#include <Include/compiler.h>
-// # include <cmath>
-// # include <cstdlib> // atoi()
-// #else
-// # include <math.h>
-// # include <stdlib.h> // atoi()
-// #endif
#include STL_STRING
-// #include STL_IOSTREAM
-// #include <vector>
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
-// #include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
-// #include <Include/fg_constants.h>
#include <Include/fg_types.hxx>
#include <Main/options.hxx>
#include <Network/pve.hxx>
#include <Network/rul.hxx>
-// #include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
#include <Time/timestamp.hxx>
-static void send_fgfs_out( FGIOChannel *p ) {
-static void read_fgfs_in( FGIOChannel *p ) {
-// "RUL" output format (for some sort of motion platform)
-// The Baud rate is 2400 , one start bit, eight data bits, 1 stop bit,
-// no parity.
-// For position it requires a 3-byte data packet defined as follows:
-// First bite: ascII character "P" ( 0x50 or 80 decimal )
-// Second byte X pos. (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
-// Third byte Y pos.( 1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 359*
-// So sending 80 127 127 to the two axis motors will position on 180*
-// The RS- 232 port is a nine pin connector and the only pins used are
-// 3&5.
-static void send_rul_out( FGIOChannel *p ) {
-#if 0
- char rul[256];
- FGInterface *f;
- FGTime *t;
- f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
- t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
- // run as often as possibleonce per second
- // this runs once per second
- // if ( p->last_time == t->get_cur_time() ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // p->last_time = t->get_cur_time();
- // if ( t->get_cur_time() % 2 != 0 ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // get roll and pitch, convert to degrees
- double roll_deg = f->get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( roll_deg < -180.0 ) {
- roll_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( roll_deg > 180.0 ) {
- roll_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- double pitch_deg = f->get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( pitch_deg < -180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( pitch_deg > 180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- // scale roll and pitch to output format (1 - 255)
- // straight && level == (128, 128)
- int roll = (int)( (roll_deg+180.0) * 255.0 / 360.0) + 1;
- int pitch = (int)( (pitch_deg+180.0) * 255.0 / 360.0) + 1;
- sprintf( rul, "p%c%c\n", roll, pitch);
- FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "p " << roll << " " << pitch );
- string rul_sentence = rul;
- p->port.write_port(rul_sentence);
-// "PVE" (ProVision Entertainment) output format (for some sort of
-// motion platform)
-// Outputs a 5-byte data packet defined as follows:
-// First bite: ASCII character "P" ( 0x50 or 80 decimal )
-// Second byte: "roll" value (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
-// Third byte: "pitch" value (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
-// Fourth byte: "heave" value (or vertical acceleration?)
-// So sending 80 127 127 to the two axis motors will position on 180*
-// The RS- 232 port is a nine pin connector and the only pins used are
-// 3&5.
-static void send_pve_out( FGIOChannel *p ) {
-#if 0
- char pve[256];
- FGInterface *f;
- FGTime *t;
- f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
- t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
- // run as often as possibleonce per second
- // this runs once per second
- // if ( p->last_time == t->get_cur_time() ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // p->last_time = t->get_cur_time();
- // if ( t->get_cur_time() % 2 != 0 ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // get roll and pitch, convert to degrees
- double roll_deg = f->get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( roll_deg <= -180.0 ) {
- roll_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( roll_deg > 180.0 ) {
- roll_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- double pitch_deg = f->get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( pitch_deg <= -180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( pitch_deg > 180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- short int heave = (int)(f->get_W_body() * 128.0);
- // scale roll and pitch to output format (1 - 255)
- // straight && level == (128, 128)
- short int roll = (int)(roll_deg * 32768 / 180.0);
- short int pitch = (int)(pitch_deg * 32768 / 180.0);
- unsigned char roll_b1, roll_b2, pitch_b1, pitch_b2, heave_b1, heave_b2;
- roll_b1 = roll >> 8;
- roll_b2 = roll & 0x00ff;
- pitch_b1 = pitch >> 8;
- pitch_b2 = pitch & 0x00ff;
- heave_b1 = heave >> 8;
- heave_b2 = heave & 0x00ff;
- sprintf( pve, "p%c%c%c%c%c%c\n",
- roll_b1, roll_b2, pitch_b1, pitch_b2, heave_b1, heave_b2 );
- // printf( "p [ %u %u ] [ %u %u ] [ %u %u ]\n",
- // roll_b1, roll_b2, pitch_b1, pitch_b2, heave_b1, heave_b2 );
- FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "roll=" << roll << " pitch=" << pitch <<
- " heave=" << heave );
- string pve_sentence = pve;
- p->port.write_port(pve_sentence);
-// one more level of indirection ...
-static void process_port( FGIOChannel *p ) {
-#if 0
- if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_NMEA_OUT ) {
- send_nmea_out(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_NMEA_IN ) {
- read_nmea_in(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_GARMIN_OUT ) {
- send_garmin_out(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_GARMIN_IN ) {
- read_garmin_in(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_FGFS_OUT ) {
- send_fgfs_out(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_FGFS_IN ) {
- read_fgfs_in(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_RUL_OUT ) {
- send_rul_out(p);
- } else if ( p->kind == fgIOCHANNEL::FG_SERIAL_PVE_OUT ) {
- send_pve_out(p);
- }
// process any serial port work
void fgIOProcess() {
FGProtocol *p;
#include "Include/compiler.h"
-// #include <string>
-// # include <ctime>
-// #else
-// # include <time.h>
-// #endif
#include <Network/iochannel.hxx>
#include <Include/compiler.h>
-// # include <cmath>
-// # include <cstdlib> // atoi()
-// #else
-// # include <math.h>
-// # include <stdlib.h> // atoi()
-// #endif
#include STL_STRING
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Serial/serial.hxx>
#include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
-// #include "options.hxx"
#include "fg_serial.hxx"
-#if 0
-// "RUL" output format (for some sort of motion platform)
-// The Baud rate is 2400 , one start bit, eight data bits, 1 stop bit,
-// no parity.
-// For position it requires a 3-byte data packet defined as follows:
-// First bite: ascII character "P" ( 0x50 or 80 decimal )
-// Second byte X pos. (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
-// Third byte Y pos.( 1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 359*
-// So sending 80 127 127 to the two axis motors will position on 180*
-// The RS- 232 port is a nine pin connector and the only pins used are
-// 3&5.
-static void send_rul_out( fgIOCHANNEL *p ) {
- char rul[256];
- FGInterface *f;
- FGTime *t;
- f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
- t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
- // run as often as possibleonce per second
- // this runs once per second
- // if ( p->last_time == t->get_cur_time() ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // p->last_time = t->get_cur_time();
- // if ( t->get_cur_time() % 2 != 0 ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // get roll and pitch, convert to degrees
- double roll_deg = f->get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( roll_deg < -180.0 ) {
- roll_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( roll_deg > 180.0 ) {
- roll_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- double pitch_deg = f->get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( pitch_deg < -180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( pitch_deg > 180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- // scale roll and pitch to output format (1 - 255)
- // straight && level == (128, 128)
- int roll = (int)( (roll_deg+180.0) * 255.0 / 360.0) + 1;
- int pitch = (int)( (pitch_deg+180.0) * 255.0 / 360.0) + 1;
- sprintf( rul, "p%c%c\n", roll, pitch);
- FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "p " << roll << " " << pitch );
- string rul_sentence = rul;
- p->port.write_port(rul_sentence);
-// "PVE" (ProVision Entertainment) output format (for some sort of
-// motion platform)
-// Outputs a 5-byte data packet defined as follows:
-// First bite: ASCII character "P" ( 0x50 or 80 decimal )
-// Second byte: "roll" value (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
-// Third byte: "pitch" value (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
-// Fourth byte: "heave" value (or vertical acceleration?)
-// So sending 80 127 127 to the two axis motors will position on 180*
-// The RS- 232 port is a nine pin connector and the only pins used are
-// 3&5.
-static void send_pve_out( fgIOCHANNEL *p ) {
- char pve[256];
- FGInterface *f;
- FGTime *t;
- f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
- t = FGTime::cur_time_params;
- // run as often as possibleonce per second
- // this runs once per second
- // if ( p->last_time == t->get_cur_time() ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // p->last_time = t->get_cur_time();
- // if ( t->get_cur_time() % 2 != 0 ) {
- // return;
- // }
- // get roll and pitch, convert to degrees
- double roll_deg = f->get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( roll_deg <= -180.0 ) {
- roll_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( roll_deg > 180.0 ) {
- roll_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- double pitch_deg = f->get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG;
- while ( pitch_deg <= -180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg += 360.0;
- }
- while ( pitch_deg > 180.0 ) {
- pitch_deg -= 360.0;
- }
- short int heave = (int)(f->get_W_body() * 128.0);
- // scale roll and pitch to output format (1 - 255)
- // straight && level == (128, 128)
- short int roll = (int)(roll_deg * 32768 / 180.0);
- short int pitch = (int)(pitch_deg * 32768 / 180.0);
- unsigned char roll_b1, roll_b2, pitch_b1, pitch_b2, heave_b1, heave_b2;
- roll_b1 = roll >> 8;
- roll_b2 = roll & 0x00ff;
- pitch_b1 = pitch >> 8;
- pitch_b2 = pitch & 0x00ff;
- heave_b1 = heave >> 8;
- heave_b2 = heave & 0x00ff;
- sprintf( pve, "p%c%c%c%c%c%c\n",
- roll_b1, roll_b2, pitch_b1, pitch_b2, heave_b1, heave_b2 );
- // printf( "p [ %u %u ] [ %u %u ] [ %u %u ]\n",
- // roll_b1, roll_b2, pitch_b1, pitch_b2, heave_b1, heave_b2 );
- FG_LOG( FG_IO, FG_INFO, "roll=" << roll << " pitch=" << pitch <<
- " heave=" << heave );
- string pve_sentence = pve;
- p->port.write_port(pve_sentence);
// read data from port
bool FGSerial::read( char *buf, int *length ) {
// read a chunk
-// generate Garmin message
+// "PVE" (ProVision Entertainment) output format (for some sort of
+// motion platform)
+// Outputs a 5-byte data packet defined as follows:
+// First bite: ASCII character "P" ( 0x50 or 80 decimal )
+// Second byte: "roll" value (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
+// Third byte: "pitch" value (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
+// Fourth byte: "heave" value (or vertical acceleration?)
bool FGPVE::gen_message() {
// cout << "generating pve message" << endl;
FGInterface *f = cur_fdm_state;
-// generate Garmin message
+// "RUL" output format (for some sort of motion platform)
+// The Baud rate is 2400 , one start bit, eight data bits, 1 stop bit,
+// no parity.
+// For position it requires a 3-byte data packet defined as follows:
+// First bite: ascII character "P" ( 0x50 or 80 decimal )
+// Second byte X pos. (1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 being 359*
+// Third byte Y pos.( 1-255) 1 being 0* and 255 359*
+// So sending 80 127 127 to the two axis motors will position on 180*
+// The RS- 232 port is a nine pin connector and the only pins used are
+// 3&5.
bool FGRUL::gen_message() {
// cout << "generating rul message" << endl;
FGInterface *f = cur_fdm_state;