array('subscribers' => true,
'members' => true,
'peopletag' => true),
+ 'http' => // HTTP client settings when contacting other sites
+ array('ssl_cafile' => false // To enable SSL cert validation, point to a CA bundle (eg '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')
+ ),
// ought to be investigated to see if we can handle
// it gracefully in that case as well.
$this->config['protocol_version'] = '1.0';
+ // Default state of OpenSSL seems to have no trusted
+ // SSL certificate authorities, which breaks hostname
+ // verification and means we have a hard time communicating
+ // with other sites' HTTPS interfaces.
+ //
+ // Turn off verification unless we've configured a CA bundle.
+ if (common_config('http', 'ssl_cafile')) {
+ $this->config['ssl_cafile'] = common_config('http', 'ssl_cafile');
+ } else {
+ $this->config['ssl_verify_peer'] = false;
+ }
parent::__construct($url, $method, $config);
$this->setHeader('User-Agent', $this->userAgent());