#include "dclgps.hxx"
#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
+#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <simgear/magvar/magvar.hxx>
+#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Navaids/fix.hxx>
#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
+#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Not sure if this should be here, but OK for now.
- // Hack - hardwire some instrument approaches for development.
- // These will shortly be replaced by a routine to read ARINC data from file instead.
- FGNPIAP* iap;
- GPSWaypoint* wp;
- GPSFlightPlan* fp;
- const GPSWaypoint* cwp;
- iap = new FGNPIAP;
- iap->_aptIdent = "KHAF";
- iap->_ident = "R12-Y";
- iap->_name = ExpandSIAPIdent(iap->_ident);
- iap->_rwyStr = "12";
- iap->_approachRoutes.clear();
- iap->_IAP.clear();
- // -------
- wp = new GPSWaypoint;
- wp->id = "GOBBS";
- // Nasty using the find any function here, but it saves converting data from FGFix etc.
- cwp = FindFirstByExactId(wp->id);
- if(cwp) {
- *wp = *cwp;
- wp->appType = GPS_IAF;
- fp = new GPSFlightPlan;
- fp->waypoints.push_back(wp);
- } else {
- //cout << "Unable to find waypoint " << wp->id << '\n';
- }
- // -------
- wp = new GPSWaypoint;
- wp->id = "FUJCE";
- cwp = FindFirstByExactId(wp->id);
- if(cwp) {
- *wp = *cwp;
- wp->appType = GPS_IAP;
- fp->waypoints.push_back(wp);
- iap->_approachRoutes.push_back(fp);
- iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
- } else {
- //cout << "Unable to find waypoint " << wp->id << '\n';
- }
- // -------
- wp = new GPSWaypoint;
- wp->id = "JEVXY";
- cwp = FindFirstByExactId(wp->id);
- if(cwp) {
- *wp = *cwp;
- wp->appType = GPS_FAF;
- iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
- } else {
- //cout << "Unable to find waypoint " << wp->id << '\n';
- }
- // -------
- wp = new GPSWaypoint;
- wp->id = "RW12";
- wp->appType = GPS_MAP;
- if(wp->id.substr(0, 2) == "RW" && wp->appType == GPS_MAP) {
- // Assume that this is a missed-approach point based on the runway number, which appears to be standard for most approaches.
- const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(iap->_aptIdent);
- if(apt) {
- // TODO - sanity check the waypoint ID to ensure we have a double digit number
- FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(wp->id.substr(2, 2));
- if(rwy) {
- wp->lat = rwy->begin().getLatitudeRad();
- wp->lon = rwy->begin().getLongitudeRad();
- }
- }
- } else {
- cwp = FindFirstByExactId(wp->id);
- if(cwp) {
- *wp = *cwp;
- wp->appType = GPS_MAP;
- } else {
- //cout << "Unable to find waypoint " << wp->id << '\n';
- }
- }
- iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
- // -------
- wp = new GPSWaypoint;
- wp->id = "SEEMS";
- cwp = FindFirstByExactId(wp->id);
- if(cwp) {
- *wp = *cwp;
- wp->appType = GPS_MAHP;
- iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
- } else {
- //cout << "Unable to find waypoint " << wp->id << '\n';
- }
- // -------
- _np_iap[iap->_aptIdent].push_back(iap);
+ LoadApproachData();
void DCLGPS::bind() {
+ Load instrument approaches from an ARINC 424-18 file.
+ Known / current best guess at the format:
+ Col 1: Always 'S'. If it isn't, ditch it.
+ Col 2-4: "Customer area" code, eg "USA", "CAN". I think that CAN is used for Alaska.
+ Col 5: Section code. Used in conjunction with sub-section code. Definitions are with sub-section code.
+ Col 6: Always blank.
+ Col 7-10: ICAO (or FAA) airport ident. Left justified if < 4 chars.
+ Col 11-12: Based on ICAO geographical region.
+ Col 13: Sub-section code. Used in conjunction with section code.
+ "HD/E/F" => Helicopter record.
+ "HS" => Helicopter minimum safe altitude.
+ "PA" => Airport record.
+ "PF" => Approach segment.
+ "PG" => Runway record.
+ "PP" => Path point record. ???
+ "PS" => MSA record (minimum safe altitude).
+ ------ The following is for "PF", approach segment -------
+ Col 14-19: SIAP ident for this approach (left justified). This is a standardised abbreviated approach name.
+ e.g. "R10LZ" expands to "RNAV (GPS) Z RWY 10 L". See the comment block for ExpandSIAPIdent for full details.
+ Col 20: Route type. This is tricky - I don't have full documentation and am having to guess a bit.
+ 'A' => Arrival route? This seems to be used to encode arrival routes from the IAF to the approach proper.
+ Note that the final fix of the arrival route is duplicated in the approach proper.
+ 'D' => VOR/DME or GPS
+ 'N' => NDB or GPS
+ 'P' => GPS (ARINC 424-18), GPS and RNAV (GPS) (ARINC 424-15 and before).
+ 'R' => RNAV (GPS) (ARINC 424-18).
+ 'S' => VOR or GPS
+ Col 21-25: Transition identifier. AFAICT, this is the ident of the IAF for this initial approach route, and left blank for the final approach course. See col 30-34 for the actual fix ident.
+ Col 26: BLANK
+ Col 27-29: Sequence number - position within the route segment. Rule: 10-20-30 etc.
+ Col 30-34: Fix identifer. The ident of the waypoint.
+ Col 35-36: ICAO geographical region code. I think we can ignore this for now.
+ Col 37: Section code - ??? I don't know what this means
+ Col 38 Subsection code - ??? ditto - no idea!
+ Col 40: Waypoint type.
+ 'A' => Airport as waypoint
+ 'E' => Essential waypoint (e.g. change of heading at this waypoint, etc).
+ 'G' => Runway or helipad as waypoint
+ 'H' => Heliport as waypoint
+ 'N' => NDB as waypoint
+ 'P' => Phantom waypoint (not sure if this is used in rev 18?)
+ 'V' => VOR as waypoint
+ Col 41: Waypoint type.
+ 'B' => Flyover, approach transition, or final approach.
+ 'E' => end of route segment (transition waypoint). (Actually "End of terminal procedure route type" in the docs).
+ 'N' => ??? I've also seen 'N' in this column, but don't know what it indicates.
+ 'Y' => Flyover.
+ Col 43: Waypoint type. May also be blank when none of the below.
+ 'A' => Initial approach fix (IAF)
+ 'F' => Final approach fix
+ 'H' => Holding fix
+ 'I' => Final approach course fix
+ 'M' => Missed approach point
+ 'P' => ??? This is present, but I don't know what this means and it wasn't in the FAA docs that I found the above in!
+ ??? Possibly procedure turn?
+ 'C' => ??? This is also present in the data, but missing from the docs. Is at airport 00R.
+ Col 107-111 MSA center fix. We can ignore this.
+void DCLGPS::LoadApproachData() {
+ FGNPIAP* iap;
+ GPSWaypoint* wp;
+ GPSFlightPlan* fp;
+ const GPSWaypoint* cwp;
+ std::ifstream fin;
+ SGPath path = globals->get_fg_root();
+ path.append("Navaids/rnav.dat");
+ fin.open(path.c_str(), ios::in);
+ if(!fin) {
+ cout << "Unable to open input file " << path.c_str() << '\n';
+ return;
+ } else {
+ cout << "Opened " << path.c_str() << " for reading\n";
+ }
+ char tmp[256];
+ string s;
+ string apt_ident; // This gets set to the ICAO code of the current airport being processed.
+ string iap_ident; // The abbreviated name of the current approach being processed.
+ string wp_ident; // The ident of the waypoint of the current line
+ string last_apt_ident;
+ string last_iap_ident;
+ string last_wp_ident;
+ // There is no need to save the full name - it can be generated on the fly from the abbreviated name as and when needed.
+ bool apt_in_progress = false; // Set true whilst loading all the approaches for a given airport.
+ bool iap_in_progress = false; // Set true whilst loading a given approach.
+ bool iap_error = false; // Set true if there is an error loading a given approach.
+ bool route_in_progress = false; // Set true when we are loading a "route" segment of the approach.
+ int last_sequence_number = 0; // Position within the route, rule (rev 18): 10, 20, 30 etc.
+ int sequence_number;
+ char last_route_type = 0;
+ char route_type;
+ char waypoint_fix_type; // This is the waypoint type from col 43, i.e. the type of fix. May be blank.
+ int j;
+ // Debugging info
+ unsigned int nLoaded = 0;
+ unsigned int nErrors = 0;
+ //for(i=0; i<64; ++i) {
+ while(!fin.eof()) {
+ fin.getline(tmp, 256);
+ //s = Fake_rnav_dat[i];
+ s = tmp;
+ if(s.size() < 132) continue;
+ if(s[0] == 'S') { // Valid line
+ string country_code = s.substr(1, 3);
+ if(country_code == "USA") { // For now we'll stick to US procedures in case there are unknown gotchas with others
+ if(s[4] == 'P') { // Includes approaches.
+ if(s[12] == 'A') { // Airport record
+ apt_ident = s.substr(6, 4);
+ // Trim any whitespace from the ident. The ident is left justified,
+ // so any space will be at the end.
+ if(apt_ident[3] == ' ') apt_ident = apt_ident.substr(0, 3);
+ // I think that all idents are either 3 or 4 chars - could check this though!
+ if(!apt_in_progress) {
+ last_apt_ident = apt_ident;
+ apt_in_progress = 1;
+ } else {
+ if(last_apt_ident != apt_ident) {
+ if(iap_in_progress) {
+ if(iap_error) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ nErrors++;
+ } else {
+ _np_iap[iap->_aptIdent].push_back(iap);
+ //cout << "** Loaded " << iap->_aptIdent << "\t" << iap->_ident << '\n';
+ nLoaded++;
+ }
+ iap_in_progress = false;
+ }
+ }
+ last_apt_ident = apt_ident;
+ }
+ iap_in_progress = 0;
+ } else if(s[12] == 'F') { // Approach segment
+ if(apt_in_progress) {
+ iap_ident = s.substr(13, 6);
+ // Trim any whitespace from the RH end.
+ for(j=0; j<6; ++j) {
+ if(iap_ident[5-j] == ' ') {
+ iap_ident = iap_ident.substr(0, 5-j);
+ } else {
+ // It's important to break here, since earlier versions of ARINC 424 allowed spaces in the ident.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iap_in_progress) {
+ if(iap_ident != last_iap_ident) {
+ // This is a new approach - store the last one and trigger
+ // starting afresh by setting the in progress flag to false.
+ if(iap_error) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ nErrors++;
+ } else {
+ _np_iap[iap->_aptIdent].push_back(iap);
+ //cout << "Loaded " << iap->_aptIdent << "\t" << iap->_ident << '\n';
+ nLoaded++;
+ }
+ iap_in_progress = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!iap_in_progress) {
+ iap = new FGNPIAP;
+ iap->_aptIdent = apt_ident;
+ iap->_ident = iap_ident;
+ iap->_name = ExpandSIAPIdent(iap_ident); // I suspect that it's probably better to just store idents, and to expand the names as needed.
+ // Note, we haven't set iap->_rwyStr yet.
+ last_iap_ident = iap_ident;
+ iap_in_progress = true;
+ iap_error = false;
+ }
+ // Route type
+ route_type = s[19];
+ sequence_number = atoi(s.substr(26,3).c_str());
+ wp_ident = s.substr(29, 5);
+ waypoint_fix_type = s[42];
+ // Trim any whitespace from the RH end
+ for(j=0; j<5; ++j) {
+ if(wp_ident[4-j] == ' ') {
+ wp_ident = wp_ident.substr(0, 4-j);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ignore lines with no waypoint ID for now - these are normally part of the
+ // missed approach procedure, and we don't use them in the KLN89.
+ if(!wp_ident.empty()) {
+ // Make a local copy of the waypoint for now, since we're not yet sure if we'll be using it
+ GPSWaypoint w;
+ w.id = wp_ident;
+ bool wp_error = false;
+ if(w.id.substr(0, 2) == "RW" && waypoint_fix_type == 'M') {
+ // Assume that this is a missed-approach point based on the runway number, which appears to be standard for most approaches.
+ // Note: Currently fgFindAirportID returns NULL on error, but getRunwayByIdent throws an exception.
+ const FGAirport* apt = fgFindAirportID(iap->_aptIdent);
+ if(apt) {
+ try {
+ // TODO - sanity check the waypoint ID to ensure we have a double digit number
+ FGRunway* rwy = apt->getRunwayByIdent(w.id.substr(2, 2));
+ w.lat = rwy->begin().getLatitudeRad();
+ w.lon = rwy->begin().getLongitudeRad();
+ } catch(const sg_exception&) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "Unable to find runway " << w.id.substr(2, 2) << " at airport " << iap->_aptIdent);
+ wp_error = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ wp_error = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cwp = FindFirstByExactId(w.id);
+ if(cwp) {
+ w = *cwp;
+ } else {
+ wp_error = true;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(waypoint_fix_type) {
+ case 'A': w.appType = GPS_IAF; break;
+ case 'F': w.appType = GPS_FAF; break;
+ case 'H': w.appType = GPS_MAHP; break;
+ case 'I': w.appType = GPS_IAP; break;
+ case 'M': w.appType = GPS_MAP; break;
+ case ' ': w.appType = GPS_APP_NONE; break;
+ //default: cout << "Unknown waypoint_fix_type: \'" << waypoint_fix_type << "\' [" << apt_ident << ", " << iap_ident << "]\n";
+ }
+ if(wp_error) {
+ //cout << "Unable to find waypoint " << w.id << " [" << apt_ident << ", " << iap_ident << "]\n";
+ iap_error = true;
+ }
+ if(!wp_error) {
+ if(route_in_progress) {
+ if(sequence_number > last_sequence_number) {
+ // TODO - add a check for runway numbers
+ // Check for the waypoint ID being the same as the previous line.
+ // This is often the case for the missed approach holding point.
+ if(wp_ident == last_wp_ident) {
+ if(waypoint_fix_type == 'H') {
+ if(!iap->_IAP.empty()) {
+ if(iap->_IAP[iap->_IAP.size() - 1]->appType == GPS_APP_NONE) {
+ iap->_IAP[iap->_IAP.size() - 1]->appType = GPS_MAHP;
+ } else {
+ cout << "Waypoint is MAHP and another type! " << w.id << " [" << apt_ident << ", " << iap_ident << "]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Create a new waypoint on the heap, copy the local copy into it, and push it onto the approach.
+ wp = new GPSWaypoint;
+ *wp = w;
+ if(route_type == 'A') {
+ fp->waypoints.push_back(wp);
+ } else {
+ iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(sequence_number == last_sequence_number) {
+ // This seems to happen once per final approach route - one of the waypoints
+ // is duplicated with the same sequence number - I'm not sure what information
+ // the second line give yet so ignore it for now.
+ // TODO - figure this out!
+ } else {
+ // Finalise the current route and start a new one
+ //
+ // Finalise the current route
+ if(last_route_type == 'A') {
+ // Push the flightplan onto the approach
+ iap->_approachRoutes.push_back(fp);
+ } else {
+ // All the waypoints get pushed individually - don't need to do it.
+ }
+ // Start a new one
+ // There are basically 2 possibilities here - either it's one of the arrival transitions,
+ // or it's the core final approach course.
+ wp = new GPSWaypoint;
+ *wp = w;
+ if(route_type == 'A') { // It's one of the arrival transition(s)
+ fp = new GPSFlightPlan;
+ fp->waypoints.push_back(wp);
+ } else {
+ iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
+ }
+ route_in_progress = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Start a new route.
+ // There are basically 2 possibilities here - either it's one of the arrival transitions,
+ // or it's the core final approach course.
+ wp = new GPSWaypoint;
+ *wp = w;
+ if(route_type == 'A') { // It's one of the arrival transition(s)
+ fp = new GPSFlightPlan;
+ fp->waypoints.push_back(wp);
+ } else {
+ iap->_IAP.push_back(wp);
+ }
+ route_in_progress = true;
+ }
+ last_route_type = route_type;
+ last_wp_ident = wp_ident;
+ last_sequence_number = sequence_number;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // ERROR - no airport record read.
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Check and finalise any approaches in progress
+ // TODO - sanity check that the approach has all the required elements
+ if(iap_in_progress) {
+ // This is a new approach - store the last one and trigger
+ // starting afresh by setting the in progress flag to false.
+ if(iap_error) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ nErrors++;
+ } else {
+ _np_iap[iap->_aptIdent].push_back(iap);
+ //cout << "* Loaded " << iap->_aptIdent << "\t" << iap->_ident << '\n';
+ nLoaded++;
+ }
+ iap_in_progress = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we get to the end of the file, load any approach that is still in progress
+ // TODO - sanity check that the approach has all the required elements
+ if(iap_in_progress) {
+ if(iap_error) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Unable to load approach " << iap->_ident << " at " << iap->_aptIdent << '\n';
+ nErrors++;
+ } else {
+ _np_iap[iap->_aptIdent].push_back(iap);
+ //cout << "*** Loaded " << iap->_aptIdent << "\t" << iap->_ident << '\n';
+ nLoaded++;
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "Done loading approach database\n";
+ cout << "Loaded: " << nLoaded << '\n';
+ cout << "Failed: " << nErrors << '\n';
+ fin.close();
GPSWaypoint* DCLGPS::GetActiveWaypoint() {
return &_activeWaypoint;
_fromWaypoint.id = "DTOWP";
delete wp;
} else {
+ // TODO - Should bring up the user waypoint page.
_dto = false;