if ($notice->inScope(null) && $notice->getProfile()->hasRight(Right::PUBLICNOTICE)) {
// put our transport first, in case there's any conflict (like OMB)
array_unshift($transports, 'ostatus');
- $this->log(LOG_INFO, "Notice {$notice->id} queued for OStatus processing");
+ $this->log(LOG_INFO, "OSTATUS [{$notice->getID()}]: queued for OStatus processing");
} else {
// FIXME: we don't do privacy-controlled OStatus updates yet.
// once that happens, finer grain of control here.
- $this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "Not queueing notice {$notice->id} for OStatus because of privacy; scope = {$notice->scope}");
+ $this->log(LOG_NOTICE, "OSTATUS [{$notice->getID()}]: Not queueing because of privacy; scope = {$notice->scope}");
return true;
// and then upgrade it. This self-healing feature needs to be enabled manually in config.
// This code is based on a patch by @hannes2peer@quitter.se
if (common_config('fix', 'legacy_http') && parse_url($feed, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === 'https') {
- common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'OSTATUS: Searching for http scheme instead for HubSub feed topic: '._ve($feed));
+ common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "OSTATUS [{$this->notice->getID()}]: Searching for http scheme instead for HubSub feed topic: "._ve($feed));
$http_feed = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $feed);
$sub = new HubSub();
$sub->topic = $http_feed;
// If we find it we upgrade the rows in the hubsub table.
if ($sub->find()) {
- common_log(LOG_INFO, 'OSTATUS: Found topic with http scheme for '._ve($feed).', will update the rows to use https instead!');
+ common_log(LOG_INFO, "OSTATUS [{$this->notice->getID()}]: Found topic with http scheme for "._ve($feed).", will update the rows to use https instead!");
// we found an http:// URL but we use https:// now
// so let's update the rows to reflect on this!
while ($sub->fetch()) {
- common_debug('OSTATUS: Changing topic URL to https for feed callback '._ve($sub->callback));
+ common_debug("OSTATUS [{$this->notice->getID()}]: Changing topic URL to https for feed callback "._ve($sub->callback));
$orig = clone($sub);
$sub->topic = $feed;
// hashkey column will be set automagically in HubSub->onUpdateKeys through updateWithKeys
$atom = call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
$this->pushFeedInternal($atom, $sub);
} else {
- common_log(LOG_INFO, "No PuSH subscribers for $feed");
+ common_log(LOG_INFO, "OSTATUS [{$this->notice->getID()}]: No PuSH subscribers for $feed");