x_offset = y_offset = 0.0;
z_offset = -4.0;
pitch_offset = 2.0;
_user_speed_north_fps_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/speed-north-fps", true);
_contrail_altitude_node = fgGetNode("/environment/params/contrail-altitude", true);
- contrail_altitude = _contrail_altitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- _contrail_trigger = fgGetNode("ai/submodels/contrails", true);
+ contrail_altitude = _contrail_altitude_node->getDoubleValue();
+ _contrail_trigger = fgGetNode("ai/submodels/contrails", true);
ai = (FGAIManager*)globals->get_subsystem("ai_model");
+void FGSubmodelMgr::postinit() {
+ // postinit, so that the AI list is populated
void FGSubmodelMgr::update(double dt)
if (!(_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()))
_contrail_trigger->setBoolValue(_user_alt_node->getDoubleValue() > contrail_altitude);
submodel_iterator = submodels.begin();
while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) {
if (ind == 0) {
// set the data for a submodel tied to the main model
- IC.lat = _user_lat_node->getDoubleValue();
- IC.lon = _user_lon_node->getDoubleValue();
- IC.alt = _user_alt_node->getDoubleValue();
- IC.roll = _user_roll_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about x axis
- IC.elevation = _user_pitch_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about y axis
- IC.azimuth = _user_heading_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about z axis
- IC.speed = _user_speed_node->getDoubleValue();
- IC.speed_down_fps = _user_speed_down_fps_node->getDoubleValue();
- IC.speed_east_fps = _user_speed_east_fps_node->getDoubleValue();
- IC.speed_north_fps = _user_speed_north_fps_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.lat = _user_lat_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.lon = _user_lon_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.alt = _user_alt_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.roll = _user_roll_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about x axis
+ IC.elevation = _user_pitch_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about y axis
+ IC.azimuth = _user_heading_node->getDoubleValue(); // rotation about z axis
+ IC.speed = _user_speed_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.speed_down_fps = _user_speed_down_fps_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.speed_east_fps = _user_speed_east_fps_node->getDoubleValue();
+ IC.speed_north_fps = _user_speed_north_fps_node->getDoubleValue();
} else {
// set the data for a submodel tied to an AI Object
while (sm_list_itr != end) {
string path = (*sm_list_itr)->_getPath();
bool serviceable = (*sm_list_itr)->_getServiceable();
if (path.empty()) {