namespace simgear {
+// Cull away tiles that we watch from downside
+struct ReaderWriterSPT::CullCallback : public osg::NodeCallback {
+ virtual ~CullCallback()
+ { }
+ virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
+ {
+ const osg::BoundingSphere& nodeBound = node->getBound();
+ // If the bounding sphere of the node is empty, there is nothing to do
+ if (!nodeBound.valid())
+ return;
+ // Culling away tiles that we look at from the downside.
+ // This is done by computing the maximum distance we can
+ // see something from the current eyepoint. If the sphere
+ // that is defined by this radius does no intersects the
+ // nodes sphere, then this tile is culled away.
+ // Computing this radius happens by two rectangular triangles:
+ // Let r be the view point. rmin is the minimum radius we find
+ // a ground surface we need to look above. rmax is the
+ // maximum object radius we expect any object.
+ //
+ // d1 d2
+ // x----x----x
+ // r\ rmin /rmax
+ // \ | /
+ // \ | /
+ // \|/
+ //
+ // The distance from the eyepoint to the point
+ // where the line of sight is perpandicular to
+ // the radius vector with minimal height is
+ // d1 = sqrt(r^2 - rmin^2).
+ // The distance from the point where the line of sight
+ // is perpandicular to the radius vector with minimal height
+ // to the highest possible object on earth with radius rmax is
+ // d2 = sqrt(rmax^2 - rmin^2).
+ // So the maximum distance we can see something on the earth
+ // from a viewpoint r is
+ // d = d1 + d2
+ // This is the equatorial earth radius minus 450m,
+ // little lower than Dead Sea.
+ float rmin = 6378137 - 450;
+ float rmin2 = rmin*rmin;
+ // This is the equatorial earth radius plus 9000m,
+ // little higher than Mount Everest.
+ float rmax = 6378137 + 9000;
+ float rmax2 = rmax*rmax;
+ // Check if we are looking from below any ground
+ osg::Vec3 viewPoint = nv->getViewPoint();
+ // blow the viewpoint up to a spherical earth with equatorial radius:
+ osg::Vec3 sphericViewPoint = viewPoint;
+ sphericViewPoint[2] *= 1.0033641;
+ float r2 = sphericViewPoint.length2();
+ if (r2 <= rmin2)
+ return;
+ // Due to this line of sight computation, the visible tiles
+ // are limited to be within a sphere with radius d1 + d2.
+ float d1 = sqrtf(r2 - rmin2);
+ float d2 = sqrtf(rmax2 - rmin2);
+ // Note that we again base the sphere around elliptic view point,
+ // but use the radius from the spherical computation.
+ if (!nodeBound.intersects(osg::BoundingSphere(viewPoint, d1 + d2)))
+ return;
+ traverse(node, nv);
+ }
supportsExtension("spt", "SimGear paged terrain meta database.");
SGSpheref sphere = bucketBox.getBoundingSphere();
+ pagedLOD->setCullCallback(new CullCallback);
osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> localOptions;
localOptions = static_cast<osgDB::Options*>(options->clone(osg::CopyOp()));