Changed _set_Accels_Pilot_Body to use FGAuxiliary::GetNpilot instead
of FGAuxiliary::GetPilotAccel. It looks like a similar change was
started but never finished, and there are artifacts still lingering.
With this change, the slip/skid ball now works reasonably on the C172
when in motion, but not at rest (that will have to wait for fixes to
the gear code).
Aircraft->GetNcg()(3) );
- _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(1),
- Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(2),
- Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(3) );
+ _set_Accels_Pilot_Body( Auxiliary->GetNpilot()(1),
+ Auxiliary->GetNpilot()(2),
+ Auxiliary->GetNpilot()(3) );
// _set_Accels_Pilot_Body_N( Auxiliary->GetPilotAccel()(1)/32.1739,
// Auxiliary->GetNpilot(2)/32.1739,