of implementation.
+The basic functions are bencode and bdecode. bencode takes an object
+and returns a string, bdecode takes a string and returns an object.
+bdecode raises a ValueError if you give it an invalid string.
+The objects passed in may be nested dicts, lists, ints, strings,
+and None. For example, all of the following may be bencoded -
+{'a': [0, 1], 'b': None}
+[None, ['a', 2, ['c', None]]]
+{'spam': (2,3,4)}
+{'name': 'Cronus', 'spouse': 'Rhea', 'children': ['Hades', 'Poseidon']}
+In general bdecode(bencode(spam)) == spam, but tuples and lists are
+encoded the same, so bdecode(bencode((0, 1))) is [0, 1] rather
+than (0, 1). Longs and ints are also encoded the same way, so
+bdecode(bencode(4)) is a long.
+dict keys are required to be strings, to avoid a mess of potential
+implementation incompatibilities. bencode is intended to be used
+for protocols which are going to be re-implemented many times, so
+it's very conservative in that regard.
+Which type is encoded is determined by the first character, 'i', 'n',
+'d', 'l' and any digit. They indicate integer, null, dict, list, and
+string, respectively.
+Strings are length-prefixed in base 10, followed by a colon.
+bencode('spam') == '4:spam'
+Nulls are indicated by a single 'n'.
+bencode(None) == 'n'
+integers are encoded base 10 and terminated with an 'e'.
+bencode(3) == 'i3e'
+bencode(-20) == 'i-20e'
+Lists are encoded in list order, terminated by an 'e' -
+bencode(['abc', 'd']) == 'l3:abc1:de'
+bencode([2, 'f']) == 'li2e1:fe'
+Dicts are encoded by containing alternating keys and values,
+with the keys in sorted order, terminated by an 'e'. For example -
+bencode({'spam': 'eggs'}) == 'd4:spam4:eggse'
+bencode({'ab': 2, 'a': None}) == 'd1:an2:abi2ee'
+Truncated strings come first, so in sort order 'a' comes before 'abc'.
+If a function is passed to bencode, it's called and it's return value
+is included as a raw string, for example -
+bdecode(bencode(lambda: None)) == None
+# This file is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1.
+# originally written for Mojo Nation by Bryce Wilcox, Bram Cohen, and Greg P. Smith
+# since then, almost completely rewritten by Bram Cohen
+from types import *
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import re
+def bencode(data):
+ """
+ encodes objects as strings, see module documentation for more info
+ """
+ result = StringIO()
+ bwrite(data, result)
+ return result.getvalue()
+def bwrite(data, result):
+ encoder = encoders.get(type(data))
+ assert encoder is not None, 'unsupported data type: ' + `type(data)`
+ encoder(data, result)
+encoders = {}
+def encode_int(data, result):
+ result.write('i' + str(data) + 'e')
+encoders[IntType] = encode_int
+encoders[LongType] = encode_int
+def encode_list(data, result):
+ result.write('l')
+ for i in data:
+ bwrite(i, result)
+ result.write('e')
+encoders[TupleType] = encode_list
+encoders[ListType] = encode_list
+def encode_string(data, result):
+ result.write(str(len(data)) + ':' + data)
+encoders[StringType] = encode_string
+def encode_dict(data, result):
+ result.write('d')
+ keys = data.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for key in keys:
+ assert type(key) is StringType, 'bencoded dictionary key must be a string'
+ bwrite(key, result)
+ bwrite(data[key], result)
+ result.write('e')
+encoders[DictType] = encode_dict
+encoders[NoneType] = lambda data, result: result.write('n')
+encoders[FunctionType] = lambda data, result: result.write(data())
+encoders[MethodType] = encoders[FunctionType]
+def bdecode(s):
+ """
+ Does the opposite of bencode. Raises a ValueError if there's a problem.
+ """
+ try:
+ result, index = bread(s, 0)
+ if index != len(s):
+ raise ValueError('left over stuff at end')
+ return result
+ except IndexError, e:
+ raise ValueError(str(e))
+ except KeyError, e:
+ raise ValueError(str(e))
+def bread(s, index):
+ return decoders[s[index]](s, index)
+decoders = {}
+_bre = re.compile(r'(0|[1-9][0-9]*):')
+def decode_raw_string(s, index):
+ x = _bre.match(s, index)
+ if x is None:
+ raise ValueError('invalid integer encoding')
+ endindex = x.end() + long(s[index:x.end() - 1])
+ if endindex > len(s):
+ raise ValueError('length encoding indicated premature end of string')
+ return s[x.end(): endindex], endindex
+for c in '0123456789':
+ decoders[c] = decode_raw_string
+_int_re = re.compile(r'i(0|-?[1-9][0-9]*)e')
+def decode_int(s, index):
+ x = _int_re.match(s, index)
+ if x is None:
+ raise ValueError('invalid integer encoding')
+ return long(s[index + 1:x.end() - 1]), x.end()
+decoders['i'] = decode_int
+decoders['n'] = lambda s, index: (None, index + 1)
+def decode_list(s, index):
+ result = []
+ index += 1
+ while s[index] != 'e':
+ next, index = bread(s, index)
+ result.append(next)
+ return result, index + 1
+decoders['l'] = decode_list
+def decode_dict(s, index):
+ result = {}
+ index += 1
+ prevkey = None
+ while s[index] != 'e':
+ key, index = decode_raw_string(s, index)
+ if key <= prevkey:
+ raise ValueError("out of order keys")
+ prevkey = key
+ value, index = bread(s, index)
+ result[key] = value
+ return result, index + 1
+decoders['d'] = decode_dict
+def test_decode_raw_string():
+ assert decode_raw_string('1:a', 0) == ('a', 3)
+ assert decode_raw_string('0:', 0) == ('', 2)
+ assert decode_raw_string('10:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 0) == ('aaaaaaaaaa', 13)
+ assert decode_raw_string('10:', 1) == ('', 3)
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('01:a', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('--1:a', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('h', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('h:', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('1', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ decode_raw_string('5:a', 0)
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_dict_enforces_order():
+ bdecode('d1:an1:bne')
+ try:
+ bdecode('d1:bn1:ane')
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_dict_forbids_non_string_key():
+ try:
+ bdecode('di3ene')
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_dict_forbids_key_repeat():
+ try:
+ bdecode('d1:an1:ane')
+ assert 0, 'failed'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_empty_dict():
+ assert bdecode('de') == {}
+def test_ValueError_in_decode_unknown():
+ try:
+ bdecode('x')
+ assert 0, 'flunked'
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_encode_and_decode_none():
+ assert bdecode(bencode(None)) == None
+def test_encode_and_decode_long():
+ assert bdecode(bencode(-23452422452342L)) == -23452422452342L
+def test_encode_and_decode_int():
+ assert bdecode(bencode(2)) == 2
+def test_decode_noncanonical_int():
+ try:
+ bdecode('i03e')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ bdecode('i3 e')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ bdecode('i 3e')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ bdecode('i-0e')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_encode_and_decode_dict():
+ x = {'42': 3}
+ assert bdecode(bencode(x)) == x
+def test_encode_and_decode_list():
+ assert bdecode(bencode([])) == []
+def test_encode_and_decode_tuple():
+ assert bdecode(bencode(())) == []
+def test_encode_and_decode_empty_dict():
+ assert bdecode(bencode({})) == {}
+def test_encode_and_decode_complex_object():
+ spam = [[], 0, -3, -345234523543245234523L, {}, 'spam', None, {'a': [3]}, {}]
+ assert bencode(bdecode(bencode(spam))) == bencode(spam)
+ assert bdecode(bencode(spam)) == spam
+def test_unfinished_list():
+ try:
+ bdecode('ln')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def test_unfinished_dict():
+ try:
+ bdecode('d')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ bdecode('d1:a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+# This file is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1.
+# originally written for Mojo Nation by Bram Cohen, based on an earlier
+# version by Bryce Wilcox
+# The authors disclaim all liability for any damages resulting from
+# any use of this software.
+import types
+def string_template(thing, verbose):
+ if type(thing) != types.StringType:
+ raise ValueError, "not a string"
+st = string_template
+def exact_length(l):
+ def func(s, verbose, l = l):
+ if type(s) != types.StringType:
+ raise ValueError, 'should have been string'
+ if len(s) != l:
+ raise ValueError, 'wrong length, should have been ' + str(l) + ' was ' + str(len(s))
+ return func
+class MaxDepth:
+ def __init__(self, max_depth, template = None):
+ assert max_depth >= 0
+ self.max_depth = max_depth
+ self.template = template
+ def get_real_template(self):
+ assert self.template is not None, 'You forgot to set the template!'
+ if self.max_depth == 0:
+ return fail_too_deep
+ self.max_depth -= 1
+ try:
+ return compile_inner(self.template)
+ finally:
+ self.max_depth += 1
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'p'):
+ return '...'
+ try:
+ self.p = 1
+ return 'MaxDepth(' + str(self.max_depth) + ', ' + `self.template` + ')'
+ finally:
+ del self.p
+def fail_too_deep(thing, verbose):
+ raise ValueError, 'recursed too deep'
+class ListMarker:
+ def __init__(self, template):
+ self.template = template
+ def get_real_template(self):
+ return compile_list_template(self.template)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'ListMarker(' + `self.template` + ')'
+def compile_list_template(template):
+ def func(thing, verbose, template = compile_inner(template)):
+ if type(thing) not in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
+ raise ValueError, 'not a list'
+ if verbose:
+ try:
+ for i in xrange(0, len(thing)):
+ template(thing[i], 1)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ reason = 'mismatch at index ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(e)
+ raise ValueError, reason
+ else:
+ for i in thing:
+ template(i, 0)
+ return func
+class ValuesMarker:
+ def __init__(self, template, t2 = string_template):
+ self.template = template
+ self.t2 = t2
+ def get_real_template(self):
+ return compile_values_template(self.template, self.t2)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'ValuesMarker(' + `self.template` + ')'
+def compile_values_template(template, t2):
+ def func(thing, verbose, template = compile_inner(template),
+ t2 = compile_inner(t2)):
+ if type(thing) != types.DictType:
+ raise ValueError, 'not a dict'
+ if verbose:
+ try:
+ for key, val in thing.items():
+ template(val, 1)
+ t2(key, 1)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ raise ValueError, 'mismatch in key ' + `key` + ': ' + str(e)
+ else:
+ for key, val in thing.items():
+ template(val, 0)
+ t2(key, 0)
+ return func
+compilers = {}
+def compile_string_template(template):
+ assert type(template) is types.StringType
+ def func(thing, verbose, template = template):
+ if thing != template:
+ raise ValueError, "didn't match string"
+ return func
+compilers[types.StringType] = compile_string_template
+def int_template(thing, verbose):
+ if type(thing) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
+ raise ValueError, 'thing not of integer type'
+def nonnegative_int_template(thing, verbose):
+ if type(thing) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
+ raise ValueError, 'thing not of integer type'
+ if thing < 0:
+ raise ValueError, 'thing less than zero'
+def positive_int_template(thing, verbose):
+ if type(thing) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
+ raise ValueError, 'thing not of integer type'
+ if thing <= 0:
+ raise ValueError, 'thing less than or equal to zero'
+def compile_int_template(s):
+ assert s in (-1, 0, 1)
+ if s == -1:
+ return int_template
+ elif s == 0:
+ return nonnegative_int_template
+ else:
+ return positive_int_template
+compilers[types.IntType] = compile_int_template
+compilers[types.LongType] = compile_int_template
+def compile_slice(template):
+ assert type(template) is types.SliceType
+ assert template.step is None
+ assert template.stop is not None
+ start = template.start
+ if start is None:
+ start = 0
+ def func(thing, verbose, start = start, stop = template.stop):
+ if type(thing) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
+ raise ValueError, 'not an int'
+ if thing < start:
+ raise ValueError, 'thing too small'
+ if thing >= stop:
+ raise ValueError, 'thing too large'
+ return func
+compilers[types.SliceType] = compile_slice
+class OptionMarker:
+ def __init__(self, template):
+ self.option_template = template
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'OptionMarker(' + `self.option_template` + ')'
+def compile_dict_template(template):
+ assert type(template) is types.DictType
+ agroup = []
+ bgroup = []
+ cgroup = []
+ optiongroup = []
+ for key, value in template.items():
+ if hasattr(value, 'option_template'):
+ optiongroup.append((key, compile_inner(value.option_template)))
+ elif type(value) is types.StringType:
+ agroup.append((key, compile_inner(value)))
+ elif type(value) in (types.IntType, types.LongType, types.SliceType):
+ bgroup.append((key, compile_inner(value)))
+ else:
+ cgroup.append((key, compile_inner(value)))
+ def func(thing, verbose, required = agroup + bgroup + cgroup, optional = optiongroup):
+ if type(thing) is not types.DictType:
+ raise ValueError, 'not a dict'
+ try:
+ for key, template in required:
+ if not thing.has_key(key):
+ raise ValueError, 'key not present'
+ template(thing[key], verbose)
+ for key, template in optional:
+ if thing.has_key(key):
+ template(thing[key], verbose)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if verbose:
+ reason = 'mismatch in key ' + `key` + ': ' + str(e)
+ raise ValueError, reason
+ else:
+ raise
+ return func
+compilers[types.DictType] = compile_dict_template
+def none_template(thing, verbose):
+ if thing is not None:
+ raise ValueError, 'thing was not None'
+compilers[types.NoneType] = lambda template: none_template
+def compile_or_template(template):
+ assert type(template) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType)
+ def func(thing, verbose, templ = [compile_inner(x) for x in template]):
+ if verbose:
+ failure_reason = ('did not match any of the ' +
+ str(len(templ)) + ' possible templates;')
+ for i in xrange(len(templ)):
+ try:
+ templ[i](thing, 1)
+ return
+ except ValueError, reason:
+ failure_reason += (' failed template at index ' +
+ str(i) + ' because (' + str(reason) + ')')
+ raise ValueError, failure_reason
+ else:
+ for i in templ:
+ try:
+ i(thing, 0)
+ return
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ raise ValueError, "did not match any possible templates"
+ return func
+compilers[types.ListType] = compile_or_template
+compilers[types.TupleType] = compile_or_template
+def compile_inner(template):
+ while hasattr(template, 'get_real_template'):
+ template = template.get_real_template()
+ if callable(template):
+ return template
+ return compilers[type(template)](template)
+def compile_template(template):
+ def func(thing, verbose = None, t = compile_inner(template), s = `template`):
+ if verbose is not None:
+ t(thing, verbose)
+ return
+ try:
+ t(thing, 0)
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ t(thing, 1)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError, reason:
+ raise ValueError, 'failed template check because: (' + str(reason) + ') target was: (' + `thing` + ') template was: (' + s + ')'
+ return func
+import unittest
+class TestBTemplate(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_slice(self):
+ f = compile_template(slice(4))
+ f(0)
+ f(3L)
+ try:
+ f(-1)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f(4L)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f('a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f = compile_template(slice(-2, 3))
+ f(-2L)
+ f(2)
+ try:
+ f(-3L)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f(3)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f('a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_int(self):
+ f = compile_template(0)
+ f(0)
+ f(1L)
+ try:
+ f(-1)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f('a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f = compile_template(-1)
+ f(0)
+ f(1)
+ f(-1L)
+ try:
+ f('a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f = compile_template(1)
+ try:
+ f(0)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f(1)
+ try:
+ f(-1)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f('a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_none(self):
+ f = compile_template(None)
+ f(None)
+ try:
+ f(0)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_string(self):
+ f = compile_template('a')
+ f('a')
+ try:
+ f('b')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f(0)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_generic_string(self):
+ f = compile_template(st)
+ f('a')
+ try:
+ f(0)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_values(self):
+ vt = compile_template(ValuesMarker('a', exact_length(1)))
+ vt({})
+ vt({'x': 'a'})
+ try:
+ vt(3)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ vt({'x': 'b'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ vt({'xx': 'a'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_list(self):
+ f = compile_template(ListMarker('a'))
+ f(['a'])
+ f(('a', 'a'))
+ try:
+ f(('a', 'b'))
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f(('b', 'a'))
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f('a')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_or(self):
+ f = compile_template(['a', 'b'])
+ f('a')
+ f('b')
+ try:
+ f('c')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f = compile_template(('a', 'b'))
+ f('a')
+ f('b')
+ try:
+ f('c')
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_dict(self):
+ f = compile_template({'a': 'b', 'c': OptionMarker('d')})
+ try:
+ f({})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f({'a': 'b'})
+ try:
+ f({'a': 'e'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f({'c': 'd'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f({'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'})
+ try:
+ f({'a': 'e', 'c': 'd'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f({'c': 'f'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f({'a': 'b', 'c': 'f'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f({'a': 'e', 'c': 'f'})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f(None)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_other_func(self):
+ def check3(thing, verbose):
+ if thing != 3:
+ raise ValueError
+ f = compile_template(check3)
+ f(3)
+ try:
+ f(4)
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_max_depth(self):
+ md = MaxDepth(2)
+ t = {'a': OptionMarker(ListMarker(md))}
+ md.template = t
+ f = compile_template(md)
+ f({'a': [{'a': []}]})
+ f({'a': [{'a': []}]})
+ try:
+ f({'a': [{'a': [{}]}]})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ f({'a': [{'a': [{}]}]})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ f({'a': [{'a': []}]})
+ try:
+ f({'a': [{'a': [{}]}]})
+ assert 0
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def test_use_compiled(self):
+ x = compile_template('a')
+ y = compile_template(ListMarker(x))
+ y(['a'])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+## Copyright 2002 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
+from bsddb3 import db ## find this at http://pybsddb.sf.net/
+from bsddb3._db import DBNotFoundError
+import time
+import hash
+from node import Node
+from bencode import bencode, bdecode
+#from threading import RLock
+# max number of incoming or outgoing messages to process at a time
+class Transaction:
+ __slots__ = ['responseTemplate', 'id', 'dispatcher', 'target', 'payload', 'response', 'default', 'timeout']
+ def __init__(self, dispatcher, node, response_handler, default_handler, id = None, payload = None, timeout=60):
+ if id == None:
+ id = hash.newID()
+ self.id = id
+ self.dispatcher = dispatcher
+ self.target = node
+ self.payload = payload
+ self.response = response_handler
+ self.default = default_handler
+ self.timeout = time.time() + timeout
+ def setPayload(self, payload):
+ self.payload = payload
+ def setResponseTemplate(self, t):
+ self.responseTemplate = t
+ def responseHandler(self, msg):
+ if self.responseTemplate and callable(self.responseTemplate):
+ try:
+ self.responseTemplate(msg)
+ except ValueError, reason:
+ print "response %s" % (reason)
+ print `msg['id'], self.target.id`
+ return
+ self.response(self, msg)
+ def defaultHandler(self):
+ self.default(self)
+ def dispatch(self):
+ if callable(self.response) and callable(self.default):
+ self.dispatcher.initiate(self)
+ else:
+ self.dispatchNoResponse()
+ def dispatchNoResponse(self):
+ self.dispatcher.initiateNoResponse(self)
+class Dispatcher:
+ def __init__(self, listener, base_template, id):
+ self.id = id
+ self.listener = listener
+ self.transactions = {}
+ self.handlers = {}
+ self.timeout = db.DB()
+ self.timeout.set_flags(db.DB_DUP)
+ self.timeout.open(None, None, db.DB_BTREE)
+ self.BASE = base_template
+ self.stopped = 0
+ #self.tlock = RLock()
+ def registerHandler(self, key, handler, template):
+ assert(callable(handler))
+ assert(callable(template))
+ self.handlers[key] = (handler, template)
+ def initiate(self, transaction):
+ #self.tlock.acquire()
+ #ignore messages to ourself
+ if transaction.target.id == self.id:
+ return
+ self.transactions[transaction.id] = transaction
+ self.timeout.put(`transaction.timeout`, transaction.id)
+ ## queue the message!
+ self.listener.qMsg(transaction.payload, transaction.target.host, transaction.target.port)
+ #self.tlock.release()
+ def initiateNoResponse(self, transaction):
+ #ignore messages to ourself
+ if transaction.target.id == self.id:
+ return
+ #self.tlock.acquire()
+ self.listener.qMsg(transaction.payload, transaction.target.host, transaction.target.port)
+ #self.tlock.release()
+ def postEvent(self, callback, delay, extras=None):
+ #self.tlock.acquire()
+ t = Transaction(self, None, None, callback, timeout=delay)
+ t.extras = extras
+ self.transactions[t.id] = t
+ self.timeout.put(`t.timeout`, t.id)
+ #self.tlock.release()
+ def flushExpiredEvents(self):
+ events = 0
+ tstamp = `time.time()`
+ #self.tlock.acquire()
+ c = self.timeout.cursor()
+ e = c.first()
+ while e and e[0] < tstamp:
+ events = events + 1
+ try:
+ t = self.transactions[e[1]]
+ del(self.transactions[e[1]])
+ except KeyError:
+ # transaction must have completed or was otherwise cancelled
+ pass
+ ## default callback!
+ else:
+ t.defaultHandler()
+ tmp = c.next()
+ # handle duplicates in a silly way
+ if tmp and e != tmp:
+ self.timeout.delete(e[0])
+ e = tmp
+ #self.tlock.release()
+ return events
+ def flushOutgoing(self):
+ events = 0
+ n = self.listener.qLen()
+ if n > NUM_EVENTS:
+ for i in range(n):
+ self.listener.dispatchMsg()
+ events = events + 1
+ return events
+ def handleIncoming(self):
+ events = 0
+ #self.tlock.acquire()
+ for i in range(NUM_EVENTS):
+ try:
+ msg, addr = self.listener.receiveMsg()
+ except ValueError:
+ break
+ ## decode message, handle message!
+ try:
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ except ValueError:
+ # wrongly encoded message?
+ print "Bogus message received: %s" % msg
+ continue
+ try:
+ # check base template for correctness
+ self.BASE(msg)
+ except ValueError, reason:
+ # bad message!
+ print "Incoming message: %s" % reason
+ continue
+ try:
+ # check to see if we already know about this transaction
+ t = self.transactions[msg['tid']]
+ if msg['id'] != t.target.id and t.target.id != " "*20:
+ # we're expecting a response from someone else
+ if msg['id'] == self.id:
+ print "received our own response! " + `self.id`
+ else:
+ print "response from wrong peer! "+ `msg['id'],t.target.id`
+ else:
+ del(self.transactions[msg['tid']])
+ self.timeout.delete(`t.timeout`)
+ t.addr = addr
+ # call transaction response handler
+ t.responseHandler(msg)
+ except KeyError:
+ # we don't know about it, must be unsolicited
+ n = Node(msg['id'], addr[0], addr[1])
+ t = Transaction(self, n, None, None, msg['tid'])
+ if self.handlers.has_key(msg['type']):
+ ## handle this transaction
+ try:
+ # check handler template
+ self.handlers[msg['type']][1](msg)
+ except ValueError, reason:
+ print "BAD MESSAGE: %s" % reason
+ else:
+ self.handlers[msg['type']][0](t, msg)
+ else:
+ ## no transaction, no handler, drop it on the floor!
+ pass
+ events = events + 1
+ #self.tlock.release()
+ return events
+ def stop(self):
+ self.stopped = 1
+ def run(self):
+ self.stopped = 0
+ while(not self.stopped):
+ events = self.runOnce()
+ ## sleep
+ if events == 0:
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ def runOnce(self):
+ events = 0
+ ## handle some incoming messages
+ events = events + self.handleIncoming()
+ ## process some outstanding events
+ events = events + self.flushExpiredEvents()
+ ## send outgoing messages
+ events = events + self.flushOutgoing()
+ return events
--- /dev/null
+## Copyright 2002 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
+from sha import sha
+from whrandom import randrange
+## takes a 20 bit hash, big-endian, and returns it expressed a python integer
+## ha ha ha ha if this were a C module I wouldn't resort to such sillyness
+def intify(hstr):
+ assert(len(hstr) == 20)
+ i = 0L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[19])
+ i = i + ord(hstr[18]) * 256L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[17]) * 65536L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[16]) * 16777216L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[15]) * 4294967296L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[14]) * 1099511627776L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[13]) * 281474976710656L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[12]) * 72057594037927936L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[11]) * 18446744073709551616L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[10]) * 4722366482869645213696L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[9]) * 1208925819614629174706176L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[8]) * 309485009821345068724781056L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[7]) * 79228162514264337593543950336L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[6]) * 20282409603651670423947251286016L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[5]) * 5192296858534827628530496329220096L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[4]) * 1329227995784915872903807060280344576L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[3]) * 340282366920938463463374607431768211456L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[2]) * 87112285931760246646623899502532662132736L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[1]) * 22300745198530623141535718272648361505980416L
+ i = i + ord(hstr[0]) * 5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496L
+ return i
+## returns the distance between two 160-bit hashes expressed as 20-character strings
+def distance(a, b):
+ return intify(a) ^ intify(b)
+## returns a new pseudorandom globally unique ID string
+def newID():
+ h = sha()
+ for i in range(20):
+ h.update(chr(randrange(0,256)))
+ return h.digest()
+def randRange(min, max):
+ return min + intify(newID()) % (max - min)
+import unittest
+class NewID(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testLength(self):
+ self.assertEqual(len(newID()), 20)
+ def testHundreds(self):
+ for x in xrange(100):
+ self.testLength
+class Intify(unittest.TestCase):
+ known = [('\0' * 20, 0),
+ ('\xff' * 20, 2**160 - 1),
+ ]
+ def testKnown(self):
+ for str, value in self.known:
+ self.assertEqual(intify(str), value)
+ def testEndianessOnce(self):
+ h = newID()
+ while h[-1] == '\xff':
+ h = newID()
+ k = h[:-1] + chr(ord(h[-1]) + 1)
+ self.assertEqual(intify(k) - intify(h), 1)
+ def testEndianessLots(self):
+ for x in xrange(100):
+ self.testEndianessOnce()
+class Disantance(unittest.TestCase):
+ known = [
+ (("\0" * 20, "\xff" * 20), 2**160 -1),
+ ((sha("foo").digest(), sha("foo").digest()), 0),
+ ((sha("bar").digest(), sha("bar").digest()), 0)
+ ]
+ def testKnown(self):
+ for pair, dist in self.known:
+ self.assertEqual(distance(pair[0], pair[1]), dist)
+ def testCommutitive(self):
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ x, y, z = newID(), newID(), newID()
+ self.assertEqual(distance(x,y) ^ distance(y, z), distance(x, z))
+class RandRange(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testOnce(self):
+ a = intify(newID())
+ b = intify(newID())
+ if a < b:
+ c = randRange(a, b)
+ self.assertEqual(a <= c < b, 1, "output out of range %d %d %d" % (b, c, a))
+ else:
+ c = randRange(b, a)
+ assert b <= c < a, "output out of range %d %d %d" % (b, c, a)
+ def testOneHundredTimes(self):
+ for i in xrange(100):
+ self.testOnce()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+## Copyright 2002 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
+from listener import Listener
+from ktable import KTable, K
+from node import Node
+from dispatcher import Dispatcher
+from hash import newID, intify
+import messages
+import transactions
+import time
+from bsddb3 import db ## find this at http://pybsddb.sf.net/
+from bsddb3._db import DBNotFoundError
+# don't ping unless it's been at least this many seconds since we've heard from a peer
+MAX_PING_INTERVAL = 60 * 15 # fifteen minutes
+# concurrent FIND_NODE/VALUE requests!
+N = 3
+# this is the main class!
+class Khashmir:
+ __slots__ = ['listener', 'node', 'table', 'dispatcher', 'tf', 'store']
+ def __init__(self, host, port):
+ self.listener = Listener(host, port)
+ self.node = Node(newID(), host, port)
+ self.table = KTable(self.node)
+ self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(self.listener, messages.BASE, self.node.id)
+ self.tf = transactions.TransactionFactory(self.node.id, self.dispatcher)
+ self.store = db.DB()
+ self.store.open(None, None, db.DB_BTREE)
+ #### register unsolicited incoming message handlers
+ self.dispatcher.registerHandler('ping', self._pingHandler, messages.PING)
+ self.dispatcher.registerHandler('find node', self._findNodeHandler, messages.FIND_NODE)
+ self.dispatcher.registerHandler('get value', self._findValueHandler, messages.GET_VALUE)
+ self.dispatcher.registerHandler('store value', self._storeValueHandler, messages.STORE_VALUE)
+ #######
+ ####### LOCAL INTERFACE - use these methods!
+ def addContact(self, host, port):
+ """
+ ping this node and add the contact info to the table on pong!
+ """
+ n =Node(" "*20, host, port) # note, we
+ self.sendPing(n)
+ ## this call is async!
+ def findNode(self, id, callback):
+ """ returns the contact info for node, or the k closest nodes, from the global table """
+ # get K nodes out of local table/cache, or the node we want
+ nodes = self.table.findNodes(id)
+ if len(nodes) == 1 and nodes[0].id == id :
+ # we got it in our table!
+ def tcall(t, callback=callback):
+ callback(t.extras)
+ self.dispatcher.postEvent(tcall, 0, extras=nodes)
+ else:
+ # create our search state
+ state = FindNode(self, self.dispatcher, id, callback)
+ # handle this in our own thread
+ self.dispatcher.postEvent(state.goWithNodes, 0, extras=nodes)
+ ## also async
+ def valueForKey(self, key, callback):
+ """ returns the values found for key in global table """
+ nodes = self.table.findNodes(key)
+ # create our search state
+ state = GetValue(self, self.dispatcher, key, callback)
+ # handle this in our own thread
+ self.dispatcher.postEvent(state.goWithNodes, 0, extras=nodes)
+ ## async, but in the current implementation there is no guarantee a store does anything so there is no callback right now
+ def storeValueForKey(self, key, value):
+ """ stores the value for key in the global table, returns immediately, no status
+ in this implementation, peers respond but don't indicate status to storing values
+ values are stored in peers on a first-come first-served basis
+ this will probably change so more than one value can be stored under a key
+ """
+ def _storeValueForKey(nodes, tf=self.tf, key=key, value=value, response= self._storedValueHandler, default= lambda t: "didn't respond"):
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.id != self.node.id:
+ t = tf.StoreValue(node, key, value, response, default)
+ t.dispatch()
+ # this call is asynch
+ self.findNode(key, _storeValueForKey)
+ def insertNode(self, n):
+ """
+ insert a node in our local table, pinging oldest contact in bucket, if necessary
+ If all you have is a host/port, then use addContact, which calls this function after
+ receiving the PONG from the remote node. The reason for the seperation is we can't insert
+ a node into the table without it's peer-ID. That means of course the node passed into this
+ method needs to be a properly formed Node object with a valid ID.
+ """
+ old = self.table.insertNode(n)
+ if old and (time.time() - old.lastSeen) > MAX_PING_INTERVAL and old.id != self.node.id:
+ # the bucket is full, check to see if old node is still around and if so, replace it
+ t = self.tf.Ping(old, self._notStaleNodeHandler, self._staleNodeHandler)
+ t.newnode = n
+ t.dispatch()
+ def sendPing(self, node):
+ """
+ ping a node
+ """
+ t = self.tf.Ping(node, self._pongHandler, self._defaultPong)
+ t.dispatch()
+ def findCloseNodes(self):
+ """
+ This does a findNode on the ID one away from our own.
+ This will allow us to populate our table with nodes on our network closest to our own.
+ This is called as soon as we start up with an empty table
+ """
+ id = self.node.id[:-1] + chr((ord(self.node.id[-1]) + 1) % 256)
+ def callback(nodes):
+ pass
+ self.findNode(id, callback)
+ def refreshTable(self):
+ """
+ """
+ def callback(nodes):
+ pass
+ for bucket in self.table.buckets:
+ if time.time() - bucket.lastAccessed >= 60 * 60:
+ id = randRange(bucket.min, bucket.max)
+ self.findNode(id, callback)
+ #####
+ def _pingHandler(self, t, msg):
+ #print "Got PING from %s at %s:%s" % (`t.target.id`, t.target.host, t.target.port)
+ self.insertNode(t.target)
+ # respond, no callbacks, we don't care if they get it or not
+ nt = self.tf.Pong(t)
+ nt.dispatch()
+ def _findNodeHandler(self, t, msg):
+ #print "Got FIND_NODES from %s:%s at %s:%s" % (t.target.host, t.target.port, self.node.host, self.node.port)
+ nodes = self.table.findNodes(msg['target'])
+ # respond, no callbacks, we don't care if they get it or not
+ nt = self.tf.GotNodes(t, nodes)
+ nt.dispatch()
+ def _storeValueHandler(self, t, msg):
+ if not self.store.has_key(msg['key']):
+ self.store.put(msg['key'], msg['value'])
+ nt = self.tf.StoredValue(t)
+ nt.dispatch()
+ def _findValueHandler(self, t, msg):
+ if self.store.has_key(msg['key']):
+ t = self.tf.GotValues(t, [(msg['key'], self.store[msg['key']])])
+ else:
+ nodes = self.table.findNodes(msg['key'])
+ t = self.tf.GotNodes(t, nodes)
+ t.dispatch()
+ ###
+ ### message response callbacks
+ # called when we get a response to store value
+ def _storedValueHandler(self, t, msg):
+ self.table.insertNode(t.target)
+ ## these are the callbacks used when we ping the oldest node in a bucket
+ def _staleNodeHandler(self, t):
+ """ called if the pinged node never responds """
+ self.table.replaceStaleNode(t.target, t.newnode)
+ def _notStaleNodeHandler(self, t, msg):
+ """ called when we get a ping from the remote node """
+ self.table.insertNode(t.target)
+ ## these are the callbacks we use when we issue a PING
+ def _pongHandler(self, t, msg):
+ #print "Got PONG from %s at %s:%s" % (`msg['id']`, t.target.host, t.target.port)
+ n = Node(msg['id'], t.addr[0], t.addr[1])
+ self.table.insertNode(n)
+ def _defaultPong(self, t):
+ # this should probably increment a failed message counter and dump the node if it gets over a threshold
+ print "Never got PONG from %s at %s:%s" % (`t.target.id`, t.target.host, t.target.port)
+class ActionBase:
+ """ base class for some long running asynchronous proccesses like finding nodes or values """
+ def __init__(self, table, dispatcher, target, callback):
+ self.table = table
+ self.dispatcher = dispatcher
+ self.target = target
+ self.int = intify(target)
+ self.found = {}
+ self.queried = {}
+ self.answered = {}
+ self.callback = callback
+ self.outstanding = 0
+ self.finished = 0
+ def sort(a, b, int=self.int):
+ """ this function is for sorting nodes relative to the ID we are looking for """
+ x, y = int ^ a.int, int ^ b.int
+ if x > y:
+ return 1
+ elif x < y:
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ self.sort = sort
+ def goWithNodes(self, t):
+ pass
+class FindNode(ActionBase):
+ """ find node action merits it's own class as it is a long running stateful process """
+ def handleGotNodes(self, t, msg):
+ if self.finished or self.answered.has_key(t.id):
+ # a day late and a dollar short
+ return
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding - 1
+ self.answered[t.id] = 1
+ for node in msg['nodes']:
+ if not self.found.has_key(node['id']):
+ n = Node(node['id'], node['host'], node['port'])
+ self.found[n.id] = n
+ self.table.insertNode(n)
+ self.schedule()
+ def schedule(self):
+ """
+ send messages to new peers, if necessary
+ """
+ if self.finished:
+ return
+ l = self.found.values()
+ l.sort(self.sort)
+ for node in l[:K]:
+ if node.id == self.target:
+ self.finished=1
+ return self.callback([node])
+ if not self.queried.has_key(node.id) and node.id != self.table.node.id:
+ t = self.table.tf.FindNode(node, self.target, self.handleGotNodes, self.defaultGotNodes)
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding + 1
+ self.queried[node.id] = 1
+ t.timeout = time.time() + 15
+ t.dispatch()
+ if self.outstanding >= N:
+ break
+ assert(self.outstanding) >=0
+ if self.outstanding == 0:
+ ## all done!!
+ self.finished=1
+ self.callback(l[:K])
+ def defaultGotNodes(self, t):
+ if self.finished:
+ return
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding - 1
+ self.schedule()
+ def goWithNodes(self, t):
+ """
+ this starts the process, our argument is a transaction with t.extras being our list of nodes
+ it's a transaction since we got called from the dispatcher
+ """
+ nodes = t.extras
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.id == self.table.node.id:
+ continue
+ self.found[node.id] = node
+ t = self.table.tf.FindNode(node, self.target, self.handleGotNodes, self.defaultGotNodes)
+ t.timeout = time.time() + 15
+ t.dispatch()
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding + 1
+ self.queried[node.id] = 1
+ if self.outstanding == 0:
+ self.callback(nodes)
+class GetValue(FindNode):
+ """ get value task """
+ def handleGotNodes(self, t, msg):
+ if self.finished or self.answered.has_key(t.id):
+ # a day late and a dollar short
+ return
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding - 1
+ self.answered[t.id] = 1
+ # go through nodes
+ # if we have any closer than what we already got, query them
+ if msg['type'] == 'got nodes':
+ for node in msg['nodes']:
+ if not self.found.has_key(node['id']):
+ n = Node(node['id'], node['host'], node['port'])
+ self.found[n.id] = n
+ self.table.insertNode(n)
+ elif msg['type'] == 'got values':
+ ## done
+ self.finished = 1
+ return self.callback(msg['values'])
+ self.schedule()
+ ## get value
+ def schedule(self):
+ if self.finished:
+ return
+ l = self.found.values()
+ l.sort(self.sort)
+ for node in l[:K]:
+ if not self.queried.has_key(node.id) and node.id != self.table.node.id:
+ t = self.table.tf.GetValue(node, self.target, self.handleGotNodes, self.defaultGotNodes)
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding + 1
+ self.queried[node.id] = 1
+ t.timeout = time.time() + 15
+ t.dispatch()
+ if self.outstanding >= N:
+ break
+ assert(self.outstanding) >=0
+ if self.outstanding == 0:
+ ## all done, didn't find it!!
+ self.finished=1
+ self.callback([])
+ ## get value
+ def goWithNodes(self, t):
+ nodes = t.extras
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.id == self.table.node.id:
+ continue
+ self.found[node.id] = node
+ t = self.table.tf.GetValue(node, self.target, self.handleGotNodes, self.defaultGotNodes)
+ t.timeout = time.time() + 15
+ t.dispatch()
+ self.outstanding = self.outstanding + 1
+ self.queried[node.id] = 1
+ if self.outstanding == 0:
+ self.callback([])
+def test_build_net(quiet=0):
+ from whrandom import randrange
+ import thread
+ port = 2001
+ l = []
+ peers = 100
+ if not quiet:
+ print "Building %s peer table." % peers
+ for i in xrange(peers):
+ a = Khashmir('localhost', port + i)
+ l.append(a)
+ def run(l=l):
+ while(1):
+ events = 0
+ for peer in l:
+ events = events + peer.dispatcher.runOnce()
+ if events == 0:
+ time.sleep(.25)
+ for i in range(10):
+ thread.start_new_thread(run, (l[i*10:(i+1)*10],))
+ #thread.start_new_thread(l[i].dispatcher.run, ())
+ for peer in l[1:]:
+ n = l[randrange(0, len(l))].node
+ peer.addContact(n.host, n.port)
+ n = l[randrange(0, len(l))].node
+ peer.addContact(n.host, n.port)
+ n = l[randrange(0, len(l))].node
+ peer.addContact(n.host, n.port)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ for peer in l:
+ peer.findCloseNodes()
+ time.sleep(5)
+ for peer in l:
+ peer.refreshTable()
+ return l
+def test_find_nodes(l, quiet=0):
+ import threading, sys
+ from whrandom import randrange
+ flag = threading.Event()
+ n = len(l)
+ a = l[randrange(0,n)]
+ b = l[randrange(0,n)]
+ def callback(nodes, l=l, flag=flag):
+ if (len(nodes) >0) and (nodes[0].id == b.node.id):
+ print "test_find_nodes PASSED"
+ else:
+ print "test_find_nodes FAILED"
+ flag.set()
+ a.findNode(b.node.id, callback)
+ flag.wait()
+def test_find_value(l, quiet=0):
+ from whrandom import randrange
+ from sha import sha
+ import time, threading, sys
+ fa = threading.Event()
+ fb = threading.Event()
+ fc = threading.Event()
+ n = len(l)
+ a = l[randrange(0,n)]
+ b = l[randrange(0,n)]
+ c = l[randrange(0,n)]
+ d = l[randrange(0,n)]
+ key = sha(`randrange(0,100000)`).digest()
+ value = sha(`randrange(0,100000)`).digest()
+ if not quiet:
+ print "inserting value...",
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ a.storeValueForKey(key, value)
+ time.sleep(3)
+ print "finding..."
+ def mc(flag, value=value):
+ def callback(values, f=flag, val=value):
+ try:
+ if(len(values) == 0):
+ print "find FAILED"
+ else:
+ if values[0]['value'] != val:
+ print "find FAILED"
+ else:
+ print "find FOUND"
+ finally:
+ f.set()
+ return callback
+ b.valueForKey(key, mc(fa))
+ c.valueForKey(key, mc(fb))
+ d.valueForKey(key, mc(fc))
+ fa.wait()
+ fb.wait()
+ fc.wait()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ l = test_build_net()
+ time.sleep(3)
+ print "finding nodes..."
+ test_find_nodes(l)
+ test_find_nodes(l)
+ test_find_nodes(l)
+ print "inserting and fetching values..."
+ test_find_value(l)
+ test_find_value(l)
+ test_find_value(l)
+ test_find_value(l)
+ test_find_value(l)
+ test_find_value(l)
+ for i in l:
+ i.dispatcher.stop()
--- /dev/null
+## Copyright 2002 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
+import hash
+from bisect import *
+import time
+from types import *
+from node import Node
+# The all-powerful, magical Kademlia "k" constant, bucket depth
+K = 20
+# how many bits wide is our hash?
+# the local routing table for a kademlia like distributed hash table
+class KTable:
+ def __init__(self, node):
+ # this is the root node, a.k.a. US!
+ self.node = node
+ self.buckets = [KBucket([], 0L, 2L**HASH_LENGTH)]
+ self.insertNode(node)
+ def _bucketIndexForInt(self, int):
+ """returns the index of the bucket that should hold int"""
+ return bisect_left(self.buckets, int)
+ def findNodes(self, id):
+ """ return k nodes in our own local table closest to the ID
+ ignoreSelf means we will return K closest nodes to ourself if we search for our own ID
+ note, K closest nodes may actually include ourself, it's the callers responsibilty to
+ not send messages to itself if it matters
+ """
+ if type(id) == StringType:
+ int = hash.intify(id)
+ elif type(id) == InstanceType:
+ int = id.int
+ elif type(id) == IntType or type(id) == LongType:
+ int = id
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "findLocalNodes requires an int, string, or Node instance type"
+ nodes = []
+ def sort(a, b, int=int):
+ """ this function is for sorting nodes relative to the ID we are looking for """
+ x, y = int ^ a.int, int ^ b.int
+ if x > y:
+ return 1
+ elif x < y:
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ i = self._bucketIndexForInt(int)
+ ## see if this node is already in our table and return it
+ try:
+ index = self.buckets[i].l.index(int)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.buckets[i].touch()
+ return [self.buckets[i].l[index]]
+ nodes = nodes + self.buckets[i].l
+ if len(nodes) == K:
+ nodes.sort(sort)
+ return nodes
+ else:
+ # need more nodes
+ min = i - 1
+ max = i + 1
+ while (len(nodes) < K and (min >= 0 and max < len(self.buckets))):
+ if min >= 0:
+ nodes = nodes + self.buckets[min].l
+ self.buckets[min].touch()
+ if max < len(self.buckets):
+ nodes = nodes + self.buckets[max].l
+ self.buckets[max].touch()
+ nodes.sort(sort)
+ return nodes[:K-1]
+ def _splitBucket(self, a):
+ diff = (a.max - a.min) / 2
+ b = KBucket([], a.max - diff, a.max)
+ self.buckets.insert(self.buckets.index(a.min) + 1, b)
+ a.max = a.max - diff
+ # transfer nodes to new bucket
+ for anode in a.l[:]:
+ if anode.int >= a.max:
+ a.l.remove(anode)
+ b.l.append(anode)
+ def replaceStaleNode(self, stale, new):
+ """ this is used by clients to replace a node returned by insertNode after
+ it fails to respond to a Pong message
+ """
+ i = self._bucketIndexForInt(stale.int)
+ try:
+ it = self.buckets[i].l.index(stale.int)
+ except ValueError:
+ return
+ del(self.buckets[i].l[it])
+ self.buckets[i].l.append(new)
+ def insertNode(self, node):
+ """
+ this insert the node, returning None if successful, returns the oldest node in the bucket if it's full
+ the caller responsible for pinging the returned node and calling replaceStaleNode if it is found to be stale!!
+ """
+ # get the bucket for this node
+ i = self. _bucketIndexForInt(node.int)
+ ## check to see if node is in the bucket already
+ try:
+ it = self.buckets[i].l.index(node.int)
+ except ValueError:
+ ## no
+ pass
+ else:
+ node.updateLastSeen()
+ # move node to end of bucket
+ del(self.buckets[i].l[it])
+ self.buckets[i].l.append(node)
+ self.buckets[i].touch()
+ return
+ # we don't have this node, check to see if the bucket is full
+ if len(self.buckets[i].l) < K:
+ # no, append this node and return
+ self.buckets[i].l.append(node)
+ self.buckets[i].touch()
+ return
+ # bucket is full, check to see if self.node is in the bucket
+ try:
+ me = self.buckets[i].l.index(self.node)
+ except ValueError:
+ return self.buckets[i].l[0]
+ ## this bucket is full and contains our node, split the bucket
+ if len(self.buckets) >= HASH_LENGTH:
+ # our table is FULL
+ print "Hash Table is FULL! Increase K!"
+ return
+ self._splitBucket(self.buckets[i])
+ ## now that the bucket is split and balanced, try to insert the node again
+ return self.insertNode(node)
+ def justSeenNode(self, node):
+ """ call this any time you get a message from a node, to update it in the table if it's there """
+ try:
+ n = self.findNodes(node.int)[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ else:
+ tstamp = n.lastSeen
+ n.updateLastSeen()
+ return tstamp
+class KBucket:
+ __slots = ['min', 'max', 'lastAccessed']
+ def __init__(self, contents, min, max):
+ self.l = contents
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ self.lastAccessed = time.time()
+ def touch(self):
+ self.lastAccessed = time.time()
+ def getNodeWithInt(self, int):
+ try:
+ return self.l[self.l.index(int)]
+ self.touch()
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<KBucket items: %d min: %d\tmax: %d>" % (len(self.l), self.min, self.max)
+ ## comparators, necessary for bisecting list of buckets with a hash expressed as an integer or a distance
+ ## compares integer or node object with the bucket's range
+ def __lt__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.max <= a
+ def __le__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.min < a
+ def __gt__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.min > a
+ def __ge__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.max >= a
+ def __eq__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.min <= a and self.max > a
+ def __ne__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.min >= a or self.max < a
+import unittest
+class TestKTable(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.a = Node(hash.newID(), 'localhost', 2002)
+ self.t = KTable(self.a)
+ def test_replace_stale_node(self):
+ self.b = Node(hash.newID(), 'localhost', 2003)
+ self.t.replaceStaleNode(self.a, self.b)
+ assert(len(self.t.buckets[0].l) == 1)
+ assert(self.t.buckets[0].l[0].id == self.b.id)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+## Copyright 2002 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
+from socket import *
+# simple UDP communicator
+class Listener:
+ def __init__(self, host, port):
+ self.msgq = []
+ self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
+ self.sock.setblocking(0)
+ self.sock.bind((host, port))
+ def qMsg(self, msg, host, port):
+ self.msgq.append((msg, host, port))
+ def qLen(self):
+ return len(self.msgq)
+ def dispatchMsg(self):
+ if self.qLen() > 0:
+ msg, host, port = self.msgq[0]
+ del self.msgq[0]
+ self.sock.sendto(msg, 0, (host, port))
+ def receiveMsg(self):
+ msg = ()
+ try:
+ msg = self.sock.recvfrom(65536)
+ except error, tup:
+ if tup[1] == "Resource temporarily unavailable":
+ # no message
+ return msg
+ print error, tup
+ else:
+ return msg
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.sock.close()
+import unittest
+class ListenerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.a = Listener('localhost', 8080)
+ self.b = Listener('localhost', 8081)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del(self.a)
+ del(self.b)
+ def testQueue(self):
+ assert self.a.qLen() == 0, "expected queue to be empty"
+ self.a.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8081)
+ assert self.a.qLen() == 1, "expected one message to be in queue"
+ self.a.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8081)
+ assert self.a.qLen() == 2, "expected two messages to be in queue"
+ self.a.dispatchMsg()
+ assert self.a.qLen() == 1, "expected one message to be in queue"
+ self.a.dispatchMsg()
+ assert self.a.qLen() == 0, "expected all messages to be flushed from queue"
+ def testSendReceiveOne(self):
+ self.a.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8081)
+ self.a.dispatchMsg()
+ assert self.b.receiveMsg()[0] == "hello", "did not receive expected message"
+ assert self.b.receiveMsg() == (), "received unexpected message"
+ self.b.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8080)
+ self.b.dispatchMsg()
+ assert self.a.receiveMsg()[0] == "hello", "did not receive expected message"
+ assert self.a.receiveMsg() == (), "received unexpected message"
+ def testSendReceiveInterleaved(self):
+ self.a.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8081)
+ self.a.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8081)
+ self.a.dispatchMsg()
+ self.a.dispatchMsg()
+ assert self.b.receiveMsg()[0] == "hello", "did not receive expected message"
+ assert self.b.receiveMsg()[0] == "hello", "did not receive expected message"
+ assert self.b.receiveMsg() == (), "received unexpected message"
+ self.b.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8080)
+ self.b.qMsg('hello', 'localhost', 8080)
+ self.b.dispatchMsg()
+ self.b.dispatchMsg()
+ assert self.a.receiveMsg()[0] == "hello", "did not receive expected message"
+ assert self.a.receiveMsg()[0] == "hello", "did not receive expected message"
+ assert self.a.receiveMsg() == (), "received unexpected message"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+## Copyright 2002 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
+from bencode import bencode, bdecode
+from btemplate import *
+from node import Node
+# template checker for hash id
+def hashid(thing, verbose):
+ if type(thing) != type(''):
+ raise ValueError, 'must be a string'
+ if len(thing) != 20:
+ raise ValueError, 'must be 20 characters long'
+## our messages
+BASE = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : string_template})
+PING = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'ping'})
+PONG = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'pong'})
+FIND_NODE = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'find node', "target" : hashid})
+GOT_NODES = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'got nodes', "nodes" : ListMarker({'id': hashid, 'host': string_template, 'port': 1})})
+STORE_VALUE = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'store value', "key" : hashid, "value" : string_template})
+STORED_VALUE = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'stored value'})
+GET_VALUE = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'get value', "key" : hashid})
+GOT_VALUES = compile_template({'id' : hashid, 'tid' : hashid, 'type' : 'got values', "values" : ListMarker({'key': hashid, 'value': string_template})})
+class MessageFactory:
+ def __init__(self, id):
+ self.id = id
+ def encodePing(self, tid):
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'type' : 'ping'})
+ def decodePing(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ PING(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodePong(self, tid):
+ msg = {'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'type' : 'pong'}
+ PONG(msg)
+ return bencode(msg)
+ def decodePong(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ PONG(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodeFindNode(self, tid, target):
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'type' : 'find node', 'target' : target})
+ def decodeFindNode(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ FIND_NODE(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodeStoreValue(self, tid, key, value):
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'key' : key, 'type' : 'store value', 'value' : value})
+ def decodeStoreValue(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodeStoredValue(self, tid):
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'type' : 'stored value'})
+ def decodeStoredValue(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodeGetValue(self, tid, key):
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'key' : key, 'type' : 'get value'})
+ def decodeGetValue(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ GET_VALUE(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodeGotNodes(self, tid, nodes):
+ n = []
+ for node in nodes:
+ n.append({'id' : node.id, 'host' : node.host, 'port' : node.port})
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'type' : 'got nodes', 'nodes' : n})
+ def decodeGotNodes(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ GOT_NODES(msg)
+ return msg
+ def encodeGotValues(self, tid, values):
+ n = []
+ for value in values:
+ n.append({'key' : value[0], 'value' : value[1]})
+ return bencode({'id' : self.id, 'tid' : tid, 'type' : 'got values', 'values' : n})
+ def decodeGotValues(self, msg):
+ msg = bdecode(msg)
+ return msg
+import unittest
+class TestMessageEncoding(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ from sha import sha
+ self.a = sha('a').digest()
+ self.b = sha('b').digest()
+ def test_ping(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodePing(self.b)
+ msg = m.decodePing(s)
+ PING(msg)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.b)
+ def test_pong(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodePong(self.b)
+ msg = m.decodePong(s)
+ PONG(msg)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.b)
+ def test_find_node(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodeFindNode(self.a, self.b)
+ msg = m.decodeFindNode(s)
+ FIND_NODE(msg)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['target'] == self.b)
+ def test_store_value(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodeStoreValue(self.a, self.b, 'foo')
+ msg = m.decodeStoreValue(s)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['key'] == self.b)
+ assert(msg['value'] == 'foo')
+ def test_stored_value(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodeStoredValue(self.b)
+ msg = m.decodeStoredValue(s)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.b)
+ def test_get_value(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodeGetValue(self.a, self.b)
+ msg = m.decodeGetValue(s)
+ GET_VALUE(msg)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['key'] == self.b)
+ def test_got_nodes(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodeGotNodes(self.a, [Node(self.b, 'localhost', 2002), Node(self.a, 'localhost', 2003)])
+ msg = m.decodeGotNodes(s)
+ GOT_NODES(msg)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['nodes'][0]['id'] == self.b)
+ def test_got_values(self):
+ m = MessageFactory(self.a)
+ s = m.encodeGotValues(self.a, [(self.b, 'localhost')])
+ msg = m.decodeGotValues(s)
+ assert(msg['id'] == self.a)
+ assert(msg['tid'] == self.a)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+import hash
+import time
+from types import *
+class Node:
+ """encapsulate contact info"""
+ def __init__(self, id, host, port):
+ self.id = id
+ self.int = hash.intify(id)
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.lastSeen = time.time()
+ def updateLastSeen(self):
+ self.lastSeen = time.time()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return `(self.id, self.host, self.port)`
+ ## these comparators let us bisect/index a list full of nodes with either a node or an int/long
+ def __lt__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.int < a
+ def __le__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.int <= a
+ def __gt__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.int > a
+ def __ge__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.int >= a
+ def __eq__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.int == a
+ def __ne__(self, a):
+ if type(a) == InstanceType:
+ a = a.int
+ return self.int != a
+import unittest
+class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.node = Node(hash.newID(), 'localhost', 2002)
+ def testUpdateLastSeen(self):
+ t = self.node.lastSeen
+ self.node.updateLastSeen()
+ assert t < self.node.lastSeen
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+import unittest
+import hash, node, messages
+import listener, dispatcher
+import ktable, transactions, khashmir
+import bencode, btemplate
+tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromNames(['hash', 'node', 'bencode', 'btemplate', 'listener', 'messages', 'dispatcher', 'transactions', 'ktable'])
+result = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(tests)
--- /dev/null
+import messages
+from dispatcher import Transaction
+class TransactionFactory:
+ def __init__(self, id, dispatcher):
+ self.id = id
+ self.dispatcher = dispatcher
+ self.mf = messages.MessageFactory(self.id)
+ def Ping(self, node, response, default):
+ """ create a ping transaction """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, node, response, default)
+ str = self.mf.encodePing(t.id)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ t.setResponseTemplate(messages.PONG)
+ return t
+ def FindNode(self, target, key, response, default):
+ """ find node query """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, target, response, default)
+ str = self.mf.encodeFindNode(t.id, key)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ t.setResponseTemplate(messages.GOT_NODES)
+ return t
+ def StoreValue(self, target, key, value, response, default):
+ """ find node query """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, target, response, default)
+ str = self.mf.encodeStoreValue(t.id, key, value)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ t.setResponseTemplate(messages.STORED_VALUE)
+ return t
+ def GetValue(self, target, key, response, default):
+ """ find value query, response is GOT_VALUES or GOT_NODES! """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, target, response, default)
+ str = self.mf.encodeGetValue(t.id, key)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ t.setResponseTemplate(messages.GOT_NODES_OR_VALUES)
+ return t
+ def Pong(self, ping_t):
+ """ create a pong response to ping transaction """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, ping_t.target, None, None, ping_t.id)
+ str = self.mf.encodePong(t.id)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ return t
+ def GotNodes(self, findNode_t, nodes):
+ """ respond with gotNodes """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, findNode_t.target, None, None, findNode_t.id)
+ str = self.mf.encodeGotNodes(t.id, nodes)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ return t
+ def GotValues(self, findNode_t, values):
+ """ respond with gotNodes """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, findNode_t.target, None, None, findNode_t.id)
+ str = self.mf.encodeGotValues(t.id, values)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ return t
+ def StoredValue(self, tr):
+ """ store value response, really just a pong """
+ t = Transaction(self.dispatcher, tr.target, None, None, id = tr.id)
+ str = self.mf.encodeStoredValue(t.id)
+ t.setPayload(str)
+ return t