-- function initialize() {
++ function initialize()
++ {
$m = Net_URL_Mapper::getInstance();
// In the "root"
foreach (array('group', 'people', 'notice') as $s) {
$m->connect('search/'.$s, array('action' => $s.'search'));
- $m->connect('search/'.$s.'?q=:q', array('action' => $s.'search'),array('q' => '.+'));
- $m->connect('search/'.$s.'?q=:q', array('action' => $s.'search'), array('q' => '.+'));
++ $m->connect('search/'.$s.'?q=:q',
++ array('action' => $s.'search'),
++ array('q' => '.+'));
- // when inserted into the page. The first is needed to match the
- // route on the way in. Seems to be another Net_URL_Mapper bug to me.
+ // The second of these is needed to make the link work correctly
++ // when inserted into the page. The first is needed to match the
++ // route on the way in. Seems to be another Net_URL_Mapper bug to me.
$m->connect('search/notice/rss', array('action' => 'noticesearchrss'));
- $m->connect('search/notice/rss?q=:q', array('action' => 'noticesearchrss'),array('q' => '.+'));
++ $m->connect('search/notice/rss?q=:q', array('action' => 'noticesearchrss'),
++ array('q' => '.+'));
// notice
foreach (array('xml', 'json', 'rss', 'atom') as $e) {
array('action' => 'api',
-- 'apiaction' => 'direct_messages',
-- 'method' => 'sent.'.$e));
++ 'apiaction' => 'direct_messages',
++ 'method' => 'sent.'.$e));
foreach (array('xml', 'json', 'rss', 'atom') as $e) {
-- array('action' => 'api',
-- 'apiaction' => 'favorites',
-- 'method' => 'favorites.'.$e));
++ array('action' => 'api',
++ 'apiaction' => 'favorites',
++ 'method' => 'favorites.'.$e));
// notifications
$match = $this->m->match($path);
} catch (Net_URL_Mapper_InvalidException $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Problem getting route for $path - " .
-- $e->getMessage());
++ $e->getMessage());
$cac = new ClientErrorAction("Page not found.", 404);
// Due to a bug in the Net_URL_Mapper code, the returned URL may
// contain a malformed query of the form ?p1=v1?p2=v2?p3=v3. We
// repair that here rather than modifying the upstream code...
-- $qpos = strpos($url,'?');
++ $qpos = strpos($url, '?');
if ($qpos !== false) {
$url = substr($url, 0, $qpos+1) .
-- str_replace('?', '&', substr($url, $qpos+1));
++ str_replace('?', '&', substr($url, $qpos+1));
return $url;