#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
+#include <osg/AlphaFunc>
+#include <osg/BlendFunc>
#include <osg/CullFace>
#include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osg/Material>
+#include <osg/Math>
#include <osg/PolygonMode>
#include <osg/Program>
#include <osg/Referenced>
const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options)
const SGPropertyNode* realProp = getEffectPropertyNode(effect, prop);
- if (!realProp)
+ if (!realProp) {
+ pass->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, StateAttribute::OFF);
+ }
StateAttributeFactory *attrFact = StateAttributeFactory::instance();
string propVal = realProp->getStringValue();
if (propVal == "front")
else if (propVal == "front-back")
pass->setAttributeAndModes(new CullFace(CullFace::FRONT_AND_BACK));
+ else if (propVal == "off")
+ pass->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, StateAttribute::OFF);
"invalid cull face property " << propVal);
InstallAttributeBuilder<MaterialBuilder> installMaterial("material");
+EffectNameValue<BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode> blendFuncModesInit[] =
+ {"dst-alpha", BlendFunc::DST_ALPHA},
+ {"dst-color", BlendFunc::DST_COLOR},
+ {"one", BlendFunc::ONE},
+ {"one-minus-dst-alpha", BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA},
+ {"one-minus-dst-color", BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR},
+ {"one-minus-src-alpha", BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA},
+ {"one-minus-src-color", BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR},
+ {"src-alpha", BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA},
+ {"src-alpha-saturate", BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE},
+ {"src-color", BlendFunc::SRC_COLOR},
+ {"constant-color", BlendFunc::CONSTANT_COLOR},
+ {"one-minus-constant-color", BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR},
+ {"constant-alpha", BlendFunc::CONSTANT_ALPHA},
+ {"one-minus-constant-alpha", BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA},
+ {"zero", BlendFunc::ZERO}
+EffectPropertyMap<BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode> blendFuncModes(blendFuncModesInit);
struct BlendBuilder : public PassAttributeBuilder
void buildAttribute(Effect* effect, Pass* pass, const SGPropertyNode* prop,
const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options)
+ // XXX Compatibility with early <blend> syntax; should go away
+ // before a release
const SGPropertyNode* realProp = getEffectPropertyNode(effect, prop);
if (!realProp)
- pass->setMode(GL_BLEND, (realProp->getBoolValue()
- ? StateAttribute::ON
- : StateAttribute::OFF));
+ if (realProp->nChildren() == 0) {
+ pass->setMode(GL_BLEND, (realProp->getBoolValue()
+ ? StateAttribute::ON
+ : StateAttribute::OFF));
+ return;
+ }
+ const SGPropertyNode* pmode = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop,
+ "mode");
+ // XXX When dynamic parameters are supported, this code should
+ // create the blend function even if the mode is off.
+ if (pmode && !pmode->getValue<bool>()) {
+ pass->setMode(GL_BLEND, StateAttribute::OFF);
+ return;
+ }
+ const SGPropertyNode* psource = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop,
+ "source");
+ const SGPropertyNode* pdestination
+ = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, "destination");
+ const SGPropertyNode* psourceRGB
+ = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, "source-rgb");
+ const SGPropertyNode* psourceAlpha
+ = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, "source-alpha");
+ const SGPropertyNode* pdestRGB
+ = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, "destination-rgb");
+ const SGPropertyNode* pdestAlpha
+ = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, "destination-alpha");
+ BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode sourceMode = BlendFunc::ONE;
+ BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode destMode = BlendFunc::ZERO;
+ if (psource)
+ findAttr(blendFuncModes, psource, sourceMode);
+ if (pdestination)
+ findAttr(blendFuncModes, pdestination, destMode);
+ if (psource && pdestination
+ && !(psourceRGB || psourceAlpha || pdestRGB || pdestAlpha)
+ && sourceMode == BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA
+ && destMode == BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) {
+ pass->setAttributeAndModes(StateAttributeFactory::instance()
+ ->getStandardBlendFunc());
+ return;
+ }
+ BlendFunc* blendFunc = new BlendFunc;
+ if (psource)
+ blendFunc->setSource(sourceMode);
+ if (pdestination)
+ blendFunc->setDestination(destMode);
+ if (psourceRGB) {
+ BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode sourceRGBMode;
+ findAttr(blendFuncModes, psourceRGB, sourceRGBMode);
+ blendFunc->setSourceRGB(sourceRGBMode);
+ }
+ if (pdestRGB) {
+ BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode destRGBMode;
+ findAttr(blendFuncModes, pdestRGB, destRGBMode);
+ blendFunc->setDestinationRGB(destRGBMode);
+ }
+ if (psourceAlpha) {
+ BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode sourceAlphaMode;
+ findAttr(blendFuncModes, psourceAlpha, sourceAlphaMode);
+ blendFunc->setSourceAlpha(sourceAlphaMode);
+ }
+ if (pdestAlpha) {
+ BlendFunc::BlendFuncMode destAlphaMode;
+ findAttr(blendFuncModes, pdestAlpha, destAlphaMode);
+ blendFunc->setDestinationAlpha(destAlphaMode);
+ }
+ pass->setAttributeAndModes(blendFunc);
InstallAttributeBuilder<BlendBuilder> installBlend("blend");
+EffectNameValue<AlphaFunc::ComparisonFunction> alphaComparisonInit[] =
+ {"never", AlphaFunc::NEVER},
+ {"less", AlphaFunc::LESS},
+ {"equal", AlphaFunc::EQUAL},
+ {"lequal", AlphaFunc::LEQUAL},
+ {"greater", AlphaFunc::GREATER},
+ {"notequal", AlphaFunc::NOTEQUAL},
+ {"gequal", AlphaFunc::GEQUAL},
+ {"always", AlphaFunc::ALWAYS}
struct AlphaTestBuilder : public PassAttributeBuilder
void buildAttribute(Effect* effect, Pass* pass, const SGPropertyNode* prop,
const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options)
+ // XXX Compatibility with early <alpha-test> syntax; should go away
+ // before a release
const SGPropertyNode* realProp = getEffectPropertyNode(effect, prop);
if (!realProp)
- pass->setMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST, (realProp->getBoolValue()
- ? StateAttribute::ON
- : StateAttribute::OFF));
+ if (realProp->nChildren() == 0) {
+ pass->setMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST, (realProp->getBoolValue()
+ ? StateAttribute::ON
+ : StateAttribute::OFF));
+ return;
+ }
+ const SGPropertyNode* pmode = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop,
+ "mode");
+ // XXX When dynamic parameters are supported, this code should
+ // create the blend function even if the mode is off.
+ if (pmode && !pmode->getValue<bool>()) {
+ pass->setMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST, StateAttribute::OFF);
+ return;
+ }
+ const SGPropertyNode* pComp = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop,
+ "comparison");
+ const SGPropertyNode* pRef = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop,
+ "reference");
+ AlphaFunc::ComparisonFunction func = AlphaFunc::ALWAYS;
+ float refValue = 1.0f;
+ if (pComp)
+ findAttr(alphaComparison, pComp, func);
+ if (pRef)
+ refValue = pRef->getValue<float>();
+ if (func == AlphaFunc::GREATER && osg::equivalent(refValue, 1.0f)) {
+ pass->setAttributeAndModes(StateAttributeFactory::instance()
+ ->getStandardAlphaFunc());
+ } else {
+ AlphaFunc* alphaFunc = new AlphaFunc;
+ alphaFunc->setFunction(func);
+ alphaFunc->setReferenceValue(refValue);
+ pass->setAttributeAndModes(alphaFunc);
+ }
+// Specifically for .ac files...
+bool makeParametersFromStateSet(SGPropertyNode* paramRoot, const StateSet* ss)
+ SGPropertyNode* matNode = paramRoot->getChild("material", 0, true);
+ Vec4f ambVal, difVal, specVal, emisVal;
+ float shininess = 0.0f;
+ const Material* mat
+ = static_cast<const Material*>(ss->getAttribute(StateAttribute
+ if (mat) {
+ ambVal = mat->getAmbient(Material::FRONT_AND_BACK);
+ difVal = mat->getDiffuse(Material::FRONT_AND_BACK);
+ specVal = mat->getSpecular(Material::FRONT_AND_BACK);
+ emisVal = mat->getEmission(Material::FRONT_AND_BACK);
+ shininess = mat->getShininess(Material::FRONT_AND_BACK);
+ }
+ matNode->getChild("ambient", 0, true)->setValue(toVec4d(toSG(ambVal)));
+ matNode->getChild("diffuse", 0, true)->setValue(toVec4d(toSG(difVal)));
+ matNode->getChild("specular", 0, true)->setValue(toVec4d(toSG(specVal)));
+ matNode->getChild("emissive", 0, true)->setValue(toVec4d(toSG(emisVal)));
+ matNode->getChild("shininess", 0, true)->setValue(shininess);
+ matNode->getChild("color-mode", 0, true)->setStringValue("diffuse");
+ const ShadeModel* sm
+ = static_cast<const ShadeModel*>(ss->getAttribute(StateAttribute
+ string shadeModelString("smooth");
+ if (sm) {
+ ShadeModel::Mode smMode = sm->getMode();
+ if (smMode == ShadeModel::FLAT)
+ shadeModelString = "flat";
+ }
+ paramRoot->getChild("shade-model", 0, true)
+ ->setStringValue(shadeModelString);
+ string cullFaceString("off");
+ const CullFace* cullFace
+ = static_cast<const CullFace*>(ss->getAttribute(StateAttribute
+ if (cullFace) {
+ switch (cullFace->getMode()) {
+ case CullFace::FRONT:
+ cullFaceString = "front";
+ break;
+ case CullFace::BACK:
+ cullFaceString = "back";
+ break;
+ case CullFace::FRONT_AND_BACK:
+ cullFaceString = "front-back";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ paramRoot->getChild("cull-face", 0, true)->setStringValue(cullFaceString);
// Walk the techniques property tree, building techniques and
// passes.
bool Effect::realizeTechniques(const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options)