void FGAIPlane::Bank(double angle) {
- // This *should* bank us smoothly to any angle
- if(fabs(roll - angle) > 0.6) {
- roll -= ((roll - angle)/fabs(roll - angle));
- }
+ // This *should* bank us smoothly to any angle
+ if(fabs(roll - angle) > 0.6) {
+ roll -= ((roll - angle)/fabs(roll - angle));
+ }
// Duplication of Bank(0.0) really - should I cut this?
void FGAIPlane::LevelWings(void) {
- // bring the plane back to level smoothly (this should work to come out of either bank)
- if(fabs(roll) > 0.6) {
- roll -= (roll/fabs(roll));
- }
+ // bring the plane back to level smoothly (this should work to come out of either bank)
+ if(fabs(roll) > 0.6) {
+ roll -= (roll/fabs(roll));
+ }
void FGAIPlane::Transmit(string msg) {
- double user_freq0 = fgGetDouble("/radios/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
- //double user_freq0 = ("/radios/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
- //comm1 is not used yet.
- if(freq == user_freq0) {
- // we are on the same frequency, so check distance to the user plane
- if(1) {
- // For now (testing) assume in range !!!
- globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(msg, 0);
+ double user_freq0 = fgGetDouble("/radios/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
+ //double user_freq0 = ("/radios/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
+ //comm1 is not used yet.
+ if(freq == user_freq0) {
+ // we are on the same frequency, so check distance to the user plane
+ if(1) {
+ // For now (testing) assume in range !!!
+ // TODO - implement range checking
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(msg, 0);
+ }
- }
double mag_hdg; // degrees - the heading that the physical aircraft is *pointing*
double track; // track that the physical aircraft is *following* - degrees relative to *true* north
- double yaw;
+ double crab; // Difference between heading and track due to wind.
double mag_var; // degrees
double IAS; // Indicated airspeed in knots
double vel; // velocity along track in knots