// What to search for
$q = $_REQUEST['q'] ?? '';
// Maximum number of results. Defaults to 40.
- $limit = (int)$_REQUEST['limit'] ?? 40;
+ $limit = (int)($_REQUEST['limit'] ?? 40);
// Attempt WebFinger lookup. Defaults to false. Use this when q is an exact address.
- $resolve = (bool)!isset($_REQUEST['resolve']) ? false : ($_REQUEST['resolve'] == 'true');
+ $resolve = ($_REQUEST['resolve'] ?? '') == 'true';
// Only who the user is following. Defaults to false.
- $following = (bool)!isset($_REQUEST['following']) ? false : ($_REQUEST['following'] == 'true');
+ $following = ($_REQUEST['following'] ?? '') == 'true';
$accounts = [];
// Enum(accounts, hashtags, statuses)
$type = $_REQUEST['type'] ?? '';
// Filter out unreviewed tags? Defaults to false. Use true when trying to find trending tags.
- $exclude_unreviewed = (bool)!isset($_REQUEST['exclude_unreviewed']) ? false : ($_REQUEST['exclude_unreviewed'] == 'true');
+ $exclude_unreviewed = ($_REQUEST['exclude_unreviewed'] ?? '') == 'true';
// The search query
$q = $_REQUEST['q'] ?? '';
// Attempt WebFinger lookup. Defaults to false.
- $resolve = (bool)!isset($_REQUEST['resolve']) ? false : ($_REQUEST['resolve'] == 'true');
+ $resolve = ($_REQUEST['resolve'] ?? '') == 'true';
// Maximum number of results to load, per type. Defaults to 20. Max 40.
$limit = (int)($_REQUEST['limit'] ?? 20);
// Offset in search results. Used for pagination. Defaults to 0.
$offset = (int)($_REQUEST['offset'] ?? 0);
// Only who the user is following. Defaults to false.
- $following = (bool)!isset($_REQUEST['following']) ? false : ($_REQUEST['following'] == 'true');
+ $following = ($_REQUEST['following'] ?? '') == 'true';
$result = ['accounts' => [], 'statuses' => [], 'hashtags' => []];