if not isinstance(string, str):
raise ValueError(f"Parameter string[]='{type(string)}' is not of type 'str'")
+ elif string == "":
+ raise ValueError("Parameter string is empty")
# All lower-case and strip spaces out + last dot
string = string.lower().strip().rstrip(".")
logger.debug("Found rows()=%d", len(rows))
for line in rows:
logger.debug("line='%s'", line)
- blocked = tidyup.domain(line.find_all("td")[0].text)
+ blocked = line.find_all("td")[0].text
+ logger.debug("blocked='%s'", blocked)
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked) if blocked != "" else None
reason = tidyup.reason(line.find_all("td")[1].text)
- logger.debug("blocked='%s',reason='%s'", blocked, reason)
+ logger.debug("blocked='%s',reason='%s' - AFTER!", blocked, reason)
- if blocked == "":
- logger.debug("line[]='%s' returned empty blocked domain - SKIPPED!", type(line))
+ if blocked is None:
+ logger.warning("blocked is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked == "":
+ logger.warning("line[]='%s' returned empty blocked domain - SKIPPED!", type(line))
elif not domain_helper.is_wanted(blocked):
logger.debug("blocked='%s' is not wanted - SKIPPED!", blocked)
logger.debug("Appending blocked='%s',reason='%s'", blocked, reason)
"blocker" : domain,
- "blocked" : tidyup.domain(blocked),
- "reason" : tidyup.reason(reason),
+ "blocked" : blocked,
+ "reason" : reason,
"block_level": "reject",
logger.debug("Found %d blocked instance(s) ...", len(blocking))
for tag in blocking:
logger.debug("tag[]='%s'", type(tag))
- blocked = tidyup.domain(tag.contents[0])
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(tag.contents[0]) if tag.contents[0] != "" else None
logger.debug("blocked='%s'", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
+ if blocked is None:
+ logger.warning("blocked is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked == "":
logger.warning("blocked='%s' is empty after tidyup.domain() - SKIPPED!", tag.contents[0])
elif not domain_helper.is_wanted(blocked):
for tag in rows:
logger.debug("tag[]='%s'", type(tag))
text = tag.contents[0] if isinstance(tag.contents[0], str) else tag.contents[0].text
- peer = tidyup.domain(text)
- logger.debug("peer='%s'", peer)
+ logger.debug("text='%s' - BEFORE!", text)
+ peer = tidyup.domain(text) if text != "" else None
+ logger.debug("peer='%s' - AFTER", peer)
- if peer == "":
- logger.debug("peer is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ if peer is None:
+ logger.warning("peer is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif peer == "":
+ logger.warning("peer is an empty string, text='%s' - SKIPPED!", text)
elif not domain_helper.is_wanted(peer):
logger.debug("peer='%s' is not wanted - SKIPPED!", peer)
peer = tidyup.domain(row["domain"])
logger.debug("peer='%s' - AFTER!", peer)
- if peer == "":
- logger.debug("peer is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ if peer is None:
+ logger.warning("peer is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif peer == "":
+ logger.warning("peer is an empty string, row[domain]='%s' - SKIPPED!", row["domain"])
elif not domain_helper.is_wanted(peer):
logger.debug("peer='%s' is not wanted - SKIPPED!", peer)
if header_text in blocklist or header_text.lower() in blocklist:
# replaced find_next_siblings with find_all_next to account for instances that e.g. hide lists in dropdown menu
for line in header.find_all_next("table")[0].find_all("tr")[1:]:
+ domain = line.find("span").text
+ hash = line.find("span")["title"][9:]
+ reason = line.find_all("td")[1].text
+ logger.debug("domain='%s',reason='%s' - BEFORE!", domain, reason)
+ domain = tidyup.domain(domain) if domain != "" else None
+ reason = tidyup.reason(reason) if reason != "" else None
+ logger.debug("domain='%s',reason='%s' - AFTER!", domain, reason)
+ if domain is None:
+ logger.warning("domain is empty,line='%s' - SKIPPED!", line)
+ continue
+ elif domain == "":
+ logger.warning("domain is an empty string,line='%s' - SKIPPED!", line)
+ continue
+ logger.debug("Appending domain='%s',hash='%s',reason='%s' to blocklist header_text='%s' ...", domain, hash, reason, blocklist)
- "domain": tidyup.domain(line.find("span").text),
- "hash" : tidyup.domain(line.find("span")["title"][9:]),
- "reason": tidyup.reason(line.find_all("td")[1].text),
+ "domain": domain,
+ "hash" : hash,
+ "reason": reason,
logger.warning("header_text='%s' not found in blocklist()=%d", header_text, len(blocklist))
logger.debug("block[]='%s' is of type 'dict' - SKIPPED!", type(block))
elif "domain" not in block:
+ logger.debug("block='%s'", block)
logger.warning("block()=%d does not contain element 'domain' - SKIPPED!", len(block))
elif not domain_helper.is_wanted(block["domain"]):
logger.debug("block_level='%s', blocklist()=%d", block_level, len(blocklist))
- block_level = tidyup.domain(block_level)
+ block_level = tidyup.domain(block_level) if block_level != "" else None
logger.debug("block_level='%s' - AFTER!", block_level)
if block_level == "":
if len(blocklist) > 0:
for blocked in blocklist:
logger.debug("blocked='%s' - BEFORE!", blocked)
- blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked)
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked) if blocked != "" else None
logger.debug("blocked='%s' - AFTER!", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
- logger.warning("blocked is empty after tidyup.domain(): domain='%s',block_level='%s' - SKIPPED!", domain, block_level)
+ if blocked is None:
+ logger.warning("blocked is empty - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked == "":
+ logger.warning("blocked is an empty string after tidyup.domain(): domain='%s',block_level='%s' - SKIPPED!", domain, block_level)
logger.debug("Invoking utils.deobfuscate(%s, %s) ...", blocked, domain)
for blocked in data["quarantined_instances"]:
logger.debug("blocked='%s' - BEFORE!", blocked)
- blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked)
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked) if blocked != "" else None
logger.debug("blocked='%s' - AFTER!", blocked)
if blocked == "":
logger.debug("block_level='%s', info.items()=%d", block_level, len(info.items()))
- block_level = tidyup.domain(block_level)
+ block_level = tidyup.domain(block_level) if block_level != "" else None
logger.debug("block_level='%s' - AFTER!", block_level)
if block_level == "":
logger.debug("Checking %d entries from domain='%s',block_level='%s' ...", len(info.items()), domain, block_level)
for blocked, reason in info.items():
logger.debug("blocked='%s',reason[%s]='%s' - BEFORE!", blocked, type(reason), reason)
- blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked)
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked) if blocked != "" else None
logger.debug("blocked='%s' - AFTER!", blocked)
if isinstance(reason, str):
for blocked in rows:
logger.debug("blocked='%s' - BEFORE!", blocked)
reason = tidyup.reason(rows[blocked]["reason"])
- blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked)
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked) if blocked != "" else None
logger.debug("blocked='%s',reason='%s' - AFTER!", blocked, reason)
if blocked not in rows or "reason" not in rows[blocked]:
logger.debug("Found block_level='%s', importing domain blocks ...", block_level)
for line in header.find_next("table").find_all("tr")[1:]:
logger.debug("line[]='%s'", type(line))
- blocked = tidyup.domain(line.find_all("td")[0].text)
+ blocked = line.find_all("td")[0].text
+ logger.debug("blocked='%s'", blocked)
+ blocked = tidyup.domain(blocked) if blocked != "" else None
reason = tidyup.reason(line.find_all("td")[1].text)
+ logger.debig("blocked='%s',reason='%s' - AFTER!", blocked, reason)
if blocked is None or blocked == "":
logger.debug("domain='%s',block_level='%s': blocked is empty - SKIPPED!", domain, block_level)