sgVec3 v;
+ FGPhysicalProperty wdbpos = WeatherDatabase->get(position);
//get the current wind velocity and store it in v
- //Point3D temp = WeatherDatabase->get(position).Wind;
+ //Point3D temp = wdbpos.Wind;
//sgSetVec3(v, temp.x(), temp.y(), temp.z());
- sgCopyVec3(v, WeatherDatabase->get(position).Wind );
+ sgCopyVec3(v, wdbpos.Wind );
sgSubVec3(v, velocity);
float speed = sgLengthVec3(v);
// calculate the density of the gas inside
- double rho = WeatherDatabase->get(position).AirPressure / (287.14 * T);
+ double rho = wdbpos.AirPressure / (287.14 * T);
// calculate the mass of the air
double mAir = rho * balloon_envelope_volume;
// loss of energy by cooling down:
float k = 1.0 / (1.0/4.8 + 1.0/(4.8+3.4*speed) + l_of_the_envelope/lambda);
- float Q = k * balloon_envelope_area * (dt/3600.0) * (WeatherDatabase->get(position).Temperature - T); //(dt/3600.0) = time since last call in hours
+ float Q = k * balloon_envelope_area * (dt/3600.0) * (wdbpos.Temperature - T); //(dt/3600.0) = time since last call in hours
// gain of energy by heating:
if (fuel_left > 0.0) //but only with some fuel left ;-)
sgScaleVec3(fTotal, gravity_vector, mTotal);
sgScaleVec3(fFriction, v, cw_envelope * wind_facing_area_of_balloon * WeatherDatabase->getAirDensity(position) * speed / 2.0); //wind resistance
- sgScaleVec3(fLift, gravity_vector, -balloon_envelope_volume * WeatherDatabase->get(position).AirPressure / (287.14 * WeatherDatabase->get(position).Temperature));
+ sgScaleVec3(fLift, gravity_vector, -balloon_envelope_volume * wdbpos.AirPressure / (287.14 * wdbpos.Temperature));
sgAddVec3(fTotal, fLift);
sgAddVec3(fTotal, fFriction);