_tiedProperties.Tie("hail-norm", &_hail );
_tiedProperties.Tie("snow-norm", &_snow);
_tiedProperties.Tie("snow-cover", &_snow_cover );
+ _tiedProperties.Tie("decoded", this, &MetarProperties::get_decoded );
+ _decoded.clear();
+ const vector<string> weather = m->getWeather();
+ for( vector<string>::const_iterator it = weather.begin(); it != weather.end(); it++ ) {
+ if( false == _decoded.empty() ) _decoded.append(", ");
+ _decoded.append(*it);
+ }
_min_visibility = m->getMinVisibility().getVisibility_m();
_max_visibility = m->getMaxVisibility().getVisibility_m();
_sea_level_pressure = P_layer(0, elevation_m, fieldPressure, _temperature + atmodel::freezing, atmodel::ISA::lam0) / atmodel::inHg;
+ bool isBC = false;
+ bool isBR = false;
+ bool isFG = false;
+ bool isMI = false;
+ bool isHZ = false;
+ {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr n = _rootNode->getChild("weather", i, true );
+ vector<struct SGMetar::Weather> weather = m->getWeather2();
+ struct SGMetar::Weather * w = i < weather.size() ? &weather[i] : NULL;
+ n->getNode("intensity",true)->setIntValue( w != NULL ? w->intensity : 0 );
+ n->getNode("vincinity",true)->setBoolValue( w != NULL ? w->vincinity : false );
+ for( unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ const string & phenomenon = w != NULL && j < w->phenomena.size() ? w->phenomena[j].c_str() : "";
+ n->getChild( "phenomenon", j, true )->setStringValue( phenomenon );
+ const string & description = w != NULL && j < w->descriptions.size() ? w->descriptions[j].c_str() : "";
+ n->getChild( "description", j, true )->setStringValue( description );
+ // need to know later,
+ // if its fog(FG) (might be shallow(MI) or patches(BC)) or haze (HZ) or mist(BR)
+ if( phenomenon == "FG" ) isFG = true;
+ if( phenomenon == "HZ" ) isHZ = true;
+ if( description == "MI" ) isMI = true;
+ if( description == "BC" ) isBC = true;
+ if( description == "BR" ) isBR = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
vector<SGMetarCloud> cv = m->getClouds();
vector<SGMetarCloud>::const_iterator cloud, cloud_end = cv.end();
static const char * LAYER = "layer";
SGPropertyNode_ptr cloudsNode = _rootNode->getNode("clouds", true );
const vector<SGMetarCloud> & metarClouds = m->getClouds();
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
- SGPropertyNode_ptr layerNode = cloudsNode->getChild(LAYER, i, true );
- int coverage = i < metarClouds.size() ? metarClouds[i].getCoverage() : 0;
- double elevation = i >= metarClouds.size() || coverage == 0 ? -9999.0 : metarClouds[i].getAltitude_ft() + _station_elevation;
+ unsigned layerOffset = 0; // Oh, this is ugly!
+ bool setGroundCloudLayer = _rootNode->getBoolValue("set-ground-cloud-layer", false );
+ if( setGroundCloudLayer && isFG ) {
+ // make sure fog actually starts at ground and set it's bottom at a constant
+ // value below the station's elevation
+ // fog - create a cloud layer #0 starting at the ground
+ // fog is "overcast" by default of "broken" for patches of fog
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr layerNode = cloudsNode->getChild(LAYER, 0, true );
+ SGMetarCloud::Coverage coverage = isBC ? SGMetarCloud::COVERAGE_SCATTERED : SGMetarCloud::COVERAGE_BROKEN;
+ layerNode->setDoubleValue( "coverage-type", SGCloudLayer::getCoverageType(coverage_string[coverage]) );
+ layerNode->setStringValue( "coverage", coverage_string[coverage] );
+ layerNode->setDoubleValue( "elevation-ft", _station_elevation - LAYER_BOTTOM_BELOW_STATION_ELEVATION );
+ layerNode->setDoubleValue( "thickness-ft", isMI ?
+ 30 + LAYER_BOTTOM_BELOW_STATION_ELEVATION : // shallow fog, 10m/30ft
+ 500 + LAYER_BOTTOM_BELOW_STATION_ELEVATION ); // fog, 150m/500ft
+ layerNode->setDoubleValue( "visibility-m", _min_visibility );
+ _min_visibility = _max_visibility = 20000.0; // assume good visibility above the fog
+ layerOffset = 1; // shudder
+ } else if( setGroundCloudLayer && isHZ ) {
+ }
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < 5-layerOffset; i++ ) {
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr layerNode = cloudsNode->getChild(LAYER, i+layerOffset, true );
+ SGMetarCloud::Coverage coverage = i < metarClouds.size() ? metarClouds[i].getCoverage() : SGMetarCloud::COVERAGE_CLEAR;
+ double elevation =
+ i >= metarClouds.size() || coverage == SGMetarCloud::COVERAGE_CLEAR ?
+ -9999.0 :
+ metarClouds[i].getAltitude_ft() + _station_elevation;
layerNode->setStringValue( "coverage", coverage_string[coverage] );
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "coverage-type", SGCloudLayer::getCoverageType(coverage_string[coverage]) );
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "elevation-ft", elevation );
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "thickness-ft", thickness_value[coverage]);
layerNode->setDoubleValue( "span-m", 40000 );
+ layerNode->setDoubleValue( "visibility-m", 50.0 );
_rain = m->getRain();