AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_MPLAYER_AS, test "x$with_multiplayer" != "xno")
-# Specify if we want to use WeatherCM instead of FGEnvironment.
-# default to with_weathercm=no
-AC_ARG_WITH(weathercm, [ --with-weathercm Use WeatherCM instead of FGEnvironment])
-if test "x$with_weathercm" = "xyes" ; then
- echo "Building with WeatherCM"
- [Define to build with Christian Mayer's weather code])
- echo "Building with FGEnvironment"
-AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_WEATHERCM, test "x$with_weathercm" = "xyes")
dnl Thread related checks
AC_ARG_WITH(threads, [ --with-threads Include tile loading threads [default=no]])
if test "x$with_threads" = "xyes"; then
src/Sound/Makefile \
src/Systems/Makefile \
src/Time/Makefile \
- src/WeatherCM/Makefile \
tests/Makefile \
utils/Makefile \
utils/TerraSync/Makefile \
echo -n "Automake version: "
automake --version | head -1
-if test "x$with_weathercm" != "x"; then
- echo "WeatherCM instead of FGEnvironment: $with_weathercm"
- echo "Using FGEnvironment"
if test "x$with_multiplayer" != "xno"; then
echo "Building with multiplayer support"
# include <dirent.h> // for directory reading
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
-# include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
-# include <Environment/environment.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
#include "AIMgr.hxx"
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
// Check that the visibility is OK for IFR operation.
double visibility;
- //sgVec3 position = {, aptpos.lon(), aptpos.elev() };
- //FGPhysicalProperty stationweather = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
- #else
FGEnvironment stationweather =
((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment"))
->getEnvironment(, aptpos.lon(), aptpos.elev()); // TODO - check whether this should take ft or m for elev.
- #endif
- visibility = fgGetDouble("/environment/visibility-m");
- #else
visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m();
- #endif
// Technically we can do VFR down to 1 mile (1600m) but that's pretty murky!
//cout << "vis = " << visibility << '\n';
if(visibility < 3000) return;
#include <simgear/math/polar3d.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
-# include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
-# include <Environment/environment.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
#include <GUI/gui.h>
void FGApproach::get_active_runway() {
//cout << "Entering FGApproach::get_active_runway()\n";
- sgVec3 position = { lat, lon, elev };
- FGPhysicalProperty stationweather = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
FGEnvironment stationweather =
((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment"))
->getEnvironment(lat, lon, elev);
- //Set the heading to into the wind
- double wind_x = stationweather.Wind[0];
- double wind_y = stationweather.Wind[1];
- double speed = sqrt( wind_x*wind_x + wind_y*wind_y ) * SG_METER_TO_NM / (60.0*60.0);
- double hdg;
- //If no wind use 270degrees
- if(speed == 0) {
- hdg = 270;
- } else {
- // //normalize the wind to get the direction
- //wind_x /= speed; wind_y /= speed;
- hdg = - atan2 ( wind_x, wind_y ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES ;
- if (hdg < 0.0)
- hdg += 360.0;
- }
double hdg = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg();
FGRunway runway;
if ( globals->get_runways()->search( ident, int(hdg), &runway) ) {
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
-# include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
-# include <Environment/environment.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
int hours;
// int minutes;
- sgVec3 position = { lat, lon, elev };
- FGPhysicalProperty stationweather = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
- #else
FGEnvironment stationweather =
((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment"))
->getEnvironment(lat, lon, elev);
- #endif
transmission = "";
// Get the temperature
int temp;
- temp = int(stationweather.Temperature - 273.15);
- #else
temp = (int)stationweather.get_temperature_degc();
- #endif
// HACK ALERT - at the moment the new environment subsystem returns bogus temperatures
// FIXME - take out this hack when this gets fixed upstream
transmission += " degrees_Celsius";
// Get the visibility
- visibility = fgGetDouble("/environment/visibility-m");
- #else
visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m();
- #endif
sprintf(buf, "%i", int(visibility/1600));
transmission += " / Visibility ";
tempstr1 = buf;
// Get the pressure / altimeter
- #ifndef FG_WEATHERCM
- double altimeter = stationweather.get_pressure_sea_level_inhg();
- sprintf(buf, "%.2f", altimeter);
- transmission += " / Altimeter ";
- tempstr1 = buf;
- transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1);
- #endif
// Based on the airport-id and wind get the active runway
//FGRunway *r;
- //Set the heading to into the wind
- double wind_x = stationweather.Wind[0];
- double wind_y = stationweather.Wind[1];
- double speed = sqrt( wind_x*wind_x + wind_y*wind_y ) * SG_METER_TO_NM / (60.0*60.0);
- double hdg;
- //If no wind use 270degrees
- if(speed == 0) {
- hdg = 270;
- transmission += " / Winds_light_and_variable";
- } else {
- // //normalize the wind to get the direction
- //wind_x /= speed; wind_y /= speed;
- hdg = - atan2 ( wind_x, wind_y ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES ;
- if (hdg < 0.0)
- hdg += 360.0;
- //add a description of the wind to the transmission
- char buf5[10];
- char buf6[10];
- sprintf(buf5, "%i", int(speed));
- sprintf(buf6, "%i", int(hdg));
- tempstr1 = buf5;
- tempstr2 = buf6;
- transmission = transmission + " / Winds " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " knots from "
- + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr2) + " degrees";
- }
- #else
double speed = stationweather.get_wind_speed_kt();
double hdg = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg();
if (speed == 0) {
transmission = transmission + " / Winds " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " knots from "
+ ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr2) + " degrees";
- #endif
string rwy_no = globals->get_runways()->search(ident, int(hdg));
if(rwy_no != "NN") {
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
#include "BalloonSim.h"
/* later, but currently was my main concern to get it going... */
- sgVec3 v;
- FGPhysicalProperty wdbpos = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
- //get the current wind velocity and store it in v
- //Point3D temp = wdbpos.Wind;
- //sgSetVec3(v, temp.x(), temp.y(), temp.z());
- sgCopyVec3(v, wdbpos.Wind );
- sgSubVec3(v, velocity);
- float speed = sgLengthVec3(v);
- // calculate the density of the gas inside
- double rho = wdbpos.AirPressure / (287.14 * T);
- // calculate the mass of the air
- double mAir = rho * balloon_envelope_volume;
- // loss of energy by cooling down:
- float k = 1.0 / (1.0/4.8 + 1.0/(4.8+3.4*speed) + l_of_the_envelope/lambda);
- float Q = k * balloon_envelope_area * (dt/3600.0) * (wdbpos.Temperature - T); //(dt/3600.0) = time since last call in hours
// I realy don't think there is a solution for this without WeatherCM
// but this is a hack, and it's working -- EMH
double mAir = 0;
float Q = 0;
// gain of energy by heating:
if (fuel_left > 0.0) //but only with some fuel left ;-)
sgVec3 fTotal, fFriction, fLift;
sgScaleVec3(fTotal, gravity_vector, mTotal);
- sgScaleVec3(fFriction, v, cw_envelope * wind_facing_area_of_balloon * WeatherDatabase->getAirDensity(position) * speed / 2.0); //wind resistance
- sgScaleVec3(fLift, gravity_vector, -balloon_envelope_volume * wdbpos.AirPressure / (287.14 * wdbpos.Temperature));
sgAddVec3(fTotal, fLift);
sgAddVec3(fTotal, fFriction);
// Explicitly call the superclass's
// init method first.
- Atmosphere->UseInternal();
if (fgGetBool("/environment/params/control-fdm-atmosphere")) {
} else {
fgic->SetVnorthFpsIC( wind_from_north->getDoubleValue() );
fgic->SetVeastFpsIC( wind_from_east->getDoubleValue() );
-WEATHER_LIBS = $(top_builddir)/src/WeatherCM/libWeatherCM.a
-WEATHER_LIBS = $(top_builddir)/src/Environment/libEnvironment.a
MPLAYER_LIBS = $(top_builddir)/src/MultiPlayer/libMultiPlayer.a
$(top_builddir)/src/Replay/libReplay.a \
$(top_builddir)/src/Systems/libSystems.a \
$(top_builddir)/src/Time/libTime.a \
+ $(top_builddir)/src/Environment/libEnvironment.a \
-lsgroute -lsgsky -lsgsound -lsgephem -lsgmaterial -lsgtgdb -lsgmodel \
-lsgtiming -lsgio -lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgprops -lsgdebug \
#include <MultiPlayer/multiplayrxmgr.hxx>
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
-# include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
#include "fg_init.hxx"
#include "fg_io.hxx"
// Initialize the weather modeling subsystem
- // Initialize the WeatherDatabase
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Creating LocalWeatherDatabase");
- sgVec3 position;
- sgSetVec3( position, current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Latitude(),
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Longitude(),
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER );
- double init_vis = fgGetDouble("/environment/visibility-m");
- FGLocalWeatherDatabase::DatabaseWorkingType working_type;
- if (!strcmp(fgGetString("/environment/weather/working-type"), "internet"))
- {
- working_type = FGLocalWeatherDatabase::use_internet;
- } else {
- working_type = FGLocalWeatherDatabase::default_mode;
- }
- if ( init_vis > 0 ) {
- FGLocalWeatherDatabase::theFGLocalWeatherDatabase =
- new FGLocalWeatherDatabase( position,
- globals->get_fg_root(),
- working_type,
- init_vis );
- } else {
- FGLocalWeatherDatabase::theFGLocalWeatherDatabase =
- new FGLocalWeatherDatabase( position,
- globals->get_fg_root(),
- working_type );
- }
- // cout << theFGLocalWeatherDatabase << endl;
- // cout << "visibility = "
- // << theFGLocalWeatherDatabase->getWeatherVisibility() << endl;
- WeatherDatabase = FGLocalWeatherDatabase::theFGLocalWeatherDatabase;
- // register the periodic update of the weather
- globals->get_event_mgr()->add( "weather update",
- &fgUpdateWeatherDatabase, 30000);
globals->add_subsystem("environment", new FGEnvironmentMgr);
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Time/tmp.hxx>
#include <FDM/UIUCModel/uiuc_aircraftdir.h>
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
-# include <Environment/environment.hxx>
-#endif // FG_WEATHERCM
+#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
#include <GUI/gui.h>
-static double getWindNorth ();
-static double getWindEast ();
-static double getWindDown ();
-#endif // FG_WEATHERCM
static bool winding_ccw = true; // FIXME: temporary
static bool fdm_data_logging = false; // FIXME: temporary
return magheading;
- * Get the current visibility (meters).
- */
-static double
-getVisibility ()
- return WeatherDatabase->getWeatherVisibility();
- * Set the current visibility (meters).
- */
-static void
-setVisibility (double visibility)
- WeatherDatabase->setWeatherVisibility(visibility);
- * Get the current wind north velocity (feet/second).
- */
-static double
-getWindNorth ()
- return current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_north_airmass();
- * Set the current wind north velocity (feet/second).
- */
-static void
-setWindNorth (double speed)
- current_aircraft.fdm_state
- ->set_Velocities_Local_Airmass(speed, getWindEast(), getWindDown());
- * Get the current wind east velocity (feet/second).
- */
-static double
-getWindEast ()
- return current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_east_airmass();
- * Set the current wind east velocity (feet/second).
- */
-static void
-setWindEast (double speed)
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO,, "Set wind-east to " << speed );
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local_Airmass(getWindNorth(),
- speed,
- getWindDown());
- * Get the current wind down velocity (feet/second).
- */
-static double
-getWindDown ()
- return current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_V_down_airmass();
- * Set the current wind down velocity (feet/second).
- */
-static void
-setWindDown (double speed)
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local_Airmass(getWindNorth(),
- getWindEast(),
- speed);
-#endif // FG_WEATHERCM
static long
getWarp ()
// Orientation
fgTie("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", getHeadingMag);
- // Environment
- fgTie("/environment/visibility-m", getVisibility, setVisibility);
- fgSetArchivable("/environment/visibility-m");
- fgTie("/environment/wind-from-north-fps", getWindNorth, setWindNorth);
- fgSetArchivable("/environment/wind-from-north-fps");
- fgTie("/environment/wind-from-east-fps", getWindEast, setWindEast);
- fgSetArchivable("/environment/wind-from-east-fps");
- fgTie("/environment/wind-from-down-fps", getWindDown, setWindDown);
- fgSetArchivable("/environment/wind-from-down-fps");
fgTie("/environment/magnetic-variation-deg", getMagVar);
fgTie("/environment/magnetic-dip-deg", getMagDip);
// Environment
- fgUntie("/environment/visibility-m");
- fgUntie("/environment/wind-from-north-fps");
- fgUntie("/environment/wind-from-east-fps");
- fgUntie("/environment/wind-from-down-fps");
bool glPointParameterIsSupported = false;
-# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
#ifdef macintosh
# include <console.h> // -dw- for command line dialog
- // convert to fps
- speed *= SG_NM_TO_METER * SG_METER_TO_FEET * (1.0/3600);
- while (min_hdg > 360)
- min_hdg -= 360;
- while (min_hdg <= 0)
- min_hdg += 360;
- fgSetDouble("/environment/wind-from-north-fps", speed * cos(dir));
- fgSetDouble("/environment/wind-from-east-fps", speed * sin(dir));
-#endif // FG_WEATHERCM
-WEATHER_DIR = Environment
MPLAYER_DIRS = MultiPlayer
Autopilot \
Cockpit \
Controls \
+ Environment \
Input \
Sound \
Systems \
Time \
+++ /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGAirPressureItem.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Operator< definition for the item
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-#include "FGAirPressureItem.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGAirPressureItem.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Air pressure item that is stored in the micro weather class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-08.06.1999 Christian Mayer Added international air preasure formula
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-15.12.1999 Christian Mayer changed the air pressure calculation to a much
- more realistic formula. But as I need for that
- the temperature I moved the code to
- FGPhysicalProperties
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGAirPressureItem_H
-#define FGAirPressureItem_H
-#include <math.h>
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGAirPressureItem;
-FGAirPressureItem operator-(const FGAirPressureItem& arg);
-/* NOTE: The value stored in 'value' is the air preasure that we'd have at */
-/* an altitude of 0.0 The correct airpreasure at the stored altitude */
-/* gets calulated in FGPhyiscalProperties as I need to know the */
-/* temperatures at the different altitudes for that. */
-class FGAirPressureItem
- WeatherPrecision value; //that's the airpressure at 0 metres
- FGAirPressureItem(const WeatherPrecision v) {value = v; }
- WeatherPrecision getValue() const
- {
- return value;
- };
- void setValue(WeatherPrecision p)
- {
- value = p;
- };
- FGAirPressureItem& operator*=(const WeatherPrecision arg);
- FGAirPressureItem& operator+=(const FGAirPressureItem& arg);
- FGAirPressureItem& operator-=(const FGAirPressureItem& arg);
- friend FGAirPressureItem operator-(const FGAirPressureItem& arg);
-inline FGAirPressureItem& FGAirPressureItem::operator*= (const WeatherPrecision arg)
- value *= arg;
- return *this;
-inline FGAirPressureItem& FGAirPressureItem::operator+= (const FGAirPressureItem& arg)
- value += arg.value;
- return *this;
-inline FGAirPressureItem& FGAirPressureItem::operator-= (const FGAirPressureItem& arg)
- value -= arg.value;
- return *this;
-inline FGAirPressureItem operator-(const FGAirPressureItem& arg)
- return FGAirPressureItem(-arg.value);
-#endif /*FGAirPressureItem_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGCloud.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Header for the cloud class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGCloud_H
-#define FGCloud_H
-#include "FGWeatherFeature.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGCloud:FGWeatherFeature
-#endif /*FGCloud_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGCloudItem.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Operator< definition for the item
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-09.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed CloudItem on Durks request
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-#include "FGCloudItem.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGCloudItem.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Cloud item that is stored in the micro weather class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-09.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed CloudItem on Durks request
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGCloudItem_H
-#define FGCloudItem_H
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGCloudItem
- WeatherPrecision thickness;
- WeatherPrecision density;
- FGCloudItem(const WeatherPrecision t, const WeatherPrecision d) {thickness = t; density = d;}
- FGCloudItem() {thickness = 0.0; density = 0.0;}
- WeatherPrecision getThickness(void) const { return thickness; }
- WeatherPrecision getDensity (void) const { return density; }
-#endif /*FGCloudItem_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: main program
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Database for the local weather
-This database is the only one that gets called from FG
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-14.12.1999 Christian Mayer Changed the internal structure to use Dave
- Eberly's spherical interpolation code. This
- stops our dependancy on the (ugly) voronoi
- code and simplyfies the code structure a lot.
-07.05.2000 Tony Peden Added functionality to get the weather data
- on 'the bus'
-18.05.2000 Christian Mayer Minor clean-ups. Changed the code to use
- FGWeatherUtils.h for unit conversion
-18.07.2001 Christian Mayer Added the posibility to limit the amount of
- stations for a faster init.
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include <simgear/constants.h>
-#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
-#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
-#include "FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h"
-#include "FGWeatherParse.h"
-#include "FGWeatherUtils.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
-FGLocalWeatherDatabase* FGLocalWeatherDatabase::theFGLocalWeatherDatabase = 0;
-FGLocalWeatherDatabase *WeatherDatabase;
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::init( const WeatherPrecision visibility,
- const DatabaseWorkingType type,
- const string &root )
- cerr << "Initializing FGLocalWeatherDatabase\n";
- cerr << "-----------------------------------\n";
- if (theFGLocalWeatherDatabase)
- {
- cerr << "Error: only one local weather allowed";
- exit(-1);
- }
- setWeatherVisibility(visibility);
- DatabaseStatus = type;
- database_logic = 0; //just get sure...
- Thunderstorm = false;
- //I don't need to set theThunderstorm as Thunderstorm == false
- switch(DatabaseStatus)
- {
- case use_global:
- {
- cerr << "Error: there's no global database anymore!\n";
- exit(-1);
- }
- break;
- case use_internet:
- {
- FGWeatherParse *parsed_data = new FGWeatherParse();
- sgVec2 *p;
- unsigned int *f;
- string path_to_weather = root + "/weather/current.txt.gz";
- parsed_data->input( path_to_weather.c_str() );
- unsigned int n = parsed_data->stored_stations();
- int m = fgGetInt("/environment/weather/max-stations", -1);
- if ( ( m < 0 ) || ( m > n ) )
- {
- m = n;
- p = new sgVec2[n];
- f = new unsigned int[n];
- // fill the database
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- f[i] = i;
- database_data[i] = parsed_data->getFGPhysicalProperties(i);
- parsed_data->getPosition(i, p[i]);
- if ( (i%100) == 0)
- cerr << ".";
- }
- }
- else
- { // we have to limit the amount of stations
- //store the "distance" between the station and the current
- //position. As the distance is calculated from the lat/lon
- //values it's not worth much - but it's good enough for
- //comparison
- map<float, unsigned int> squared_distance;
- sgVec2 cur_pos;
- cur_pos[0] = cache->last_known_position[0];
- cur_pos[1] = cache->last_known_position[1];
- unsigned int i;
- for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- {
- sgVec2 pos;
- parsed_data->getPosition(i, pos);
- squared_distance[sgDistanceSquaredVec2(cur_pos, pos)] = i;
- }
- p = new sgVec2 [m];
- f = new unsigned int[m];
- map<float, unsigned int>::const_iterator ci;
- ci = squared_distance.begin();
- // fill the database
- for ( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
- {
- f[i] = i;
- database_data.push_back( parsed_data->getFGPhysicalProperties(ci->second) );
- parsed_data->getPosition(ci->second, p[i]);
- if ( (i%100) == 0)
- cerr << ".";
- ci++;
- }
- }
- // free the memory of the parsed data to ease the required memory
- // for the very memory consuming spherical interpolation
- delete parsed_data;
- //and finally init the interpolation
- cerr << "\nInitialiating Interpolation. (2-3 minutes on a PII-350 for ca. 3500 stations)\n";
- database_logic = new SphereInterpolate(m, p, f);
- //and free my allocations:
- delete[] p;
- delete[] f;
- cerr << "Finished weather init.\n";
- }
- break;
- case distant:
- cerr << "FGLocalWeatherDatabase error: Distant database isn't implemented yet!\n";
- cerr << " using random mode instead!\n";
- case random:
- case manual:
- case default_mode:
- {
- double x[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; //make an standard weather that's the same at the whole world
- double y[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; //make an standard weather that's the same at the whole world
- double z[2] = {1.0, -1.0}; //make an standard weather that's the same at the whole world
- unsigned int f[2] = {0, 0};
- database_data.push_back( FGPhysicalProperties() ); // == database_date[0]
- database_logic = new SphereInterpolate(2,x,y,z,f);
- }
- break;
- default:
- cerr << "FGLocalWeatherDatabase error: Unknown database type specified!\n";
- };
- cache->latitude_deg = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg" );
- cache->longitude_deg = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg");
- cache->altitude_ft = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft" );
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::bind()
- fgTie("/environment/weather/wind-north-mps", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_wind_north);
- fgTie("/environment/weather/wind-east-mps", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_wind_east);
- fgTie("/environment/weather/wind-up-mps", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_wind_up);
- fgTie("/environment/weather/temperature-K", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_temperature);
- fgTie("/environment/weather/air-pressure-Pa", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_air_pressure);
- fgTie("/environment/weather/vapor-pressure-Pa", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_vapor_pressure);
- fgTie("/environment/weather/air-density", this, &FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_air_density);
- SGPropertyNode * station_nodes = fgGetNode("/environment/weather");
- if (station_nodes == 0) {
- cerr << "No weatherstations (/environment/weather)!!";
- return;
- }
- int index = 0;
- for(vector<FGPhysicalProperties>::iterator it = database_data.begin(); it != database_data.end(); it++)
- {
- SGPropertyNode * station = station_nodes->getNode("station", index, true);
- station -> tie("air-pressure-Pa",
- SGRawValueMethods<FGAirPressureItem,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[0].AirPressure,
- &FGAirPressureItem::getValue,
- &FGAirPressureItem::setValue)
- ,false);
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < database_data[index].Wind.size(); i++)
- {
- SGPropertyNode * wind = station->getNode("wind", i, true);
- wind -> tie("north-mps",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_x,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_x)
- ,false);
- wind -> tie("east-mps",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_y,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_y)
- ,false);
- wind -> tie("up-mps",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_z,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_z)
- ,false);
- wind -> tie("altitude-m",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_a,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_a)
- ,false);
- }
- for( i = 0; i < database_data[index].Temperature.size(); i++)
- {
- SGPropertyNode * temperature = station->getNode("temperature", i, true);
- temperature -> tie("value-K",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getTemperature_x,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setTemperature_x)
- ,false);
- temperature -> tie("altitude-m",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getTemperature_a,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setTemperature_a)
- ,false);
- }
- for( i = 0; i < database_data[index].VaporPressure.size(); i++)
- {
- SGPropertyNode * vaporpressure = station->getNode("vapor-pressure", i, true);
- vaporpressure -> tie("value-Pa",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getVaporPressure_x,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setVaporPressure_x)
- ,false);
- vaporpressure -> tie("altitude-m",
- SGRawValueMethodsIndexed<FGPhysicalProperties,WeatherPrecision>(
- database_data[index], i,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::getVaporPressure_a,
- &FGPhysicalProperties::setVaporPressure_a)
- ,false);
- }
- index++;
- }
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::unbind()
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/wind-north-mps");
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/wind-east-mps");
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/wind-up-mps");
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/temperature-K");
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/air-pressure-Pa");
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/vapor-pressure-Pa");
- fgUntie("/environment/weather/air-density");
- //Tidying up:
- delete database_logic;
-/* reset the whole database */
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::reset(const DatabaseWorkingType type)
- cerr << "FGLocalWeatherDatabase::reset isn't supported yet\n";
-/* update the database. Since the last call we had dt seconds */
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::update(const WeatherPrecision dt)
- //if (DatabaseStatus==use_global)
- // global->update(dt);
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::update(const sgVec3& p) //position has changed
- //uncomment this when you are using the GlobalDatabase
- /*
- cerr << "****\nupdate(p) inside\n";
- cerr << "Parameter: " << p[0] << "/" << p[1] << "/" << p[2] << "\n";
- cerr << FGPhysicalProperties2D(get(p2d), p2d);
- cerr << "****\n";
- */
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::update(const sgVec3& p, const WeatherPrecision dt) //time and/or position has changed
-/* Get the physical properties on the specified point p out of the database */
-FGPhysicalProperty FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get(const sgVec3& p) const
- // check for bogous altitudes. Dunno why, but FGFS want's to know the
- // weather at an altitude of roughly -3000 meters...
- if (p[2] < -500.0f)
- return FGPhysicalProperty(DatabaseEvaluate(p), -500.0f);
- return FGPhysicalProperty(DatabaseEvaluate(p), p[2]);
-#ifdef macintosh
- /* fix a problem with mw compilers in that they don't know the
- difference between the next two methods. Since the first one
- doesn't seem to be used anywhere, I commented it out. This is
- supposed to be fixed in the forthcoming CodeWarrior Release
- 6. */
-FGPhysicalProperties FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get(const sgVec2& p) const
- return DatabaseEvaluate(p);
-WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::getAirDensity(const sgVec3& p) const
- FGPhysicalProperty dummy(DatabaseEvaluate(p), p[2]);
- return
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::setSnowRainIntensity(const WeatherPrecision x, const sgVec2& p)
- /* not supported yet */
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::setSnowRainType(const SnowRainType x, const sgVec2& p)
- /* not supported yet */
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::setLightningProbability(const WeatherPrecision x, const sgVec2& p)
- /* not supported yet */
-void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::setProperties(const FGPhysicalProperties2D& x)
- /* not supported yet */
-void fgUpdateWeatherDatabase(void)
- sgVec3 position;
- sgSetVec3(position,
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Latitude(),
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Longitude(),
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
- WeatherDatabase->update( position );
- // get the data on 'the bus' for the FDM
- /* FGPhysicalProperty porperty = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Static_temperature( Kelvin2Rankine(porperty.Temperature) );
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Static_pressure( Pascal2psf(porperty.AirPressure) );
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Density( SIdensity2JSBsim( Density(porperty.AirPressure, porperty.Temperature) ) );
-#define MSTOFPS 3.2808 //m/s to ft/s
- current_aircraft.fdm_state->set_Velocities_Local_Airmass(porperty.Wind[1]*MSTOFPS,
- porperty.Wind[0]*MSTOFPS,
- porperty.Wind[2]*MSTOFPS); */
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Database for the local weather
-This database is the only one that gets called from FG
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-30.06.1999 Christian Mayer STL portability
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-14.12.1999 Christian Mayer Changed the internal structure to use Dave
- Eberly's spherical interpolation code. This
- stops our dependancy on the (ugly) voronoi
- code and simplyfies the code structure a lot.
-18.07.2001 Christian Mayer Added the posibility to limit the amount of
- stations for a faster init.
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGLocalWeatherDatabase_H
-#define FGLocalWeatherDatabase_H
-#include <vector>
-#include STL_STRING
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include <Main/fgfs.hxx>
-#include <simgear/constants.h>
-#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
-#include "sphrintp.h"
-#include "FGPhysicalProperties.h"
-#include "FGPhysicalProperty.h"
-#include "FGWeatherFeature.h"
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-#include "FGThunderstorm.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-struct _FGLocalWeatherDatabaseCache
- sgVec3 last_known_position;
- //sgVec3 current_position;
- SGPropertyNode *latitude_deg;
- SGPropertyNode *longitude_deg;
- SGPropertyNode *altitude_ft;
- FGPhysicalProperty last_known_property;
-class FGLocalWeatherDatabase : public FGSubsystem
- SphereInterpolate *database_logic;
- vector<FGPhysicalProperties> database_data;
-#ifndef macintosh
- FGPhysicalProperties DatabaseEvaluate(const sgVec2& p) const
- {
- sgVec2 p_converted = {p[0]*(SGD_2PI/360.0),
- p[1]*(SGD_2PI/360.0)};
- EvaluateData d = database_logic->Evaluate(p_converted);
- return database_data[d.index[0]]*d.percentage[0] +
- database_data[d.index[1]]*d.percentage[1] +
- database_data[d.index[2]]*d.percentage[2] ;
- }
- FGPhysicalProperties DatabaseEvaluate(const sgVec3& p) const
- {
- sgVec3 p_converted = {p[0]*(SGD_2PI/360.0),
- p[1]*(SGD_2PI/360.0),
- p[2] };
- EvaluateData d = database_logic->Evaluate(p_converted);
- return database_data[d.index[0]]*d.percentage[0] +
- database_data[d.index[1]]*d.percentage[1] +
- database_data[d.index[2]]*d.percentage[2] ;
- }
- typedef vector<sgVec2> pointVector;
- typedef vector<pointVector> tileVector;
- /************************************************************************/
- /* make tiles out of points on a 2D plane */
- /************************************************************************/
- WeatherPrecision WeatherVisibility; //how far do I need to simulate the
- //local weather? Unit: metres
- _FGLocalWeatherDatabaseCache *cache;
- inline void check_cache_for_update(void) const;
- bool Thunderstorm; //is there a thunderstorm near by?
- FGThunderstorm *theThunderstorm; //pointer to the thunderstorm.
- /************************************************************************/
- /* for tieing them to the property system */
- /************************************************************************/
- inline WeatherPrecision get_wind_north() const;
- inline WeatherPrecision get_wind_east() const;
- inline WeatherPrecision get_wind_up() const;
- inline WeatherPrecision get_temperature() const;
- inline WeatherPrecision get_air_pressure() const;
- inline WeatherPrecision get_vapor_pressure() const;
- inline WeatherPrecision get_air_density() const;
- static FGLocalWeatherDatabase *theFGLocalWeatherDatabase;
- enum DatabaseWorkingType {
- use_global, //use global database for data !!obsolete!!
- use_internet, //use the weather data that came from the internet
- manual, //use only user inputs
- distant, //use distant information, e.g. like LAN when used in
- //a multiplayer environment
- random, //generate weather randomly
- default_mode //use only default values
- };
- DatabaseWorkingType DatabaseStatus;
- void init( const WeatherPrecision visibility,
- const DatabaseWorkingType type,
- const string &root );
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Constructor and Destructor */
- /************************************************************************/
- FGLocalWeatherDatabase(
- const sgVec3& position,
- const string& root,
- const DatabaseWorkingType type = PREFERED_WORKING_TYPE,
- const WeatherPrecision visibility = DEFAULT_WEATHER_VISIBILITY)
- {
- cache = new _FGLocalWeatherDatabaseCache;
- sgCopyVec3( cache->last_known_position, position );
- init( visibility, type, root );
- theFGLocalWeatherDatabase = this;
- }
- FGLocalWeatherDatabase(
- const WeatherPrecision position_lat,
- const WeatherPrecision position_lon,
- const WeatherPrecision position_alt,
- const string& root,
- const DatabaseWorkingType type = PREFERED_WORKING_TYPE,
- const WeatherPrecision visibility = DEFAULT_WEATHER_VISIBILITY)
- {
- cache = new _FGLocalWeatherDatabaseCache;
- sgSetVec3( cache->last_known_position, position_lat, position_lon, position_alt );
- init( visibility, type, root );
- theFGLocalWeatherDatabase = this;
- }
- ~FGLocalWeatherDatabase();
- /************************************************************************/
- /* reset the whole database */
- /************************************************************************/
- void reset(const DatabaseWorkingType type = PREFERED_WORKING_TYPE);
- /************************************************************************/
- /* update the database. Since the last call we had dt seconds */
- /************************************************************************/
- void update(const WeatherPrecision dt); //time has changed
- void update(const sgVec3& p); //position has changed
- void update(const sgVec3& p, const WeatherPrecision dt); //time and/or position has changed
- /************************************************************************/
- /* define methods requited for FGSubsystem */
- /************************************************************************/
- virtual void init () { /* do nothing; that's done in the constructor */ };
- virtual void bind ();
- virtual void unbind ();
- virtual void update (int dt) { update((float) dt); };
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Get the physical properties on the specified point p */
- /************************************************************************/
-#ifdef macintosh
- /* fix a problem with mw compilers in that they don't know the
- difference between the next two methods. Since the first one
- doesn't seem to be used anywhere, I commented it out. This is
- supposed to be fixed in the forthcoming CodeWarrior Release
- 6. */
- FGPhysicalProperties get(const sgVec2& p) const;
- FGPhysicalProperty get(const sgVec3& p) const;
- WeatherPrecision getAirDensity(const sgVec3& p) const;
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Add a weather feature at the point p and surrounding area */
- /************************************************************************/
- // !! Adds aren't supported anymore !!
- void setSnowRainIntensity (const WeatherPrecision x, const sgVec2& p);
- void setSnowRainType (const SnowRainType x, const sgVec2& p);
- void setLightningProbability(const WeatherPrecision x, const sgVec2& p);
- void setProperties(const FGPhysicalProperties2D& x); //change a property
- /************************************************************************/
- /* get/set weather visibility */
- /************************************************************************/
- void setWeatherVisibility(const WeatherPrecision visibility);
- WeatherPrecision getWeatherVisibility(void) const;
- /************************************************************************/
- /* figure out if there's a thunderstorm that has to be taken care of */
- /************************************************************************/
- void updateThunderstorm(const float dt)
- {
- if (Thunderstorm == false)
- return;
- theThunderstorm->update( dt );
- }
-extern FGLocalWeatherDatabase *WeatherDatabase;
-void fgUpdateWeatherDatabase(void);
-/* get/set weather visibility */
-void inline FGLocalWeatherDatabase::setWeatherVisibility(const WeatherPrecision visibility)
- WeatherVisibility = visibility;
- else
-WeatherPrecision inline FGLocalWeatherDatabase::getWeatherVisibility(void) const
- return WeatherVisibility;
-inline void FGLocalWeatherDatabase::check_cache_for_update(void) const
- if ( ( cache->last_known_position[0] == cache->latitude_deg->getFloatValue() ) &&
- ( cache->last_known_position[1] == cache->longitude_deg->getFloatValue() ) &&
- ( cache->last_known_position[2] == cache->altitude_ft->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER ) )
- return; //nothing to do
- sgVec3 position = { cache->latitude_deg->getFloatValue(),
- cache->longitude_deg->getFloatValue(),
- cache->altitude_ft->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER };
- sgCopyVec3(cache->last_known_position, position);
- cache->last_known_property = get(position);
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_wind_north() const
- check_cache_for_update();
- return cache->last_known_property.Wind[0];
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_wind_east() const
- check_cache_for_update();
- return cache->last_known_property.Wind[1];
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_wind_up() const
- check_cache_for_update();
- return cache->last_known_property.Wind[2];
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_temperature() const
- check_cache_for_update();
- return cache->last_known_property.Temperature;
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_air_pressure() const
- check_cache_for_update();
- return cache->last_known_property.AirPressure;
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_vapor_pressure() const
- check_cache_for_update();
- return cache->last_known_property.VaporPressure;
-inline WeatherPrecision FGLocalWeatherDatabase::get_air_density() const
- // check_for_update();
- // not required, as the called functions will do that
-#endif /*FGLocalWeatherDatabase_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGPhysicalProperties.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: main program
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Initialice the FGPhysicalProperties struct to something sensible(?)
-29.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-#include "FGPhysicalProperties.h"
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-#include "FGWeatherUtils.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
- sgVec3 zero;
- sgZeroVec3( zero );
- /************************************************************************/
- /* This standart constructor fills the class with a standard weather */
- /************************************************************************/
- Wind[-1000.0] = FGWindItem(zero); //no Wind by default
- Wind[10000.0] = FGWindItem(zero); //no Wind by default
- Turbulence[-1000.0] = FGTurbulenceItem(zero); //no Turbulence by default
- Turbulence[10000.0] = FGTurbulenceItem(zero); //no Turbulence by default
- //Initialice with the CINA atmosphere
- Temperature[ 0.0] = +15.0 + 273.16;
- Temperature[11000.0] = -56.5 + 273.16;
- Temperature[20000.0] = -56.5 + 273.16;
- AirPressure = FGAirPressureItem(101325.0);
- VaporPressure[-1000.0] = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE; //in Pa (I *only* accept SI!)
- VaporPressure[10000.0] = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE; //in Pa (I *only* accept SI!)
- //Clouds.insert(FGCloudItem()) => none
- SnowRainIntensity = 0.0;
- snowRainType = Rain;
- LightningProbability = 0.0;
-The Methods:
- WeatherPrecision getWind_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getWind_y( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getWind_z( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getWind_a( int number ) const;
- void setWind_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setWind_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y);
- void setWind_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z);
- void setWind_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_y( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_z( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_a( int number ) const;
- void setTurbulence_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setTurbulence_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y);
- void setTurbulence_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z);
- void setTurbulence_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
- WeatherPrecision getTemperature_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTemperature_a( int number ) const;
- void setTemperature_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setTemperature_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
- WeatherPrecision getVaporPressure_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getVaporPressure_a( int number ) const;
- void setVaporPressure_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setVaporPressure_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
-are in the extra file FGPhysicalProperties_bind.cpp
-unsigned int FGPhysicalProperties::getNumberOfCloudLayers(void) const
- return Clouds.size();
-FGCloudItem FGPhysicalProperties::getCloudLayer(unsigned int nr) const
- map<WeatherPrecision,FGCloudItem>::const_iterator CloudsIt = Clouds.begin();
- //set the iterator to the 'nr'th entry
- for (; nr > 0; nr--)
- CloudsIt++;
- return CloudsIt->second;
-ostream& operator<< ( ostream& out, const FGPhysicalProperties2D& p )
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem >::const_iterator wind_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator turbulence_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
- out << "Position: (" << p.p[0] << ", " << p.p[1] << ", " << p.p[2] << ")\n";
- out << "Stored Wind: ";
- for (wind_iterator WindIt = p.Wind.begin();
- WindIt != p.Wind.end();
- WindIt++)
- out << "(" << WindIt->second.x() << ", " << WindIt->second.y() << ", " << WindIt->second.z() << ") m/s at (" << WindIt->first << ") m; ";
- out << "\n";
- out << "Stored Turbulence: ";
- for (turbulence_iterator TurbulenceIt = p.Turbulence.begin();
- TurbulenceIt != p.Turbulence.end();
- TurbulenceIt++)
- out << "(" << TurbulenceIt->second.x() << ", " << TurbulenceIt->second.y() << ", " << TurbulenceIt->second.z() << ") m/s at (" << TurbulenceIt->first << ") m; ";
- out << "\n";
- out << "Stored Temperature: ";
- for (scalar_iterator TemperatureIt = p.Temperature.begin();
- TemperatureIt != p.Temperature.end();
- TemperatureIt++)
- out << Kelvin2Celsius(TemperatureIt->second) << " degC at " << TemperatureIt->first << "m; ";
- out << "\n";
- out << "Stored AirPressure: ";
- out << p.AirPressure.getValue()/100.0 << " hPa at " << 0.0 << "m; ";
- out << "\n";
- out << "Stored VaporPressure: ";
- for (scalar_iterator VaporPressureIt = p.VaporPressure.begin();
- VaporPressureIt != p.VaporPressure.end();
- VaporPressureIt++)
- out << VaporPressureIt->second/100.0 << " hPa at " << VaporPressureIt->first << "m; ";
- out << "\n";
- return out << "\n";
-inline double F(const WeatherPrecision factor, const WeatherPrecision a, const WeatherPrecision b, const WeatherPrecision r, const WeatherPrecision x)
- const double c = 1.0 / (-b + a * r);
- return factor * c * ( 1.0 / (r + x) + a * c * log(fabs((r + x) * (b + a * x))) );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::AirPressureAt(const WeatherPrecision x) const
- const double G = 6.673e-11; //Gravity; in m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
- const double m = 5.977e24; //mass of the earth in kg
- const double r = 6368e3; //radius of the earth in metres
- const double factor = -(rho0 * TemperatureAt(0) * G * m) / AirPressure.getValue();
- double a, b, FF = 0.0;
- //ok, integrate from 0 to a now.
- if (Temperature.size() < 2)
- { //take care of the case that there aren't enough points
- //actually this should be impossible...
- if (Temperature.size() == 0)
- {
- cerr << "ERROR in FGPhysicalProperties: Air pressure at " << x << " metres altiude requested,\n";
- cerr << " but there isn't enough data stored! No temperature is aviable!\n";
- }
- //ok, I've got only one point. So I'm assuming that that temperature is
- //the same for all altitudes.
- a = 1;
- b = TemperatureAt(0);
- FF += F(factor, a, b, r, x );
- FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, 0.0);
- }
- else
- { //I've got at least two entries now
- //integrate 'backwards' by integrating the strip ]n,x] first, then ]n-1,n] ... to [0,n-m]
- if (x>=0.0)
- {
- map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp2 = Temperature.upper_bound(x);
- map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp1 = temp2; temp1--;
- if (temp1->first == x)
- { //ignore that interval
- temp1--; temp2--;
- }
- bool first_pass = true;
- while(true)
- {
- if (temp2 == Temperature.end())
- {
- //temp2 doesn't exist. So cheat by assuming that the slope is the
- //same as between the two earlier temperatures
- temp1--; temp2--;
- a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
- b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
- temp1++; temp2++;
- }
- else
- {
- a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
- b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
- }
- if (first_pass)
- {
- FF += F(factor, a, b, r, x);
- first_pass = false;
- }
- else
- {
- FF += F(factor, a, b, r, temp2->first);
- }
- if (temp1->first>0.0)
- {
- FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, temp1->first);
- temp1--; temp2--;
- }
- else
- {
- FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, 0.0);
- return AirPressure.getValue() * exp(FF);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { //ok x is smaller than 0.0, so do everything in reverse
- map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp2 = Temperature.upper_bound(x);
- map<WeatherPrecision, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator temp1 = temp2; temp1--;
- bool first_pass = true;
- while(true)
- {
- if (temp2 == Temperature.begin())
- {
- //temp1 doesn't exist. So cheat by assuming that the slope is the
- //same as between the two earlier temperatures
- temp1 = Temperature.begin(); temp2++;
- a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
- b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
- temp2--;
- }
- else
- {
- a = (temp2->second - temp1->second)/(temp2->first - temp1->first);
- b = temp1->second - a * temp1->first;
- }
- if (first_pass)
- {
- FF += F(factor, a, b, r, x);
- first_pass = false;
- }
- else
- {
- FF += F(factor, a, b, r, temp2->first);
- }
- if (temp2->first<0.0)
- {
- FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, temp1->first);
- if (temp2 == Temperature.begin())
- {
- temp1 = Temperature.begin(); temp2++;
- }
- else
- {
- temp1++; temp2++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- FF -= F(factor, a, b, r, 0.0);
- return AirPressure.getValue() * exp(FF);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return AirPressure.getValue() * exp(FF);
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGPhysicalProperties.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Define the simulated physical properties of the weather
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer Changed struct to class
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-30.06.1999 Christian Mayer STL portability
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-15.12.1999 Christian Mayer changed the air pressure calculation to a much
- more realistic formula. But as I need for that
- the temperature I moved the code to
- FGPhysicalProperties
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGPhysicalProperties_H
-#define FGPhysicalProperties_H
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-# include <windows.h>
-#include STL_IOSTREAM
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-#include "FGAirPressureItem.h"
-#include "FGWindItem.h"
-#include "FGTurbulenceItem.h"
-#include "FGCloudItem.h"
-#include "FGSnowRain.h"
-class FGPhysicalProperties2D;
-ostream& operator<< ( ostream& out, const FGPhysicalProperties2D& p );
-class FGPhysicalProperties
- typedef WeatherPrecision Altitude;
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem> Wind; //all Wind vectors
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem> Turbulence; //all Turbulence vectors
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision> Temperature; //in deg. Kelvin (I *only* accept SI!)
- FGAirPressureItem AirPressure; //in Pascal (I *only* accept SI!)
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision> VaporPressure; //in Pascal (I *only* accept SI!)
- map<Altitude,FGCloudItem> Clouds; //amount of covering and type
- WeatherPrecision SnowRainIntensity; //this also stands for hail, snow,...
- SnowRainType snowRainType;
- WeatherPrecision LightningProbability; //in lightnings per second
- FGPhysicalProperties(); //consructor to fill it with FG standart weather
- //return values at specified altitudes
- void WindAt (sgVec3 ret, const WeatherPrecision a) const;
- void TurbulenceAt (sgVec3 ret, const WeatherPrecision a) const;
- WeatherPrecision TemperatureAt (const WeatherPrecision a) const;
- WeatherPrecision AirPressureAt (const WeatherPrecision x) const; //x is used here instead of a on purpose
- WeatherPrecision VaporPressureAt(const WeatherPrecision a) const;
- //for easier access to the cloud stuff:
- unsigned int getNumberOfCloudLayers(void) const;
- FGCloudItem getCloudLayer(unsigned int nr) const;
- FGPhysicalProperties& operator = ( const FGPhysicalProperties& p );
- FGPhysicalProperties& operator *= ( const WeatherPrecision d );
- FGPhysicalProperties& operator += ( const FGPhysicalProperties& p );
- FGPhysicalProperties& operator -= ( const FGPhysicalProperties& p );
- //for easy binding to the property system
- WeatherPrecision getWind_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getWind_y( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getWind_z( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getWind_a( int number ) const;
- void setWind_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setWind_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y);
- void setWind_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z);
- void setWind_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_y( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_z( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTurbulence_a( int number ) const;
- void setTurbulence_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setTurbulence_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y);
- void setTurbulence_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z);
- void setTurbulence_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
- WeatherPrecision getTemperature_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getTemperature_a( int number ) const;
- void setTemperature_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setTemperature_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
- WeatherPrecision getVaporPressure_x( int number ) const;
- WeatherPrecision getVaporPressure_a( int number ) const;
- void setVaporPressure_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x);
- void setVaporPressure_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a);
-class FGPhysicalProperties2D : public FGPhysicalProperties
- sgVec2 p; //position of the property (lat/lon)
- friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& out, const FGPhysicalProperties2D& p );
- FGPhysicalProperties2D() {}
- FGPhysicalProperties2D(const FGPhysicalProperties& prop, const sgVec2& pos)
- {
- Wind = prop.Wind;
- Turbulence = prop.Turbulence;
- Temperature = prop.Temperature;
- AirPressure = prop.AirPressure;
- VaporPressure = prop.VaporPressure;
- sgCopyVec2(p, pos);
- }
-typedef vector<FGPhysicalProperties> FGPhysicalPropertiesVector;
-typedef FGPhysicalPropertiesVector::iterator FGPhysicalPropertiesVectorIt;
-typedef FGPhysicalPropertiesVector::const_iterator FGPhysicalPropertiesVectorConstIt;
-typedef vector<FGPhysicalProperties2D> FGPhysicalProperties2DVector;
-typedef FGPhysicalProperties2DVector::iterator FGPhysicalProperties2DVectorIt;
-typedef FGPhysicalProperties2DVector::const_iterator FGPhysicalProperties2DVectorConstIt;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties& FGPhysicalProperties::operator = ( const FGPhysicalProperties& p )
- Wind = p.Wind;
- Turbulence = p.Turbulence;
- Temperature = p.Temperature;
- AirPressure = p.AirPressure;
- VaporPressure = p.VaporPressure;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties& FGPhysicalProperties::operator *= ( const WeatherPrecision d )
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem >::iterator wind_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::iterator turbulence_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::iterator scalar_iterator;
- for (wind_iterator WindIt = Wind.begin();
- WindIt != Wind.end();
- WindIt++)
- WindIt->second*= d;
- for (turbulence_iterator TurbulenceIt = Turbulence.begin();
- TurbulenceIt != Turbulence.end();
- TurbulenceIt++)
- TurbulenceIt->second *= d;
- for (scalar_iterator TemperatureIt = Temperature.begin();
- TemperatureIt != Temperature.end();
- TemperatureIt++)
- TemperatureIt->second *= d;
- AirPressure *= d;
- for (scalar_iterator VaporPressureIt = VaporPressure.begin();
- VaporPressureIt != VaporPressure.end();
- VaporPressureIt++)
- VaporPressureIt->second *= d;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties& FGPhysicalProperties::operator += (const FGPhysicalProperties& p)
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem >::const_iterator wind_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator turbulence_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
- for (wind_iterator WindIt = p.Wind.begin();
- WindIt != p.Wind.end();
- WindIt++)
- if (!Wind.insert(*WindIt).second) //when it's not inserted => it's already existing
- Wind[WindIt->first] += WindIt->second; //=> add the value
- for (turbulence_iterator TurbulenceIt = p.Turbulence.begin();
- TurbulenceIt != p.Turbulence.end();
- TurbulenceIt++)
- if (!Turbulence.insert(*TurbulenceIt).second)
- Turbulence[TurbulenceIt->first] += TurbulenceIt->second;
- for (scalar_iterator TemperatureIt = p.Temperature.begin();
- TemperatureIt != p.Temperature.end();
- TemperatureIt++)
- if (!Temperature.insert(*TemperatureIt).second)
- Temperature[TemperatureIt->first] += TemperatureIt->second;
- AirPressure += p.AirPressure.getValue();
- for (scalar_iterator VaporPressureIt = p.VaporPressure.begin();
- VaporPressureIt != p.VaporPressure.end();
- VaporPressureIt++)
- if (!VaporPressure.insert(*VaporPressureIt).second)
- VaporPressure[VaporPressureIt->first] += VaporPressureIt->second;
- return *this;
-// slightly modified version that also makes the Mac happy
-inline FGPhysicalProperties& FGPhysicalProperties::operator -= (const FGPhysicalProperties& p)
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem>::const_iterator wind_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator turbulence_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
- // types to replace make_pair
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem>::value_type wind_type;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::value_type turb_type;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::value_type weather_type;
- for (wind_iterator WindIt = p.Wind.begin();
- WindIt != p.Wind.end();
- WindIt++)
- if (!Wind.insert( wind_type(WindIt->first, -WindIt->second) ).second)
- // when it's not inserted => it's already existing
- Wind[WindIt->first] -= WindIt->second; //=> substract the value
- for (turbulence_iterator TurbulenceIt = p.Turbulence.begin();
- TurbulenceIt != p.Turbulence.end();
- TurbulenceIt++)
- if (!Turbulence.insert( turb_type(TurbulenceIt->first, -TurbulenceIt->second) ).second)
- Turbulence[TurbulenceIt->first] -= TurbulenceIt->second;
- for (scalar_iterator TemperatureIt = p.Temperature.begin();
- TemperatureIt != p.Temperature.end();
- TemperatureIt++)
- if (!Temperature.insert( weather_type(TemperatureIt->first, -TemperatureIt->second) ).second)
- Temperature[TemperatureIt->first] -= TemperatureIt->second;
- AirPressure -= p.AirPressure.getValue();
- for (scalar_iterator VaporPressureIt = p.VaporPressure.begin();
- VaporPressureIt != p.VaporPressure.end();
- VaporPressureIt++)
- if (!VaporPressure.insert( weather_type(VaporPressureIt->first, -VaporPressureIt->second) ).second)
- VaporPressure[VaporPressureIt->first] -= VaporPressureIt->second;
- return *this;
-#if 0 // old version
-inline FGPhysicalProperties& FGPhysicalProperties::operator -= (const FGPhysicalProperties& p)
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem >::const_iterator wind_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator turbulence_iterator;
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
- for (wind_iterator WindIt = p.Wind.begin();
- WindIt != p.Wind.end();
- WindIt++)
- if (!Wind.insert( make_pair(WindIt->first, -WindIt->second) ).second) //when it's not inserted => it's already existing
- Wind[WindIt->first] -= WindIt->second; //=> substract the value
- for (turbulence_iterator TurbulenceIt = p.Turbulence.begin();
- TurbulenceIt != p.Turbulence.end();
- TurbulenceIt++)
- if (!Turbulence.insert( make_pair(TurbulenceIt->first, -TurbulenceIt->second) ).second)
- Turbulence[TurbulenceIt->first] -= TurbulenceIt->second;
- for (scalar_iterator TemperatureIt = p.Temperature.begin();
- TemperatureIt != p.Temperature.end();
- TemperatureIt++)
- if (!Temperature.insert( make_pair(TemperatureIt->first, -TemperatureIt->second) ).second)
- Temperature[TemperatureIt->first] -= TemperatureIt->second;
- AirPressure -= p.AirPressure.getValue();
- for (scalar_iterator VaporPressureIt = p.VaporPressure.begin();
- VaporPressureIt != p.VaporPressure.end();
- VaporPressureIt++)
- if (!VaporPressure.insert( make_pair(VaporPressureIt->first, -VaporPressureIt->second) ).second)
- VaporPressure[VaporPressureIt->first] -= VaporPressureIt->second;
- return *this;
-inline void FGPhysicalProperties::WindAt(sgVec3 ret, const WeatherPrecision a) const
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGWindItem>::const_iterator vector_iterator;
- vector_iterator it = Wind.lower_bound(a);
- vector_iterator it2 = it;
- it--;
- //now I've got it->alt < a < it2->alt so I can interpolate
- sgSubVec3(ret, *it2->second.getValue(), *it->second.getValue());
- sgScaleVec3(ret, (a - it2->first) / (it2->first - it->first));
- sgAddVec3(ret, *it2->second.getValue());
-inline void FGPhysicalProperties::TurbulenceAt(sgVec3 ret, const WeatherPrecision a) const
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator vector_iterator;
- vector_iterator it = Turbulence.lower_bound(a);
- vector_iterator it2 = it;
- it--;
- //now I've got it->alt < a < it2->alt so I can interpolate
- sgSubVec3(ret, *it2->second.getValue(), *it->second.getValue());
- sgScaleVec3(ret, (a - it2->first) / (it2->first - it->first));
- sgAddVec3(ret, *it2->second.getValue());
-inline WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::TemperatureAt(const WeatherPrecision a) const
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
- scalar_iterator it = Temperature.lower_bound(a);
- scalar_iterator it2 = it;
- it--;
- //now I've got it->alt < a < it2->alt so I can interpolate
- return ( (it2->second - it->second)/(it2->first - it->first) ) * (a - it2->first) + it2->second;
-//inline WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::AirPressureAt(const WeatherPrecision x) const
-//moved to FGPhysicalProperties.cpp as it got too complex to inline
-inline WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::VaporPressureAt(const WeatherPrecision a) const
- typedef map<FGPhysicalProperties::Altitude, WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator scalar_iterator;
- scalar_iterator it = VaporPressure.lower_bound(a);
- scalar_iterator it2 = it;
- it--;
- //now I've got it->alt < a < it2->alt so I can interpolate
- return ( (it2->second - it->second)/(it2->first - it->first) ) * (a - it2->first) + it2->second;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties operator * (FGPhysicalProperties a, const WeatherPrecision b)
- return a *= b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties operator * (const WeatherPrecision b, FGPhysicalProperties a)
- return a *= b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties operator + (FGPhysicalProperties a, const FGPhysicalProperties& b)
- return a += b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperties operator - (FGPhysicalProperties a, const FGPhysicalProperties& b)
- return a -= b;
-#endif /*FGPhysicalProperties_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGPhysicalProperties_bind.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 15.03.02
- Called by: main program
- -------- Copyright (C) 2002 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Initialice the FGPhysicalProperties struct to something sensible(?)
-15.03.2002 Christian Mayer Created
-#include "FGPhysicalProperties.h"
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_x( int number ) const
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::const_iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second.x();
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x)
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second.x( x );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_y( int number ) const
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::const_iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second.y();
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y)
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second.y( y );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_z( int number ) const
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::const_iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second.z();
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z)
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second.z( z );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getWind_a( int number ) const
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::const_iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->first;
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setWind_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a)
- if (number >= Wind.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Wind.size() << " entries for wind, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGWindItem>::iterator it = Wind.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->first;
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getTurbulence_x( int number ) const
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second.x();
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setTurbulence_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x)
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second.x( x );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getTurbulence_y( int number ) const
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second.y();
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setTurbulence_y( int number, WeatherPrecision y)
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second.y( y );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getTurbulence_z( int number ) const
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second.z();
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setTurbulence_z( int number, WeatherPrecision z)
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second.z( z );
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getTurbulence_a( int number ) const
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::const_iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->first;
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setTurbulence_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a)
- if (number >= Turbulence.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Turbulence.size() << " entries for Turbulence, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,FGTurbulenceItem>::iterator it = Turbulence.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->first;
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getTemperature_x( int number ) const
- if (number >= Temperature.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Temperature.size() << " entries for Temperature, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator it = Temperature.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second;
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setTemperature_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x)
- if (number >= Temperature.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Temperature.size() << " entries for Temperature, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::iterator it = Temperature.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second = x;
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getTemperature_a( int number ) const
- if (number >= Temperature.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Temperature.size() << " entries for Temperature, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator it = Temperature.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->first;
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setTemperature_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a)
- if (number >= Temperature.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Temperature.size() << " entries for Temperature, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::iterator it = Temperature.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->first;
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getVaporPressure_x( int number ) const
- if (number >= VaporPressure.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << VaporPressure.size() << " entries for VaporPressure, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator it = VaporPressure.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->second;
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setVaporPressure_x( int number, WeatherPrecision x)
- if (number >= VaporPressure.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << Temperature.size() << " entries for VaporPressure, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::iterator it = VaporPressure.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->second = x;
-WeatherPrecision FGPhysicalProperties::getVaporPressure_a( int number ) const
- if (number >= VaporPressure.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << VaporPressure.size() << " entries for VaporPressure, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- return 0.0;
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::const_iterator it = VaporPressure.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- return it->first;
-void FGPhysicalProperties::setVaporPressure_a( int number, WeatherPrecision a)
- if (number >= VaporPressure.size())
- {
- cerr << "Error: There are " << VaporPressure.size() << " entries for VaporPressure, but number " << number << " got requested!\n";
- }
- map<Altitude,WeatherPrecision>::iterator it = VaporPressure.begin();
- while( number > 0)
- {
- it++;
- number--;
- }
- it->first;
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGPhysicalProperty.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: main program
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Initialice the FGPhysicalProperty struct to something sensible(?)
-29.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-#include "FGPhysicalProperty.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
- sgZeroVec3(Wind); //Wind vector
- sgZeroVec3(Turbulence); //Turbulence vector
- Temperature = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE; //a nice warm day
- AirPressure = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_AIRPRESSURE; //mbar, that's ground level
- VaporPressure = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE; //that gives about 50% relatvie humidity
-FGPhysicalProperty::FGPhysicalProperty(const FGPhysicalProperties& p, const WeatherPrecision altitude)
- p.WindAt(Wind, altitude);
- p.TurbulenceAt(Turbulence, altitude);
- Temperature = p.TemperatureAt(altitude);
- AirPressure = p.AirPressureAt(altitude);
- VaporPressure = p.VaporPressureAt(altitude);
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGPhysicalProperty.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Define the simulated physical property of the weather in one point
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer Changed struct to class
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-30.06.1999 Christian Mayer STL portability
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGPhysicalProperty_H
-#define FGPhysicalProperty_H
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-# include <windows.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-#include "FGPhysicalProperties.h"
-/* used for output: */
-class FGPhysicalProperty;
-bool operator == (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const FGPhysicalProperty& b); // p1 == p2?
-class FGPhysicalProperty
- sgVec3 Wind; //Wind vector
- sgVec3 Turbulence; //Turbulence vector
- WeatherPrecision Temperature; //in deg. Kelvin (I *only* accept SI!)
- WeatherPrecision AirPressure; //in Pascal (I *only* accept SI!)
- WeatherPrecision VaporPressure; //in Pascal (I *only* accept SI!)
- FGPhysicalProperty(); //consructor to fill it with FG standart weather
- FGPhysicalProperty(const FGPhysicalProperties& p, const WeatherPrecision altitude);
- //allow calculations for easier handling such as interpolating
- FGPhysicalProperty& operator = ( const FGPhysicalProperty& p ); // assignment of a FGPhysicalProperty
- FGPhysicalProperty& operator += ( const FGPhysicalProperty& p ); // incrementation by a FGPhysicalProperty
- FGPhysicalProperty& operator -= ( const FGPhysicalProperty& p ); // decrementation by a FGPhysicalProperty
- FGPhysicalProperty& operator *= ( const double d ); // multiplication by a constant
- FGPhysicalProperty& operator /= ( const double d ); // division by a constant
- friend FGPhysicalProperty operator - (const FGPhysicalProperty& p); // -p1
- friend bool operator == (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const FGPhysicalProperty& b); // p1 == p2?
-class FGPhysicalProperty3D : public FGPhysicalProperty
- sgVec3 p; //position of the property (lat/lon/alt)
-typedef vector<FGPhysicalProperty> FGPhysicalPropertyVector;
-typedef FGPhysicalPropertyVector::iterator FGPhysicalPropertyVectorIt;
-typedef FGPhysicalPropertyVector::const_iterator FGPhysicalPropertyVectorConstIt;
-typedef vector<FGPhysicalProperty3D> FGPhysicalProperty3DVector;
-typedef FGPhysicalProperty3DVector::iterator FGPhysicalProperty3DVectorIt;
-typedef FGPhysicalProperty3DVector::const_iterator FGPhysicalProperty3DVectorConstIt;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty& FGPhysicalProperty::operator = ( const FGPhysicalProperty& p )
- sgCopyVec3(Wind, p.Wind);
- sgCopyVec3(Turbulence, p.Turbulence);
- Temperature = p.Temperature;
- AirPressure = p.AirPressure;
- VaporPressure = p.VaporPressure;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty& FGPhysicalProperty::operator += ( const FGPhysicalProperty& p )
- sgAddVec3(Wind, p.Wind);
- sgAddVec3(Turbulence, p.Turbulence);
- Temperature += p.Temperature;
- AirPressure += p.AirPressure;
- VaporPressure += p.VaporPressure;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty& FGPhysicalProperty::operator -= ( const FGPhysicalProperty& p )
- sgSubVec3(Wind, p.Wind);
- sgSubVec3(Turbulence, p.Turbulence);
- Temperature -= p.Temperature;
- AirPressure -= p.AirPressure;
- VaporPressure -= p.VaporPressure;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty& FGPhysicalProperty::operator *= ( const double d )
- sgScaleVec3(Wind, d);
- sgScaleVec3(Turbulence, d);
- Temperature *= d;
- AirPressure *= d;
- VaporPressure *= d;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty& FGPhysicalProperty::operator /= ( const double d )
- sgScaleVec3(Wind, 1.0 / d);
- sgScaleVec3(Turbulence, 1.0 / d);
- Temperature /= d;
- AirPressure /= d;
- VaporPressure /= d;
- return *this;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty operator - (const FGPhysicalProperty& p)
- FGPhysicalProperty x;
- sgNegateVec3(x.Wind, p.Wind);
- sgNegateVec3(x.Turbulence, p.Turbulence);
- x.Temperature = -p.Temperature;
- x.AirPressure = -p.AirPressure;
- x.VaporPressure = -p.VaporPressure;
- return x;
-inline bool operator == (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const FGPhysicalProperty& b)
- return (
- sgEqualVec3(a.Wind, b.Wind) &&
- sgEqualVec3(a.Turbulence, b.Turbulence) &&
- (a.Temperature == b.Temperature) &&
- (a.AirPressure == b.AirPressure) &&
- (a.VaporPressure == b.VaporPressure));
-inline bool operator != (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const FGPhysicalProperty& b)
- return !(a == b);
-inline FGPhysicalProperty operator + (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const FGPhysicalProperty& b)
- return FGPhysicalProperty(a) += b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty operator - (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const FGPhysicalProperty& b)
- return FGPhysicalProperty(a) -= b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty operator * (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const WeatherPrecision b)
- return FGPhysicalProperty(a) *= b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty operator * (const WeatherPrecision b, const FGPhysicalProperty& a)
- return FGPhysicalProperty(a) *= b;
-inline FGPhysicalProperty operator / (const FGPhysicalProperty& a, const WeatherPrecision b)
- return FGPhysicalProperty(a) *= (1.0/b);
-#endif /*FGPhysicalProperty_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGSnowRain.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Header for the rain/snow/hail/... class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGSnowRain_H
-#define FGSnowRain_H
-#include "FGWeatherFeature.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-enum SnowRainType
- Rain,
- Snow,
- Hail,
- usedRainSnowTypes
-class FGSnowRain:FGWeatherFeature
-#endif /*FGSnowRain_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGTemperatureItem.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- ---------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( ----------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Operator< definition for the item
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-#include "FGTemperatureItem.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
-bool operator<(const FGTemperatureItem& arg1, const FGTemperatureItem& arg2 )
- return arg1.alt < arg2.alt;
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGTemperatureItem.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- ---------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( ----------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Temperature item that is stored in the micro weather class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-10.10.1999 Christian Mayer added mutable for gcc 2.95 portability
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGTemperatureItem_H
-#define FGTemperatureItem_H
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-// for the case that mutable isn't supported:
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGTemperatureItem;
-FGTemperatureItem operator-(const FGTemperatureItem& arg);
-class FGTemperatureItem
- mutable WeatherPrecision value;
- WeatherPrecision alt;
- FGTemperatureItem(const WeatherPrecision& a, const WeatherPrecision& v) {alt = a; value = v;}
- FGTemperatureItem(const WeatherPrecision& v) {alt = 0.0; value = v;}
- FGTemperatureItem() {alt = 0.0; value = (WeatherPrecision)FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE;}
- WeatherPrecision getValue() const { return value; };
- WeatherPrecision getAlt() const { return alt; };
- void setAlt (WeatherPrecision x) { alt = x; }
- void setValue(WeatherPrecision x) { value = x; }
- FGTemperatureItem& operator*= (const WeatherPrecision& arg);
- FGTemperatureItem& operator+= (const FGTemperatureItem& arg);
- FGTemperatureItem& operator-= (const FGTemperatureItem& arg);
- friend bool operator<(const FGTemperatureItem& arg1, const FGTemperatureItem& arg2 );
- friend FGTemperatureItem operator-(const FGTemperatureItem& arg);
-inline FGTemperatureItem& FGTemperatureItem::operator*= (const WeatherPrecision& arg)
- value *= arg;
- return *this;
-inline FGTemperatureItem& FGTemperatureItem::operator+= (const FGTemperatureItem& arg)
- value += arg.value;
- return *this;
-inline FGTemperatureItem& FGTemperatureItem::operator-= (const FGTemperatureItem& arg)
- value -= arg.value;
- return *this;
-inline FGTemperatureItem operator-(const FGTemperatureItem& arg)
- return FGTemperatureItem(arg.alt, -arg.value);
-#endif /*FGTemperatureItem_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGThunderstorm.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 02.11.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Function that calls other parts of fg when a lightning has happened
-02.11.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include "FGThunderstorm.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
-FGThunderstorm::FGThunderstorm(const float n, const float e, const float s, const float w, const float p, const unsigned int seed)
- northBorder = n;
- eastBorder = e;
- southBorder = s;
- westBorder = w;
- lightningProbability = p;
- currentProbability = 0.0;
- switch(seed)
- {
- case 0:
- //a seed of 0 means that I have to initialize the seed myself
- srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- break;
- case 1:
- //a seed of 1 means that I must not initialize the seed
- break;
- default:
- //any other seed means that I have to initialize with that seed
- srand( seed );
- }
- //I don't need to do anything
-void FGThunderstorm::update(const float dt)
- //increase currentProbability by a value x that's 0.5 dt <= x <= 1.5 dt
- currentProbability += dt * ( 0.5 - (float(rand())/RAND_MAX) );
- if (currentProbability > lightningProbability)
- { //ok, I've got a lightning now
- //figure out where the lightning is:
- sgVec2 lightningPosition;
- sgSetVec2(
- lightningPosition,
- southBorder + (northBorder - southBorder)*(float(rand())/RAND_MAX),
- westBorder + (eastBorder - westBorder )*(float(rand())/RAND_MAX)
- );
- //call OpenGl:
- /* ... */
- //call Sound:
- /* ... */
- //call Radio module:
- /* ... */
- currentProbability = 0.0; //and begin again
- }
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGThunderstorm.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 02.11.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Header for the thunderstom class
-02.11.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGThunderstorm_H
-#define FGThunderstorm_H
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGThunderstorm
- float northBorder;
- float eastBorder;
- float southBorder;
- float westBorder;
- float lightningProbability; //in lightnings per second
- float currentProbability; //=0.0 directly after a lightning stroke and
- //gets increased over the time until it's
- //bigger than lightningProbability. When that
- //happens we've got a new lightning
- FGThunderstorm(const float n, const float e, const float s, const float w, const float p, const unsigned int seed = 0);
- ~FGThunderstorm(void);
- void update(const float dt);
-#endif /*FGThunderstorm_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGTurbulenceItem.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Operator< definition for the item
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-#include "FGTurbulenceItem.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGTurbulenceItem.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-turbulence item that gets stored in the micro weather class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-21.12.1999 Christian Mayer Added a fix for compatibility to gcc 2.8 which
- suggested by Oliver Delise
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGTurbulenceItem_H
-#define FGTurbulenceItem_H
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-# include <windows.h>
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGTurbulenceItem;
-FGTurbulenceItem operator-(const FGTurbulenceItem& arg);
-#if ( __GNU_C__ == 2 && __GNU_MAJOR__ < 9 )
-# define const_sgVec3 const sgVec3
-# define const_sgVec3 const sgVec3&
-class FGTurbulenceItem
- sgVec3 value;
- FGTurbulenceItem(const_sgVec3 v) { sgCopyVec3(value, v);}
- FGTurbulenceItem() { sgZeroVec3(value); }
- void getValue(sgVec3 ret) const { sgCopyVec3(ret, value); };
- const sgVec3* getValue(void) const { return &value; };
- WeatherPrecision x(void) const { return value[0]; };
- WeatherPrecision y(void) const { return value[1]; };
- WeatherPrecision z(void) const { return value[2]; };
- void x(const WeatherPrecision x) { value[0] = x; };
- void y(const WeatherPrecision y) { value[1] = y; };
- void z(const WeatherPrecision z) { value[2] = z; };
- FGTurbulenceItem& operator*= (const WeatherPrecision arg);
- FGTurbulenceItem& operator+= (const FGTurbulenceItem& arg);
- FGTurbulenceItem& operator-= (const FGTurbulenceItem& arg);
- friend FGTurbulenceItem operator-(const FGTurbulenceItem& arg);
-inline FGTurbulenceItem& FGTurbulenceItem::operator*= (const WeatherPrecision arg)
- sgScaleVec3(value, arg);
- return *this;
-inline FGTurbulenceItem& FGTurbulenceItem::operator+= (const FGTurbulenceItem& arg)
- sgAddVec3(value, *arg.getValue());
- return *this;
-inline FGTurbulenceItem& FGTurbulenceItem::operator-= (const FGTurbulenceItem& arg)
- sgSubVec3(value, *arg.getValue());
- return *this;
-inline FGTurbulenceItem operator-(const FGTurbulenceItem& arg)
- sgVec3 temp;
- sgNegateVec3(temp, *arg.getValue());
- return FGTurbulenceItem(temp);
-#endif /*FGTurbulenceItem_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGVaporPressureItem.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- ---------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( ----------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Operator< definition for the item
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-#include "FGVaporPressureItem.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
-bool operator<(const FGVaporPressureItem& arg1, const FGVaporPressureItem& arg2 )
- return arg1.alt < arg2.alt;
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGVaporPressureItem.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- ---------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( ----------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Vapor pressure item that is stored in the micro weather class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-10.10.1999 Christian Mayer added mutable for gcc 2.95 portability
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGVaporPressureItem_H
-#define FGVaporPressureItem_H
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-//for the case that mutable isn't supported:
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGVaporPressureItem;
-FGVaporPressureItem operator-(const FGVaporPressureItem& arg);
-class FGVaporPressureItem
- mutable WeatherPrecision value;
- WeatherPrecision alt;
- FGVaporPressureItem(const WeatherPrecision& a, const WeatherPrecision& v) {alt = a; value = v;}
- FGVaporPressureItem(const WeatherPrecision& v) {alt = 0.0; value = v;}
- FGVaporPressureItem() {alt = 0.0; value = FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE;}
- WeatherPrecision getValue() const { return value; };
- WeatherPrecision getAlt() const { return alt; };
- FGVaporPressureItem& operator*= (const WeatherPrecision& arg);
- FGVaporPressureItem& operator+= (const FGVaporPressureItem& arg);
- FGVaporPressureItem& operator-= (const FGVaporPressureItem& arg);
- friend bool operator<(const FGVaporPressureItem& arg1, const FGVaporPressureItem& arg2 );
- friend FGVaporPressureItem operator-(const FGVaporPressureItem& arg);
-inline FGVaporPressureItem& FGVaporPressureItem::operator*= (const WeatherPrecision& arg)
- value *= arg;
- return *this;
-inline FGVaporPressureItem& FGVaporPressureItem::operator+= (const FGVaporPressureItem& arg)
- value += arg.value;
- return *this;
-inline FGVaporPressureItem& FGVaporPressureItem::operator-= (const FGVaporPressureItem& arg)
- value -= arg.value;
- return *this;
-inline FGVaporPressureItem operator-(const FGVaporPressureItem& arg)
- return FGVaporPressureItem(arg.alt, -arg.value);
-#endif /*FGVaporPressureItem_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGWeatherDefs.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-definitions uses in most weather classes
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGWeatherDefs_H
-#define FGWeatherDefs_H
-/* DEFINES */
-typedef double WeatherPrecision;
-//set the minimum visibility to get a at least half way realistic weather
-#define MINIMUM_WEATHER_VISIBILITY 10.0 /* metres */
-#define DEFAULT_WEATHER_VISIBILITY 32000.0 /* metres */
-//prefered way the database is working
-#define PREFERED_WORKING_TYPE default_mode
-// #define PREFERED_WORKING_TYPE use_internet
-#define FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE (15.0+273.16) /*15°C or 288.16°K*/
-#define FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_VAPORPRESSURE (0.0) /*in Pascal 1 Pa = N/m^2*/
-#define FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_AIRPRESSURE (1013.25*100.0) /*in Pascal 1 Pa = N/m^2*/
-#define FG_WEATHER_DEFAULT_AIRDENSITY (1.22501) /*in kg/m^3*/
-#endif /*FGWeatherDefs_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGWeatherFeature.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Abstract class that every weather feature, such as wind layers, are derivated
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-30.06.1999 Christian Mayer STL portability
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGWeatherFeature_H
-#define FGWeatherFeature_H
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-enum LayerType {
- fgWind,
- fgTurbulence,
- fgTemperature,
- fgAirDensity,
- fgCloud,
- fgRain
-class FGWeatherFeature
- sgVec3 position; //middle of the feature in lat/lon/alt
- WeatherPrecision minSize; //smalest size of the feature
- //=> a disk is specifies
- LayerType FeatureType;
- LayerType getFeature(void) const { return FeatureType; }
- bool isFeature(const LayerType& f) const { return (f == FeatureType); }
-#endif /*FGWeatherFeature_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGWeatherParse.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Parse the weather that can be downloaded from
-where yy stands for the year, mm for the month, dd for the day and hh for the
-The columns are explained at
-and a list of the stations can be found at
-Many thanks to Georg Mueller ( of the
- Institut fuer Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Universitaet Karlsruhe
-for makeking such a service aviable.
-You can also visit his homepage at
-18.10.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-14.12.1999 Christian Mayer minor internal changes
-#include <simgear/constants.h>
-#include "FGWeatherParse.h"
-#include "FGWeatherUtils.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
-void FGWeatherParse::input(const char *file)
- unsigned int nr = 0;
- sg_gzifstream in;
- cerr << "Parsing \"" << file << "\" for weather datas:\n";
- file );
- if (! in.is_open() )
- {
- cerr << "Couldn't find that file!\nExiting...\n";
- exit(-1);
- }
- else
- {
- bool skip = false;
- while ( in )
- {
- entry temp;
- in >> temp.year;
- in >> temp.month;
- in >>;
- in >> temp.hour;
- in >> temp.station_number;
- in >>;
- in >> temp.lon;
- in >> temp.x_wind;
- in >> temp.y_wind;
- in >> temp.temperature;
- in >> temp.dewpoint;
- in >> temp.airpressure;
- in >> temp.airpressure_history[0];
- in >> temp.airpressure_history[1];
- in >> temp.airpressure_history[2];
- in >> temp.airpressure_history[3];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weather_station.size(); i++)
- {
- if ((weather_station[i].lat == && (weather_station[i].lon == temp.lon))
- {
- // Two weatherstations are at the same positon
- // => averageing both
- // just taking care of the stuff that metters for us
- weather_station[i].x_wind += temp.x_wind; weather_station[i].x_wind *= 0.5;
- weather_station[i].y_wind += temp.y_wind; weather_station[i].y_wind *= 0.5;
- weather_station[i].temperature += temp.temperature; weather_station[i].temperature *= 0.5;
- weather_station[i].dewpoint += temp.dewpoint; weather_station[i].dewpoint *= 0.5;
- weather_station[i].airpressure += temp.airpressure; weather_station[i].airpressure *= 0.5;
- skip = true;
- }
- }
- if (skip == false)
- weather_station.push_back( temp );
- skip = false;
- // output a point to ease the waiting
- if ( ((nr++)%100) == 0 )
- cerr << ".";
- }
- cerr << "\n" << nr << " stations read\n";
- }
-FGPhysicalProperties FGWeatherParse::getFGPhysicalProperties(const unsigned int nr) const
- FGPhysicalProperties ret_val;
- //chache this entry
- entry this_entry = weather_station[nr];
- ret_val.Wind[-1000.0] = FGWindItem(this_entry.x_wind, this_entry.y_wind, 0.0);
- ret_val.Wind[10000.0] = FGWindItem(this_entry.x_wind, this_entry.y_wind, 0.0);
- ret_val.Temperature[0.0] = Celsius( this_entry.temperature );
- ret_val.AirPressure = FGAirPressureItem( this_entry.airpressure * 10.0 ); //*10 to go from 10 hPa to Pa
- //I have the dewpoint and the temperature, so I can get the vapor pressure
- ret_val.VaporPressure[-1000.0] = sat_vp( this_entry.dewpoint );
- ret_val.VaporPressure[10000.0] = sat_vp( this_entry.dewpoint );
- //I've got no ideas about clouds...
- //ret_val.Clouds[0] = 0.0;
- return ret_val;
-void FGWeatherParse::getPosition(const unsigned int nr, sgVec2 pos) const
- //set the position of the station
- sgSetVec2( pos, weather_station[nr].lat * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, weather_station[nr].lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGWeatherParse.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Parse the weather that can be downloaded from
-where yy stands for the year, mm for the month, dd for the day and hh for the
-The columns are explained at
-and a list of the stations can be found at
-Many thanks to Georg Mueller ( of the
- Institut fuer Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Universitaet Karlsruhe
-for makeking such a service aviable.
-You can also visit his homepage at
-18.10.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-14.12.1999 Christian Mayer minor internal changes
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGWeatherParse_H
-#define FGWeatherParse_H
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
-#include "FGPhysicalProperties.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGWeatherParse
- struct entry;
- vector<entry> weather_station;
- /************************************************************************/
- /* A line (i.e. entry) in the data file looks like: */
- /************************************************************************/
- struct entry
- {
- int year; // The yyyy
- int month; // The mm
- int day; // The dd
- int hour; // The hh
- unsigned int station_number; // The XXXXX
- float lat; // The BBBBBB negative = south
- float lon; // The LLLLLLL negative = west
- float x_wind; // The UUUUU negative = to the weat
- float y_wind; // The VVVVV negative = to the south
- float temperature; // The TTTTT in degC
- float dewpoint; // The DDDDD in degC
- float airpressure; // The PPPPP in hPa
- float airpressure_history[4]; // The pppp in hPa
- };
- FGWeatherParse();
- ~FGWeatherParse();
- void input(const char *file);
- unsigned int stored_stations(void) const
- {
- return weather_station.size();
- }
- entry getEntry(const unsigned int nr) const
- {
- return weather_station[nr];
- }
- FGPhysicalProperties getFGPhysicalProperties(const unsigned int nr) const;
- void getPosition(const unsigned int nr, sgVec2 pos) const;
-#endif /*FGWeatherParse_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGWeatherUtils.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Utilities for the weather calculation like converting formulas
-02.06.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-08.06.1999 Christian Mayer Changed sat_vp
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-17.01.2000 Christian Mayer Added conversion routines make it easier for
- JSBsim to use the weather database.
-18.05.2000 Christian Mayer Added function for geting the density when
- temperature and pressure are given
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGWeatherUtils_H
-#define FGWeatherUtils_H
-#include <math.h>
-/* DEFINES */
-/*assuming as given: */
-/* */
-/* t: temperature in °C */
-/* p: preasure in mbar */
-/* //abs_hum: absoloute humidity in g/m^3, */
-/* act_vp: actual vapor pressure pascal */
-/* */
-/* Calculated vaues: */
-/* //max_hum: maximum of humidity in g/m^3, */
-/* sat_vp: saturated vapor pressure in pascal */
-/* rel_hum: relative humidity in % */
-/* dp: dew point in °C */
-/* wb: approximate wetbulp in °C */
-/* */
-/* NOTE: Pascal is the SI unit for pressure and is defined as Pa = N/m^2 */
-/* 1 mbar = 1 hPa = 100 Pa */
-/* NOTE: °C isn't a SI unit, so I should use °K instead. But as all */
-/* formulas are given in °C and the weather database only uses */
-/* 'normal' temperatures, I've kept it in °C */
-#define SAT_VP_CONST1 610.483125
-#define SAT_VP_CONST2 7.444072452
-#define SAT_VP_CONST3 235.3120919
-inline WeatherPrecision sat_vp(const WeatherPrecision temp)
- //old:
- //return 6.112 * pow( 10, (7.5*dp)/(237.7+dp) ); //in mbar
- //new:
- //advantages: return the result as SI unit pascal and the constants
- //are choosen that the correct results are returned for 0°C, 20°C and
- //100°C. By 100°C I'm now returning a preasure of 1013.25 hPa
- return SAT_VP_CONST1 * pow( 10, (SAT_VP_CONST2*temp)/(SAT_VP_CONST3+temp) ); //in pascal
-inline WeatherPrecision rel_hum(const WeatherPrecision act_vp, const WeatherPrecision sat_vp)
- return (act_vp / sat_vp) * 100; //in %
-inline WeatherPrecision dp(const WeatherPrecision sat_vp)
- return (SAT_VP_CONST3*log10(sat_vp/SAT_VP_CONST1))/(SAT_VP_CONST2-log10(sat_vp/SAT_VP_CONST1)); //in °C
-inline WeatherPrecision wb(const WeatherPrecision t, const WeatherPrecision p, const WeatherPrecision dp)
- WeatherPrecision e = sat_vp(dp);
- WeatherPrecision tcur, tcvp, peq, diff;
- WeatherPrecision tmin, tmax;
- if (t > dp)
- {
- tmax = t;
- tmin = dp;
- }
- else
- {
- tmax = dp;
- tmin = t;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- tcur=(tmax+tmin)/2;
- tcvp=sat_vp(tcur);
- peq = 0.000660*(1+0.00155*tcur)*p*(t-tcur);
- diff = peq-tcvp+e;
- if (fabs(diff) < 0.01)
- return tcur; //in °C
- if (diff < 0)
- tmax=tcur;
- else
- tmin=tcur;
- };
-// Assume that we've got an ideal gas in normal altitudes
-inline WeatherPrecision Density(const WeatherPrecision AirPressure, const WeatherPrecision Temperature )
- const float rho0 = 1.293; /*density for air in normal altitudes at 0°C and 1013 mbar*/
- return rho0 * 273.15 * AirPressure / (101300.0 * Temperature);
-inline WeatherPrecision Celsius (const WeatherPrecision celsius)
- return celsius + 273.15; //Kelvin
-inline WeatherPrecision Fahrenheit (const WeatherPrecision fahrenheit)
- return (fahrenheit * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0 + 273.15; //Kelvin
-inline WeatherPrecision Kelvin2Celsius (const WeatherPrecision kelvin)
- return kelvin - 273.15; //Celsius
-inline WeatherPrecision Kelvin2Fahrenheit (const WeatherPrecision kelvin)
- return ((kelvin - 273.15) * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0; //Fahrenheit
-inline WeatherPrecision Celsius2Fahrenheit (const WeatherPrecision celsius)
- return (celsius * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0; //Fahrenheit
-inline WeatherPrecision Fahrenheit2Celsius (const WeatherPrecision fahrenheit)
- return (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0; //Celsius
-inline WeatherPrecision Torr2Pascal (const WeatherPrecision torr)
- return (101325.0/760.0)*torr; //Pascal
-inline WeatherPrecision Rankine2Kelvin (const WeatherPrecision Rankine)
- return (5.0 / 9.0) * Rankine; //Kelvin
-inline WeatherPrecision JSBsim2SIdensity (const WeatherPrecision JSBsim)
- return JSBsim / 0.0019403203; //kg / cubic metres
-inline WeatherPrecision psf2Pascal (const WeatherPrecision psf)
- return psf / 0.020885434; //lbs / square foot (used in JSBsim)
-inline WeatherPrecision Kelvin2Rankine (const WeatherPrecision kelvin)
- return (9.0 / 5.0) * kelvin; //Rankine (used in JSBsim)
-inline WeatherPrecision SIdensity2JSBsim (const WeatherPrecision SIdensity)
- return 0.0019403203 * SIdensity; //slug / cubic feet (used in JSBsim)
-inline WeatherPrecision Pascal2psf (const WeatherPrecision Pascal)
- return 0.020885434 * Pascal; //lbs / square feet (used in JSBsim)
-#endif /*FGWeatherUtils_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGWeatherVectorWrap.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-make a wraper for an sgVec2 vector so that it can be used in a STL container
-18.10.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-21.12.1999 Christian Mayer Added a fix for compatibility to gcc 2.8 which
- suggested by Oliver Delise
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGWeatherVectorWrap_H
-#define FGWeatherVectorWrap_H
-#include <sg.h>
-/* DEFINES */
-#if ( __GNU_C__ == 2 && __GNU_MAJOR__ < 9 )
-# define const_sgVec2 const sgVec2
-# define const_sgVec2 const sgVec2&
-struct sgVec2Wrap
- sgVec2 p;
- sgVec2Wrap();
- sgVec2Wrap( const_sgVec2 src ) { sgCopyVec2( p, src ); }
-#endif /*FGWeatherVectorWrap_H*/
+++ /dev/null
- Module: FGWindItem.cpp
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- Called by: FGMicroWeather
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-Operator< definition for the item
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-#include "FGWindItem.h"
-/********************************** CODE ************************************/
+++ /dev/null
- Header: FGWindItem.h
- Author: Christian Mayer
- Date started: 28.05.99
- -------- Copyright (C) 1999 Christian Mayer ( --------
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on
- the world wide web at
-wind item that gets stored in the micro weather class
-28.05.1999 Christian Mayer Created
-16.06.1999 Durk Talsma Portability for Linux
-20.06.1999 Christian Mayer added lots of consts
-11.10.1999 Christian Mayer changed set<> to map<> on Bernie Bright's
- suggestion
-19.10.1999 Christian Mayer change to use PLIB's sg instead of Point[2/3]D
- and lots of wee code cleaning
-21.12.1999 Christian Mayer Added a fix for compatibility to gcc 2.8 which
- suggested by Oliver Delise
-/* SENTRY */
-#ifndef FGWindItem_H
-#define FGWindItem_H
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-# include <windows.h>
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-#include "FGWeatherDefs.h"
-/* DEFINES */
-class FGWindItem;
-FGWindItem operator-(const FGWindItem& arg);
-#if ( __GNU_C__ == 2 && __GNU_MAJOR__ < 9 )
-# define const_sgVec3 const sgVec3
-# define const_sgVec3 const sgVec3&
-class FGWindItem
- sgVec3 value;
- FGWindItem(const_sgVec3 v) { sgCopyVec3(value, v); }
- FGWindItem(const WeatherPrecision x, const WeatherPrecision y, const WeatherPrecision z)
- { sgSetVec3 (value, x, y, z); }
- FGWindItem() { sgZeroVec3(value); }
- void getValue(sgVec3 ret) const { sgCopyVec3(ret, value); };
- const sgVec3* getValue(void) const { return &value; };
- WeatherPrecision x(void) const { return value[0]; };
- WeatherPrecision y(void) const { return value[1]; };
- WeatherPrecision z(void) const { return value[2]; };
- void x(const WeatherPrecision x) { value[0] = x; };
- void y(const WeatherPrecision y) { value[1] = y; };
- void z(const WeatherPrecision z) { value[2] = z; };
- FGWindItem& operator*= (const WeatherPrecision arg);
- FGWindItem& operator+= (const FGWindItem& arg);
- FGWindItem& operator-= (const FGWindItem& arg);
- friend FGWindItem operator-(const FGWindItem& arg);
-inline FGWindItem& FGWindItem::operator*= (const WeatherPrecision arg)
- sgScaleVec3(value, arg);
- return *this;
-inline FGWindItem& FGWindItem::operator+= (const FGWindItem& arg)
- sgAddVec3(value, *arg.getValue());
- return *this;
-inline FGWindItem& FGWindItem::operator-= (const FGWindItem& arg)
- sgSubVec3(value, *arg.getValue());
- return *this;
-inline FGWindItem operator-(const FGWindItem& arg)
- sgVec3 temp;
- sgNegateVec3(temp, *arg.getValue());
- return FGWindItem(temp);
-#endif /*FGWindItem_H*/
+++ /dev/null
-noinst_LIBRARIES = libWeatherCM.a
-libWeatherCM_a_SOURCES = \
- FGAirPressureItem.cpp FGAirPressureItem.h \
- FGCloud.h FGCloudItem.cpp FGCloudItem.h \
- FGLocalWeatherDatabase.cpp FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h \
- FGPhysicalProperties.cpp FGPhysicalProperties.h \
- FGPhysicalProperties_bind.cpp \
- FGPhysicalProperty.cpp FGPhysicalProperty.h \
- FGSnowRain.h \
- FGTemperatureItem.cpp FGTemperatureItem.h \
- FGThunderstorm.cpp FGThunderstorm.h \
- FGTurbulenceItem.cpp FGTurbulenceItem.h \
- FGVaporPressureItem.cpp FGVaporPressureItem.h \
- FGWeatherDefs.h FGWeatherFeature.h FGWeatherUtils.h \
- FGWeatherParse.cpp FGWeatherParse.h \
- FGWeatherVectorWrap.h \
- FGWindItem.cpp FGWindItem.h \
- linintp2.cpp linintp2.h \
- sphrintp.cpp sphrintp.h
-INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src
+++ /dev/null
-The formula p(x) for calculating the air pressure at a given altitude
-Well known is the baromertic(?) formula
- rho0
- ------ * g * x
- p0
- p(x) = p0 * e
-with p0 being the airpressure and rho0 being the air density at an altitude of
-0 metres above sea level and g being the gravity constant of 9.81 m/sq. sec
-This formula can easily be derivated when you know, that:
- * the pressure difference is
- dp = - rho * g * dx
- * Boyle-Mariotte says:
- p0 : p = rho0 : rho
-Combinig the terms and changing them around I get:
- dp [ rho0 ]
- -- = - rho * g = - [ ------ * p(x) ] * g
- dx [ p0 ]
- rho0
- p'(x) = - ------ * p(x) * g
- p0
-Solving that differential equation and knowing that p(0) = p0 I get:
- rho0
- - ------ * g * x
- p0
- p(x) = p0 * e
-The problem with that equation is that it doesn't take different temperatures
-at different altitudes into account. And the inaccuracies due to it are huge.
-That's why this formula is only used in very low altitudes.
-So to get a usefull formula for FlightGear I need to extend it. And as I'm
-already 'recreating' that formula I'm taking the change in g into account, too.
-This doesn't make such a dramatic difference to the result as the inclusion of
-temperature change does, but it doesn't complicate the final formula too much.
-So I get three formulas that I'm combining in the end:
- * the change of g with the altitude:
- G * m
- g(x) = -----------
- (x + r)^2
- G is the universal gravity constant(?) and is 6.673e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
- m is the mass of the earth and is 5.977e24 kg
- r is the radius of the earth and is 6368 km
- * The pressure difference stays the same:
- dp = - rho * g(x) * dx
- * If I combine Boyle-Mariotte with Gay-Lussac I get:
- rho0 * T0 p
- rho = ----------- * ---
- p0 T
-Combining the terms again I get this time:
- dp [ rho0 * T0 p(x) ]
- -- = - rho * g(x) = - [ ----------- * ------ ] * g(x)
- dx [ p0 T(x) ]
- rho0 * T0 p(x) * g(x)
- p'(x) = - ----------- * -------------
- p0 T(x)
-This DE isn't that easy to solve as the one above, it by looking into the right
-books you'll see the general solution for:
- y' + f(x)*y = 0
- x
- /\
- - | f(x) dx
- \/
- n
- y = m * e
-and P(m,n) will be a point on the graph.
-For q = n = 0 metres altitude we get y = m. As y is p(x) we know that m has to
-be p0.
-So our final formuala is
- ho0 * T0 g(x)
- f1(x) = ----------- * ------
- p0 T(x)
- x x
- /\ /\
- - | f1(x) dx | f(x) dx
- \/ \/
- 0 0 F(x) - F(0)
- p(x) = p0 * e = p0 * e = p0 * e
-The only disturbing thing we've got left is the integral. Luckily there is a
-great service at that helps me doing it :-)
-But the f(x) is still too general so I'm substituting:
- rho0 * T0 * G * m
- f(x) = - -----------------------
- p0 * (x + r)^2 * T(x)
-but even that isn't good enough. But as I'm linearily interpolating between
-two different temperatures I can say that T(x) = a*x + b for the x inbetween
-two different stored temperatures. So I just need to integrate every pice
-independandly. But anyway, I get:
- rho0 * T0 * G * m
- f(x) = - ------------------------------
- p0 * (x + r)^2 * (a * x + b)
-Integrating that I get:
- rho0 * T0 * G * m [ 1
- F(x) = - ------------------- * [ ------------------------ -
- p0 [ (-b + a * r) * (r + x)
- a * log|r + x| a * log|b + a * x| ]
- ---------------- + -------------------- ]
- (b - a * r)^2 (b - a * r)^2 ]
-To lower the computional cost I can transfere the equation.
- * I'm defining
- rho0 * T0 * G * m
- factor = - -------------------
- p0
- 1
- c = --------------
- (-b + a * r)
- * now I can write
- [ c ]
- F(x) = factor * [ --------- - a * c * c * [log|r + x| + log|b + a * x|] ]
- [ (r + x) ]
- * and simplyfy it to
- [ 1 ]
- F(x) = factor * c * [ --------- - a * c * log|(r + x) * (b + a * x)| ]
- [ (r + x) ]
-The following table shows quite nicely how accurate my formula is:
- Altitude[m] | Airpressure [hPa] | Error [%]
- | Official | My formula |
- ------------+---------------+---------------+---------------
- -200 | 1037.51 | 1037.24 | 0.0260
- -100 | 1025.32 | 1025.19 | 0.0127
- 0 | 1013.25 | 1013.25 | 0.0
- 500 | 954.59 | 955.224 | 0.0664
- 1000 | 898.70 | 899.912 | 0.1349
- 2000 | 794.88 | 797.042 | 0.2720
- 3000 | 700.99 | 703.885 | 0.4130
- 4000 | 616.28 | 619.727 | 0.5593
- 5000 | 540.07 | 543.89 | 0.7073
- 6000 | 471.67 | 475.731 | 0.8610
- 7000 | 410.46 | 414.643 | 1.0191
- 8000 | 355.84 | 360.054 | 1.1842
- 9000 | 307.27 | 311.422 | 1.3513
- 10000 | 264.21 | 268.238 | 1.5245
- 20000 | 54.670/55.3 | 55.7971 | 2.0616/0.8989
- 30000 | 11.8 | 11.3149 | 1.5441
- 40000 | 3.0 | 2.74665 | 18.9703
- 50000 | 0.88 | 0.753043 | 41.9183
- 60000 | 0.257 | 0.221907 | 57.9802
- 70000 | 0.0602 | 0.0530785 | 61.9153
- 80000 | 0.0101 | 0.00905461 | 51.5725
- 100000 | 2.14e-4 | 2.03984e-4 | 5.5131
-The official values are from the CINA atmosphere which assumes a air pressure
-of 1013.25 hPa and a temperature of 15 degC at sea level and a temperature
-gradient of -6.5 deg/km. The CINA atmosphere gives only values for altiudes
-up to 20 km. The values for 20 km and above are from the 1959 ARDC atmosphere.
-That's why I've got two values at 20000 metres.
-The temperature changes dramtically in the altitudes over 20 km which I didn't
-take care of in my calculations which explains the huge errors at that altitude
-range. But you can see nicely that the values are at least quite close to the
-official values.
-Using a better temperature model for the altitudes above 20 km should
-dramatically increase the accuracy there.
+++ /dev/null
- WARNING - Do not remove this header.
- This code is a templated version of the 'magic-software' spherical
- interpolation code by Dave Eberly. The original (un-hacked) code can be
- obtained from here:
- This code is derived from linintp2.h/cpp and sphrintp.h/cpp.
- Dave Eberly says that the conditions for use are:
- * You may distribute the original source code to others at no charge.
- * You may modify the original source code and distribute it to others at
- no charge. The modified code must be documented to indicate that it is
- not part of the original package.
- * You may use this code for non-commercial purposes. You may also
- incorporate this code into commercial packages. However, you may not
- sell any of your source code which contains my original and/or modified
- source code. In such a case, you need to factor out my code and freely
- distribute it.
- * The original code comes with absolutely no warranty and no guarantee is
- made that the code is bug-free.
- This does not seem incompatible with GPL - so this modified version
- is hereby placed under GPL along with the rest of FlightGear.
- Christian Mayer
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include STL_IOSTREAM
-#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
-#include <float.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "linintp2.h"
-mgcLinInterp2D::mgcLinInterp2D (int _numPoints, double* x, double* y,
- unsigned int* _f)
- if ( (numPoints = _numPoints) < 3 )
- {
- point = 0;
- edge = 0;
- triangle = 0;
- numTriangles = 0;
- return;
- }
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 20%] allocating memory");
- point = new double*[numPoints];
- tmppoint = new double*[numPoints+3];
- f = new unsigned int[numPoints];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
- point[i] = new double[2];
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints+3; i++)
- tmppoint[i] = new double[2];
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
- {
- point[i][0] = tmppoint[i][0] = x[i];
- point[i][1] = tmppoint[i][1] = y[i];
- f[i] = _f[i];
- }
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 30%] creating delaunay diagram");
- Delaunay2D();
-mgcLinInterp2D::~mgcLinInterp2D ()
- if ( numPoints < 3 )
- return;
- int i;
- if ( point )
- {
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
- delete[] point[i];
- delete[] point;
- }
- if ( tmppoint )
- {
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints+3; i++)
- delete[] tmppoint[i];
- delete[] tmppoint;
- }
- delete[] f;
- delete[] edge;
- delete[] triangle;
-void mgcLinInterp2D::ComputeBarycenter (Vertex& v0, Vertex& v1, Vertex& v2,
- Vertex& ver, double c[3])
- double a0 = v0.x-v2.x;
- double b0 = v0.y-v2.y;
- double a1 = v1.x-v2.x;
- double b1 = v1.y-v2.y;
- double a2 = ver.x-v2.x;
- double b2 = ver.y-v2.y;
- double m00 = a0*a0+b0*b0;
- double m01 = a0*a1+b0*b1;
- double m11 = a1*a1+b1*b1;
- double r0 = a2*a0+b2*b0;
- double r1 = a2*a1+b2*b1;
- double det = m00*m11-m01*m01;
- c[0] = (m11*r0-m01*r1)/det;
- c[1] = (m00*r1-m01*r0)/det;
- c[2] = 1-c[0]-c[1];
-int mgcLinInterp2D::InTriangle (Vertex& v0, Vertex& v1, Vertex& v2,
- Vertex& test)
- const double eps = 1e-08;
- double tx, ty, nx, ny;
- // test against normal to first edge
- tx = test.x - v0.x;
- ty = test.y - v0.y;
- nx = v0.y - v1.y;
- ny = v1.x - v0.x;
- if ( tx*nx + ty*ny < -eps )
- return 0;
- // test against normal to second edge
- tx = test.x - v1.x;
- ty = test.y - v1.y;
- nx = v1.y - v2.y;
- ny = v2.x - v1.x;
- if ( tx*nx + ty*ny < -eps )
- return 0;
- // test against normal to third edge
- tx = test.x - v2.x;
- ty = test.y - v2.y;
- nx = v2.y - v0.y;
- ny = v0.x - v2.x;
- if ( tx*nx + ty*ny < -eps )
- return 0;
- return 1;
-int mgcLinInterp2D::Evaluate (double x, double y, EvaluateData& F)
- Vertex ver = { x, y };
- // determine which triangle contains the target point
- int i;
- Vertex v0, v1, v2;
- for (i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
- {
- Triangle& t = triangle[i];
- v0.x = point[t.vertex[0]][0];
- v0.y = point[t.vertex[0]][1];
- v1.x = point[t.vertex[1]][0];
- v1.y = point[t.vertex[1]][1];
- v2.x = point[t.vertex[2]][0];
- v2.y = point[t.vertex[2]][1];
- if ( InTriangle(v0,v1,v2,ver) )
- break;
- }
- if ( i == numTriangles ) // point is outside interpolation region
- {
- return 0;
- }
- Triangle& t = triangle[i]; // (x,y) is in this triangle
- // compute barycentric coordinates with respect to subtriangle
- double bary[3];
- ComputeBarycenter(v0,v1,v2,ver,bary);
- // compute barycentric combination of function values at vertices
- F.index[0] = f[t.vertex[0]];
- F.index[1] = f[t.vertex[1]];
- F.index[2] = f[t.vertex[2]];
- F.percentage[0] = bary[0];
- F.percentage[1] = bary[1];
- F.percentage[2] = bary[2];
- return 1;
-int mgcLinInterp2D::Delaunay2D ()
- int result;
- const double EPSILON = 1e-12;
- const int TSIZE = 75;
- const double RANGE = 10.0;
- xmin = tmppoint[0][0];
- xmax = xmin;
- ymin = tmppoint[0][1];
- ymax = ymin;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
- {
- double value = tmppoint[i][0];
- if ( xmax < value )
- xmax = value;
- if ( xmin > value )
- xmin = value;
- value = tmppoint[i][1];
- if ( ymax < value )
- ymax = value;
- if ( ymin > value )
- ymin = value;
- }
- double xrange = xmax-xmin, yrange = ymax-ymin;
- double maxrange = xrange;
- if ( maxrange < yrange )
- maxrange = yrange;
- // need to scale the data later to do a correct triangle count
- double maxrange2 = maxrange*maxrange;
- // tweak the points by very small random numbers
- double bgs = EPSILON*maxrange;
- srand(367);
- for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
- {
- tmppoint[i][0] += bgs*(0.5 - rand()/double(RAND_MAX));
- tmppoint[i][1] += bgs*(0.5 - rand()/double(RAND_MAX));
- }
- double wrk[2][3] =
- {
- { 5*RANGE, -RANGE, -RANGE },
- };
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- tmppoint[numPoints+i][0] = xmin+xrange*wrk[0][i];
- tmppoint[numPoints+i][1] = ymin+yrange*wrk[1][i];
- }
- int i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i11;
- int nts, ii[3];
- double xx;
- int tsz = 2*TSIZE;
- int** tmp = new int*[tsz+1];
- tmp[0] = new int[2*(tsz+1)];
- for (i0 = 1; i0 < tsz+1; i0++)
- tmp[i0] = tmp[0] + 2*i0;
- i1 = 2*(numPoints + 2);
- int* id = new int[i1];
- for (i0 = 0; i0 < i1; i0++)
- id[i0] = i0;
- int** a3s = new int*[i1];
- a3s[0] = new int[3*i1];
- for (i0 = 1; i0 < i1; i0++)
- a3s[i0] = a3s[0] + 3*i0;
- a3s[0][0] = numPoints;
- a3s[0][1] = numPoints+1;
- a3s[0][2] = numPoints+2;
- double** ccr = new double*[i1]; // circumscribed centers and radii
- ccr[0] = new double[3*i1];
- for (i0 = 1; i0 < i1; i0++)
- ccr[i0] = ccr[0] + 3*i0;
- ccr[0][0] = 0.0;
- ccr[0][1] = 0.0;
- ccr[0][2] = FLT_MAX;
- nts = 1; // number of triangles
- i4 = 1;
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 40%] create triangulation");
- // compute triangulation
- for (i0 = 0; i0 < numPoints; i0++)
- {
- i1 = i7 = -1;
- i9 = 0;
- for (i11 = 0; i11 < nts; i11++)
- {
- i1++;
- while ( a3s[i1][0] < 0 )
- i1++;
- xx = ccr[i1][2];
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++)
- {
- double z = tmppoint[i0][i2]-ccr[i1][i2];
- xx -= z*z;
- if ( xx < 0 )
- goto Corner3;
- }
- i9--;
- i4--;
- id[i4] = i1;
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++)
- {
- ii[0] = 0;
- if (ii[0] == i2)
- ii[0]++;
- for (i3 = 1; i3 < 2; i3++)
- {
- ii[i3] = ii[i3-1] + 1;
- if (ii[i3] == i2)
- ii[i3]++;
- }
- if ( i7 > 1 )
- {
- i8 = i7;
- for (i3 = 0; i3 <= i8; i3++)
- {
- for (i5 = 0; i5 < 2; i5++)
- if ( a3s[i1][ii[i5]] != tmp[i3][i5] )
- goto Corner1;
- for (i6 = 0; i6 < 2; i6++)
- tmp[i3][i6] = tmp[i8][i6];
- i7--;
- goto Corner2;
- }
- }
- if ( ++i7 > tsz )
- {
- // temporary storage exceeded, increase TSIZE
- result = 0;
- goto ExitDelaunay;
- }
- for (i3 = 0; i3 < 2; i3++)
- tmp[i7][i3] = a3s[i1][ii[i3]];
- }
- a3s[i1][0] = -1;
- }
- for (i1 = 0; i1 <= i7; i1++)
- {
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++)
- for (wrk[i2][2] = 0, i3 = 0; i3 < 2; i3++)
- {
- wrk[i2][i3] = tmppoint[tmp[i1][i2]][i3]-tmppoint[i0][i3];
- wrk[i2][2] +=
- 0.5*wrk[i2][i3]*(tmppoint[tmp[i1][i2]][i3]+
- tmppoint[i0][i3]);
- }
- xx = wrk[0][0]*wrk[1][1]-wrk[1][0]*wrk[0][1];
- ccr[id[i4]][0] = (wrk[0][2]*wrk[1][1]-wrk[1][2]*wrk[0][1])/xx;
- ccr[id[i4]][1] = (wrk[0][0]*wrk[1][2]-wrk[1][0]*wrk[0][2])/xx;
- for (ccr[id[i4]][2] = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++)
- {
- double z = tmppoint[i0][i2]-ccr[id[i4]][i2];
- ccr[id[i4]][2] += z*z;
- a3s[id[i4]][i2] = tmp[i1][i2];
- }
- a3s[id[i4]][2] = i0;
- i4++;
- i9++;
- }
- nts += i9;
- }
- // count the number of triangles
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 50%] count the number of triangles");
- numTriangles = 0;
- i0 = -1;
- for (i11 = 0; i11 < nts; i11++)
- {
- i0++;
- while ( a3s[i0][0] < 0 )
- i0++;
- if ( a3s[i0][0] < numPoints )
- {
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++)
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++)
- wrk[i1][i2] =
- tmppoint[a3s[i0][i1]][i2]-tmppoint[a3s[i0][2]][i2];
- if ( fabs(wrk[0][0]*wrk[1][1]-wrk[0][1]*wrk[1][0]) > EPSILON*maxrange2 )
- numTriangles++;
- }
- }
- // create the triangles
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 60%] create the triangles");
- triangle = new Triangle[numTriangles];
- numTriangles = 0;
- i0 = -1;
- for (i11 = 0; i11 < nts; i11++)
- {
- i0++;
- while ( a3s[i0][0] < 0 )
- i0++;
- if ( a3s[i0][0] < numPoints )
- {
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++)
- for (i2 = 0; i2 < 2; i2++)
- wrk[i1][i2] =
- tmppoint[a3s[i0][i1]][i2]-tmppoint[a3s[i0][2]][i2];
- xx = wrk[0][0]*wrk[1][1]-wrk[0][1]*wrk[1][0];
- if ( fabs(xx) > EPSILON*maxrange2 )
- {
- int delta = xx < 0 ? 1 : 0;
- Triangle& tri = triangle[numTriangles];
- tri.vertex[0] = a3s[i0][0];
- tri.vertex[1] = a3s[i0][1+delta];
- tri.vertex[2] = a3s[i0][2-delta];
- tri.adj[0] = -1;
- tri.adj[1] = -1;
- tri.adj[2] = -1;
- numTriangles++;
- }
- }
- }
- // build edge table
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 70%] build the edge table");
- numEdges = 0;
- edge = new Edge[3*numTriangles];
- int j, j0, j1;
- for (i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
- {
- if ( (i%500) == 0)
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_BULK, "[ 7" << 10*i/numTriangles << "%] build the edge table");
- Triangle& t = triangle[i];
- for (j0 = 0, j1 = 1; j0 < 3; j0++, j1 = (j1+1)%3)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < numEdges; j++)
- {
- Edge& e = edge[j];
- if ( (t.vertex[j0] == e.vertex[0]
- && t.vertex[j1] == e.vertex[1])
- || (t.vertex[j0] == e.vertex[1]
- && t.vertex[j1] == e.vertex[0]) )
- break;
- }
- if ( j == numEdges ) // add edge to table
- {
- edge[j].vertex[0] = t.vertex[j0];
- edge[j].vertex[1] = t.vertex[j1];
- edge[j].triangle[0] = i;
- edge[j].index[0] = j0;
- edge[j].triangle[1] = -1;
- numEdges++;
- }
- else // edge already exists, add triangle to table
- {
- edge[j].triangle[1] = i;
- edge[j].index[1] = j0;
- }
- }
- }
- // establish links between adjacent triangles
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 80%] establishing links between adjacent triangles");
- for (i = 0; i < numEdges; i++)
- {
- if ( edge[i].triangle[1] != -1 )
- {
- j0 = edge[i].triangle[0];
- j1 = edge[i].triangle[1];
- triangle[j0].adj[edge[i].index[0]] = j1;
- triangle[j1].adj[edge[i].index[1]] = j0;
- }
- }
- result = 1;
- delete[] tmp[0];
- delete[] tmp;
- delete[] id;
- delete[] a3s[0];
- delete[] a3s;
- delete[] ccr[0];
- delete[] ccr;
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 90%] finsishes delauney triangulation");
- return result;
-void mgcLinInterp2D::GetPoint (int i, double& x, double& y)
- // assumes i is valid [can use PointCount() before passing i]
- x = point[i][0];
- y = point[i][1];
-void mgcLinInterp2D::GetEdge (int i, double& x0, double& y0, double& x1,
- double& y1)
- // assumes i is valid [can use EdgeCount() before passing i]
- int v0 = edge[i].vertex[0], v1 = edge[i].vertex[1];
- x0 = point[v0][0];
- y0 = point[v0][1];
- x1 = point[v1][0];
- y1 = point[v1][1];
-void mgcLinInterp2D::GetTriangle (int i, double& x0, double& y0, double& x1,
- double& y1, double& x2, double& y2)
- // assumes i is valid [can use TriangleCount() before passing i]
- int v0 = triangle[i].vertex[0];
- int v1 = triangle[i].vertex[1];
- int v2 = triangle[i].vertex[2];
- x0 = point[v0][0];
- y0 = point[v0][1];
- x1 = point[v1][0];
- y1 = point[v1][1];
- x2 = point[v2][0];
- y2 = point[v2][1];
+++ /dev/null
- WARNING - Do not remove this header.
- This code is a templated version of the 'magic-software' spherical
- interpolation code by Dave Eberly. The original (un-hacked) code can be
- obtained from here:
- This code is derived from linintp2.h/cpp and sphrintp.h/cpp.
- Dave Eberly says that the conditions for use are:
- * You may distribute the original source code to others at no charge.
- * You may modify the original source code and distribute it to others at
- no charge. The modified code must be documented to indicate that it is
- not part of the original package.
- * You may use this code for non-commercial purposes. You may also
- incorporate this code into commercial packages. However, you may not
- sell any of your source code which contains my original and/or modified
- source code. In such a case, you need to factor out my code and freely
- distribute it.
- * The original code comes with absolutely no warranty and no guarantee is
- made that the code is bug-free.
- This does not seem incompatible with GPL - so this modified version
- is hereby placed under GPL along with the rest of FlightGear.
- Christian Mayer
-#ifndef LININTP2_H
-#define LININTP2_H
-struct EvaluateData
- unsigned int index[3];
- double percentage[3];
-class mgcLinInterp2D
- mgcLinInterp2D (int _numPoints, double* x, double* y, unsigned int* _f);
- ~mgcLinInterp2D ();
- double XMin () { return xmin; }
- double XMax () { return xmax; }
- double XRange () { return xmax-xmin; }
- double YMin () { return ymin; }
- double YMax () { return ymax; }
- double YRange () { return ymax-ymin; }
- int PointCount () { return numPoints; }
- void GetPoint (int i, double& x, double& y);
- int EdgeCount () { return numEdges; }
- void GetEdge (int i, double& x0, double& y0, double& x1, double& y1);
- int TriangleCount () { return numTriangles; }
- void GetTriangle (int i, double& x0, double& y0, double& x1, double& y1,
- double& x2, double& y2);
- int Evaluate (double x, double y, EvaluateData& F);
- typedef struct
- {
- double x, y;
- }
- Vertex;
- typedef struct
- {
- int vertex[3]; // listed in counterclockwise order
- int adj[3];
- // adj[0] points to triangle sharing edge (vertex[0],vertex[1])
- // adj[1] points to triangle sharing edge (vertex[1],vertex[2])
- // adj[2] points to triangle sharing edge (vertex[2],vertex[0])
- }
- Triangle;
- typedef struct
- {
- int vertex[2];
- int triangle[2];
- int index[2];
- }
- Edge;
- int numPoints;
- double** point;
- double** tmppoint;
- unsigned int* f;
- double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
- int numEdges;
- Edge* edge;
- int numTriangles;
- Triangle* triangle;
- int Delaunay2D ();
- void ComputeBarycenter (Vertex& v0, Vertex& v1, Vertex& v2, Vertex& ver,
- double c[3]);
- int InTriangle (Vertex& v0, Vertex& v1, Vertex& v2, Vertex& test);
+++ /dev/null
- WARNING - Do not remove this header.
- This code is a templated version of the 'magic-software' spherical
- interpolation code by Dave Eberly. The original (un-hacked) code can be
- obtained from here:
- This code is derived from linintp2.h/cpp and sphrintp.h/cpp.
- Dave Eberly says that the conditions for use are:
- * You may distribute the original source code to others at no charge.
- * You may modify the original source code and distribute it to others at
- no charge. The modified code must be documented to indicate that it is
- not part of the original package.
- * You may use this code for non-commercial purposes. You may also
- incorporate this code into commercial packages. However, you may not
- sell any of your source code which contains my original and/or modified
- source code. In such a case, you need to factor out my code and freely
- distribute it.
- * The original code comes with absolutely no warranty and no guarantee is
- made that the code is bug-free.
- This does not seem incompatible with GPL - so this modified version
- is hereby placed under GPL along with the rest of FlightGear.
- Christian Mayer
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include STL_IOSTREAM
-#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "sphrintp.h"
-static const double PI = 4.0*atan(1.0);
-static const double TWOPI = 2.0*PI;
-SphereInterpolate::SphereInterpolate (int n, const double* x,
- const double* y, const double* z,
- const unsigned int* f)
- // Assumes (x[i],y[i],z[i]) is unit length for all 0 <= i < n.
- // For complete spherical coverage, include the two antipodal points
- // (0,0,1,f(0,0,1)) and (0,0,-1,f(0,0,-1)) in the data set.
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "Initialising spherical interpolator.");
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 0%] Allocating memory");
- theta = new double[3*n];
- phi = new double[3*n];
- func = new unsigned int[3*n];
- // convert data to spherical coordinates
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- GetSphericalCoords(x[i],y[i],z[i],theta[i],phi[i]);
- func[i] = f[i];
- }
- // use periodicity to get wrap-around in the Delaunay triangulation
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 10%] copying vertices for wrap-aroundr");
- int j, k;
- for (i = 0, j = n, k = 2*n; i < n; i++, j++, k++)
- {
- theta[j] = theta[i]+TWOPI;
- theta[k] = theta[i]-TWOPI;
- phi[j] = phi[i];
- phi[k] = phi[i];
- func[j] = func[i];
- func[k] = func[i];
- }
- pInterp = new mgcLinInterp2D(3*n,theta,phi,func);
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[100%] Finished initialising spherical interpolator.");
-SphereInterpolate::SphereInterpolate (int n, const sgVec2* p, const unsigned int* f)
- // Assumes (x[i],y[i],z[i]) is unit length for all 0 <= i < n.
- // For complete spherical coverage, include the two antipodal points
- // (0,0,1,f(0,0,1)) and (0,0,-1,f(0,0,-1)) in the data set.
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "Initialising spherical interpolator.");
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 0%] Allocating memory");
- theta = new double[3*n];
- phi = new double[3*n];
- func = new unsigned int[3*n];
- // convert data to spherical coordinates
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[ 10%] copying vertices for wrap-around");
- int i, j, k;
- for (i = 0, j = n, k = 2*n; i < n; i++, j++, k++)
- {
- phi[i] = p[i][0];
- theta[i] = p[i][1];
- func[i] = f[i];
- // use periodicity to get wrap-around in the Delaunay triangulation
- phi[j] = phi[i];
- phi[k] = phi[i];
- theta[j] = theta[i]+TWOPI;
- theta[k] = theta[i]-TWOPI;
- func[j] = func[i];
- func[k] = func[i];
- }
- pInterp = new mgcLinInterp2D(3*n,theta,phi,func);
- SG_LOG(SG_MATH, SG_DEBUG, "[100%] Finished initialising spherical interpolator.");
-SphereInterpolate::~SphereInterpolate ()
- delete pInterp;
- delete[] theta;
- delete[] phi;
- delete[] func;
-void SphereInterpolate::GetSphericalCoords (const double x, const double y, const double z,
- double& thetaAngle,
- double& phiAngle) const
- // Assumes (x,y,z) is unit length. Returns -PI <= thetaAngle <= PI
- // and 0 <= phiAngle <= PI.
- if ( z < 1.0f )
- {
- if ( z > -1.0f )
- {
- thetaAngle = atan2(y,x);
- phiAngle = acos(z);
- }
- else
- {
- thetaAngle = -PI;
- phiAngle = PI;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- thetaAngle = -PI;
- phiAngle = 0.0f;
- }
-int SphereInterpolate::Evaluate (const double x, const double y, const double z, EvaluateData& f) const
- // assumes (x,y,z) is unit length
- double thetaAngle, phiAngle;
- GetSphericalCoords(x,y,z,thetaAngle,phiAngle);
- return pInterp->Evaluate(thetaAngle,phiAngle,f);
-int SphereInterpolate::Evaluate (const double thetaAngle, const double phiAngle, EvaluateData& f) const
- return pInterp->Evaluate(thetaAngle,phiAngle,f);
+++ /dev/null
- WARNING - Do not remove this header.
- This code is a templated version of the 'magic-software' spherical
- interpolation code by Dave Eberly. The original (un-hacked) code can be
- obtained from here:
- This code is derived from linintp2.h/cpp and sphrintp.h/cpp.
- Dave Eberly says that the conditions for use are:
- * You may distribute the original source code to others at no charge.
- * You may modify the original source code and distribute it to others at
- no charge. The modified code must be documented to indicate that it is
- not part of the original package.
- * You may use this code for non-commercial purposes. You may also
- incorporate this code into commercial packages. However, you may not
- sell any of your source code which contains my original and/or modified
- source code. In such a case, you need to factor out my code and freely
- distribute it.
- * The original code comes with absolutely no warranty and no guarantee is
- made that the code is bug-free.
- This does not seem incompatible with GPL - so this modified version
- is hereby placed under GPL along with the rest of FlightGear.
- Christian Mayer
-#ifndef SPHRINTP_H
-#define SPHRINTP_H
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include STL_IOSTREAM
-#include "linintp2.h"
-#include <plib/sg.h>
-class SphereInterpolate
- SphereInterpolate (int n, const double* x, const double* y,
- const double* z, const unsigned int* f);
- SphereInterpolate (int n, const sgVec2* p, const unsigned int* f);
- ~SphereInterpolate ();
- void GetSphericalCoords (const double x, const double y, const double z,
- double& thetaAngle, double& phiAngle) const;
- int Evaluate (const double x, const double y, const double z, EvaluateData& f) const;
- int Evaluate (const double thetaAngle, const double phiAngle, EvaluateData& f) const;
-#ifndef macintosh
- // CodeWarrior doesn't know the differece between sgVec2 and
- // sgVec3, so I commented this out for Mac builds. This change is
- // related to a similar change in FGLocalWeatherDatabase module.
- EvaluateData Evaluate(const sgVec2& p) const
- {
- EvaluateData retval;
- Evaluate(p[1], p[0], retval);
- return retval;
- }
- EvaluateData Evaluate(const sgVec3& p) const
- {
- EvaluateData retval;
- if (!Evaluate(p[1], p[0], retval))
- {
- cout << "Error during spherical interpolation. Point ("
- << p[0] << "/" << p[1] << "/" << p[2] << ") was in no triangle\n";
- retval.index[0] = 0; //fake something
- retval.index[1] = 0;
- retval.index[2] = 0;
- retval.percentage[0] = 1.0;
- retval.percentage[1] = 0.0;
- retval.percentage[2] = 0.0;
- }
- return retval;
- }
- int numPoints;
- double* theta;
- double* phi;
- unsigned int* func;
- mgcLinInterp2D* pInterp;