osg::Texture2D* object_mask = mat->get_object_mask(triangleBin);
- osg::Image* img;
- if (object_mask != NULL) {
- img = object_mask->getImage();
- }
int group_count = mat->get_object_group_count();
float building_coverage = mat->get_building_coverage();
if (building_coverage == 0)
- SGBuildingBin* bin;
+ SGBuildingBin* bin = NULL;
if (building_coverage > 0) {
bin = new SGBuildingBin(mat);
// Generate all the lighting objects for the tile.
osg::LOD* generateLightingTileObjects()
- SGMaterialLib* matlib;
+ SGMaterialLib* matlib = NULL;
if (_options)
matlib = _options->getMaterialLib();
// Generate all the random forest, objects and buildings for the tile
osg::LOD* generateRandomTileObjects()
- SGMaterialLib* matlib;
+ SGMaterialLib* matlib = NULL;
bool use_random_objects = false;
bool use_random_vegetation = false;
bool use_random_buildings = false;