10. Open file D:\FGFSDevel\SimGear\simgear\version.h.in and change @VERSION@ into "2.0.0" or any current version
11. Save file as version.h in the same directory
12. Start build (usually F7)
- 13. Wait...
- 14. Enjoy - programs are in D:\FGFSDevel\FlightGear\projects\VC90\Win32\Release
+ 13. Get the data from Gitorious too : git clone git://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata.git fgdata
+ 14. Wait...
+ 15. Add <any_directory_on_any_drive>/install/msvc90/OpenSceneGraph/bin and <any_directory_on_any_drive>/3rdParty/bin to your PATH environment variable
+ 16. Enjoy - programs are in D:\FGFSDevel\FlightGear\projects\VC90\Win32\Release
It is also possible to compile a Debug version. This is only useful when hacking the code because
a Debug version is way slower than the Release one.
+The 64bit build is only available to people having the Professional edition of Visual Studio 2008. In that case, 14. above should be :
+ 14. Add <any_directory_on_any_drive>/install/msvc90-64/OpenSceneGraph/bin and <any_directory_on_any_drive>/3rdParty.x64/bin to your PATH environment variable
When the manual build works, it is possible to start it from the command line. This is useful
when setting up a build server or automating the process of retrieving the code and building
it in a scheduled task. To do that :