return (x0 <= x1) && (y0 <= y1);
class MapData;
typedef std::vector<MapData*> MapDataVec;
+// anonymous namespace
+class MapAirportFilter : public FGAirport::AirportFilter
+ MapAirportFilter(SGPropertyNode_ptr nd)
+ {
+ _heliports = nd->getBoolValue("show-heliports", false);
+ _hardRunwaysOnly = nd->getBoolValue("hard-surfaced-airports", true);
+ _minLengthFt = fgGetDouble("/sim/navdb/min-runway-length-ft", 2000);
+ }
+ virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
+ return _heliports ? FGPositioned::HELIPORT : FGPositioned::AIRPORT;
+ }
+ virtual bool passAirport(FGAirport* aApt) const {
+ if (_hardRunwaysOnly) {
+ return aApt->hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(_minLengthFt);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void showAll()
+ {
+ _hardRunwaysOnly = false;
+ }
+ bool _heliports;
+ bool _hardRunwaysOnly;
+ double _minLengthFt;
+class NavaidFilter : public FGPositioned::Filter
+ NavaidFilter(bool fixesEnabled, bool navaidsEnabled) :
+ _fixes(fixesEnabled),
+ _navaids(navaidsEnabled)
+ {}
+ virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const {
+ if (_fixes && (aPos->type() == FGPositioned::FIX)) {
+ // ignore fixes which end in digits - expirmental
+ if (aPos->ident().length() > 4 && isdigit(aPos->ident()[3]) && isdigit(aPos->ident()[4])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const {
+ return _fixes ? FGPositioned::FIX : FGPositioned::NDB;
+ }
+ virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
+ return _navaids ? FGPositioned::VOR : FGPositioned::FIX;
+ }
+ bool _fixes, _navaids;
+} // of anonymous namespace
const int MAX_ZOOM = 12;
const int SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM = 8;
const int SHOW_DETAIL2_ZOOM = 5;
_root->setIntValue("zoom", zoom() - 1);
-void MapWidget::draw(int dx, int dy)
+void MapWidget::update()
- _aircraft = globals->get_aircraft_position();
+ _aircraft = globals->get_aircraft_position();
- bool mag = _root->getBoolValue("magnetic-headings");
- if (mag != _magneticHeadings) {
- clearData(); // flush cached data text, since it often includes heading
- _magneticHeadings = mag;
- }
- if (_hasPanned) {
- _root->setBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft", false);
- _hasPanned = false;
- }
- else if (_root->getBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft")) {
- _projectionCenter = _aircraft;
- }
+ bool mag = _root->getBoolValue("magnetic-headings");
+ if (mag != _magneticHeadings) {
+ clearData(); // flush cached data text, since it often includes heading
+ _magneticHeadings = mag;
+ }
+ if (_hasPanned) {
+ _root->setBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft", false);
+ _hasPanned = false;
+ }
+ else if (_root->getBoolValue("centre-on-aircraft")) {
+ _projectionCenter = _aircraft;
+ }
+ double julianDate = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
+ _magVar->update(_projectionCenter, julianDate);
+ _aircraftUp = _root->getBoolValue("aircraft-heading-up");
+ if (_aircraftUp) {
+ _upHeading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
+ } else {
+ _upHeading = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (_magneticHeadings) {
+ _displayHeading = (int) fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg");
+ } else {
+ _displayHeading = (int) _upHeading;
+ }
+ _cachedZoom = MAX_ZOOM - zoom();
+ SGGeod topLeft = unproject(SGVec2d(_width/2, _height/2));
+ // compute draw range, including a fudge factor for ILSs and other 'long'
+ // symbols
+ _drawRangeNm = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_projectionCenter, topLeft) + 10.0;
+ FGFlightHistory* history = (FGFlightHistory*) globals->get_subsystem("history");
+ if (history && _root->getBoolValue("draw-flight-history")) {
+ _flightHistoryPath = history->pathForHistory();
+ } else {
+ _flightHistoryPath.clear();
+ }
+// make spatial queries. This can trigger loading of XML files, etc, so we do
+// not want to do it in draw(), which can be called from an arbitrary OSG
+// rendering thread.
+ MapAirportFilter af(_root);
+ if (_cachedZoom <= SHOW_DETAIL2_ZOOM) {
+ // show all airports when zoomed in sufficently
+ af.showAll();
+ }
+ bool partial = false;
+ FGPositionedList newItemsToDraw =
+ FGPositioned::findWithinRangePartial(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &af, partial);
+ bool fixes = _root->getBoolValue("draw-fixes");
+ NavaidFilter f(fixes, _root->getBoolValue("draw-navaids"));
+ if (f.minType() <= f.maxType()) {
+ FGPositionedList navs = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &f);
+ newItemsToDraw.insert(newItemsToDraw.end(), navs.begin(), navs.end());
+ }
- double julianDate = globals->get_time_params()->getJD();
- _magVar->update(_projectionCenter, julianDate);
+ FGPositioned::TypeFilter tf(FGPositioned::COUNTRY);
+ if (_cachedZoom <= SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
+ tf.addType(FGPositioned::CITY);
+ }
+ if (_cachedZoom <= SHOW_DETAIL2_ZOOM) {
+ tf.addType(FGPositioned::TOWN);
+ }
+ FGPositionedList poi = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &tf);
+ newItemsToDraw.insert(newItemsToDraw.end(), poi.begin(), poi.end());
+ _itemsToDraw.swap(newItemsToDraw);
+ updateAIObjects();
- bool aircraftUp = _root->getBoolValue("aircraft-heading-up");
- if (aircraftUp) {
- _upHeading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
- } else {
- _upHeading = 0.0;
- }
+void MapWidget::updateAIObjects()
+ if (!_root->getBoolValue("draw-traffic") || (_cachedZoom > SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM)) {
+ _aiDrawVec.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ AIDrawVec newDrawVec;
+ const SGPropertyNode* ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ai->nChildren(); ++i) {
+ const SGPropertyNode *model = ai->getChild(i);
+ // skip bad or dead entries
+ if (!model || model->getIntValue("id", -1) == -1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(
+ model->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"),
+ model->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"),
+ model->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft"));
+ double dist = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_projectionCenter, pos);
+ if (dist > _drawRangeNm) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ newDrawVec.push_back(DrawAIObject((SGPropertyNode*) model, pos));
+ } // of ai/models iteration
- _cachedZoom = MAX_ZOOM - zoom();
- SGGeod topLeft = unproject(SGVec2d(_width/2, _height/2));
- // compute draw range, including a fudge factor for ILSs and other 'long'
- // symbols
- _drawRangeNm = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_projectionCenter, topLeft) + 10.0;
+ _aiDrawVec.swap(newDrawVec);
-// drawing operations
+void MapWidget::draw(int dx, int dy)
GLint sx = (int) abox.min[0],
sy = (int) abox.min[1];
glScissor(dx + sx, dy + sy, _width, _height);
- if (aircraftUp) {
+ if (_aircraftUp) {
int textHeight = legendFont.getStringHeight() + 5;
// draw heading line
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
drawLine(loc, SGVec2d(loc.x(), (_height / 2) - textHeight));
- int displayHdg;
- if (_magneticHeadings) {
- displayHdg = (int) fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg");
- } else {
- displayHdg = (int) _upHeading;
- }
double y = (_height / 2) - textHeight;
char buf[16];
- ::snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", displayHdg);
+ ::snprintf(buf, 16, "%d", _displayHeading);
int sw = legendFont.getStringWidth(buf);
legendFont.drawString(buf, loc.x() - sw/2, y);
- drawAirports();
- drawNavaids();
- drawPOIs();
+ drawPositioned();
drawNavRadio(fgGetNode("/instrumentation/nav[0]", false));
d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_TOP | MapData::HALIGN_CENTER, 15);
void MapWidget::paintAircraftLocation(const SGGeod& aircraftPos)
void MapWidget::drawFlightHistory()
- FGFlightHistory* history = (FGFlightHistory*) globals->get_subsystem("history");
- if (!history || !_root->getBoolValue("draw-flight-history")) {
+ if (_flightHistoryPath.empty())
- }
// first pass, draw the actual lines
- SGGeodVec gv(history->pathForHistory());
glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.7);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<gv.size(); ++i) {
- SGVec2d p = project(gv[i]);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<_flightHistoryPath.size(); ++i) {
+ SGVec2d p = project(_flightHistoryPath[i]);
glVertex2d(p.x(), p.y());
-class MapAirportFilter : public FGAirport::AirportFilter
- MapAirportFilter(SGPropertyNode_ptr nd)
- {
- _heliports = nd->getBoolValue("show-heliports", false);
- _hardRunwaysOnly = nd->getBoolValue("hard-surfaced-airports", true);
- _minLengthFt = fgGetDouble("/sim/navdb/min-runway-length-ft", 2000);
- }
- virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
- return _heliports ? FGPositioned::HELIPORT : FGPositioned::AIRPORT;
- }
- virtual bool passAirport(FGAirport* aApt) const {
- if (_hardRunwaysOnly) {
- return aApt->hasHardRunwayOfLengthFt(_minLengthFt);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void showAll()
- {
- _hardRunwaysOnly = false;
- }
- bool _heliports;
- bool _hardRunwaysOnly;
- double _minLengthFt;
-void MapWidget::drawAirports()
- MapAirportFilter af(_root);
- if (_cachedZoom <= SHOW_DETAIL2_ZOOM) {
- // show all airports when zoomed in sufficently
- af.showAll();
- }
- bool partial = false;
- FGPositionedList apts = FGPositioned::findWithinRangePartial(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &af, partial);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<apts.size(); ++i) {
- drawAirport((FGAirport*) apts[i].get());
- }
-class NavaidFilter : public FGPositioned::Filter
- NavaidFilter(bool fixesEnabled, bool navaidsEnabled) :
- _fixes(fixesEnabled),
- _navaids(navaidsEnabled)
- {}
- virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* aPos) const {
- if (_fixes && (aPos->type() == FGPositioned::FIX)) {
- // ignore fixes which end in digits - expirmental
- if (aPos->ident().length() > 4 && isdigit(aPos->ident()[3]) && isdigit(aPos->ident()[4])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- virtual FGPositioned::Type minType() const {
- return _fixes ? FGPositioned::FIX : FGPositioned::NDB;
- }
- virtual FGPositioned::Type maxType() const {
- return _navaids ? FGPositioned::VOR : FGPositioned::FIX;
- }
- bool _fixes, _navaids;
-void MapWidget::drawNavaids()
- bool fixes = _root->getBoolValue("draw-fixes");
- NavaidFilter f(fixes, _root->getBoolValue("draw-navaids"));
- if (f.minType() <= f.maxType()) {
- FGPositionedList navs = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &f);
- glLineWidth(1.0);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<navs.size(); ++i) {
- FGPositioned::Type ty = navs[i]->type();
- if (ty == FGPositioned::NDB) {
- drawNDB(false, (FGNavRecord*) navs[i].get());
- } else if (ty == FGPositioned::VOR) {
- drawVOR(false, (FGNavRecord*) navs[i].get());
- } else if (ty == FGPositioned::FIX) {
- drawFix((FGFix*) navs[i].get());
- }
- } // of navaid iteration
- } // of navaids || fixes are drawn test
-void MapWidget::drawPOIs()
+void MapWidget::drawPositioned()
- FGPositioned::TypeFilter f(FGPositioned::COUNTRY);
- f.addType(FGPositioned::CITY);
- f.addType(FGPositioned::TOWN);
- FGPositionedList poi = FGPositioned::findWithinRange(_projectionCenter, _drawRangeNm, &f);
- glLineWidth(1.0);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<poi.size(); ++i) {
- FGPositioned::Type ty = poi[i]->type();
- if (ty == FGPositioned::COUNTRY) {
- drawCountries((FGNavRecord*) poi[i].get());
- } else if (ty == FGPositioned::CITY) {
- drawCities((FGNavRecord*) poi[i].get());
- } else if (ty == FGPositioned::TOWN) {
- drawTowns((FGNavRecord*) poi[i].get());
- }
- } // of navaid iteration
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<_itemsToDraw.size(); ++i) {
+ FGPositionedRef p = _itemsToDraw[i];
+ switch (p->type()) {
+ case FGPositioned::AIRPORT:
+ drawAirport((FGAirport*) p.get());
+ break;
+ case FGPositioned::NDB:
+ drawNDB(false, (FGNavRecord*) p.get());
+ break;
+ case FGPositioned::VOR:
+ drawVOR(false, (FGNavRecord*) p.get());
+ break;
+ case FGPositioned::FIX:
+ drawFix((FGFix*) p.get());
+ break;
+ case FGPositioned::TOWN:
+ case FGPositioned::CITY:
+ case FGPositioned::COUNTRY:
+ drawPOI(p);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "unhandled type in MapWidget::drawPositioned");
+ } // of positioned type switch
+ } // of items to draw iteration
void MapWidget::drawNDB(bool tuned, FGNavRecord* ndb)
-void MapWidget::drawCountries(FGNavRecord* rec)
+void MapWidget::drawPOI(FGPositioned* poi)
- if (_cachedZoom < 9) {
- return; // hide labels beyond a certain zoom level
- }
- SGVec2d pos = project(rec->geod());
+ SGVec2d pos = project(poi->geod());
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ glLineWidth(1.0);
- circleAt(pos, 4, 10);
+ int radius = 10;
+ if (poi->type() == FGPositioned::CITY) {
+ radius = 8;
+ glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ } else if (poi->type() == FGPositioned::TOWN) {
+ radius = 5;
+ glColor3f(0.2, 1.0, 0.0);
+ }
+ circleAt(pos, 4, radius);
- if (validDataForKey(rec)) {
- setAnchorForKey(rec, pos);
+ if (validDataForKey(poi)) {
+ setAnchorForKey(poi, pos);
char buffer[1024];
::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s",
- rec->name().c_str());
+ poi->name().c_str());
- MapData* d = createDataForKey(rec);
+ MapData* d = createDataForKey(poi);
- d->setLabel(rec->ident());
- d->setText(buffer);
- d->setOffset(MapData::HALIGN_CENTER | MapData::VALIGN_BOTTOM, 10);
- d->setAnchor(pos);
-void MapWidget::drawCities(FGNavRecord* rec)
- if (_cachedZoom > SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
- return; // hide labels beyond a certain zoom level
- }
- SGVec2d pos = project(rec->geod());
- glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- circleAt(pos, 4, 8);
- if (validDataForKey(rec)) {
- setAnchorForKey(rec, pos);
- return;
- }
- char buffer[1024];
- ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s",
- rec->name().c_str());
- MapData* d = createDataForKey(rec);
- d->setPriority(40);
- d->setLabel(rec->ident());
- d->setText(buffer);
- d->setOffset(MapData::HALIGN_CENTER | MapData::VALIGN_BOTTOM, 10);
- d->setAnchor(pos);
-void MapWidget::drawTowns(FGNavRecord* rec)
- if (_cachedZoom > SHOW_DETAIL2_ZOOM) {
- return; // hide labels beyond a certain zoom level
- }
- SGVec2d pos = project(rec->geod());
- glColor3f(0.2, 1.0, 0.0);
- circleAt(pos, 4, 5);
- if (validDataForKey(rec)) {
- setAnchorForKey(rec, pos);
- return;
- }
- char buffer[1024];
- ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s",
- rec->name().c_str());
- MapData* d = createDataForKey(rec);
- d->setPriority(40);
- d->setLabel(rec->ident());
+ d->setLabel(poi->ident());
d->setOffset(MapData::HALIGN_CENTER | MapData::VALIGN_BOTTOM, 10);
void MapWidget::drawTraffic()
- if (!_root->getBoolValue("draw-traffic")) {
- return;
- }
- if (_cachedZoom > SHOW_DETAIL_ZOOM) {
- return;
- }
- const SGPropertyNode* ai = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true);
- for (int i = 0; i < ai->nChildren(); ++i) {
- const SGPropertyNode *model = ai->getChild(i);
- // skip bad or dead entries
- if (!model || model->getIntValue("id", -1) == -1) {
- continue;
- }
- const std::string& name(model->getName());
- SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(
- model->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"),
- model->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"),
- model->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft"));
- double dist = SGGeodesy::distanceNm(_projectionCenter, pos);
- if (dist > _drawRangeNm) {
- continue;
- }
- double heading = model->getDoubleValue("orientation/true-heading-deg");
- if ((name == "aircraft") || (name == "multiplayer") ||
- (name == "wingman") || (name == "tanker")) {
- drawAIAircraft(model, pos, heading);
- } else if ((name == "ship") || (name == "carrier") || (name == "escort")) {
- drawAIShip(model, pos, heading);
+ AIDrawVec::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = _aiDrawVec.begin(); it != _aiDrawVec.end(); ++it) {
+ drawAI(*it);
- } // of ai/models iteration
void MapWidget::drawHelipad(FGHelipad* hp)
-void MapWidget::drawAIAircraft(const SGPropertyNode* model, const SGGeod& pos, double hdg)
+void MapWidget::drawAI(const DrawAIObject& dai)
+ SGVec2d p = project(dai.pos);
- SGVec2d p = project(pos);
+ if (dai.boat) {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
- glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ } else {
+ glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ }
circleAt(p, 4, 6.0); // black diamond
// draw heading vector
- int speedKts = static_cast<int>(model->getDoubleValue("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"));
- if (speedKts > 1) {
+ if (dai.speedKts > 1) {
const double dt = 15.0 / (3600.0); // 15 seconds look-ahead
- double distanceM = speedKts * SG_NM_TO_METER * dt;
- SGGeod advance;
- double az2;
- SGGeodesy::direct(pos, hdg, distanceM, advance, az2);
+ double distanceM = dai.speedKts * SG_NM_TO_METER * dt;
+ SGGeod advance = SGGeodesy::direct(dai.pos, dai.heading, distanceM);
drawLine(p, project(advance));
- // try to access the flight-plan of the aircraft. There are several layers
- // of potential NULL-ness here, so we have to be defensive at each stage.
- std::string originICAO, destinationICAO;
- FGAIManager* aiManager = static_cast<FGAIManager*>(globals->get_subsystem("ai-model"));
- FGAIBasePtr aircraft = aiManager ? aiManager->getObjectFromProperty(model) : NULL;
- if (aircraft) {
- FGAIAircraft* p = static_cast<FGAIAircraft*>(aircraft.get());
- if (p->GetFlightPlan()) {
- if (p->GetFlightPlan()->departureAirport()) {
- originICAO = p->GetFlightPlan()->departureAirport()->ident();
- }
- if (p->GetFlightPlan()->arrivalAirport()) {
- destinationICAO = p->GetFlightPlan()->arrivalAirport()->ident();
- }
- } // of flight-plan exists
- } // of check for AIBase-derived instance
- // draw callsign / altitude / speed
- int altFt50 = static_cast<int>(pos.getElevationFt() / 50.0) * 50;
- std::ostringstream ss;
- ss << model->getStringValue("callsign", "<>");
- if (speedKts > 1) {
- ss << "\n" << altFt50 << "' " << speedKts << "kts";
- }
- if (!originICAO.empty() || ! destinationICAO.empty()) {
- ss << "\n" << originICAO << " -> " << destinationICAO;
- }
- MapData* d = getOrCreateDataForKey((void*) model);
- d->setText(ss.str().c_str());
- d->setLabel(model->getStringValue("callsign", "<>"));
- d->setPriority(speedKts > 5 ? 60 : 10); // low priority for parked aircraft
+ MapData* d = getOrCreateDataForKey((void*) dai.model);
+ d->setText(dai.legend);
+ d->setLabel(dai.label);
+ d->setPriority(dai.speedKts > 5 ? 60 : 10); // low priority for parked aircraft
d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_CENTER | MapData::HALIGN_LEFT, 10);
-void MapWidget::drawAIShip(const SGPropertyNode* model, const SGGeod& pos, double hdg)
- SGVec2d p = project(pos);
- glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
- glLineWidth(2.0);
- circleAt(p, 4, 6.0); // blue diamond (to differentiate from aircraft.
-// draw heading vector
- int speedKts = static_cast<int>(model->getDoubleValue("velocities/speed-kts"));
- if (speedKts > 1) {
- glLineWidth(1.0);
- const double dt = 15.0 / (3600.0); // 15 seconds look-ahead
- double distanceM = speedKts * SG_NM_TO_METER * dt;
- SGGeod advance;
- double az2;
- SGGeodesy::direct(pos, hdg, distanceM, advance, az2);
- drawLine(p, project(advance));
- }
- // draw callsign / speed
- char buffer[1024];
- ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s\n%dkts",
- model->getStringValue("name", "<>"),
- speedKts);
- MapData* d = getOrCreateDataForKey((void*) model);
- d->setText(buffer);
- d->setLabel(model->getStringValue("name", "<>"));
- d->setPriority(speedKts > 2 ? 30 : 10); // low priority for slow moving ships
- d->setOffset(MapData::VALIGN_CENTER | MapData::HALIGN_LEFT, 10);
- d->setAnchor(p);
SGVec2d MapWidget::project(const SGGeod& geod) const
SGVec2d p;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(h, 0.0, 360.0);
return SGMiscd::roundToInt(h);
+MapWidget::DrawAIObject::DrawAIObject(SGPropertyNode* m, const SGGeod& g) :
+ model(m),
+ boat(false),
+ pos(g),
+ speedKts(0)
+ std::string name(model->getNameString());
+ heading = model->getDoubleValue("orientation/true-heading-deg");
+ if ((name == "aircraft") || (name == "multiplayer") ||
+ (name == "wingman") || (name == "tanker"))
+ {
+ speedKts = static_cast<int>(model->getDoubleValue("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"));
+ label = model->getStringValue("callsign", "<>");
+ // try to access the flight-plan of the aircraft. There are several layers
+ // of potential NULL-ness here, so we have to be defensive at each stage.
+ std::string originICAO, destinationICAO;
+ FGAIManager* aiManager = static_cast<FGAIManager*>(globals->get_subsystem("ai-model"));
+ FGAIBasePtr aircraft = aiManager ? aiManager->getObjectFromProperty(model) : NULL;
+ if (aircraft) {
+ FGAIAircraft* p = static_cast<FGAIAircraft*>(aircraft.get());
+ if (p->GetFlightPlan()) {
+ if (p->GetFlightPlan()->departureAirport()) {
+ originICAO = p->GetFlightPlan()->departureAirport()->ident();
+ }
+ if (p->GetFlightPlan()->arrivalAirport()) {
+ destinationICAO = p->GetFlightPlan()->arrivalAirport()->ident();
+ }
+ } // of flight-plan exists
+ } // of check for AIBase-derived instance
+ // draw callsign / altitude / speed
+ int altFt50 = static_cast<int>(pos.getElevationFt() / 50.0) * 50;
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ ss << model->getStringValue("callsign", "<>");
+ if (speedKts > 1) {
+ ss << "\n" << altFt50 << "' " << speedKts << "kts";
+ }
+ if (!originICAO.empty() || ! destinationICAO.empty()) {
+ ss << "\n" << originICAO << " -> " << destinationICAO;
+ }
+ legend = ss.str();
+ } else if ((name == "ship") || (name == "carrier") || (name == "escort")) {
+ boat = true;
+ speedKts = static_cast<int>(model->getDoubleValue("velocities/speed-kts"));
+ label = model->getStringValue("name", "<>");
+ char buffer[1024];
+ ::snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%s\n%dkts",
+ model->getStringValue("name", "<>"),
+ speedKts);
+ legend = buffer;
+ }