$profile_owner = $a->profile['profile_uid'];
if (!$update) {
- $tab = notags(trim($_GET['tab']));
- $tab = ( $tab ? $tab : 'posts' );
+ $tab = 'posts';
+ if (x($_GET, 'tab')) {
+ $tab = notags(trim($_GET['tab']));
+ }
if ($tab === 'posts') {
* This is ugly, but we can't pass the profile_uid through the session to the ajax updater,
- $comment = '';
$owner_url = '';
$owner_name = '';
$sparkle = '';
- if ($mode === 'search' || $mode === 'community') {
- if (((activity_match($item['verb'], ACTIVITY_LIKE)) || (activity_match($item['verb'], ACTIVITY_DISLIKE)))
- && ($item['id'] != $item['parent']))
- continue;
- $nickname = $item['nickname'];
- } else {
- $nickname = $a->user['nickname'];
- }
// prevent private email from leaking.
if ($item['network'] === NETWORK_MAIL && local_user() != $item['uid']) {
'like' => '',
'dislike' => '',
'comment' => '',
- //'conv' => (($preview) ? '' : array('href'=> 'display/' . $nickname . '/' . $item['id'], 'title'=> t('View in context'))),
'conv' => (($preview) ? '' : array('href'=> 'display/'.$item['guid'], 'title'=> t('View in context'))),
'previewing' => $previewing,
'wait' => t('Please wait'),
return $o;
-function status_editor(App $a, $x, $notes_cid = 0, $popup = false) {
+function status_editor(App $a, $x, $notes_cid = 0, $popup = false)
$o = '';
- $geotag = (x($x, 'allow_location') ? replace_macros(get_markup_template('jot_geotag.tpl'), array()) : '');
+ $geotag = x($x, 'allow_location') ? replace_macros(get_markup_template('jot_geotag.tpl'), array()) : '';
$tpl = get_markup_template('jot-header.tpl');
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
- '$newpost' => 'true',
- '$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
- '$geotag' => $geotag,
- '$nickname' => $x['nickname'],
- '$ispublic' => t('Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'),
- '$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL:'),
- '$vidurl' => t("Please enter a video link/URL:"),
- '$audurl' => t("Please enter an audio link/URL:"),
- '$term' => t('Tag term:'),
- '$fileas' => t('Save to Folder:'),
+ '$newpost' => 'true',
+ '$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
+ '$geotag' => $geotag,
+ '$nickname' => $x['nickname'],
+ '$ispublic' => t('Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'),
+ '$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL:'),
+ '$vidurl' => t("Please enter a video link/URL:"),
+ '$audurl' => t("Please enter an audio link/URL:"),
+ '$term' => t('Tag term:'),
+ '$fileas' => t('Save to Folder:'),
'$whereareu' => t('Where are you right now?'),
- '$delitems' => t('Delete item(s)?')
+ '$delitems' => t('Delete item(s)?')
$tpl = get_markup_template('jot-end.tpl');
$a->page['end'] .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
- '$newpost' => 'true',
- '$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
- '$geotag' => $geotag,
- '$nickname' => $x['nickname'],
- '$ispublic' => t('Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'),
- '$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL:'),
- '$vidurl' => t("Please enter a video link/URL:"),
- '$audurl' => t("Please enter an audio link/URL:"),
- '$term' => t('Tag term:'),
- '$fileas' => t('Save to Folder:'),
+ '$newpost' => 'true',
+ '$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
+ '$geotag' => $geotag,
+ '$nickname' => $x['nickname'],
+ '$ispublic' => t('Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'),
+ '$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL:'),
+ '$vidurl' => t("Please enter a video link/URL:"),
+ '$audurl' => t("Please enter an audio link/URL:"),
+ '$term' => t('Tag term:'),
+ '$fileas' => t('Save to Folder:'),
'$whereareu' => t('Where are you right now?')
$tpl = get_markup_template("jot.tpl");
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
- '$return_path' => $query_str,
- '$action' => 'item',
- '$share' => (x($x,'button') ? $x['button'] : t('Share')),
- '$upload' => t('Upload photo'),
- '$shortupload' => t('upload photo'),
- '$attach' => t('Attach file'),
- '$shortattach' => t('attach file'),
- '$weblink' => t('Insert web link'),
+ '$return_path' => $query_str,
+ '$action' => 'item',
+ '$share' => defaults($x, 'button', t('Share')),
+ '$upload' => t('Upload photo'),
+ '$shortupload' => t('upload photo'),
+ '$attach' => t('Attach file'),
+ '$shortattach' => t('attach file'),
+ '$weblink' => t('Insert web link'),
'$shortweblink' => t('web link'),
- '$video' => t('Insert video link'),
- '$shortvideo' => t('video link'),
- '$audio' => t('Insert audio link'),
- '$shortaudio' => t('audio link'),
- '$setloc' => t('Set your location'),
- '$shortsetloc' => t('set location'),
- '$noloc' => t('Clear browser location'),
- '$shortnoloc' => t('clear location'),
- '$title' => $x['title'],
+ '$video' => t('Insert video link'),
+ '$shortvideo' => t('video link'),
+ '$audio' => t('Insert audio link'),
+ '$shortaudio' => t('audio link'),
+ '$setloc' => t('Set your location'),
+ '$shortsetloc' => t('set location'),
+ '$noloc' => t('Clear browser location'),
+ '$shortnoloc' => t('clear location'),
+ '$title' => defaults($x, 'title', ''),
'$placeholdertitle' => t('Set title'),
- '$category' => $x['category'],
- '$placeholdercategory' => (Feature::isEnabled(local_user(), 'categories') ? t('Categories (comma-separated list)') : ''),
- '$wait' => t('Please wait'),
- '$permset' => t('Permission settings'),
+ '$category' => defaults($x, 'category', ''),
+ '$placeholdercategory' => Feature::isEnabled(local_user(), 'categories') ? t('Categories (comma-separated list)') : '',
+ '$wait' => t('Please wait'),
+ '$permset' => t('Permission settings'),
'$shortpermset' => t('permissions'),
- '$ptyp' => (($notes_cid) ? 'note' : 'wall'),
- '$content' => $x['content'],
- '$post_id' => $x['post_id'],
- '$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
- '$defloc' => $x['default_location'],
- '$visitor' => $x['visitor'],
- '$pvisit' => (($notes_cid) ? 'none' : $x['visitor']),
- '$public' => t('Public post'),
- '$jotnets' => $jotnets,
- '$lockstate' => $x['lockstate'],
- '$bang' => $x['bang'],
- '$profile_uid' => $x['profile_uid'],
- '$preview' => ((Feature::isEnabled($x['profile_uid'],'preview')) ? t('Preview') : ''),
- '$jotplugins' => $jotplugins,
- '$notes_cid' => $notes_cid,
- '$sourceapp' => t($a->sourcename),
- '$cancel' => t('Cancel'),
- '$rand_num' => random_digits(12),
+ '$ptyp' => $notes_cid ? 'note' : 'wall',
+ '$content' => defaults($x, 'content', ''),
+ '$post_id' => defaults($x, 'post_id', ''),
+ '$baseurl' => System::baseUrl(true),
+ '$defloc' => $x['default_location'],
+ '$visitor' => $x['visitor'],
+ '$pvisit' => $notes_cid ? 'none' : $x['visitor'],
+ '$public' => t('Public post'),
+ '$lockstate' => $x['lockstate'],
+ '$bang' => $x['bang'],
+ '$profile_uid' => $x['profile_uid'],
+ '$preview' => Feature::isEnabled($x['profile_uid'], 'preview') ? t('Preview') : '',
+ '$jotplugins' => $jotplugins,
+ '$notes_cid' => $notes_cid,
+ '$sourceapp' => t($a->sourcename),
+ '$cancel' => t('Cancel'),
+ '$rand_num' => random_digits(12),
// ACL permissions box
- '$acl' => $x['acl'],
- '$acl_data' => $x['acl_data'],
- '$group_perms' => t('Post to Groups'),
+ '$acl' => $x['acl'],
+ '$acl_data' => $x['acl_data'],
+ '$group_perms' => t('Post to Groups'),
'$contact_perms' => t('Post to Contacts'),
- '$private' => t('Private post'),
- '$is_private' => $private_post,
- '$public_link' => $public_post_link,
+ '$private' => t('Private post'),
+ '$is_private' => $private_post,
+ '$public_link' => $public_post_link,
//jot nav tab (used in some themes)
'$message' => t('Message'),
if ($popup == true) {
- $o = '<div id="jot-popup" style="display: none;">'.$o.'</div>';
+ $o = '<div id="jot-popup" style="display: none;">' . $o . '</div>';
return $o;
$ret = array();
foreach ($response_verbs as $v) {
$ret[$v] = array();
- $ret[$v]['count'] = ((x($conv_responses[$v], $item['uri'])) ? $conv_responses[$v][$item['uri']] : '');
- $ret[$v]['list'] = ((x($conv_responses[$v], $item['uri'])) ? $conv_responses[$v][$item['uri'] . '-l'] : '');
- $ret[$v]['self'] = ((x($conv_responses[$v], $item['uri'])) ? $conv_responses[$v][$item['uri'] . '-self'] : '0');
+ $ret[$v]['count'] = defaults($conv_responses[$v], $item['uri'], '');
+ $ret[$v]['list'] = defaults($conv_responses[$v], $item['uri'] . '-l', '');
+ $ret[$v]['self'] = defaults($conv_responses[$v], $item['uri'] . '-self', '0');
if (count($ret[$v]['list']) > MAX_LIKERS) {
$ret[$v]['list_part'] = array_slice($ret[$v]['list'], 0, MAX_LIKERS);
array_push($ret[$v]['list_part'], '<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#' . $v . 'Modal-'