double FGSteam::the_STATIC_inhg = 29.92;
-double FGSteam::the_ALT_ft = 0.0;
+double FGSteam::the_ALT_ft = 0.0; // Indicated altitude
double FGSteam::get_ALT_ft() { _CatchUp(); return the_ALT_ft; }
+double FGSteam::the_ALT_datum_mb = 1013.0;
+double FGSteam::get_ALT_datum_mb() { return the_ALT_datum_mb; }
+void FGSteam::set_ALT_datum_mb ( double datum_mb ) {
+ the_ALT_datum_mb = datum_mb;
double FGSteam::get_ASI_kias() { return FGBFI::getAirspeed(); }
double FGSteam::the_VSI_case = 29.92;
isTied = true;
fgTie("/steam/airspeed", FGSteam::get_ASI_kias);
fgTie("/steam/altitude", FGSteam::get_ALT_ft);
+ fgTie("/steam/altimeter-datum-mb",
+ FGSteam::get_ALT_datum_mb, FGSteam::set_ALT_datum_mb,
+ false); /* don't modify the value */
fgTie("/steam/turn-rate", FGSteam::get_TC_std);
fgTie("/steam/slip-skid", FGSteam::get_TC_rad);
fgTie("/steam/vertical-speed", FGSteam::get_VSI_fps);
#undef DF2
+/* tc should be (elapsed_time_between_updates / desired_smoothing_time) */
void FGSteam::set_lowpass ( double *outthe, double inthe, double tc )
if ( tc < 0.0 )
} else
if ( tc < 0.2 )
- { /* Normal mode of operation */
+ { /* Normal mode of operation; fast approximation to exp(-tc) */
(*outthe) = (*outthe) * ( 1.0 - tc )
+ inthe * tc;
} else
+#define INHG_TO_MB 33.86388 /* Inches_of_mercury * INHG_TO_MB == millibars. */
+// Convert air pressure to altitude by ICAO Standard Atmosphere
+double pressInHgToAltFt(double p_inhg)
+ // Ref. Aviation Formulary, Ed Williams,
+ const double P_0 = 29.92126; // Std. MSL pressure, inHg. (=10135.25 mb)
+ const double p_Tr = 0.2233609 * P_0; // Pressure at tropopause, same units.
+ const double h_Tr = 36089.24; // Alt of tropopause, ft. (=11.0 km)
+ // return (P_0 - p_inhg) * 1000.0; // ### crude approx. for low alt's
+ if (p_inhg > p_Tr) // 0.0 to 11.0 km
+ return (1.0 - pow((p_inhg / P_0), 1.0 / 5.2558797)) / 6.8755856e-6;
+ return h_Tr + log10(p_inhg / p_Tr) / -4.806346e-5; // 11.0 to 20.0 km
+ // We could put more code for higher altitudes here.
// Here the fun really begins
the_ENGINE_rpm = controls.get_throttle(0) * 26.0;
- /**************************
- This is just temporary, until the static source works,
- so we just filter the actual value by one second to
- account for the line impedance of the plumbing.
- */
- set_lowpass ( & the_ALT_ft, FGBFI::getAltitude(), dt );
First, we need to know what the static line is reporting,
which is a whole simulation area in itself. For now, we cheat.
+ We filter the actual value by one second to
+ account for the line impedance of the plumbing.
- the_STATIC_inhg = 29.92;
- i = (int) the_ALT_ft;
+ double static_inhg = 29.92;
+ i = (int) FGBFI::getAltitude();
while ( i > 9000 )
- { the_STATIC_inhg *= 0.707;
+ { static_inhg *= 0.707;
i -= 9000;
- the_STATIC_inhg *= ( 1.0 - 0.293 * i / 9000.0 );
+ static_inhg *= ( 1.0 - 0.293 * i / 9000.0 );
+ set_lowpass ( & the_STATIC_inhg, static_inhg, dt );
NO alternate static source error (student feature),
NO slip-induced error, important for C172 for example.
+ /**************************
+ Altimeter.
+ ICAO standard atmosphere MSL pressure is 1013.25 mb, and pressure
+ gradient is about 28 ft per mb at MSL increasing to about 32 at
+ 5000 and 38 at 10000 ft.
+ Standard altimeters apply the subscale offset to the output altitude,
+ not to the input pressure; I don't know exactly what pressure gradient
+ they assume for this. I choose to make it accurate at low altitudes.
+ Remember, we are trying to simulate a real altimeter, not an ideal one.
+ */
+ set_lowpass ( & the_ALT_ft,
+ pressInHgToAltFt(the_STATIC_inhg) +
+ (the_ALT_datum_mb - 1013.25) * 28.0, /* accurate at low alt. */
+ dt * 10 ); /* smoothing time 0.1 s */
The VSI case is a low-pass filter of the static line pressure.
The instrument reports the difference, scaled to approx ft.