#include "navlist.hxx"
+#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
using std::string;
// FGNavList ------------------------------------------------------------------
return NULL;
-// LOC, ILS, GS, and DME antenna's could potentially be
-// installed at the opposite end of the runway. So it's not
-// enough to simply find the closest antenna with the right
-// frequency. We need the closest antenna with the right
-// frequency that is most oriented towards us. (We penalize
-// stations that are facing away from us by adding 5000 meters
-// which is further than matching stations would ever be
-// placed from each other. (Do the expensive check only for
-// directional atennas and only when there is a chance it is
-// the closest station.)
-static bool penaltyForNav(FGNavRecord* aNav, const SGGeod &aGeod)
+// discount navids if they conflict with another on the same frequency
+// this only applies to navids associated with opposite ends of a runway,
+// with matching frequencies.
+static bool navidUsable(FGNavRecord* aNav, const SGGeod &aircraft)
- switch (aNav->type()) {
- case FGPositioned::ILS:
- case FGPositioned::LOC:
- case FGPositioned::GS:
-// case FGPositioned::DME: we can't get the heading for a DME transmitter, oops
- break;
- default:
- return false;
+ FGRunway* r(aNav->runway());
+ if (!r || !r->reciprocalRunway()) {
+ return true;
- double hdg_deg = 0.0;
- if (aNav->type() == FGPositioned::GS) {
- int tmp = (int)(aNav->get_multiuse() / 1000.0);
- hdg_deg = aNav->get_multiuse() - (tmp * 1000);
- } else {
- hdg_deg = aNav->get_multiuse();
+// check if the runway frequency is paired
+ FGNavRecord* locA = r->ILS();
+ FGNavRecord* locB = r->reciprocalRunway()->ILS();
+ if (!locA || !locB || (locA->get_freq() != locB->get_freq())) {
+ return true; // not paired, ok
- double az1, az2, s;
- SGGeodesy::inverse(aGeod, aNav->geod(), az1, az2, s);
- az1 = az1 - hdg_deg;
- SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(az1, -180.0, 180.0);
- return fabs(az1) > 90.0;
+// okay, both ends have an ILS, and they're paired. We need to select based on
+// aircraft position. What we're going to use is *runway* (not navid) position,
+// ie whichever runway end we are closer too. This makes back-course / missed
+// approach behaviour incorrect, but that's the price we accept.
+ double crs = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(aircraft, r->geod());
+ double hdgDiff = crs - r->headingDeg();
+ SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(hdgDiff, -180.0, 180.0);
+ return (fabs(hdgDiff) < 90.0);
-// Given a point and a list of stations, return the closest one to the
-// specified point.
-FGNavRecord *FGNavList::findNavFromList( const SGGeod &aircraft,
- const nav_list_type &stations )
+// Given a point and a list of stations, return the closest one to
+// the specified point.
+FGNavRecord* FGNavList::findNavFromList( const SGGeod &aircraft,
+ const nav_list_type &stations )
FGNavRecord *nav = NULL;
double d2; // in meters squared
// find the closest station within a sensible range (FG_NAV_MAX_RANGE)
for ( it = stations.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {
FGNavRecord *station = *it;
- // cout << "testing " << current->get_ident() << endl;
d2 = distSqr(station->cart(), aircraftCart);
- if ( d2 < min_dist && penaltyForNav(station, aircraft))
- {
- double dist = sqrt(d2);
- d2 = (dist + 5000) * (dist + 5000);
+ if ( d2 > min_dist || !navidUsable(station, aircraft)) {
+ continue;
- if ( d2 < min_dist ) {
- min_dist = d2;
- nav = station;
- }
+ min_dist = d2;
+ nav = station;
return nav;