+#include <Math/point3d.hxx>
#include <Triangulate/triangle.hxx>
+typedef vector < Point3D > wgs84_node_list;
+typedef wgs84_node_list::iterator wgs84_node_list_iterator;
+typedef wgs84_node_list::const_iterator const_wgs84_node_list_iterator;
+typedef vector < Point3D > normal_list;
+typedef normal_list::iterator normal_list_iterator;
+typedef normal_list::const_iterator const_normal_list_iterator;
+class FGGenOutput {
+ wgs84_node_list wgs84_nodes;
+ normal_list normals;
// generate the flight gear format from the triangulation
int fgGenOutput( const FGTriangle& t );
// $Log$
+// Revision 1.2 1999/03/23 17:44:49 curt
+// Beginning work on generating output scenery.
// Revision 1.1 1999/03/22 23:51:51 curt
// Initial revision.