// First we download the file to memory and test whether it's actually an image file
- $imgData = HTTPClient::quickGet($file->getUrl());
- common_debug(sprintf('Downloading remote file id==%u with URL: %s', $file->id, $file->getUrl()));
+ common_debug(sprintf('Downloading remote file id==%u with URL: %s', $file->getID(), _ve($file->getUrl())));
+ try {
+ $imgData = HTTPClient::quickGet($file->getUrl());
+ } catch (HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException $e) {
+ common_log(LOG_ERR, __CLASS__.': quickGet on URL: '._ve($file->getUrl()).' threw exception: '.$e->getMessage());
+ return true;
+ }
$info = @getimagesizefromstring($imgData);
if ($info === false) {
throw new UnsupportedMediaException(_('Remote file format was not identified as an image.'), $file->getUrl());