-You *must* have the plib library installed on your system to build
-the FGFS simulator!"
+You *must* have the plib version 1.0.19 or later installed on your system
+to build the FGFS simulator!"
You can get the library from:
+Oliver Delise <delise@rp-plus.de>
+ FAQ Maintainer.
+ Working on adding some networking / multi-user support.
Jean-Francois Doue
Vector 2D, 3D, 4D and Matrix 3D and 4D inlined C++ classes. (Based on
Graphics Gems IV ed. Paul S. Heckbert)
flight model. Bruce has patiently answered my many, many questions.
-Oliver Delise <delise@rp-plus.de>
- FAQ Maintainer.
- Working on adding some networking / multi-user support.
+Richard Kaszeta <bofh@me.umn.edu>
+ Contributed screen buffer to ppm screen shot routine.
Tom Knienieder <knienieder@ms.netwing.at>
position in sky. Moon has correct phase and blends well into the
sky. Planets are correctly positioned and have proper magnitude.
Help with time functions, gui, and other misc stuff.
+ 2D Cloud layers (nifty).
Mark Vallevand <Mark.Vallevand@UNISYS.com>
Many performance optimizations throughout the code. Many contributions
and much advice for the scenery generation section. Lots of windoze
related contributions.
+ Contributed wgs84 distance and course routines.
+ Contributed a great circle route autopilot mode based on wgs84 routines.
+ Many other GUI, HUD, and autopilot contributions.
Roland Voegtli <webmaster@sanw.unibe.ch>