"require-dev": {
"phpunit/dbunit": "^2.0",
"phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "^3.0.2",
- "phpunit/php-token-stream": "^1.4.2"
+ "phpunit/php-token-stream": "^1.4.2",
+ "mikey179/vfsStream": "^1.6"
"scripts": {
"test": "phpunit"
"Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file",
"This file is @generated automatically"
- "content-hash": "9e24971ae9340c5d9d4d4ca477d4ec29",
+ "content-hash": "d62c3e3d6971ee63a862a22ff3cd3768",
"packages": [
"name": "asika/simple-console",
"time": "2015-06-14T21:17:01+00:00"
+ {
+ "name": "mikey179/vfsStream",
+ "version": "v1.6.5",
+ "source": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/mikey179/vfsStream.git",
+ "reference": "d5fec95f541d4d71c4823bb5e30cf9b9e5b96145"
+ },
+ "dist": {
+ "type": "zip",
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/mikey179/vfsStream/zipball/d5fec95f541d4d71c4823bb5e30cf9b9e5b96145",
+ "reference": "d5fec95f541d4d71c4823bb5e30cf9b9e5b96145",
+ "shasum": ""
+ },
+ "require": {
+ "php": ">=5.3.0"
+ },
+ "require-dev": {
+ "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.5"
+ },
+ "type": "library",
+ "extra": {
+ "branch-alias": {
+ "dev-master": "1.6.x-dev"
+ }
+ },
+ "autoload": {
+ "psr-0": {
+ "org\\bovigo\\vfs\\": "src/main/php"
+ }
+ },
+ "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
+ "license": [
+ "BSD-3-Clause"
+ ],
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "name": "Frank Kleine",
+ "homepage": "http://frankkleine.de/",
+ "role": "Developer"
+ }
+ ],
+ "description": "Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests.",
+ "homepage": "http://vfs.bovigo.org/",
+ "time": "2017-08-01T08:02:14+00:00"
+ },
"name": "myclabs/deep-copy",
"version": "1.7.0",
### Option B: Run the automatic install script
-Open the file htconfig.php in the main Friendica directory with a text editor.
-Remove the `die('...');` line and edit the lines to suit your installation (MySQL, language, theme etc.).
-Then save the file (do not rename it).
+You have the following options to automatically install Friendica:
+- creating a prepared config file (f.e. `prepared.ini.php`)
+- using environment variables (f.e. `MYSQL_HOST`)
+- using options (f.e. `--dbhost <host>`)
-Navigate to the main Friendica directory and execute the following command:
+You can combine environment variables and options, but be aware that options are prioritized over environment variables.
+For more information during the installation, you can use this command line option
- bin/console autoinstall
+ bin/console autoinstall -v
-Or if you wish to include all optional checks, execute this statement instead:
+If you wish to include all optional checks, use `-a` like this statement:
bin/console autoinstall -a
+*If* the automatic installation fails for any reason, check the following:
-At this point visit your website again, and register your personal account.
+* Does `config/local.ini.php` already exist? If yes, the automatic installation won't start
+* Are the options in the `config/local.ini.php` correct? If not, edit them directly.
+* Is the empty MySQL-database created? If not, create it.
-*If* the automatic installation fails for any reason, check the following:
+#### B.1: Config file
-* Does "config/local.ini.php" already exist? If yes, the automatic installation won't start
-* Are the settings inside "htconfig.php" correct? If not, edit the file again.
-* Is the empty MySQL-database created? If not, create it.
+You can use a prepared config file like [local-sample.ini.php](config/local-sample.ini.php).
-For more information during the installation, you can use this command line option
+Navigate to the main Friendica directory and execute the following command:
- bin/console autoinstall -v
+ bin/console autoinstall -f <prepared.ini.php>
+#### B.2: Environment variables
+There are two types of environment variables.
+- those you can use in normal mode too (Currently just **database credentials**)
+- those you can only use during installation (because Friendica will normally ignore it)
+You can use the options during installation too and skip some of the environment variables.
+**Database credentials**
+if you don't use the option `--savedb` during installation, the DB credentials will **not** be saved in the `config/local.ini.php`.
+- `MYSQL_HOST` The host of the mysql/mariadb database
+- `MYSQL_PORT` The port of the mysql/mariadb database
+- `MYSQL_USERNAME` The username of the mysql database login (used for mysql)
+- `MYSQL_USER` The username of the mysql database login (used for mariadb)
+- `MYSQL_PASSWORD` The password of the mysql/mariadb database login
+- `MYSQL_DATABASE` The name of the mysql/mariadb database
+**Friendica settings**
+This variables wont be used at normal Friendica runtime.
+Instead, they get saved into `config/local.ini.php`.
+- `FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH` The path of the PHP binary
+- `FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL` The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access)
+- `FRIENDICA_TZ` The timezone of Friendica
+- `FRIENDICA_LANG` The langauge of Friendica
+Navigate to the main Friendica directory and execute the following command:
+ bin/console autoinstall [--savedb]
+#### B.3: Execution options
+All options will be saved in the `config/local.ini.php` and are overruling the associated environment variables.
+- `-H|--dbhost <host>` The host of the mysql/mariadb database (env `MYSQL_HOST`)
+- `-p|--dbport <port>` The port of the mysql/mariadb database (env `MYSQL_PORT`)
+- `-U|--dbuser <username>` The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (env `MYSQL_USER` or `MYSQL_USERNAME`)
+- `-P|--dbpass <password>` The password of the mysql/mariadb database login (env `MYSQL_PASSWORD`)
+- `-d|--dbdata <database>` The name of the mysql/mariadb database (env `MYSQL_DATABASE`)
+- `-b|--phppath <path>` The path of the PHP binary (env `FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH`)
+- `-A|--admin <mail>` The admin email address of Friendica (env `FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL`)
+- `-T|--tz <timezone>` The timezone of Friendica (env `FRIENDICA_TZ`)
+- `-L|--land <language>` The language of Friendica (env `FRIENDICA_LANG`)
+Navigate to the main Friendica directory and execute the following command:
+ bin/console autoinstall [options]
### Prepare .htaccess file
Wenn du irgendwelche **kritischen** Fehler zu diesen Zeitpunkt erhalten solltest, deutet das darauf hin, dass die Datenbank nicht korrekt installiert wurde.
Du kannst bei Bedarf die Datei config/local.ini.php verschieben/umbenennen und die Datenbank leeren (als „Dropping“ bezeichnet), so dass du mit einem sauberen System neu starten kannst.
-### Option B: Starte das manuelle Installationsscript
+### Option B: Starte das automatische Installationsscript
-Öffne die Datei htconfig.php im Friendica-Hauptordner mit einem Text-Editor.
-Entferne die `die('...');` Zeile und bearbeite die Einstellungen so, das sie zu deinem System passen (MySQL, Sprache, Theme etc.).
-Dann speichere die Datei (jedoch nicht umbenennen).
+Es existieren folgende Varianten zur automatischen Installation von Friendica:
+- Eine vorgefertigte Konfigurationsdatei erstellen (z.B. `prepared.ini.php`)
+- Verwendung von Umgebungsvariablen (z.B. `MYSQL_HOST`)
+- Verwendung von Optionen (z.B. `--dbhost <host>`)
-Gehe in den Friendica-Hauptordner und führe den Kommandozeilen Befehl aus:
+Umgebungsvariablen und Optionen können auch kombiniert werden.
+Dabei ist jedoch darauf zu achten, dass etwaige Optionen immer die zugehörigen Umgebungsvariablen überschreiben.
+Für mehr Informationen kannst du diese Option verwenden:
- bin/console autoinstall
+ bin/console autoinstall -v
-Oder falls du alle optionalen Checks ausfürehn lassen möchtest, benutze diese Option:
+Falls du alle optionalen Checks ausfürehn lassen möchtest, benutze diese Option:
bin/console autoinstall -a
*Wenn* die automatisierte Installation aus irgendeinem Grund fehlschlägt, dann prüfe das Folgende:
-* Existiert die `config/local.ini.php`? Falls ja, wird die automatisierte Installation nicht gestartet.
-* Sind Einstellungen in der `config/local.ini.php` korrekt? Falls nicht, bitte bearbeite diese Datei erneut.
-* Ist die leere MySQL-Datenbank erstellt? Falls nicht, erstelle diese.
+* Existiert die `config/local.ini.php`? Falls ja, wird die automatisierte Installation nicht gestartet.
+* Sind Einstellungen in der `config/local.ini.php` korrekt? Falls nicht, bitte bearbeite diese Datei erneut.
+* Ist die leere MySQL-Datenbank erstellt? Falls nicht, erstelle diese.
-Für mehr Informationen kannst du diese Option verwenden:
+#### B.1: Konfigurationsdatei
- bin/console autoinstall -v
+Für diese Variante muss ein Konfigurationsdatei bereits vor der Installation fertig definiert sein (z.B. [local-sample.ini.php](config/local-sample.ini.php).
+Gehe im Anschluss in den Friendica-Hauptordner und führe den Kommandozeilen Befehl aus:
+ bin/console autoinstall -f <prepared.ini.php>
+#### B.2: Umgebungsvariablen
+Es existieren Zwei Arten von Umgebungsvariablen in Friendica:
+- Jene, die auch im normalen Betrieb verwendet werden können (derzeit ausschließlich **Datenbank Einstellungen**)
+- Jene, die nur während der Installation verwedent werden können (im normalen Betrieb werden sie ignoriert)
+Umgebungsvariablen können auch durch adäquate Optionen (z.B. `--dbhost <hostname>`)übersteuert werden.
+**Datenbank Einstellungen**
+Nur wenn die Option `--savedb` gesetzt ist, werden diese Umgebungsvariablen auch in `config/local.ini.php` gespeichert!
+- `MYSQL_HOST` Der Host der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank
+- `MYSQL_PORT` Der Port der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank
+- `MYSQL_USERNAME` Der Benutzername des MySQL Datenbanklogins (MySql - Variante)
+- `MYSQL_USER` Der Benutzername des MariaDB Datenbanklogins (MariaDB-Variante)
+- `MYSQL_PASSWORD` Das Passwort der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbanklogins
+- `MYSQL_DATABASE` Der Name der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank
+**Friendica Einstellungen**
+Diese Umgebungsvariablen können nicht während des normalen Friendica Betriebs verwendet werden.
+Sie werden stattdessen direkt in `config/local.ini.php` gespeichert.
+- `FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH` Der Pfad zur PHP-Datei
+- `FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL` Die Admin E-Mail Adresse dieses Friendica Knotens (wird auch für den Admin-Zugang benötigt)
+- `FRIENDICA_TZ` Die Zeitzone von Friendica
+- `FRIENDICA_LANG` Die Sprache von Friendica
+Gehe im Anschluss in den Friendica-Hauptordner und führe den Kommandozeilen Befehl aus:
+ bin/console autoinstall [--savedb]
+#### B.3: Optionen
+Alle Optionen werden in `config/local.ini.php` gespeichert und überschreiben etwaige, zugehörige Umgebungsvariablen.
+- `-H|--dbhost <host>` Der Host der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank (env `MYSQL_HOST`)
+- `-p|--dbport <port>` Der Port der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank (env `MYSQL_PORT`)
+- `-U|--dbuser <username>` Der Benutzername des MySQL/MariaDB Datenbanklogins (env `MYSQL_USER` or `MYSQL_USERNAME`)
+- `-P|--dbpass <password>` Das Passwort der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbanklogins (env `MYSQL_PASSWORD`)
+- `-d|--dbdata <database>` Der Name der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank (env `MYSQL_DATABASE`)
+- `-b|--phppath <path>` Der Pfad zur PHP-Datei (env `FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH`)
+- `-A|--admin <mail>` Die Admin E-Mail Adresse dieses Friendica Knotens (env `FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL`)
+- `-T|--tz <timezone>` Die Zeitzone von Friendica (env `FRIENDICA_TZ`)
+- `-L|--land <language>` Die Sprache von Friendica (env `FRIENDICA_LANG`)
+Gehe in den Friendica-Hauptordner und führe den Kommandozeilen Befehl aus:
+ bin/console autoinstall [options]
### Einen Worker einrichten
$a->setConfigValue('system', 'value', '../install');
$a->theme['stylesheet'] = System::baseUrl()."/view/install/style.css";
- Install::setInstallMode();
global $install_wizard_pass;
if (x($_POST, 'pass')) {
$install_wizard_pass = intval($_POST['pass']);
$this->callstack['rendering'] = [];
$this->callstack['parser'] = [];
- // The order of the following calls is important to ensure proper initialization
- $this->loadConfigFiles();
- $this->loadDatabase();
- $this->determineMode();
- $this->determineUrlPath();
- Config::load();
- if ($this->mode & self::MODE_DBAVAILABLE) {
- Core\Addon::loadHooks();
- $this->loadAddonConfig();
- }
- $this->loadDefaultTimezone();
- $this->page = [
- 'aside' => '',
- 'bottom' => '',
- 'content' => '',
- 'end' => '',
- 'footer' => '',
- 'htmlhead' => '',
- 'nav' => '',
- 'page_title' => '',
- 'right_aside' => '',
- 'template' => '',
- 'title' => ''
- ];
- $this->process_id = System::processID('log');
+ $this->reload();
+ /**
+ * Reloads the whole app instance
+ */
+ public function reload()
+ {
+ // The order of the following calls is important to ensure proper initialization
+ $this->loadConfigFiles();
+ $this->loadDatabase();
+ $this->determineMode();
+ $this->determineUrlPath();
+ Config::load();
+ if ($this->mode & self::MODE_DBAVAILABLE) {
+ Core\Addon::loadHooks();
+ $this->loadAddonConfig();
+ }
+ $this->loadDefaultTimezone();
+ $this->page = [
+ 'aside' => '',
+ 'bottom' => '',
+ 'content' => '',
+ 'end' => '',
+ 'footer' => '',
+ 'htmlhead' => '',
+ 'nav' => '',
+ 'page_title' => '',
+ 'right_aside' => '',
+ 'template' => '',
+ 'title' => ''
+ ];
+ $this->process_id = System::processID('log');
+ }
* Load the configuration files
-a All setup checks are required (except .htaccess)
-f|--file <config> prepared config file (e.g. "config/local.ini.php" itself) which will override every other config option - except the environment variables)
-s|--savedb Save the DB credentials to the file (if environment variables is used)
- -h|--dbhost <host> The host of the mysql database (env MYSQL_HOST)
- -p|--dbport <port> The port of the mysql database (env MYSQL_PORT)
- -d|--dbdata <database> The name of the mysql database (env MYSQL_DATABASE)
- -U|--dbuser <username> The username of the mysql database login (env MYSQL_USER or MYSQL_USERNAME)
- -P|--dbpass <password> The password of the mysql database login (env MYSQL_PASSWORD)
+ -H|--dbhost <host> The host of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_HOST)
+ -p|--dbport <port> The port of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_PORT)
+ -d|--dbdata <database> The name of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_DATABASE)
+ -U|--dbuser <username> The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_USER or MYSQL_USERNAME)
+ -P|--dbpass <password> The password of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_PASSWORD)
-b|--phppath <path> The path of the PHP binary (env FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH)
-A|--admin <mail> The admin email address of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL)
-T|--tz <timezone> The timezone of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_TZ)
-L|--lang <language> The language of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_LANG)
Environment variables
- MYSQL_HOST The host of the mysql database (mandatory if mysql and environment is used)
- MYSQL_PORT The port of the mysql database
- MYSQL_USERNAME|MYSQL_USER The username of the mysql database login (MYSQL_USERNAME is for mysql, MYSQL_USER for mariadb)
- MYSQL_PASSWORD The password of the mysql database login
- MYSQL_DATABASE The name of the mysql database
+ MYSQL_HOST The host of the mysql/mariadb database (mandatory if mysql and environment is used)
+ MYSQL_PORT The port of the mysql/mariadb database
+ MYSQL_USERNAME|MYSQL_USER The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (MYSQL_USERNAME is for mysql, MYSQL_USER for mariadb)
+ MYSQL_PASSWORD The password of the mysql/mariadb database login
+ MYSQL_DATABASE The name of the mysql/mariadb database
FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH The path of the PHP binary
- FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL The admin email address of Friendica
+ FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access)
FRIENDICA_TZ The timezone of Friendica
FRIENDICA_LANG The langauge of Friendica
Installs Friendica with environment variables and saves them to the 'config/local.ini.php' file
bin/console autoinstall -h localhost -p 3365 -U user -P passwort1234 -d friendica
- Installs Friendica with a local mysql database with credentials
+ Installs Friendica with a local mysql database with credentials
// Initialise the app
$this->out("Initializing setup...\n");
+ $a = BaseObject::getApp();
// if a config file is set,
$config_file = $this->getOption(['f', 'file']);
if (!empty($config_file)) {
- if ($config_file != 'config/local.ini.php') {
+ if ($config_file != 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php') {
// Copy config file
$this->out("Copying config file...\n");
- if (!copy($config_file, 'config/local.ini.php')) {
- throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Saving config file failed. Please copy '$config_file' to 'config/local.ini.php' manually.\n");
+ if (!copy($a->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config_file, $a->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php')) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Saving config file failed. Please copy '$config_file' to '$a->basepath" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "local.ini.php' manually.\n");
- // load the app after copying the file
- $a = BaseObject::getApp();
$db_host = $a->getConfigValue('database', 'hostname');
$db_user = $a->getConfigValue('database', 'username');
$db_pass = $a->getConfigValue('database', 'password');
// Creating config file
$this->out("Creating config file...\n");
- // load the app first (for the template engine)
- $a = BaseObject::getApp();
$save_db = $this->getOption(['s', 'savedb'], false);
- $db_host = $this->getOption(['h', 'dbhost'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_HOST') : '');
+ $db_host = $this->getOption(['H', 'dbhost'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_HOST') : '');
$db_port = $this->getOption(['p', 'dbport'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_PORT') : null);
$db_data = $this->getOption(['d', 'dbdata'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE') : '');
$db_user = $this->getOption(['U', 'dbuser'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_USER') . getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME') : '');
$tz = $this->getOption(['T', 'tz'], (!empty('FRIENDICA_TZ')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_TZ') : '');
$lang = $this->getOption(['L', 'lang'], (!empty('FRIENDICA_LANG')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_LANG') : '');
- // creating config file
- $this->out("Creating config file...\n");
- $db_host,
+ ((!empty($db_port)) ? $db_host . ':' . $db_port : $db_host),
'$adminmail' => $adminmail,
- $result = file_put_contents('config/local.ini.php', $txt);
+ $app = self::getApp();
+ $result = file_put_contents($app->basepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php', $txt);
if (!$result) {
- self::getApp()->data['txt'] = $txt;
+ $app->data['txt'] = $txt;
--- /dev/null
+namespace Friendica\Test\src\Core\Console;
+use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
+ * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
+ * @preserveGlobalState disabled
+ * @requires PHP 7.0
+ */
+class AutomaticInstallationConsoleTest extends ConsoleTest
+ private $db_host;
+ private $db_port;
+ private $db_data;
+ private $db_user;
+ private $db_pass;
+ public function setUp()
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ if ($this->root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php')) {
+ $this->root->getChild('config')
+ ->removeChild('local.ini.php');
+ }
+ $this->db_host = getenv('MYSQL_HOST');
+ $this->db_port = (!empty(getenv('MYSQL_PORT'))) ? getenv('MYSQL_PORT') : null;
+ $this->db_data = getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE');
+ $this->db_user = getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME') . getenv('MYSQL_USER');
+ $this->db_pass = getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD');
+ }
+ private function assertConfig($family, $key, $value)
+ {
+ $config = $this->execute(['config', $family, $key]);
+ $this->assertEquals($family . "." . $key . " => " . $value . "\n", $config);
+ }
+ private function assertFinished($txt, $withconfig = false, $copyfile = false)
+ {
+ $cfg = '';
+ if ($withconfig) {
+ $cfg = <<<CFG
+Creating config file...
+ }
+ if ($copyfile) {
+ $cfg = <<<CFG
+Copying config file...
+ }
+ $finished = <<<FIN
+Initializing setup...{$cfg}
+ Complete!
+Checking basic setup...
+ NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.
+ Complete!
+Checking database...
+ Complete!
+Inserting data into database...
+ Complete!
+Installing theme
+ Complete
+Installation is finished
+ $this->assertEquals($finished, $txt);
+ }
+ private function assertStuckDB($txt)
+ {
+ $finished = <<<FIN
+Initializing setup...
+Creating config file...
+ Complete!
+Checking basic setup...
+ NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.
+ Complete!
+Checking database...
+[Error] --------
+MySQL Connection: Failed, please check your MySQL settings and credentials.
+ $this->assertEquals($finished, $txt);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @medium
+ */
+ public function testWithConfig()
+ {
+ $config = <<<CONF
+<?php return <<<INI
+hostname =
+username =
+password =
+database =
+charset = utf8mb4
+; ****************************************************************
+; The configuration below will be overruled by the admin panel.
+; Changes made below will only have an effect if the database does
+; not contain any configuration for the friendica system.
+; ****************************************************************
+admin_email =
+sitename = Friendica Social Network
+register_policy = REGISTER_OPEN
+register_text =
+default_timezone = UTC
+language = en
+// Keep this line
+ vfsStream::newFile('prepared.ini.php')
+ ->at($this->root)
+ ->setContent($config);
+ $txt = $this->execute(['autoinstall', '-f', 'prepared.ini.php']);
+ $this->assertFinished($txt, false, true);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @medium
+ */
+ public function testWithEnvironmentAndSave()
+ {
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL=admin@friendica.local'));
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_TZ=Europe/Berlin'));
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_LANG=de'));
+ $txt = $this->execute(['autoinstall', '--savedb']);
+ $this->assertFinished($txt, true);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php'));
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'hostname', $this->db_host . (!empty($this->db_port) ? ':' . $this->db_port : ''));
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'username', $this->db_user);
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'database', $this->db_data);
+ $this->assertConfig('config', 'admin_email', 'admin@friendica.local');
+ $this->assertConfig('system', 'default_timezone', 'Europe/Berlin');
+ $this->assertConfig('system', 'language', 'de');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @medium
+ */
+ public function testWithEnvironmentWithoutSave()
+ {
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL=admin@friendica.local'));
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_TZ=Europe/Berlin'));
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('FRIENDICA_LANG=de'));
+ $txt = $this->execute(['autoinstall']);
+ $this->assertFinished($txt, true);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php'));
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'hostname', '');
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'username', '');
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'database', '');
+ $this->assertConfig('config', 'admin_email', 'admin@friendica.local');
+ $this->assertConfig('system', 'default_timezone', 'Europe/Berlin');
+ $this->assertConfig('system', 'language', 'de');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @medium
+ */
+ public function testWithArguments()
+ {
+ $args = ['autoinstall'];
+ array_push($args, '--dbhost');
+ array_push($args, $this->db_host);
+ array_push($args, '--dbuser');
+ array_push($args, $this->db_user);
+ if (!empty($this->db_pass)) {
+ array_push($args, '--dbpass');
+ array_push($args, $this->db_pass);
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->db_port)) {
+ array_push($args, '--dbport');
+ array_push($args, $this->db_port);
+ }
+ array_push($args, '--dbdata');
+ array_push($args, $this->db_data);
+ array_push($args, '--admin');
+ array_push($args, 'admin@friendica.local');
+ array_push($args, '--tz');
+ array_push($args, 'Europe/Berlin');
+ array_push($args, '--lang');
+ array_push($args, 'de');
+ $txt = $this->execute($args);
+ $this->assertFinished($txt, true);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.ini.php'));
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'hostname', $this->db_host . (!empty($this->db_port) ? ':' . $this->db_port : ''));
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'username', $this->db_user);
+ $this->assertConfig('database', 'database', $this->db_data);
+ $this->assertConfig('config', 'admin_email', 'admin@friendica.local');
+ $this->assertConfig('system', 'default_timezone', 'Europe/Berlin');
+ $this->assertConfig('system', 'language', 'de');
+ }
+ public function testNoDatabaseConnection()
+ {
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('MYSQL_USERNAME='));
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD='));
+ $this->assertTrue(putenv('MYSQL_DATABASE='));
+ $txt = $this->execute(['autoinstall']);
+ $this->assertStuckDB($txt);
+ }
+ public function testGetHelp()
+ {
+ // Usable to purposely fail if new commands are added without taking tests into account
+ $theHelp = <<<HELP
+Installation - Install Friendica automatically
+ bin/console autoinstall [-h|--help|-?] [-v] [-a] [-f]
+ Installs Friendica with data based on the local.ini.php file or environment variables
+ Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.
+ -h|--help|-? Show help information
+ -v Show more debug information.
+ -a All setup checks are required (except .htaccess)
+ -f|--file <config> prepared config file (e.g. "config/local.ini.php" itself) which will override every other config option - except the environment variables)
+ -s|--savedb Save the DB credentials to the file (if environment variables is used)
+ -H|--dbhost <host> The host of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_HOST)
+ -p|--dbport <port> The port of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_PORT)
+ -d|--dbdata <database> The name of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_DATABASE)
+ -U|--dbuser <username> The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_USER or MYSQL_USERNAME)
+ -P|--dbpass <password> The password of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_PASSWORD)
+ -b|--phppath <path> The path of the PHP binary (env FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH)
+ -A|--admin <mail> The admin email address of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL)
+ -T|--tz <timezone> The timezone of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_TZ)
+ -L|--lang <language> The language of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_LANG)
+Environment variables
+ MYSQL_HOST The host of the mysql/mariadb database (mandatory if mysql and environment is used)
+ MYSQL_PORT The port of the mysql/mariadb database
+ MYSQL_USERNAME|MYSQL_USER The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (MYSQL_USERNAME is for mysql, MYSQL_USER for mariadb)
+ MYSQL_PASSWORD The password of the mysql/mariadb database login
+ MYSQL_DATABASE The name of the mysql/mariadb database
+ FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH The path of the PHP binary
+ FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access)
+ FRIENDICA_TZ The timezone of Friendica
+ FRIENDICA_LANG The langauge of Friendica
+ bin/console autoinstall -f 'input.ini.php
+ Installs Friendica with the prepared 'input.ini.php' file
+ bin/console autoinstall --savedb
+ Installs Friendica with environment variables and saves them to the 'config/local.ini.php' file
+ bin/console autoinstall -h localhost -p 3365 -U user -P passwort1234 -d friendica
+ Installs Friendica with a local mysql database with credentials
+ $txt = $this->execute(['autoinstall', '-h']);
+ $this->assertEquals($txt, $theHelp);
+ }
private function assertGet($family, $key, $value) {
- $config = $this->execute([__FILE__, 'config', $family, $key]);
+ $config = $this->execute(['config', $family, $key]);
$this->assertEquals($family . "." . $key . " => " . $value . "\n", $config);
private function assertSet($family, $key, $value) {
- $config = $this->execute([__FILE__, 'config', $family, $key, $value]);
+ $config = $this->execute(['config', $family, $key, $value]);
$this->assertEquals($family . "." . $key . " <= " . $value . "\n", $config);
$testArray = [1, 2, 3];
DBA::insert('config', ['cat' => 'config', 'k' => 'test', 'v' => serialize($testArray)]);
- $txt = $this->execute([__FILE__, 'config', 'config', 'test', 'now']);
+ $txt = $this->execute(['config', 'config', 'test', 'now']);
$this->assertEquals("[Error] config.test is an array and can't be set using this command.\n", $txt);
function testTooManyArguments() {
- $txt = $this->execute([__FILE__, 'config', 'config', 'test', 'it', 'now']);
+ $txt = $this->execute(['config', 'config', 'test', 'it', 'now']);
$assertion = '[Warning] Too many arguments';
$firstline = substr($txt, 0, strlen($assertion));
function testVerbose() {
$this->assertSet('test', 'it', 'now');
+ $executable = $this->getExecutablePath();
$assertion = <<<CONF
-Executable: {$this->app->basepath}/tests/src/Core/Console/ConfigConsoleTest.php
+Executable: {$executable}
Arguments: array (
0 => 'config',
1 => 'test',
'v' => 1,
Command: config
-Executable: {$this->app->basepath}/tests/src/Core/Console/ConfigConsoleTest.php
+Executable: {$executable}
Class: Friendica\Core\Console\Config
Arguments: array (
0 => 'test',
it => now
- $txt = $this->execute([__FILE__, 'config', 'test', '-v']);
+ $txt = $this->execute(['config', 'test', '-v']);
$this->assertEquals($assertion, $txt);
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\BaseObject;
+use Friendica\Database\DBA;
use Friendica\Test\Util\Intercept;
+use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
+use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamDirectory;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
abstract class ConsoleTest extends TestCase
protected $app;
+ /**
+ * @var vfsStreamDirectory The Stream Directory
+ */
+ protected $root;
protected $stdout;
protected function setUp()
$this->markTestSkipped('Please set the MYSQL_* environment variables to your test database credentials.');
+ $this->setUpVfsDir();
// Reusable App object
- $this->app = BaseObject::getApp();
+ $this->app = new App($this->root->url());
+ BaseObject::setApp($this->app);
$this->console = new MultiUseConsole();
public function execute($args) {
+ DBA::disconnect();
+ $this->app->reload();
+ array_unshift($args, $this->getExecutablePath());
return $returnStr;
+ /**
+ * @return string returns the path to the console executable during tests
+ */
+ protected function getExecutablePath() {
+ return $this->root->getChild('bin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'console.php')->url();
+ }
+ private function setUpVfsDir() {
+ // the used directories inside the App class
+ $structure = [
+ 'config' => [],
+ 'bin' => []
+ ];
+ // create a virtual directory and copy all needed files and folders to it
+ $this->root = vfsStream::setup('friendica', null, $structure);
+ $this->setConfigFile('config.ini.php');
+ $this->setConfigFile('settings.ini.php');
+ $this->setConfigFile('local.ini.php');
+ $this->setConfigFile('dbstructure.json');
+ // fake console.php for setting an executable
+ vfsStream::newFile('console.php')
+ ->at($this->root->getChild('bin'))
+ ->setContent('<? php');
+ }
+ private function setConfigFile($filename)
+ {
+ $file = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
+ $filename;
+ if (file_exists($file)) {
+ vfsStream::newFile($filename)
+ ->at($this->root->getChild('config'))
+ ->setContent(file_get_contents($file));
+ }
+ }