$s .= '</span>';
$s .= '<div id="nsfw-wrapper">';
- $s .= '<p>' . t ('This addon looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter.') . '</p>';
+ $s .= '<p>' . L10n::t('This addon looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter.') . '</p>';
$s .= '<label id="nsfw-enable-label" for="nsfw-enable">' . L10n::t('Enable Content filter') . ' </label>';
$s .= '<input id="nsfw-enable" type="checkbox" name="nsfw-enable" value="1"' . $enable_checked . ' />';
$s .= '<div class="clear"></div>';