--- /dev/null
+% `SceneryGeneration.tex' -- describes the scenery generation tool pipeline
+% Written by Curtis Olson. Started February, 1999. curt@flightgear.org
+% $Id$
+ Flight Gear Scenery Generation Tools.
+ Curtis L. Olson\\
+ (\texttt{curt@flightgear.org})
+This document gives a brief overview of the Flight Gear scenery
+generation tools and how they fit together in a pipeline to produce
+the runtime scenery from the raw data.
+The first sections describe how the Flight Gear Earth is subdivided
+and the coordinate systems that Flight Gear uses internally. The
+remaining sections describe the tools that take diverse data sources
+and produce the actual scenery.
+\section{Internal Scenery Representation}
+This section describes how FG represents, manipulates, and
+transforms scenery internally.
+Internal, all FG scenery is defined using a cartesian coordinate
+system centered at the center of the earth. Please refer to the
+Flight Gear CoordinateSystem document for more information. This
+means that one of the scenery tools processing steps will be to
+convert from the source data coordinate system to the internal Flight
+Gear coordinate system.
+\subsection{Scenery Partitioning}
+Flight Gear splits the world up into tiles. This splits up the
+immense scenery data base into chunks that are managable by the run
+time simulator.
+Tile edges are parallel to longitude and latitude lines. Tiles are
+gauranteed to be at least 8 miles long in both width and height. As
+we move towards the poles, the tiles get narrower, so at certain
+predefined latitudes, the tile with is doubled. Figure \ref{fig:lats}
+shows latitudes vs. tile widths. The southern hemisphere is a mirror
+image of the northern hemisphere.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{||l|l||} \hline
+ Latitude Range & Tile Width \\ \hline
+ $[0, 22)$ & $\frac{1}{8}$ degree \\ \hline
+ $[22, 62)$ & $\frac{1}{4}$ degree \\ \hline
+ $[62, 76)$ & $\frac{1}{2}$ degree \\ \hline
+ $[76, 83)$ & $1$ degree \\ \hline
+ $[83, 86)$ & $2$ degrees \\ \hline
+ $[86, 88)$ & $4$ degrees \\ \hline
+ $[88, 89)$ & $8$ degrees \\ \hline
+ $[89, 90]$ & polar cap \\ \hline
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{Latitude vs. Tile Widths.}
+ \label{fig:lats}
+Since Flight Gear tiles are partitioned parallel to longitude and
+latitude lines, they have a trapezium shape. Figure \ref{fig:trap}
+shows an exaggerated scenery area.
+ \centerline{
+ \psfig{file=trap.eps}
+ }
+ \caption{Basic Tile Shape}
+ \label{fig:trap}
+\subsection{Reference Points}
+Each scenery area will have a reference point at the center of its
+area. This reference point (for purposes of avoiding floating point
+precision problems) defines the origin of a local coordinate system
+which. The local coordinate system is simply translated from the
+global coordinate system by the distance of the tile's center
+reference point from the center of the earth. Figure
+\ref{fig:reference} demonstrates this better than I can explain it.
+ \centerline{
+ \psfig{file=ref.eps}
+ }
+ \caption{Reference Points and Translations}
+ \label{fig:reference}
+All the objects for a specific scenery area will be defined based on
+this local coordinate system. For each scenery area we define a
+vector $\vec{\mathbf{a}}$ which represents the distance from the
+center of the earth to the local coordinate system.
+\subsection{Putting the pieces of scenery together}
+To render a scene, the scenery manager will need to load all the
+visible tiles. Before rendering each tile we translate it by
+$\vec{\mathbf{a}}_{current} - \vec{\mathbf{a}}_{n}$. This moves all
+the rendered tiles near to the origin, while maintaining the relative
+positions and orientations. The of moving all the tiles near the
+origin before rendering them is to try to reduce floating point round
+off problems.
+When rendering, it is straightforward to calculate the proper view
+point and up vector so that the scenery will appear right side up when
+it is rendered.
+\subsection{Scenery file format}
+Here is a very brief overview of the flight gear scenery file format.
+Some of this format will have to change in the future, so I won't put
+a lot of effort here right now. This description will be most
+understandable if you reference an actual scenery tile file. If you
+have questions, please ask!
+\item Coordinates are in (X, Y, Z) with (0, 0, 0) being the center of
+ the earth. Units are in meters.
+\item ``gbs'' is the ``global bounding sphere'' specified by the
+ center reference point and a radius.
+\item This is followed by a list of vertices prefaced by ``v''
+ specifying the offsets of the vertices from the gbs reference point.
+\item Then follows the list of vertex normals ``vn''.
+\item Then the sets of triangle strips are specifed:
+\item ``usemtl'' points to a material property record in the materials
+ file and specifies the texture/color/etc. for this triangle strip.
+\item ``bs'' specifies the bounding sphere for this particular tri
+ strip (for view frustum culling)
+\item ``t'' is the start of a tri strip and the integer numbers are
+ just indices back into the vertex and vertex normal lists.
+\item ``q'' is simply a continuation of the triangle strip.
+I will eventually need to add texture coordinate support to this file
+format, as well as a way to reference and position objects from an
+external library.
+\section{Scenery Generation}
+This section is very fluid right now. I have implemented a first pass
+at generating scenery. This was a good learning experience, but it
+exposed several flaws and limitations in my original approach. I am
+in the midst of a complete overhaul of these tools which is intended
+to address all the short comings of my first attempt. At this point I
+am simply outlining the plan. Much of this could change as my plan
+continues to smack up against reality.
+With that in mind, the scenery generation tools can be subdivided into
+four major categories.
+\item Libraries which provide basic functionality used by the terrain
+ tools.
+\item Preprocessing tools which convert data from it's original format
+ (as downloaded from the net) to something that is easier for the
+ scenery tools to process.
+\item Scenery generation tools which assemble and massage the
+ resulting input data into the Flight Gear scenery format.
+\item Miscellaneous utilities
+GPC is the ``Generic Polygon Clipper'' library. It is available from
+Please be aware that the licensing terms for the gpc library clash
+with the GPL and prevent the source code from being redistributed with
+any GPL program. Therefore any developers interested in building the
+scenery tools will have to fetch and install this library individually
+on their own systems.
+GFC is the ``Geographic Foundation Classes'' library. It is available
+This library allows programs to process GIS shapefiles and extract out
+the lon/lat coordinates of the GIS structures.
+This is a library of routines distributed as part of Flight Gear.
+This library has routines to parse the 3 arcsec DEM file format,
+approximate the regular grid of height data, with an irregular grid,
+and interpolate the elevation of any arbitrary point inside the grid.
+An irregular grid can often represent the same level detail as a
+regular grid with 4-6x fewer polygons. This is very desirable in a
+flight sim where both detail and rendering speed is very important.
+Another feature of an irregular grid is that it carries fewer
+artifacts that could provide negative training value to pilots. For
+instance a regular grid could give a pilot non-realistic cues for
+determining north/south/east/west.
+Triangle can be built as a standalone binary, or as a library. For
+our uses I am choosing to build it as a library. This library
+impliments the delauney triangulation algorithm. It takes a set of
+unorder points and finds the optimal triangulation of these points.
+For our use we feed in a set of unordered height values and the
+triangle library will output a set of triangles that can be rendered
+as terrain.
+The triangle library does a few more things that are useful. It will
+subdivide triangles to ensure that they never get too long and
+skinny. It will also let you set up boundaries and holes within the
+triangulation area.
+\subsection{Preprocessing tools}
+This tools inputs an ascii specification of the airports of the world
+that looks like the following:
+KORD Chicago O Hare International
+ -087.917774 41.976778 13000 200 140 155154 14 R 668
+ -087.902380 41.969040 10141 150 90 154154 09 R 668
+ -087.903546 41.991918 10003 150 140 155154 14 L 668
+ -087.889594 41.961618 8071 150 41 154154 04 R 668
+ -087.903705 41.983954 7967 150 90 154154 09 L 668
+ -087.905138 41.989606 7500 150 39 142144 04 L 668
+ -087.900410 41.990086 5341 150 180 131131 18 x 668
+For each airport, a bounding polygon is generated, and written as a
+clipping record for each intersecting tile in the scenery construction
+area. The actual airport will belong to the tile containing it's
+center point, but the airport will need to be clipped out of the base
+terrain from any tiles it might spill over into.
+The ShapeFile tool will take the polygons from shapefiles (via GFC),
+clip them to the appropriate tile boundares (via GPC) and write the
+resulting polygons to the appropriate tile in the scenery work space.
+This tool will input the 30 arcsec raw DEM format, split it up into 1
+x 1 degree sections, and output the result into the 3 arcsec format so
+it can be fed through the scenery pipeline.
+This tool takes the raw DEM files and calls routines from libDEM.a to
+create the irregular grid approximation of the original data. The
+elevation data is writen to the to the appropriate tile in the scenery
+work space.
+\subsection{Scenery generation tools}
+Combining height data, polygon data.
+Triangulating / tri-stripping / tri-fanning.
+Matching vertices and normals along edges and at corners.
+Resolving conflicts in data:
+ overlapping polygon areas.
+ conflicting height data between airports and DEM data
+Here's the basic process to create scenery:
+Dump the raw data into the appropriate tile areas in the work space.
+This includes height data (DEM, airport) and polygon data (airport,
+hydro-data, land use data, etc.)
+For each tile, run the generic clipper on each polygon in order from
+highest to lowest incrementally building an accumulation ``super''
+polygon that comprises a union of all polygons we've processed so far
+for this tile. For each polygon first clip against this
+super-accumlation-polygon. What's left after the clip is the new
+shape of the polygon. This is the scheme for eliminating overlapping
+features on a priority basis.
+For each polygon on a tile we must determine a point inside. We need
+this for the triangulation step.
+For each polygon, triangulate all the height fields in the tile.
+Using the triangle library we can feed in all the polygon outlines
+with the corresponding interior points. We can tell the triangulator
+to start at every point except for the one we are working on and eat
+away all the triangles until a polygon border is encountered. This
+leaves us with the triangulation of each polygon.
+Now we have a pile of height data and the triangulation for each
+polygon. However, some of these hieght fields must be enforced
+(airports) and some of this can be adjusted (base terrain). We might
+also want to think about ensuring lakes are level, and rivers don't
+run up and down hills. Anyways, with a flurry of handwaving, we have
+adjusted all the heights.
+The next thing we have to worry about is making sure each tile meshes
+exactly with all it's neighbors. We do this by spliting the tile up
+into it's 4 edges, 4 corners, and the remaining vertices. We write
+these parts out as individual files if a neighboring tile hasn't been
+processed first. In other words, the first tile to be process gets to
+define the shared edge or corner. The neighbor must use this data if
+it exists. Then we have to reassemble the tile using any pre-existing
+edges from a neighbor tiles that were processed before us and
+retriangulate since our node list has changed. <whew>
+Unfortunately it's not quite this simple!
+We need to be careful, because we have to make sure we also preserve
+the polygon connections since lakes, rivers, and even airports often
+span multiple tiles.
+To do this I propose a scheme of assigning a unique integer id to each
+polygon. When writing out the shared edge/corner pieces I also
+associate this idea. So rather than disassembling, sharing, and
+reassembling whole tiles, we need to do this on a per-polygon basis.
+More handwaving and we are off to the next step.
+Now, we need to take our 3d, triangulated polygons and tri-fan or
+tri-strip them for rendering efficiency. We have been using a
+freeware tool called ``stripe'' but it's a typical CSci hack job where
+the author was more interested in demonstrating the theory, rather
+than demonstrating bug free, robust, well written code. Oh well. I
+think I will try to write a utility to combine triangles into fans.
+This will help culling (smaller, centralized objects == better
+culling) but will happen at the expense of more vertex
+transformations. I'm hoping this will result in a net gain. Finger
+crossed. :-)
+Finally, we need to take our 3d, fan-ified polygons and convert them
+to the FGFS scenery format and copy them from the work space directory
+tree into the final scenery directory tree.
+% \subsubsection{Areas}
+% \subsubsection{AssemTris}
+% \subsubsection{Clipper}
+% \subsubsection{FixNode}
+% \subsubsection{FixObj}
+% \subsubsection{SplitTris}
+% \subsubsection{Stripe\_w}
+% \subsubsection{Tri2obj}
+\subsection{Miscellaneous Utilities}
+Reads the ``A'' record from a 3 arcsec DEM file and dumps some
+pertinent information.
+Generates the width of a 1/8 x 1/8 degree tile at various latitudes.
+% $Log$
+% Revision 1.1 1999/02/15 00:38:46 curt
+% Initial revision.