--- /dev/null
+A very special thanks is due to the following people and groups.
+Note, as hard as I've tried, I've found it impossible to perfectly
+maintain this file. If you are aware of someone who you think might
+be included here, PLEASE let me know. Projects like this are made
+possible only by the help and hard work of others. I want to properly
+credit everyone who has contributed to this project.
+Steve Baker <sbaker@link.com>
+ Steve has provided an immense amount of coaching and tutelage, both
+ on the subjects of flight simulation and OpenGL. It has been his
+ comments and thoughts that have prompted the implementation of most
+ of the more sophisticated features of Flight Gear.
+Gene Buckle <geneb@nwlink.com>
+ Gene has done a lot of work getting FG to compile with the MSVC++
+ compiler. Also, he has pushed, proded, and bugged me endlessly to
+ do my stuff right. (I mean that in a good way, because sometimes
+ when the little nudge in the right direction isn't working, I need
+ a good hard shove.) :-)
+Michael I. Gold <gold@puck.asd.sgi.com> -- Patiently answered my endless
+ "newbie" OpenGL questions. His effort alone has made me a great SGI
+ fan.
+Bruce Jackson <e.b.jackson@larc.nasa.gov>
+ http://agcbwww.larc.nasa.gov/People/ebj.html -- Developed the
+ LaRCsim code which we use to provide the flight model. Also
+ patiently answered my many, many questions.
+Reto Koradi <kor@mol.biol.ethz.ch> http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/~kor
+ Helped me get on track with setting up fog effects.
+Eric Mitchell <mitchell@mars.ark.com>
+ Contributed some topnotch scenery textures.
+Jonathan R Shewchuk <Jonathan_R_Shewchuk@ux4.sp.cs.cmu.edu>
+ Author of the Triangle program. Triangle is used to calculate the
+ Delauney triangulation of our irregular terrain.
+U.S. Geological Survey - http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/ndcdb.html
+ Provided geographic data used by this project
+Robert Allan Zeh <raz@cmg.FCNBD.COM>
+ Helped me tremendously in figuring out the Cygnus win32 compiler and
+ how to link with .dll's. With out him the first runable win32
+ version of FG would have been impossible.