inc/sql-functions.php -text
inc/stats-functions.php -text
inc/stylesheet.php -text
+inc/template-functions.php -text
inc/weekly/.htaccess -text
inc/weekly/weekly_ -text
inc/weekly/weekly_surfbar.php -text
./inc/extensions-functions.php:143: // @TODO Do we still need this? setExtensionUpdateNotes('');
./inc/extensions-functions.php:428:// @TODO Change from ext_id to ext_name (not just even the variable! ;-) )
./inc/extensions-functions.php:544: // @TODO Extension is loaded, what next?
-./inc/functions.php:1065:// @TODO $simple/$constants are deprecated
-./inc/functions.php:1092: // @TODO Do only use $content and deprecate $GLOBALS and $DATA in templates
-./inc/functions.php:2372: // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
-./inc/functions.php:2521: // @TODO Add a little more infos here
-./inc/functions.php:2605: // @TODO Move this SQL code into a function, let's say 'getTimestampFromPoolId($id) ?
-./inc/functions.php:2628: // @TODO Rewrite this old lost code to a template
-./inc/functions.php:266: // @TODO Remove this sanity-check if all is fine
-./inc/functions.php:269: // @TODO Try to rewrite all $DATA to $content
-./inc/functions.php:2718: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
-./inc/functions.php:2736:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
-./inc/functions.php:3620:// @TODO Lame description for this function
-./inc/functions.php:3639: // @TODO Move this in a filter
-./inc/functions.php:3763: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
-./inc/functions.php:542: // @TODO Extension 'msg' does not exist
-./inc/functions.php:605:// @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
+./inc/functions.php:115: // @TODO Extension 'msg' does not exist
+./inc/functions.php:1472: // @TODO Move this SQL code into a function, let's say 'getTimestampFromPoolId($id) ?
+./inc/functions.php:1495: // @TODO Rewrite this old lost code to a template
+./inc/functions.php:1563: // @TODO Are these convertions still required?
+./inc/functions.php:1581:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
+./inc/functions.php:178:// @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
+./inc/functions.php:2234: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
./inc/install-functions.php:63: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInFile(getConfig('CACHE_PATH') . 'config-local.php', 'OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestParameter('omode'), 0);
-./inc/language/de.php:1143:// @TODO Rewrite these two constants
-./inc/language/de.php:1158:// @TODO Rewrite these three constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1141:// @TODO Rewrite these two constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1156:// @TODO Rewrite these three constants
./inc/language/de.php:309: // @TODO Following two are unused?
-./inc/language/de.php:838:// @TODO Are these constants longer used?
+./inc/language/de.php:836:// @TODO Are these constants longer used?
./inc/language-functions.php:234: // @TODO These are all valid languages, again hard-coded
./inc/language-functions.php:46:// @TODO Rewrite all language constants to this function.
./inc/language/rallye_de.php:13: * @TODO Naming convention not applied for language strings *
./inc/language/refback_de.php:46:// @TODO Rewrite these constants to one
./inc/language/sponsor_de.php:119:// @TODO Rewrite these four constants to one and use sprintf()
-./inc/libs/admins_functions.php:440: // @TODO This can be, somehow, rewritten
+./inc/libs/admins_functions.php:434: // @TODO This can be, somehow, rewritten
./inc/libs/beg_functions.php:58: // @TODO Try to rewrite the following unset()
-./inc/libs/bonus_functions.php:213: // @TODO Move this HTML to a template
-./inc/libs/bonus_functions.php:297: // @TODO This query isn't right, it will only update if the user was for a longer time away!
+./inc/libs/bonus_functions.php:206: // @TODO Move this HTML to a template
+./inc/libs/bonus_functions.php:290: // @TODO This query isn't right, it will only update if the user was for a longer time away!
./inc/libs/doubler_functions.php:46:// @TODO Lame description
./inc/libs/doubler_functions.php:94: // @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
./inc/libs/mailid_functions.php:49: // @TODO Rewrite this to a dynamic include or so
-./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:703:// @TODO This function does not load min_users, min_prices, please encapsulate loading rallye data with e.g. getRallyeDataFromId()
-./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:773: $EXPIRE = 3; // @TODO The hard-coded value...
-./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:859:// @TODO Please document this function
-./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:915: // Load count @TODO Can't we rewrite this to our API?
+./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:700:// @TODO This function does not load min_users, min_prices, please encapsulate loading rallye data with e.g. getRallyeDataFromId()
+./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:768: $EXPIRE = 3; // @TODO The hard-coded value...
+./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:854:// @TODO Please document this function
+./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:910: // Load count @TODO Can't we rewrite this to our API?
./inc/libs/refback_functions.php:61: // @TODO Try to rewrite the following unset()
-./inc/libs/register_functions.php:299: // @TODO Rewrite these all to a single filter
-./inc/libs/register_functions.php:375: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/libs/register_functions.php:382: // @TODO Rewrite this whole if() block to addPointsThroughReferalSystem(). This will also make following if() block obsolete
-./inc/libs/register_functions.php:383: // @TODO Wether the registration bonus should only be added to user directly or through referal system should be configurable
+./inc/libs/register_functions.php:296: // @TODO Rewrite these all to a single filter
+./inc/libs/register_functions.php:372: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/libs/register_functions.php:379: // @TODO Rewrite this whole if() block to addPointsThroughReferalSystem(). This will also make following if() block obsolete
+./inc/libs/register_functions.php:380: // @TODO Wether the registration bonus should only be added to user directly or through referal system should be configurable
./inc/libs/surfbar_functions.php:1541: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten
./inc/libs/surfbar_functions.php:713:// @TODO Can't we use our new expression language instead of this ugly code?
./inc/libs/surfbar_functions.php:957: // @TODO Invalid salt should be refused
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:338: // @TODO ACL is 'allow'... hmmm
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:438:// @TODO Try to rewrite this to adminAddMenuSelectionBox()
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:164: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:278: // @TODO Rewrite this to something with include files and/or filter
-./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:316: // @TODO This may also be rewritten to include files
-./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:318: default: // @TODO Unknown support mode
-./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:436: // @TODO Try to move this in includes
+./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:277: // @TODO Rewrite this to something with include files and/or filter
+./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:315: // @TODO This may also be rewritten to include files
+./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:317: default: // @TODO Unknown support mode
+./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:432: // @TODO Try to move this in includes
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:45:// @TODO This function does also check for uncompleted tasks
./inc/modules/admin/what-add_guestnl_cat.php:49: // @TODO Check if category does already exist
./inc/modules/admin/what-add_surfbar_url.php:57: // @TODO Find all convertSelectionsToTimestamp() calls and rewrite postRequestParameter() calls to $postData
./inc/modules/admin/what-adminedit.php:58: // @TODO Kill all constants in this file
./inc/modules/admin/what-admins_mails.php:61: // @TODO Can this be rewritten to an API function?
./inc/modules/admin/what-bonus.php:48:// @TODO Unused at the moment
-./inc/modules/admin/what-config_admins.php:132: // @TODO Rewrite this to filter 'run_sqls'
+./inc/modules/admin/what-config_admins.php:126: // @TODO Rewrite this to filter 'run_sqls'
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_mods.php:57: // @TODO This can be moved into mysql-function.php, see checkModulePermissions() function
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_points.php:113: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-config_rallye_prices.php:207: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
-./inc/modules/admin/what-config_register.php:78: // @TODO Move this HTML code into a template
+./inc/modules/admin/what-config_rallye_prices.php:197: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
+./inc/modules/admin/what-config_register.php:77: // @TODO Move this HTML code into a template
./inc/modules/admin/what-del_email.php:60: // @TODO Unused: $price = getPaymentPoints($content['payment_id'], 'price');
./inc/modules/admin/what-del_email.php:61: // @TODO Unused: cat_id, payment_id
./inc/modules/admin/what-edit_user.php:20: * @TODO Add support for ext-country *
./inc/modules/admin/what-email_stats.php:48:// @TODO Unused at the moment
-./inc/modules/admin/what-extensions.php:282: // @TODO Rewrite in template: id->ext_id,name->ext_name,active->ext_active,ver->ext_ver
-./inc/modules/admin/what-extensions.php:363: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/modules/admin/what-extensions.php:277: // @TODO Rewrite in template: id->ext_id,name->ext_name,active->ext_active,ver->ext_ver
+./inc/modules/admin/what-extensions.php:356: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-guest_add.php:137: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
./inc/modules/admin/what-guest_add.php:69: // @TODO Cant this be rewritten?
./inc/modules/admin/what-guest_add.php:85: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
./inc/modules/admin/what-holiday_list.php:48:// @TODO Unused at the moment
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_autopurge.php:49:// @TODO Rewrite those lines to filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php:135: // @TODO Can't this be moved into our expression language?
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_bonus.php:134: // @TODO Can't this be moved into our expression language?
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php:56: // @TODO No longer needed? define('__CATEGORIES_BASE' , '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&userid=');
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_cats.php:71: // @TODO Rewrite this to countSum.....() function
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php:57: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php:89: // @TODO Find a way to rewrite this. See some lines above for different queries
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_links.php:98: // @TODO Rewrite this to includes/filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_refs.php:110: // @TODO Try to rewrite some to EL
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_refs.php:107: // @TODO Try to rewrite some to EL
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_unconfirmed.php:100: // @TODO Rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY(), look some lines above for two differrent queries
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_unconfirmed.php:77: // @TODO This constant might be unused? define('__LIST_UNCON_TITLE', '{--LIST_UNCONFIRMED_BONUS_LINKS--}');
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_unconfirmed.php:88: // @TODO "Please do not call me directly." Should be rewritten to a nice selection depending on ext-bonus
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:151: // @TODO Rewrite these to filters
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:257: // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:301: // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter
+./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:300: // @TODO Rewrite this into a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-list_user.php:59:// @TODO Rewrite these if-blocks in a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-logs.php:69: // @TODO Fix content-type here
./inc/modules/admin/what-logs.php:72: // @TODO Fix content-type here
./inc/modules/admin/what-mem_add.php:126: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
./inc/modules/admin/what-mem_add.php:65: // @TODO Cant this be rewritten?
./inc/modules/admin/what-mem_add.php:81: // @TODO This can be somehow rewritten to a function
-./inc/modules/admin/what-payments.php:152: // @TODO Rewritings: title->mail_title in template
-./inc/modules/admin/what-refbanner.php:145: // @TODO Rewritings: alt->alternate,cnt->counter,clx->clicks in template
+./inc/modules/admin/what-payments.php:148: // @TODO Rewritings: title->mail_title in template
+./inc/modules/admin/what-refbanner.php:143: // @TODO Rewritings: alt->alternate,cnt->counter,clx->clicks in template
./inc/modules/admin/what-unlock_emails.php:89: // @TODO Rewrite these if-blocks to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-usage.php:88: // @TODO This code is double, see loadTemplate() and loadEmailTemplate() in functions.php
./inc/modules/admin/what-usr_online.php:51: // @TODO Add a filter for sponsor
./inc/modules/member/what-categories.php:129: // @TODO Rewrite this to use $OUT .= ...
./inc/modules/member/what-order.php:457: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-order.php:65:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/member/what-payout.php:218: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/modules/member/what-payout.php:216: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-points.php:55:// @TODO Should we rewrite this to a filter?
./inc/modules/member/what-rallyes.php:91: // @TODO Reactivate this: $content['admin'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=index&what=impressum&admin=' . $content['admin_id'] . '%}">' . $content['login'] . '</a>';
-./inc/modules/member/what-refback.php:128: // @TODO UNUSED: $refRow['status'] = translateUserStatus($refRow['status']);
+./inc/modules/member/what-refback.php:126: // @TODO UNUSED: $refRow['status'] = translateUserStatus($refRow['status']);
./inc/modules/member/what-reflinks.php:54:// @TODO Move this into a filter
+./inc/modules/member/what-stats.php:74: // @TODO More usage of EL at this array
+./inc/modules/member/what-themes.php:116: // @TODO Move this code into a template
./inc/modules/member/what-transfer.php:132: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-transfer.php:222: // @TODO Try to rewrite his to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY(), see some lines above for two different queries
./inc/modules/member/what-transfer.php:304: // @TODO This should be somehow rewritten to $row = SQL_FETCHARRAY(), see switch() block above for SQL queries
./inc/reset/reset_beg.php:51:// @TODO This should be converted in a daily beg rallye
./inc/reset/reset_birthday.php:91: // @TODO 4 is hard-coded here, should we move it out in config?
./inc/revision-functions.php:153:// @TODO Please describe this function
+./inc/template-functions.php:1155: // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
+./inc/template-functions.php:1188: // @TODO Add a little more infos here
+./inc/template-functions.php:1473:// @TODO Lame description for this function
+./inc/template-functions.php:1492: // @TODO Move this in a filter
+./inc/template-functions.php:280: // @TODO Remove this sanity-check if all is fine
+./inc/template-functions.php:595:// @TODO $simple/$constants are deprecated
+./inc/template-functions.php:622: // @TODO Do only use $content and deprecate $GLOBALS and $DATA in templates
./inc/wrapper-functions.php:127:// @TODO Implement $compress
./inc/wrapper-functions.php:134:// @TODO Implement $decompress
./inc/wrapper-functions.php:455:// @TODO Do some more sanity check here
$PATH = str_replace("\\", '/', substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, -3));
// Some very important function includes
-foreach (array('config','wrapper','inc','stats') as $inc) {
+foreach (array('config','wrapper','template','inc','stats') as $inc) {
include($PATH . 'inc/' . $inc . '-functions.php');
} // END - foreach
return $code;
+// Expression call-back for template functions
+function doExpressionTemplate ($data) {
+ // Do the replacement
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'template='.$GLOBALS['current_template']);
+ $replacer = '{DQUOTE} . doTemplate' . $data['callback'] . "('" . $GLOBALS['current_template'] . "', true) . {DQUOTE}";
+ // Replace the code
+ $code = replaceExpressionCode($data, $replacer);
+ // Return the (maybe) replaced code
+ return $code;
// [EOF]
// Do we have queries?
if ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.0.7')) && (getConfig('verbose_sql') == 'Y')) {
- // Init switch color
- $SW = 2;
// Get all SQLs
foreach (getExtensionSqls() as $sqls) {
// New array format is recursive
if (!empty($sql)) {
// Prepare output for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'i' => ($idx+1),
'sql' => $sql
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_ext_sql_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
-// Output HTML code directly or 'render' it. You addionally switch the new-line character off
-function outputHtml ($htmlCode, $newLine = true) {
- // Init output
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['output'])) {
- $GLOBALS['output'] = '';
- } // END - if
- // Do we have HTML-Code here?
- if (!empty($htmlCode)) {
- // Yes, so we handle it as you have configured
- switch (getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE')) {
- case 'render':
- // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
- if (getPhpCaching() == 'on') {
- // Output into PHP's internal buffer
- outputRawCode($htmlCode);
- // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
- if ($newLine === true) print("\n");
- } else {
- // Render mode for old or lame servers...
- $GLOBALS['output'] .= $htmlCode;
- // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
- if ($newLine === true) $GLOBALS['output'] .= "\n";
- }
- break;
- case 'direct':
- // If we are switching from render to direct output rendered code
- if ((!empty($GLOBALS['output'])) && (getPhpCaching() != 'on')) { outputRawCode($GLOBALS['output']); $GLOBALS['output'] = ''; }
- // The same as above... ^
- outputRawCode($htmlCode);
- if ($newLine === true) print("\n");
- break;
- default:
- // Huh, something goes wrong or maybe you have edited config.php ???
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '<strong>{--FATAL_ERROR--}:</strong> {--LANG_NO_RENDER_DIRECT--}');
- break;
- } // END - switch
- } elseif ((getPhpCaching() == 'on') && ((!isset($GLOBALS['header'])) || (count($GLOBALS['header']) == 0))) {
- // Output cached HTML code
- $GLOBALS['output'] = ob_get_contents();
- // Clear output buffer for later output if output is found
- if (!empty($GLOBALS['output'])) {
- clearOutputBuffer();
- } // END - if
- // Send all HTTP headers
- sendHttpHeaders();
- // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
- compileFinalOutput();
- // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
- outputRawCode($GLOBALS['output']);
- } elseif ((getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE') == 'render') && (!empty($GLOBALS['output']))) {
- // Send all HTTP headers
- sendHttpHeaders();
- // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
- compileFinalOutput();
- // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
- outputRawCode($GLOBALS['output']);
- } else {
- // And flush all headers
- flushHeaders();
- }
// Sends out all headers required for HTTP/1.1 reply
function sendHttpHeaders () {
// Used later
sendHeader('Content-Language: ' . getLanguage());
-// Compiles the final output
-function compileFinalOutput () {
- // Add page header and footer
- addPageHeaderFooter();
- // Do the final compilation
- $GLOBALS['output'] = doFinalCompilation($GLOBALS['output']);
- // Extension 'rewrite' installed?
- if ((isExtensionActive('rewrite')) && (getOutputMode() != 1)) {
- $GLOBALS['output'] = rewriteLinksInCode($GLOBALS['output']);
- } // END - if
- // Compress it?
- if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (strpos('gzip', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) !== null)) {
- // Compress it for HTTP gzip
- $GLOBALS['output'] = gzencode($GLOBALS['output'], 9, true);
- // Add header
- sendHeader('Content-Encoding: gzip');
- } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (strpos('deflate', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) !== null)) {
- // Compress it for HTTP deflate
- $GLOBALS['output'] = gzcompress($GLOBALS['output'], 9);
- // Add header
- sendHeader('Content-Encoding: deflate');
- }
- // Add final length
- sendHeader('Content-Length: ' . strlen($GLOBALS['output']));
- // Flush all headers
- flushHeaders();
-// Main compilation loop
-function doFinalCompilation ($code, $insertComments = true) {
- // Insert comments? (Only valid with HTML templates, of course)
- enableTemplateHtml($insertComments);
- // Init counter
- $cnt = 0;
- // Compile all out
- while (((strpos($code, '{--') !== false) || (strpos($code, '{DQUOTE}') !== false) || (strpos($code, '{?') !== false) || (strpos($code, '{%') !== false)) && ($cnt < 4)) {
- // Init common variables
- $content = array();
- $newContent = '';
- // Compile it
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('<pre>'.encodeEntities($code).'</pre>');
- $eval = '$newContent = "' . str_replace('{DQUOTE}', '"', compileCode(escapeQuotes($code))) . '";';
- //* DEBUG: */ if ($insertComments) die('<pre>'.linenumberCode($eval).'</pre>');
- eval($eval);
- //* DEBUG: */ die('<pre>'.encodeEntities($newContent).'</pre>');
- // Was that eval okay?
- if (empty($newContent)) {
- // Something went wrong!
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Evaluation error:<pre>' . linenumberCode($eval) . '</pre>', false);
- } // END - if
- // Use it again
- $code = $newContent;
- // Count round
- $cnt++;
- } // END - while
- // Return the compiled code
- return $code;
-// Output the raw HTML code
-function outputRawCode ($htmlCode) {
- // Output stripped HTML code to avoid broken JavaScript code, etc.
- print(str_replace('{BACK}', "\\", $htmlCode));
- // Flush the output if only getPhpCaching() is not 'on'
- if (getPhpCaching() != 'on') {
- // Flush it
- flush();
- } // END - if
// Init fatal message array
function initFatalMessages () {
$GLOBALS['fatal_messages'] = array();
return $count;
-// Load a template file and return it's content (only it's name; do not use ' or ")
-function loadTemplate ($template, $return = false, $content = array()) {
- // @TODO Remove this sanity-check if all is fine
- if (!is_bool($return)) debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'return is not bool (' . gettype($return) . ')');
- // @TODO Try to rewrite all $DATA to $content
- global $DATA;
- // Do we have cache?
- if ((isDebuggingTemplateCache() === false) && (isTemplateCached($template))) {
- // Evaluate the cache
- eval(readTemplateCache($template));
- } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template])) {
- // Make all template names lowercase
- $template = strtolower($template);
- // Init some data
- $ret = '';
- if (empty($GLOBALS['refid'])) $GLOBALS['refid'] = '0';
- // Base directory
- $basePath = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/html/", getConfig('PATH'), getLanguage());
- $extraPath = detectExtraTemplatePath($template);;
- ////////////////////////
- // Generate file name //
- ////////////////////////
- $FQFN = $basePath . $extraPath . $template . '.tpl';
- // Does the special template exists?
- if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
- // Reset to default template
- $FQFN = $basePath . $template . '.tpl';
- } // END - if
- // Now does the final template exists?
- if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
- // Count the template load
- incrementConfigEntry('num_templates');
- // The local file does exists so we load it. :)
- $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] = readFromFile($FQFN);
- // Do we have to compile the code?
- $ret = '';
- if ((strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '$') !== false) || (strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '{--') !== false) || (strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '{?') !== false) || (strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '{%') !== false)) {
- // Normal HTML output?
- if (getOutputMode() == '0') {
- // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster
- $ret = '<!-- Template ' . $template . " - Start -->\n" . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] . '<!-- Template ' . $template . " - End -->\n";
- // Prepare eval() command
- $eval = '$ret = "' . compileCode(escapeQuotes($ret)) . '";';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'js_') {
- // JavaScripts don't like entities and timings
- $eval = '$ret = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeJavaScriptQuotes($GLOBALS['tpl_content'])) . '");';
- } else {
- // Prepare eval() command, other output doesn't like entities, maybe
- $eval = '$ret = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($GLOBALS['tpl_content'])) . '");';
- }
- } else {
- // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster
- $ret = '<!-- Template ' . $template . " - Start -->\n" . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] . '<!-- Template ' . $template . " - End -->\n";
- $eval = '$ret = "' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($ret)) . '";';
- } // END - if
- // Cache the eval() command here
- $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = $eval;
- } elseif ((isAdmin()) || ((isInstalling()) && (!isInstalled()))) {
- // Only admins shall see this warning or when installation mode is active
- $ret = '<div class="para">
- <span class="guest_failed">{--TEMPLATE_404--}</span>
-<div class="para">
- (' . $template . ')
-<div class="para">
- <pre>' . print_r($content, true) . '</pre>
- <pre>' . print_r($DATA, true) . '</pre>
- } else {
- // No file!
- $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = '404';
- }
- }
- // Code set?
- if ((isset($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template])) && ($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] != '404')) {
- // Eval the code
- eval($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template]);
- } // END - if
- // Do we have some content to output or return?
- if (!empty($ret)) {
- // Not empty so let's put it out! ;)
- if ($return === true) {
- // Return the HTML code
- return $ret;
- } else {
- // Output directly
- outputHtml($ret);
- }
- } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) {
- // Warning, empty output!
- return 'E:' . $template . ',content=<pre>' . print_r($content, true) . '</pre>';
- }
-// Detects the extra template path from given template name
-function detectExtraTemplatePath ($template) {
- // Default is empty
- $extraPath = '';
- // Do we have cache?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['extra_path'][$template])) {
- // Check for admin/guest/member/etc. templates
- if (substr($template, 0, 6) == 'admin_') {
- // Admin template found
- $extraPath = 'admin/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 6) == 'guest_') {
- // Guest template found
- $extraPath = 'guest/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 7) == 'member_') {
- // Member template found
- $extraPath = 'member/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 7) == 'select_') {
- // Selection template found
- $extraPath = 'select/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 8) == 'install_') {
- // Installation template found
- $extraPath = 'install/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 4) == 'ext_') {
- // Extension template found
- $extraPath = 'ext/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'la_') {
- // 'Logical-area' template found
- $extraPath = 'la/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'js_') {
- // JavaScript template found
- $extraPath = 'js/';
- } elseif (substr($template, 0, 5) == 'menu_') {
- // Menu template found
- $extraPath = 'menu/';
- } else {
- // Test for extension
- $test = substr($template, 0, strpos($template, '_'));
- // Probe for valid extension name
- if (isExtensionNameValid($test)) {
- // Set extra path to extension's name
- $extraPath = $test . '/';
- } // END - if
- }
- // Store it in cache
- $GLOBALS['extra_path'][$template] = $extraPath;
- } // END - if
- // Return result
- return $GLOBALS['extra_path'][$template];
-// Loads an email template and compiles it
-function loadEmailTemplate ($template, $content = array(), $userid = '0') {
- global $DATA;
- // Make sure all template names are lowercase!
- $template = strtolower($template);
- // Is content an array?
- if (is_array($content)) {
- // Add expiration to array
- if ((isConfigEntrySet('auto_purge')) && (getConfig('auto_purge') == '0')) {
- // Will never expire!
- $content['expiration'] = '{--MAIL_WILL_NEVER_EXPIRE--}';
- } elseif (isConfigEntrySet('auto_purge')) {
- // Create nice date string
- $content['expiration'] = createFancyTime(getConfig('auto_purge'));
- } else {
- // Missing entry
- $content['expiration'] = '{--MAIL_NO_CONFIG_AUTO_PURGE--}';
- }
- } // END - if
- // Load user's data
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "UID={$userid},template={$template},content[]=".gettype($content));
- if (($userid > 0) && (is_array($content))) {
- // If nickname extension is installed, fetch nickname as well
- if ((isExtensionActive('nickname')) && (isNicknameUsed($userid))) {
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "NICKNAME!<br />");
- // Load by nickname
- fetchUserData($userid, 'nickname');
- } else {
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "NO-NICK!<br />");
- /// Load by userid
- fetchUserData($userid);
- }
- // Merge data if valid
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "content()=".count($content)." - PRE<br />");
- if (isUserDataValid()) {
- $content = merge_array($content, getUserDataArray());
- } // END - if
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "content()=".count($content)." - AFTER<br />");
- } // END - if
- // Base directory
- $basePath = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/emails/", getConfig('PATH'), getLanguage());
- // Detect extra path
- $extraPath = detectExtraTemplatePath($template);
- // Generate full FQFN
- $FQFN = $basePath . $extraPath . $template . '.tpl';
- // Does the special template exists?
- if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
- // Reset to default template
- $FQFN = $basePath . $template . '.tpl';
- } // END - if
- // Now does the final template exists?
- $newContent = '';
- if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
- // The local file does exists so we load it. :)
- $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] = readFromFile($FQFN);
- // Run code
- $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] = '$newContent = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($GLOBALS['tpl_content'])) . '");';
- eval($GLOBALS['tpl_content']);
- } elseif (!empty($template)) {
- // Template file not found!
- $newContent = '<div class="para">
- {--TEMPLATE_404--}: ' . $template . '
-<div class="para">
- <pre>' . print_r($content, true) . '</pre>
- <pre>' . print_r($DATA, true) . '</pre>
- // Debug mode not active? Then remove the HTML tags
- if (!isDebugModeEnabled()) $newContent = secureString($newContent);
- } else {
- // No template name supplied!
- $newContent = '{--NO_TEMPLATE_SUPPLIED--}';
- }
- // Is there some content?
- if (empty($newContent)) {
- // Compiling failed
- $newContent = "Compiler error for template " . $template . " !\nUncompiled content:\n" . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'];
- // Add last error if the required function exists
- if (function_exists('error_get_last')) $newContent .= "\n--------------------------------------\nDebug:\n".print_r(error_get_last(), true)."--------------------------------------\nPlease don't alter these informations!\nThanx.";
- } // END - if
- // Remove content and data
- unset($content);
- unset($DATA);
- // Return content
- return $newContent;
// Send mail out to an email address
function sendEmail ($toEmail, $subject, $message, $isHtml = 'N', $mailHeader = '') {
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "TO={$toEmail},SUBJECT={$subject}<br />");
return $content;
-// "Getter" for menu CSS classes, mainly used in templates
-function getMenuCssClasses ($data) {
- // $data needs to be converted into an array
- $content = explode('|', $data);
- // Non-existent index 2 will happen in menu blocks
- if (!isset($content[2])) $content[2] = '';
- // Re-construct the array: 0=visible,1=locked,2=prefix
- $content['visible'] = $content[0];
- $content['locked'] = $content[1];
- // Call our "translator" function
- $content = translateMenuVisibleLocked($content, $content[2]);
- // Return CSS classes
- return ($content['visible_css'] . ' ' . $content['locked_css']);
// Generates an URL for the dereferer
function generateDerefererUrl ($URL) {
// Don't de-refer our own links!
return $ret;
-// Generate XHTML code for the CAPTCHA
-function generateCaptchaCode ($code, $type, $DATA, $userid) {
- return '<img border="0" alt="Code ' . $code . '" src="{%url=mailid_top.php?userid=' . $userid . '&' . $type . '=' . $DATA . '&mode=img&code=' . $code . '%}" />';
// Generates a timestamp (some wrapper for mktime())
function makeTime ($hours, $minutes, $seconds, $stamp) {
// Extract day, month and year from given timestamp
-// Wrapper for redirectToUrl but URL comes from a configuration entry
-function redirectToConfiguredUrl ($configEntry) {
- // Load the URL
- redirectToUrl(getConfig($configEntry));
-// Compiles the given HTML/mail code
-function compileCode ($code, $simple = false, $constants = true, $full = true) {
- // Is the code a string?
- if (!is_string($code)) {
- // Silently return it
- return $code;
- } // END - if
- // Start couting
- $startCompile = microtime(true);
- // Comile the code
- $code = compileRawCode($code, $simple, $constants, $full);
- // Get timing
- $compiled = microtime(true);
- // Add timing if enabled
- if (isTemplateHtml()) {
- // Add timing, this should be disabled in
- $code .= '<!-- Compilation time: ' . (($compiled - $startCompile) * 1000). 'ms //-->';
- } // END - if
- // Return compiled code
- return $code;
-// Compiles the code (use compileCode() only for HTML because of the comments)
-// @TODO $simple/$constants are deprecated
-function compileRawCode ($code, $simple = false, $constants = true, $full = true) {
- // Is the code a string?
- if (!is_string($code)) {
- // Silently return it
- return $code;
- } // END - if
- // Init replacement-array with smaller set of security characters
- $secChars = $GLOBALS['url_chars'];
- // Select full set of chars to replace when we e.g. want to compile URLs
- if ($full === true) $secChars = $GLOBALS['security_chars'];
- // Compile more through a filter
- $code = runFilterChain('compile_code', $code);
- // Compile message strings
- $code = str_replace('{--', '{%message,', str_replace('--}', '%}', $code));
- // Compile QUOT and other non-HTML codes
- foreach ($secChars['to'] as $k => $to) {
- // Do the reversed thing as in inc/libs/security_functions.php
- $code = str_replace($to, $secChars['from'][$k], $code);
- } // END - foreach
- // Find $content[bla][blub] entries
- // @TODO Do only use $content and deprecate $GLOBALS and $DATA in templates
- preg_match_all('/\$(content|GLOBALS|DATA)((\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\])*)/', $code, $matches);
- // Are some matches found?
- if ((count($matches) > 0) && (count($matches[0]) > 0)) {
- // Replace all matches
- $matchesFound = array();
- foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
- // Fuzzy look has failed by default
- $fuzzyFound = false;
- // Fuzzy look on match if already found
- foreach ($matchesFound as $found => $set) {
- // Get test part
- $test = substr($found, 0, strlen($match));
- // Does this entry exist?
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "found={$found},match={$match},set={$set}<br />");
- if ($test == $match) {
- // Match found!
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "fuzzyFound!<br />");
- $fuzzyFound = true;
- break;
- } // END - if
- } // END - foreach
- // Skip this entry?
- if ($fuzzyFound === true) continue;
- // Take all string elements
- if ((is_string($matches[4][$key])) && (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) && (!isset($matchesFound[$key.'_' . $matches[4][$key]]))) {
- // Replace it in the code
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "key={$key},match={$match}<br />");
- $newMatch = str_replace('[', "['", str_replace(']', "']", $match));
- $code = str_replace($match, '".' . $newMatch . '."', $code);
- $matchesFound[$key . '_' . $matches[4][$key]] = 1;
- $matchesFound[$match] = 1;
- } elseif (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) {
- // Not yet replaced!
- //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "match={$match}<br />");
- $code = str_replace($match, '".' . $match . '."', $code);
- $matchesFound[$match] = 1;
- }
- } // END - foreach
- } // END - if
- // Return it
- return $code;
* *
* Gaenderter Sortier-Algorythmus, $array wird nach dem Array (!) *
$array = $dummy;
-function addSelectionBox ($type, $default, $prefix = '', $id = '0', $class = 'register_select') {
- $OUT = '';
- if ($type == 'yn') {
- // This is a yes/no selection only!
- if ($id > 0) $prefix .= '[' . $id . ']';
- $OUT .= '<select name="' . $prefix . '" class="' . $class . '" size="1">';
- } else {
- // Begin with regular selection box here
- if (!empty($prefix)) $prefix .= '_';
- $type2 = $type;
- if ($id > 0) $type2 .= '[' . $id . ']';
- $OUT .= '<select name="' . strtolower($prefix . $type2) . '" class="' . $class . '" size="1">';
- }
- switch ($type) {
- case 'day': // Day
- for ($idx = 1; $idx < 32; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- break;
- case 'month': // Month
- foreach ($GLOBALS['month_descr'] as $idx => $descr) {
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $descr . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- break;
- case 'year': // Year
- // Get current year
- $year = date('Y', time());
- // Use configured min age or fixed?
- if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('order', '0.2.1')) {
- // Configured
- $startYear = $year - getConfig('min_age');
- } else {
- // Fixed 16 years
- $startYear = $year - 16;
- }
- // Calculate earliest year (100 years old people can still enter Internet???)
- $minYear = $year - 100;
- // Check if the default value is larger than minimum and bigger than actual year
- if (($default > $minYear) && ($default >= $year)) {
- for ($idx = $year; $idx < ($year + 11); $idx++) {
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- } elseif ($default == -1) {
- // Current year minus 1
- for ($idx = $startYear; $idx <= ($year + 1); $idx++) {
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '">' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- } else {
- // Get current year and subtract the configured minimum age
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . ($minYear - 1) . '"><' . $minYear . '</option>';
- // Calculate earliest year depending on extension version
- if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('order', '0.2.1')) {
- // Use configured minimum age
- $year = date('Y', time()) - getConfig('min_age');
- } else {
- // Use fixed 16 years age
- $year = date('Y', time()) - 16;
- }
- // Construct year selection list
- for ($idx = $minYear; $idx <= $year; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- }
- break;
- case 'sec':
- case 'min':
- for ($idx = 0; $idx < 60; $idx+=5) {
- if (strlen($idx) == 1) $idx = '0' . $idx;
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- break;
- case 'hour':
- for ($idx = 0; $idx < 24; $idx++) {
- if (strlen($idx) == 1) $idx = '0' . $idx;
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- break;
- case 'yn':
- $OUT .= '<option value="Y"';
- if ($default == 'Y') $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>{--YES--}</option><option value="N"';
- if ($default != 'Y') $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>{--NO--}</option>';
- break;
- }
- $OUT .= '</select>';
- return $OUT;
// Deprecated : $length
return $ret;
-// Insert the code in $img_code into jpeg or PNG image
-function generateImageOrCode ($img_code, $headerSent = true) {
- // Is the code size oversized or shouldn't we display it?
- if ((strlen($img_code) > 6) || (empty($img_code)) || (getConfig('code_length') == '0')) {
- // Stop execution of function here because of over-sized code length
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'img_code ' . $img_code .' has invalid length. img_code()=' . strlen($img_code) . ' code_length=' . getConfig('code_length'));
- } elseif ($headerSent === false) {
- // Return an HTML code here
- return '<img src="{%url=img.php?code=' . $img_code . '%}" alt="Image" />';
- }
- // Load image
- $img = sprintf("%s/theme/%s/images/code_bg.%s",
- getConfig('PATH'),
- getCurrentTheme(),
- getConfig('img_type')
- );
- // Is it readable?
- if (isFileReadable($img)) {
- // Switch image type
- switch (getConfig('img_type')) {
- case 'jpg':
- // Okay, load image and hide all errors
- $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($img);
- break;
- case 'png':
- // Okay, load image and hide all errors
- $image = imagecreatefrompng($img);
- break;
- } // END - switch
- } else {
- // Exit function here
- logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("File for image type %s not found.", getConfig('img_type')));
- return;
- }
- // Generate text color (red/green/blue; 0 = dark, 255 = bright)
- $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
- // Insert code into image
- imagestring($image, 5, 14, 2, $img_code, $text_color);
- // Return to browser
- sendHeader('Content-Type: image/' . getConfig('img_type'));
- // Output image with matching image factory
- switch (getConfig('img_type')) {
- case 'jpg': imagejpeg($image); break;
- case 'png': imagepng($image); break;
- } // END - switch
- // Remove image from memory
- imagedestroy($image);
-// Create selection box or array of splitted timestamp
-function createTimeSelections ($timestamp, $prefix = '', $display = '', $align = 'center', $return_array=false) {
- // Do not continue if ONE_DAY is absend
- if (!isConfigEntrySet('ONE_DAY')) {
- // And return the timestamp itself or empty array
- if ($return_array === true) {
- return array();
- } else {
- return $timestamp;
- }
- } // END - if
- // Calculate 2-seconds timestamp
- $stamp = round($timestamp);
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*' . $stamp .'/' . $timestamp . '*');
- // Do we have a leap year?
- $SWITCH = '0';
- $TEST = date('Y', time()) / 4;
- $M1 = date('m', time());
- $M2 = date('m', (time() + $timestamp));
- // If so and if current time is before 02/29 and estimated time is after 02/29 then add 86400 seconds (one day)
- if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == '02') && ($M2 > '02')) $SWITCH = getConfig('ONE_DAY');
- // First of all years...
- $Y = abs(floor($timestamp / (31536000 + $SWITCH)));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('Y=' . $Y);
- // Next months...
- $M = abs(floor($timestamp / 2628000 - $Y * 12));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('M=' . $M);
- // Next weeks
- $W = abs(floor($timestamp / 604800 - $Y * ((365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) / 7) - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) / 7)));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('W=' . $W);
- // Next days...
- $D = abs(floor($timestamp / 86400 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY'))) - $W * 7));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('D=' . $D);
- // Next hours...
- $h = abs(floor($timestamp / 3600 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24) - $W * 7 * 24 - $D * 24));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('h=' . $h);
- // Next minutes..
- $m = abs(floor($timestamp / 60 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 60 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 60) - $W * 7 * 24 * 60 - $D * 24 * 60 - $h * 60));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('m=' . $m);
- // And at last seconds...
- $s = abs(floor($timestamp - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 3600 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 3600) - $W * 7 * 24 * 3600 - $D * 24 * 3600 - $h * 3600 - $m * 60));
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('s=' . $s);
- // Is seconds zero and time is < 60 seconds?
- if (($s == '0') && ($timestamp < 60)) {
- // Fix seconds
- $s = round($timestamp);
- } // END - if
- //
- // Now we convert them in seconds...
- //
- if ($return_array) {
- // Just put all data in an array for later use
- $OUT = array(
- 'YEARS' => $Y,
- 'MONTHS' => $M,
- 'WEEKS' => $W,
- 'DAYS' => $D,
- 'HOURS' => $h,
- 'MINUTES' => $m,
- 'SECONDS' => $s
- );
- } else {
- // Generate table
- $OUT = '<div align="' . $align . '">';
- $OUT .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="timebox_table dashed">';
- $OUT .= '<tr>';
- if (isInString('Y', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_YEARS--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- if (isInString('M', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_MONTHS--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- if (isInString('W', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_WEEKS--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- if (isInString('D', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_DAYS--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- if (isInString('h', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_HOURS--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- if (isInString('m', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_MINUTES--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- if (isInString('s', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_SECONDS--}</strong></td>';
- } // END - if
- $OUT .= '</tr>';
- $OUT .= '<tr>';
- if (isInString('Y', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate year selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_ye" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 10; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= '<option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $Y) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_ye" value="0" />';
- }
- if (isInString('M', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate month selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_mo" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 11; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $M) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_mo" value="0" />';
- }
- if (isInString('W', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate week selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_we" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 4; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $W) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_we" value="0" />';
- }
- if (isInString('D', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate day selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_da" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 31; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $D) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_da" value="0" />';
- }
- if (isInString('h', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate hour selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_ho" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 23; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $h) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_ho" value="0" />';
- }
- if (isInString('m', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate minute selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_mi" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 59; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $m) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_mi" value="0" />';
- }
- if (isInString('s', $display) || (empty($display))) {
- // Generate second selection
- $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_se" size="1">';
- for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 59; $idx++) {
- $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
- if ($idx == $s) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
- $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
- } // END - for
- $OUT .= '</select></td>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_se" value="0" />';
- }
- $OUT .= '</tr>';
- $OUT .= '</table>';
- $OUT .= '</div>';
- }
- // Return generated HTML code
- return $OUT;
+// Creates a Uni* timestamp from given selection data and prefix
function createTimestampFromSelections ($prefix, $postData) {
// Initial return value
$ret = '0';
return isUrlValidSimple($URL);
-// Generate a list of administrative links to a given userid
-function generateMemberAdminActionLinks ($userid) {
- // Make sure userid is a number
- if ($userid != bigintval($userid)) debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userid is not a number!');
- // Define all main targets
- $targetArray = array('del_user', 'edit_user', 'lock_user', 'add_points', 'sub_points');
- // Get user status
- $status = getFetchedUserData('userid', $userid, 'status');
- // Begin of navigation links
- $OUT = '[';
- foreach ($targetArray as $tar) {
- $OUT .= '<span class="admin_user_link"><a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=' . $tar . '&userid=' . $userid . '%}" title="{--ADMIN_LINK_';
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*' . $tar.'/' . $status.'*');
- if (($tar == 'lock_user') && ($status == 'LOCKED')) {
- // Locked accounts shall be unlocked
- } else {
- // All other status is fine
- $OUT .= strtoupper($tar);
- }
- $OUT .= '_TITLE--}">{--ADMIN_';
- if (($tar == 'lock_user') && ($status == 'LOCKED')) {
- // Locked accounts shall be unlocked
- } else {
- // All other status is fine
- $OUT .= strtoupper($tar);
- }
- $OUT .= '--}</a></span>|';
- } // END - foreach
- // Finish navigation link
- $OUT = substr($OUT, 0, -1) . ']';
- // Return string
- return $OUT;
-// Generate an email link
-function generateEmailLink ($email, $table = 'admins') {
- // Default email link (INSECURE! Spammer can read this by harvester programs)
- $EMAIL = 'mailto:' . $email;
- // Check for several extensions
- if ((isExtensionActive('admins')) && ($table == 'admins')) {
- // Create email link for contacting admin in guest area
- $EMAIL = generateAdminEmailLink($email);
- } elseif ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.3.3')) && ($table == 'user_data')) {
- // Create email link for contacting a member within admin area (or later in other areas, too?)
- $EMAIL = generateUserEmailLink($email, 'admin');
- } elseif ((isExtensionActive('sponsor')) && ($table == 'sponsor_data')) {
- // Create email link to contact sponsor within admin area (or like the link above?)
- $EMAIL = generateSponsorEmailLink($email, 'sponsor_data');
- }
- // Shall I close the link when there is no admin?
- if ((!isAdmin()) && ($EMAIL == $email)) $EMAIL = '#'; // Closed!
- // Return email link
- return $EMAIL;
// Generate a hash for extra-security for all passwords
function generateHash ($plainText, $salt = '', $hash = true) {
// Debug output
} // END - if
-// Output error messages in a fasioned way and die...
-function app_die ($F, $L, $message) {
- // Check if Script is already dieing and not let it kill itself another 1000 times
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['app_died'])) {
- // Make sure, that the script realy realy diese here and now
- $GLOBALS['app_died'] = true;
- // Set content type as text/html
- setContentType('text/html');
- // Load header
- loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php');
- // Rewrite message for output
- $message = sprintf(getMessage('MAILER_HAS_DIED'), basename($F), $L, $message);
- // Load the message template
- loadTemplate('app_die_message', false, $message);
- // Load footer
- loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php');
- } else {
- // Script tried to kill itself twice
- die('['.__FUNCTION__.':'.__LINE__.']: Script wanted to kill itself more than once! Raw message=' . $message . ', file/function=' . $F . ', line=' . $L);
- }
-// Display parsing time and number of SQL queries in footer
-function displayParsingTime () {
- // Is the timer started?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['startTime'])) {
- // Abort here
- return false;
- } // END - if
- // Get end time
- $endTime = microtime(true);
- // "Explode" both times
- $start = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['startTime']);
- $end = explode(' ', $endTime);
- $runTime = $end[0] - $start[0];
- if ($runTime < 0) $runTime = '0';
- // Prepare output
- // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
- $content = array(
- 'run_time' => $runTime,
- 'sql_time' => translateComma(getConfig('sql_time') * 1000),
- );
- // Load the template
- $GLOBALS['page_footer'] .= loadTemplate('show_timings', true, $content);
-// Check wether a boolean constant is set
-// Taken from user comments in PHP documentation for function constant()
-function isBooleanConstantAndTrue ($constName) { // : Boolean
- // Failed by default
- $res = false;
- // In cache?
- if (isset($GLOBALS['cache_array']['const'][$constName])) {
- // Use cache
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . $constName."-CACHE!<br />");
- $res = ($GLOBALS['cache_array']['const'][$constName] === true);
- } else {
- // Check constant
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . $constName."-RESOLVE!<br />");
- if (defined($constName)) {
- // Found!
- //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput(__FUNCTION__ . '(<font color="#0000aa">' . __LINE__ . '</font>): ' . $constName."-FOUND!<br />");
- $res = (constant($constName) === true);
- } // END - if
- // Set cache
- $GLOBALS['cache_array']['const'][$constName] = $res;
- }
- //* DEBUG: */ var_dump($res);
- // Return value
- return $res;
// Checks if a given apache module is loaded
function isApacheModuleLoaded ($apacheModule) {
// Check it and return result
return $backtrace;
-// Output a debug backtrace to the user
-function debug_report_bug ($F, $L, $message = '', $sendEmail = true) {
- // Is this already called?
- if (isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
- // Other backtrace
- print 'Message:'.$message.'<br />Backtrace:<pre>';
- debug_print_backtrace();
- die('</pre>');
- } // END - if
- // Set this function as called
- $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = true;
- // Init message
- $debug = '';
- // Is the optional message set?
- if (!empty($message)) {
- // Use and log it
- $debug = sprintf("Note: %s<br />\n",
- $message
- );
- // @TODO Add a little more infos here
- logDebugMessage($F, $L, strip_tags($message));
- } // END - if
- // Add output
- $debug .= 'Please report this bug at <a title="Direct link to the bug-tracker" href="" rel="external" target="_blank"></a> and include the logfile from <strong>' . str_replace(getConfig('PATH'), '', getConfig('CACHE_PATH')) . 'debug.log</strong> in your report (you can now attach files):<pre>';
- $debug .= debug_get_printable_backtrace();
- $debug .= '</pre>';
- $debug .= '<div>Request-URI: ' . getRequestUri() . '</div>';
- $debug .= '<div>Thank you for finding bugs.</div>';
- // Send an email? (e.g. not wanted for evaluation errors)
- if (($sendEmail === true) && (!isInstallationPhase())) {
- // Prepare content
- $content = array(
- 'message' => trim($message),
- 'backtrace' => trim(debug_get_mailable_backtrace())
- );
- // Send email to webmaster
- sendAdminNotification('{--DEBUG_REPORT_BUG_SUBJECT--}', 'admin_report_bug', $content);
- } // END - if
- // And abort here
- app_die($F, $L, $debug);
// Generates a ***weak*** seed
function generateSeed () {
return microtime(true) * 100000;
return $message;
-// Compile characters which are allowed in URLs
-function compileUriCode ($code, $simple = true) {
- // Compile constants
- if ($simple === false) $code = str_replace('{--', '".', str_replace('--}', '."', $code));
- // Compile QUOT and other non-HTML codes
- $code = str_replace('{DOT}', '.',
- str_replace('{SLASH}', '/',
- str_replace('{QUOT}', "'",
- str_replace('{DOLLAR}', '$',
- str_replace('{OPEN_ANCHOR}', '(',
- str_replace('{CLOSE_ANCHOR}', ')',
- str_replace('{OPEN_SQR}', '[',
- str_replace('{CLOSE_SQR}', ']',
- str_replace('{PER}', '%',
- $code
- )))))))));
- // Return compiled code
- return $code;
// Function taken from user comments on / function isInStringIgnoreCase()
function isUrlValidSimple ($url) {
// Prepare URL
return (isset($GLOBALS['member_id']));
-// Handle message codes from URL
-function handleCodeMessage () {
- if (isGetRequestParameterSet('code')) {
- // Default extension is 'unknown'
- $ext = 'unknown';
- // Is extension given?
- if (isGetRequestParameterSet('ext')) $ext = getRequestParameter('ext');
- // Convert the 'code' parameter from URL to a human-readable message
- $message = getMessageFromErrorCode(getRequestParameter('code'));
- // Load message template
- loadTemplate('message', false, $message);
- } // END - if
// Setter for extra title
function setExtraTitle ($extraTitle) {
$GLOBALS['extra_title'] = $extraTitle;
return ((isset($GLOBALS['extra_title'])) && (!empty($GLOBALS['extra_title'])));
-// Generates a 'extension foo inactive' message
-function generateExtensionInactiveMessage ($ext_name) {
- // Is the extension empty?
- if (empty($ext_name)) {
- // This should not happen
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Parameter ext is empty. This should not happen.');
- } // END - if
- // Default message
- $message = getMaskedMessage('EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXT_INACTIVE', $ext_name);
- // Is an admin logged in?
- if (isAdmin()) {
- // Then output admin message
- $message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXT_INACTIVE', $ext_name);
- } // END - if
- // Return prepared message
- return $message;
-// Generates a 'extension foo not installed' message
-function generateExtensionNotInstalledMessage ($ext_name) {
- // Is the extension empty?
- if (empty($ext_name)) {
- // This should not happen
- debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Parameter ext is empty. This should not happen.');
- } // END - if
- // Default message
- $message = getMaskedMessage('EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED', $ext_name);
- // Is an admin logged in?
- if (isAdmin()) {
- // Then output admin message
- $message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED', $ext_name);
- } // END - if
- // Return prepared message
- return $message;
-// Generates a message depending on if the extension is not installed or not
-// just activated
-function generateExtensionInactiveNotInstalledMessage ($ext_name) {
- // Init message
- $message = '';
- // Is the extension not installed or just deactivated?
- switch (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) {
- case true; // Deactivated!
- $message = generateExtensionInactiveMessage($ext_name);
- break;
- case false; // Not installed!
- $message = generateExtensionNotInstalledMessage($ext_name);
- break;
- default: // Should not happen!
- logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid state of extension %s detected.", $ext_name));
- $message = sprintf("Invalid state of extension %s detected.", $ext_name);
- break;
- } // END - switch
- // Return the message
- return $message;
// Reads a directory recursively by default and searches for files not matching
// an exclusion pattern. You can now keep the exclusion pattern empty for reading
// a whole directory.
return $ret;
-// Print code with line numbers
-function linenumberCode ($code) {
- if (!is_array($code)) $codeE = explode("\n", $code); else $codeE = $code;
- $count_lines = count($codeE);
- $r = 'Line | Code:<br />';
- foreach($codeE as $line => $c) {
- $r .= '<div class="line"><span class="linenum">';
- if ($count_lines == 1) {
- $r .= 1;
- } else {
- $r .= ($line == ($count_lines - 1)) ? '' : ($line+1);
- }
- $r .= '</span>|';
- // Add code
- $r .= '<span class="linetext">' . encodeEntities($c) . '</span></div>';
- }
- return '<div class="code">' . $r . '</div>';
// Convert ';' to ', ' for e.g. receiver list
function convertReceivers ($old) {
return str_replace(';', ', ', $old);
-// Determines the right page title
-function determinePageTitle () {
- // Config and database connection valid?
- if ((isConfigLocalLoaded()) && (isConfigurationLoaded()) && (SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.1.6'))) {
- // Init title
- $TITLE = '';
- // Title decoration enabled?
- if ((getConfig('enable_title_deco') == 'Y') && (getConfig('title_left') != '')) $TITLE .= trim(getConfig('title_left')) . ' ';
- // Do we have some extra title?
- if (isExtraTitleSet()) {
- // Then prepent it
- $TITLE .= getExtraTitle() . ' by ';
- } // END - if
- // Add main title
- $TITLE .= getConfig('MAIN_TITLE');
- // Add title of module? (middle decoration will also be added!)
- if ((getConfig('enable_mod_title') == 'Y') || ((!isWhatSet()) && (!isActionSet())) || (getModule() == 'admin')) {
- $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getModuleTitle(getModule());
- } // END - if
- // Add title from what file
- $mode = '';
- if (getModule() == 'login') $mode = 'member';
- elseif (getModule() == 'index') $mode = 'guest';
- if ((!empty($mode)) && (getConfig('enable_what_title') == 'Y')) $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getTitleFromMenu($mode, getWhat());
- // Add title decorations? (right)
- if ((getConfig('enable_title_deco') == 'Y') && (getConfig('title_right') != '')) $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_right'));
- // Remember title in constant for the template
- $pageTitle = $TITLE;
- } elseif ((isInstalled()) && (isAdminRegistered())) {
- // Installed, admin registered but no ext-sql_patches
- $pageTitle = '[-- ' . getConfig('MAIN_TITLE') . ' - ' . getModuleTitle(getModule()) . ' --]';
- } elseif ((isInstalled()) && (!isAdminRegistered())) {
- // Installed but no admin registered
- $pageTitle = '{--SETUP_OF_MAILER--}';
- } elseif ((!isInstalled()) || (!isAdminRegistered())) {
- // Installation mode
- $pageTitle = '{--INSTALLATION_OF_MAILER--}';
- } else {
- // Configuration not found!
- $pageTitle = '{--NO_CONFIG_FOUND_TITLE--}';
- // Do not add the fatal message in installation mode
- if ((!isInstalling()) && (!isConfigurationLoaded())) addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--NO_CONFIG_FOUND--}');
- }
- // Return title
- return decodeEntities($pageTitle);
-// Checks wethere there is a cache file there. This function is cached.
-function isTemplateCached ($template) {
- // Do we have cached this result?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_cache'][$template])) {
- // Generate FQFN
- $FQFN = generateCacheFqfn($template);
- // Is it there?
- $GLOBALS['template_cache'][$template] = isFileReadable($FQFN);
- } // END - if
- // Return it
- return $GLOBALS['template_cache'][$template];
-// Flushes non-flushed template cache to disk
-function flushTemplateCache ($template, $eval) {
- // Is this cache flushed?
- if ((isDebuggingTemplateCache() === false) && (isTemplateCached($template) === false) && ($eval != '404')) {
- // Generate FQFN
- $FQFN = generateCacheFqfn($template);
- // And flush it
- writeToFile($FQFN, $eval, true);
- } // END - if
-// Reads a template cache
-function readTemplateCache ($template) {
- // Check it again
- if ((isDebuggingTemplateCache()) || (!isTemplateCached($template))) {
- // This should not happen
- debug_report_bug('Wether debugging of template cache is enabled or template ' . $template . ' is not cached while expected.');
- } // END - if
- // Is it cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template])) {
- // Generate FQFN
- $FQFN = generateCacheFqfn($template);
- // And read from it
- $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = readFromFile($FQFN);
- } // END - if
- // And return it
- return $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template];
-// Escapes quotes (default is only double-quotes)
-function escapeQuotes ($str, $single = false) {
- // Should we escape all?
- if ($single === true) {
- // Escape all (including null)
- $str = addslashes($str);
- } else {
- // Escape only double-quotes but prevent double-quoting
- $str = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", str_replace('"', "\\\"", $str));
- }
- // Return the escaped string
- return $str;
-// Escapes the JavaScript code, prevents \r and \n becoming char 10/13
-function escapeJavaScriptQuotes ($str) {
- // Replace all double-quotes and secure back-ticks
- $str = str_replace('"', '\"', str_replace("\\", '{BACK}', $str));
- // Return it
- return $str;
-// Send out mails depending on the 'mod/modes' combination
-// @TODO Lame description for this function
-function sendModeMails ($mod, $modes) {
- // Load hash
- if (fetchUserData(getMemberId())) {
- // Extract salt from cookie
- $salt = substr(getSession('u_hash'), 0, -40);
- // Now let's compare passwords
- $hash = encodeHashForCookie(getUserData('password'));
- // Does the hash match or should we change it?
- if (($hash == getSession('u_hash')) || (postRequestParameter('pass1') == postRequestParameter('pass2'))) {
- // Load the data
- $content = getUserDataArray();
- // Clear/init the content variable
- $content['message'] = '';
- // Which mail?
- // @TODO Move this in a filter
- switch ($mod) {
- case 'mydata':
- foreach ($modes as $mode) {
- switch ($mode) {
- case 'normal': break; // Do not add any special lines
- case 'email': // Email was changed!
- $content['message'] = '{--MEMBER_CHANGED_EMAIL--}' . ': ' . postRequestParameter('old_email') . "\n";
- break;
- case 'pass': // Password was changed
- $content['message'] = '{--MEMBER_CHANGED_PASS--}' . "\n";
- break;
- default:
- logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown mode %s detected.", $mode));
- $content['message'] = '{--MEMBER_UNKNOWN_MODE--}' . ': ' . $mode . "\n\n";
- break;
- } // END - switch
- } // END - foreach
- if (isExtensionActive('country')) {
- // Replace code with description
- $content['country'] = generateCountryInfo(postRequestParameter('country_code'));
- } // END - if
- // Merge content with data from POST
- $content = merge_array($content, postRequestArray());
- // Load template
- $message = loadEmailTemplate('member_mydata_notify', $content, getMemberId());
- if (getConfig('admin_notify') == 'Y') {
- // The admin needs to be notified about a profile change
- $message_admin = 'admin_mydata_notify';
- $sub_adm = '{--ADMIN_CHANGED_DATA--}';
- } else {
- // No mail to admin
- $message_admin = '';
- $sub_adm = '';
- }
- // Set subject lines
- $sub_mem = '{--MEMBER_CHANGED_DATA--}';
- // Output success message
- $content = '<span class="member_done">{--MYDATA_MAIL_SENT--}</span>';
- break;
- default: // Unsupported module!
- logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unsupported module %s detected.", $mod));
- $content = '<span class="member_failed">{--UNKNOWN_MODULE--}</span>';
- break;
- } // END - switch
- } else {
- // Passwords mismatch
- $content = '<span class="member_failed">{--MEMBER_PASSWORD_ERROR--}</span>';
- }
- } else {
- // Could not load profile
- $content = '<span class="member_failed">{--MEMBER_CANNOT_LOAD_PROFILE--}</span>';
- }
- // Send email to user if required
- if ((!empty($sub_mem)) && (!empty($message))) {
- // Send member mail
- sendEmail($content['email'], $sub_mem, $message);
- } // END - if
- // Send only if no other error has occured
- if (empty($content)) {
- if ((!empty($sub_adm)) && (!empty($message_admin))) {
- // Send admin mail
- sendAdminNotification($sub_adm, $message_admin, $content, getMemberId());
- } elseif (getConfig('admin_notify') == 'Y') {
- // Cannot send mails to admin!
- $content = '{--CANNOT_SEND_ADMIN_MAILS--}';
- } else {
- // No mail to admin
- $content = '<span class="member_done">{--MYDATA_MAIL_SENT--}</span>';
- }
- } // END - if
- // Load template
- loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $content);
-// Generates a 'selection box' from given array
-function generateSelectionBoxFromArray ($options, $name, $optionValue, $optionContent = '', $extraName = '') {
- // Start the output
- $OUT = '<select name="' . $name . '" size="1" class="admin_select">
-<option value="X" disabled="disabled">{--PLEASE_SELECT--}</option>';
- // Walk through all options
- foreach ($options as $option) {
- // Add the <option> entry
- if (empty($optionContent)) {
- // ... from template
- $OUT .= loadTemplate('select_' . $name . $extraName . '_option', true, $option);
- } else {
- // Direct HTML code
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $option[$optionValue] . '">' . $option[$optionContent] . '</option>';
- }
- } // END - foreach
- // Finish selection box
- $OUT .= '</select>';
- // Prepare output
- $content = array(
- 'selection_box' => $OUT,
- 'module' => getModule(),
- 'what' => getWhat()
- );
- // Load template and return it
- return loadTemplate('select_' . $name . $extraName . '_box', true, $content);
// Get a module from filename and access level
function getModuleFromFileName ($file, $accessLevel) {
// Default is 'invalid';
return ((strpos($userAgent, 'spider') !== false) || (strpos($userAgent, 'slurp') !== false) || (strpos($userAgent, 'bot') !== false) || (strpos($userAgent, 'archiver') !== false));
-// Prepares the header for HTML output
-function loadHtmlHeader () {
- // Run two filters:
- // 1.) pre_page_header (mainly loads the page_header template and includes
- // meta description)
- runFilterChain('pre_page_header');
- // Here can be something be added, but normally one of the two filters
- // around this line should do the job for you.
- // 2.) post_page_header (mainly to load stylesheet, extra JavaScripts and
- // to close the head-tag)
- // Include more header data here
- runFilterChain('post_page_header');
-// Adds page header and footer to output array element
-function addPageHeaderFooter () {
- // Init output
- $OUT = '';
- // Add them all together. This is maybe to simple
- foreach (array('page_header', 'output', 'page_footer') as $pagePart) {
- // Add page part if set
- if (isset($GLOBALS[$pagePart])) $OUT .= $GLOBALS[$pagePart];
- } // END - foreach
- // Transfer $OUT to 'output'
- $GLOBALS['output'] = $OUT;
-// Generates meta description for current module and 'what' value
-function generateMetaDescriptionCode () {
- // Only include from guest area and if sql_patches has correct version
- if ((getModule() == 'index') && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.1.6'))) {
- // Construct dynamic description
- $DESCR = '{?MAIN_TITLE?} ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getTitleFromMenu('guest', getWhat());
- // Output it directly
- $GLOBALS['page_header'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $DESCR . '" />';
- } // END - if
- // Remove depth
- unset($GLOBALS['ref_level']);
-// Generates an FQFN for template cache from the given template name
-function generateCacheFqfn ($template, $mode = 'html') {
- // Is this cached?
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template])) {
- // Generate the FQFN
- $GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template] = sprintf(
- "%s_compiled/%s/%s.tpl.cache",
- getConfig('CACHE_PATH'),
- $mode,
- $template
- );
- } // END - if
- // Return it
- return $GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template];
// Function to search for the last modified file
function searchDirsRecursive ($dir, &$last_changed, $lookFor = 'Date') {
// Get dir as array
} // END - foreach
-// "Fixes" null or empty string to count of dashes
-function fixNullEmptyToDashes ($str, $num) {
- // Use str as default
- $return = $str;
- // Is it empty?
- if ((is_null($str)) || (trim($str) == '')) {
- // Set it
- $return = str_repeat('-', $num);
- } // END - if
- // Return final string
- return $return;
// Handles the braces [] of a field (e.g. value of 'name' attribute)
function handleFieldWithBraces ($field) {
// Are there braces [] at the end?
'PROFILE_NEVER_CHANGED' => "Sie haben noch nie eine Aenderung durchgefuehrt.",
'PROFILE_UPDATED' => "Profildaten wurden geändert.",
'SORT_BY' => "Sortieren:",
- '_OTHERS' => "Andere",
- '_ALL2' => "Alle",
'WE_HAVE' => "Wir haben",
'MEMBER_TEST_URL' => "Zur beworbenen Seite",
'ADMIN_ENTER_REDIRECT_URL' => "URL eingeben, wenn abgelehnt werden soll",
$currMode = getAdminDefaultAcl(getCurrentAdminId());
// Begin the edit loop
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach ($postData['sel'] as $id => $selected) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
// Prepare some more data for the template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['id'] = $id;
// Shall we allow changing default ACL?
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_admins_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
// Load template
loadTemplate('admin_edit_admins', false, $OUT);
if ($accounts > 1) {
// Delete accounts
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach ($postData['sel'] as $id => $selected) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
$content['la_mode'] = '{--ADMINS_' . strtoupper($content['la_mode']) . '_LA_SETTING--}';
// Prepare some more data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['id'] = $id;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_del_admins_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
// Load template
loadTemplate('admin_del_admins', false, $OUT);
function adminsListAdminAccounts() {
// Select all admin accounts
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `login`, `email`, `default_acl` AS mode, `la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` ORDER BY `login` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Compile some variables
$content['mode'] = '{--ADMINS_' . strtoupper($content['mode']) . '_MODE--}';
$content['la_mode'] = '{--ADMINS_' . strtoupper($content['la_mode']) . '_LA_SETTING--}';
// Prepare some more data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['email_link'] = generateEmailLink($content['id'], 'admins');
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_admins_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
// Start generating the ranking list
$max = SQL_NUMROWS($result);
- // Init variables
- $SW = 2;
// Output all ranks (levels)
for ($rank = 1; $rank <= $max; $rank++) {
// Load data
// Add more
$rows['rank'] = $rank;
- $rows['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_bonus_turbo_row', true, $rows);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
if ($self === false) {
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Rewrite userid/refid only if admin is in
// @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
'rid' => $content['refid'],
'points' => $content['points'],
'timemark' => generateDateTime($content['timemark'], $DT_MODE),
- 'sw' => $SW,
// Load template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate($mode . '_doubler_list_rows', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Do we have selections?
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// Something has been selected, so start displaying one by one
- $SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Is this selected?
if ($sel == 1) {
// Do we have found the network?
if (count($networkData) > 0) {
- // Add color
- $networkData['sw'] = $SW;
if (isFormSent('edit')) {
// Make selection box for network_request_type
$networkData['network_request_type'] = generateOptionList(
// Problem!
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot detect edit/del.');
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$networkData = getNetworkDataById(getRequestParameter('network'));
// Something has been selected, so start displaying one by one
- $SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Is this selected?
if ($sel == 1) {
// Do we have found the network?
if (count($networkTypeData) > 0) {
- // Add color
- $networkTypeData['sw'] = $SW;
if (isFormSent('edit')) {
// Add row template for deleting
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_network_types_row', true, $networkTypeData);
// Problem!
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot detect edit/del.');
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$networkData = getNetworkDataById(getRequestParameter('network'));
// Something has been selected, so start displaying one by one
- $SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Is this selected?
if ($sel == 1) {
// Do we have found the network?
if (count($networkRequestData) > 0) {
- // Add color
- $networkRequestData['sw'] = $SW;
if (isFormSent('edit')) {
// Add options list for network type
$networkRequestData['type_options'] = generateNetworkTypeOptions($networkRequestData['network_type_id']);
// Problem!
debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Cannot detect edit/del.');
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
// Displays all SQL queries with num rows, affected rows and timings
function displayDebugSqls () {
// Walk through all SQLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2; $i = 1;
+ $OUT = ''; $i = 1;
foreach ($GLOBALS['debug_sqls'] as $content) {
// Translate/add some data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['i'] = $i;
$content['timing'] = translateComma($content['timing'] * 1000);
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_other_sqls_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $i++;
+ // Count one up
+ $i++;
} // END - foreach
// Load main template
// Generate table
$OUT = '';
- $SW = 2;
for ($idx = '0'; $idx < $prices; $idx++) {
// Prepare marking of default (maybe current user's) id
$start = ''; $end = '';
// Prepare content
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'idx' => ($idx + 1),
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_rallye_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
// Add min_prices/users
$DATA = getArrayFromReferalRallyeUsers($rallye);
// Generate table
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
for ($idx = '0'; $idx < $prices; $idx++) {
// Check status
// active = 1: account is still confirmed
// Prepare content
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'idx' => ($idx + 1),
'userid' => $DATA['userid'][$idx],
'ref' => $DATA['ref'][$idx],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_rallye_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
// Prepare content
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List alle visible modules (or all to the admin)
- $SW = 2;
$OUT .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare array for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cat' => $content['cat'],
'def_y' => '',
'def_n' => '',
// Load template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_cat_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
$OUT .= '</table>';
// Free memory
function createExtraTaskRows ($WHATs, $DESCRs, $TITLEs) {
// Init variables
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// Sadly this cannot be rewritten to a filter... :(
foreach (getSqls() as $sqls) {
// Prepare array for output
$content = array(
'row_descr' => $DESCRs[$key],
- 'row_sw' => $SW,
'bottom' => '',
// And insert the final string into extras template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_overview_task_rows', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END- foreach
} // END - foreach
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('mode')) $add .= '&mode='.getRequestParameter('mode');
/* Creates the list of letters and makes them a link. */
- $alphabet = explode(',', '{--_ALL2--}' . ',A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,' . '{--_OTHERS--}');
+ $alphabet = explode(',', 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,');
$num = count($alphabet) - 1;
$OUT = '';
while (list($counter, $ltr) = each($alphabet)) {
elseif (isGetRequestParameterSet('mode')) $add .= '&mode=' . getRequestParameter('mode');
// Makes order by links..
- if ($letter == 'front') $letter = '{--_ALL2--}';
+ if ($letter == 'front') $letter = '';
// Prepare array with all possible sorters
$list = array(
if (($page == getRequestParameter('page')) || ((!isGetRequestParameterSet('page')) && ($page == 1))) {
$OUT .= '<strong>-';
} else {
- if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('letter')) setGetRequestParameter('letter', '{--_ALL2--}');
+ if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('letter')) setGetRequestParameter('letter', '');
if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('sortby')) setGetRequestParameter('sortby', 'userid');
// Base link
// Build a special template list
function adminListBuilder ($listType, $IDs, $table, $columns, $filterFunctions, $extraValues, $idColumn, $userIdColumn, $userid = 'userid') {
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// "Walk"Â through all entries
foreach ($IDs as $id => $selected) {
$content[$key] = handleExtraValues($filterFunctions[$idx], $value, $extraValues[$idx]);
} // END - foreach
- // Add color switching
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Then list it
$OUT .= loadTemplate(sprintf("admin_%s_%s_row",
), true, $content
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
// Free the result
function outputSeletectedTasks ($postData, $result_tasks) {
if ((isset($postData['assign'])) && (count($postData['sel']) > 0)) {
// Assign / do tasks
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach ($postData['sel'] as $id => $sel) {
$result_task = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
`id`, `userid`, `task_type`, `subject`, `text`, `task_created`, `status`, `assigned_admin`
// Prepare array for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'subject' => $taskData['subject'],
'add' => $add,
'text' => $taskData['text'],
// Free result
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load final template
} // END - if
// There are uncompleted jobs!
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_tasks)) {
// Init infos
$content['infos'] = '';
// Add/translate some content
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['task_created'] = generateDateTime($content['task_created'], 2);
// Do we have extension task?
// Load default row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_overview_list_rows', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// @TODO Kill all constants in this file
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
- $cnt = '0'; $SW = 2;
+ $cnt = '0';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
$data = array(
'action' => adminAddMenuSelectionBox('admin', 'action', 'sel_action[' . $sel . ']', $data['action']),
'what' => adminAddMenuSelectionBox('admin', 'what' , 'sel_what[' . $sel . ']', $data['what']),
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel,
'menu' => $data['title'],
'descr' => $data['descr'],
} else {
// Entry not found?
$data = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
// Free result and switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
// Del menu entries with or without confirmation
- $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
'menu' => $data['title'],
'cnt' => $cnt,
'sel' => $sel,
- 'sw' => $SW
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_amenu_delete_row', true, $data);
} else {
// Entry not found?
$data = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_404_row', true, $data);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - switch
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
$content['cnt'] = $cnt;
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// Add option for events
$adminsList = generateOptionList('admins', 'id', 'login', '', 'email');
- $SW = 2; $rows = '';
+ $rows = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $template => $sel) {
// First of all load data from DB
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `admin_id`, `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_mails` WHERE `mail_template`='%s' ORDER BY `id` ASC",
// Prepare content
$content['id'] = $id;
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['mail_template'] = $template;
$content['admins'] = $adminsList;
// Start outputing line
$rows .= loadTemplate('admin_admins_mails_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Edit checked entries
loadTemplate('admin_admins_mails_edit', false, $rows);
} // END - if
// List found entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Prepare content
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_admins_mails_list_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free result
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// We have some (new?) registrations!
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare array for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'gender' => $content['gender'],
'surname' => $content['surname'],
'family' => $content['family'],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_chk_reg_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_list_chk_reg', false, $OUT);
if ((isFormSent('edit')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Edit ACLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $selected) {
// Load data for the id
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT admin_id, action_menu, what_menu, access_mode FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'admins_selection' => generateOptionList('admins', 'id', 'login', $adminId, 'default_acl'),
'action_selection' => adminMenuSelectionBox_DEPRECATED('action', $action, $id),
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_admins_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_config_admins_edit', false, $OUT);
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ENTRIES_CHANGED--}');
} elseif ((isFormSent('del')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Delete ACLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $selected) {
// Load data for the id
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `admin_id`, `action_menu`, `what_menu`, `access_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins_acls` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Get admin mode
$content['access_mode'] = '{--ADMINS_' . strtoupper($content['access_mode']) . '_MODE--}';
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_admins_del_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load main template
// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_acls) > 0) {
// List ACLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_acls)) {
// Generate mode string
$content['access_mode'] = '{--ADMINS_' . strtoupper($content['access_mode']) . '_MODE--}';
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_admins_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
} // END - if
} elseif ((isFormSent('del')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Delete categories
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data of category
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `cat` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'cat' => $cat,
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_del_cats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_del_cats', false, $OUT);
} elseif ((isFormSent('edit')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Edit categories
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data from the category
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT cat, visible, sort FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'cat' => $cat,
'vis' => addSelectionBox('yn', $vis, 'vis', $id),
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_cats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load main template
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `cat`, `visible`, `sort` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_cats` ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Init variables
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// List already existing categories for editing
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['vis'] = translateYesNo($content['visible']);
// Put cat descriptions into variable for the selection box
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_cats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
} // END - if
} elseif ((isFormSent('del')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Delete entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_email_del_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_config_email_del', false, $content);
} elseif ((isFormSent('edit')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Edit entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Load data
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `value`, `comment` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_max_receive` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_email_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
// Load main template
__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List already existing entries for editing
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_email_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
ORDER BY `sort` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Init variables
- $SW = 2;
$OUT = '';
// Process all entries
} // END - if
// Prepare content
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['link'] = $newHomeLink;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_home_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
default: // Output selection table
+} // END - switch
// [EOF]
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add more data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_imprint_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Transfer all rows to $content
// Check if at least one module is selected
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// Output header
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// Edit selected modules
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Prepare array for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'mod' => $data['module'],
'id' => $id,
'title' => $data['title'],
`module` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Reset title to --- if it is NULL
if (($content['module'] == 'index') || ($content['module'] == 'login')) {
$content['module'] = '<strong><a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=stats_mods&mod=' . $content['module'] . '%}">' . $content['module'] . '</a></strong>';
} // END - if
- // Prepare array for the template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_mods_row', true, $content);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
} else {
$display = false; //Suppress any other outputs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT type, rate, min_points, allow_url FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payout_types` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'title' => $title,
'rate' => translateComma($rate),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_payouts_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_config_payouts_edit', false, $OUT);
} else {
$display = false; //Suppress any other outputs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'title' => $title,
'rate' => translateComma($rate),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_payouts_del_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_config_payouts_del', false, $OUT);
if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_type) > 0) && ($display)) {
// List all payout types
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_type)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'from_account' => $content['from_account'],
'type' => $content['type'],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_payouts_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_config_payouts', false, $OUT);
+} // END - if
// Does your members request payouts?
if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_mem) > 0) && ($display)) {
// 12 3 32 2 3 32 2 3 4 43 21
if ((isFormSent('del')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('sel')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Delete entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'level' => $content['level'],
'percents' => translateComma($content['percents']),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_points_del_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_points_del', false, $OUT);
} elseif ((isFormSent('edit')) && (isPostRequestParameterSet('sel')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Edit entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'level' => $content['level'],
'percents' => translateComma($content['percents']),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_points_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_points_edit', false, $OUT);
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `level`, `percents` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` ORDER BY `level` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Make referal levels editable and deletable
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// List already existing categories for editing
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['percents'] = translateComma($content['percents']);
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_points_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
// Check if at last one line is selected
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// Make selected editable
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data to selected rallye
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `rallye_id`, `price_level`, `points`, `info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Add more content
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['rallye_content'] = generateOptionList('rallye_data', 'id', 'title', $content['rallye_id']);
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_rallye_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Remember row content
// Check if at last one line is selected
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// List all prices
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data to selected rallye
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `rallye_id`, `price_level`, `points`, `info` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_prices` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_rallye_del_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load all prices for the selected rallye
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_rallye_prices_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
d.start_time DESC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List found rallyes
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'title' => $content['title'],
'admin_id' => $content['admin_id'],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_rallye_prices_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// List all register values
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `field_name`, `field_required` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_must_register` ORDER BY `id` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Get language string
$content['field_name'] = getMessage(strtoupper($content['field_name']));
// Add more data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['selection'] = addSelectionBox('yn', $content['field_required'], 'sel[' . $content['id'] . ']');
// @TODO Move this HTML code into a template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_register_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
} else {
// Load existing modules and generate TR rows for the template
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `module`, `title` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` ORDER BY module", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Already registered module?
if (isInString($content['module'], getConfig('rewrite_skip'))) {
// Remember data in array for the dynamic row template
$content['y_default'] = $y;
$content['n_default'] = $n;
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_config_rewrite_rows', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
$total = '0';
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Output rows
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['time_trans'] = generateDateTime($content['time_trans'], 3);
// Load row template
// Sum points and switch colors
$total += $content['points'];
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $content);
} else {
// There are mail orders available
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color swapping
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_email_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
`timestamp` DESC";
// Check for maximum pages
-$result_maximum = SQL_QUERY(, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+$result_maximum = SQL_QUERY($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Set offset an current page to default values
if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('page')) setGetRequestParameter('page' , 1);
$content['bottom_email_nav'] = addEmailNavigation($numPages, getConfig('mails_page'), false, 3, true);
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($pool = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Check sent mails and clicks
$result_mails = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `max_rec`, `clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_stats` WHERE `pool_id`=%s LIMIT 1",
$pool['unconfirmed'] = generateUnconfirmedAdminLink($pool['id'], ($pool['max_rec'] - $pool['clicks']), 'mid');
// Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($pool['timestamp'], 0);
// Merge pool data with content
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_email_archiv_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Remmber generated rows in array
redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=admin&what=extensions&edited=' . countPostSelection());
} else {
// Edit selected entries
- $SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $ext_id => $sel) {
// Edit this extension?
if (($sel == 'Y') || ($sel != 'Y')) {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $ext_id,
'name' => getExtensionName($ext_id),
'active' => addSelectionBox('yn', $active, 'active', $ext_id),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_extensions_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - if
} // END - foreach
// Load template
} elseif ((isPostRequestParameterSet('delete')) && (countPostSelection() > 0) && (!isDemoModeActive())) {
// List extensions and when verbose is enabled SQL statements which will be executed
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $ext_id => $sel) {
// Init variables
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $ext_id,
'ext_name' => $ext_name,
'ext_ver' => getExtensionVersion($ext_name),
} else {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $ext_id
// Not valid!
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_extensions_delete_row_404', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load template
// Are there some entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Extensions are registered
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare CSS selection output
$cssSelection = '---';
// Prepare data for the row template
// @TODO Rewrite in template: id->ext_id,name->ext_name,active->ext_active,ver->ext_ver
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['ext_id'],
'name' => $content['ext_name'],
'active' => translateYesNo($content['ext_active']),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_extensions_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
- $cnt = '0'; $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
'action' => adminAddMenuSelectionBox('guest', 'action', 'sel_action[' . $sel . ']', $DATA['action']),
'what' => adminAddMenuSelectionBox('guest', 'what' , 'sel_what[' . $sel . ']', $DATA['what']),
'menu' => $DATA['title'],
- 'sw' => $SW,
// Load row template
} else {
// Entry not found
$DATA = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_404_row', true, $DATA);
// Free result and switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$cnt = '0';
$OUT = '';
- $SW = 2;
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
'cnt' => $cnt,
'menu' => $DATA['title'],
'sel' => $sel,
- 'sw' => $SW,
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_gmenu_delete_row', true, $DATA);
} else {
// Entry not found?
$DATA = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_404_row', true, $DATA);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
$content['cnt'] = $cnt;
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
// Load template
- $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
'cnt' => $cnt,
'menu' => $data['title'],
'sel' => $sel,
- 'sw' => $SW,
'visible' => addSelectionBox('yn', $data['visible'], 'visible', $sel),
'locked' => addSelectionBox('yn', $data['locked'] , 'locked' , $sel),
} else {
// Entry not found?
$data = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_404_row', true, $data);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$content['cnt'] = $cnt;
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
// Init variables
- $SW = 2;
$cnt = '0';
$OUT = '';
// Prepapre content
$row = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $data['id'],
'action' => $data['action'],
'what' => $data['what'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_overview_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Add rows
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Ok, we have found some inactive accounts
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'gender' => $content['gender'],
'surname' => $content['surname'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_autopurge_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
// Is there at lease one package?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all packages
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_bank_package_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load main template
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List users
- $OUT = '';$SW = 2; $cnt = 1; $total = '0';
+ $OUT = ''; $cnt = 1; $total = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Init variables
$WIN1 = ''; $WIN2 = '';
'gender' => $content['gender'],
'turbo' => $content['beg_points'],
'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2),
- 'sw' => $SW,
'win1' => $WIN1,
'win2' => $WIN2,
'cnt' => $cnt,
// Load template and add it
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_beg_rows', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $cnt++; $total += $content['beg_points'];
+ $cnt++; $total += $content['beg_points'];
} // END - while
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List users
- $OUT = '';$SW = 2; $cnt = 1; $total = '0';
+ $OUT = ''; $cnt = 1; $total = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add total points
$total += $content['points'];
// Prepare content
$content['email'] = generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data');
$content['last_online'] = generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2);
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['win1'] = $WIN1;
$content['win2'] = $WIN2;
$content['cnt'] = $cnt;
// Load template and add it
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_bonus_rows', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $cnt++;
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_cats) > 0) {
// List categories
- $cnt = 1; $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $cnt = 1; $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_cats)) {
// Merge both arrays
$content = merge_array($content, $row);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_user) == 1) $selection = '<font color="#00ee00">{--YES--}</div>';
// Add more elements
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['cnt'] = $cnt;
$content['sel'] = $selection;
- // Load row template and switch colors + count up
+ // Load row template and count up
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_cats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $cnt++;
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Edit all selected country codes
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('id') as $id => $status) {
// Load data from DB
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT code, descr FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_countries` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
'id' => $id,
'code' => $code,
'descr' => $descr,
- 'sw' => $SW,
if ($post == 'modify') {
// Insert row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate($row, true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
// Prepare content for template
$content = array(
__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all countries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare array for the template
$content['active'] = translateYesNo($content['is_active']);
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_country_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all holiday requests
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'start' => generateDateTime($content['holiday_start'], 3),
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_holiday_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--ADMIN_LINKS_DELETED--}');
} else {
// Init variables
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// List all unconfirmed mails
// @TODO Find a way to rewrite this. See some lines above for different queries
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'link' => $LINK,
'subject' => $content['subject'],
'timestamp' => generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 0),
// Load template for error
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_links_problem', true,
- 'sw' => $SW,
'problem' => $PROBLEM,
'data' => $DATA
- // Switch color and free result
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
+ // Free result
} // END - while
// Do we have entries?
if ($rows > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switching
- $row['sw'] = $SW;
// Add it to network if the type matches selected
if ($row['network_type_id'] == getRequestParameter('network_type_id')) {
// Matches, then add it for disabling this entry
// Add row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_network_array_translation_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Prepare data for template
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switching
- $row['sw'] = $SW;
// Add it to network if the type matches selected
if ($row['network_type_id'] == postRequestParameter('network_type_id')) {
// Matches, then add it for disabling this entry
// Add row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_network_params_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Prepare data for template
// Do we have entries?
if ($rows > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switching
- $row['sw'] = $SW;
// Add it to network if the type matches selected
if ($row['network_type_id'] == getRequestParameter('network_type_id')) {
// Matches, then add it for disabling this entry
// Add row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_network_translations_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Prepare data for template
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Add/translate some data
- $row['sw'] = $SW;
$row['network_type_banner_url'] = fixNullEmptyToDashes($row['network_type_banner_url'], 3);
// Set disabled entry
// Add row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_network_types_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Prepare data for template
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all
- $SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switching
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_networks_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load main template
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List found payouts
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
if ($content['status'] == 'NEW') {
// Generate links for direct accepting and rejecting
} // END - if
// Add/Translate some data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['payout_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['payout_timestamp'], 2);
// Add row and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_payouts_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Are there some entries to display?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Translate some data and add color
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['primera_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['primera_timestamp'], 2);
// Fix empty message and status
// Append it and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_primera_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load main template
// Check for selections
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// Make all selected and deactivated rallyes editable
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $selected) {
// Load rallye basic data
// Remember other values
$content['templ'] = addReferalRallyeTemplateSelection('templ['.$id.']', $content['template']);
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['id'] = $id;
// Output row
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_rallyes_row', true, $content);
- // Color switching
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load final template
`userid` ASC",
array(bigintval(getRequestParameter('rallye'))), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
$content['rallye'] = getRequestParameter('rallye');
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Check for referal count
// Prepare content
$row = array(
- 'sw' => $SW ,
'userid' => $row['userid'],
'bold_l' => $bl ,
'bold_r' => $br ,
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_rallye_usr_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Remember rows
// Records found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List found rallyes
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Load admin login
$data['login'] = getAdminLogin($data['admin_id']);
'admin_id' => $data['admin_id'],
'login' => $data['login'],
'id' => $data['id'],
- 'sw' => $SW,
'title' => $data['title'],
'template' => $data['template'],
'users_content' => $users,
// Output row
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_rallyes_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Are there some levels (VERY BAD IF NONE!)
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_levels) > 0) {
// List all ref levels or entries if no refback is installed
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($levels = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_levels)) {
- // Insert more data
- $levels['sw'] = $SW;
// Is the refback still active? ;-)
if (isExtensionActive('refback')) {
// Load all refs of this user
$levels['info'] = sprintf(getMessage('ADMIN_USER_TOTAL_REFS'), generateUserProfileLink($userid), $menge, $menge_lck);
// Init variables
- $OUT_REFS = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT_REFS = '';
// Load all refs
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_refs)) {
// Prepare data for the template
// @TODO Try to rewrite some to EL
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => getUserData('userid'),
'gender' => getUserData('gender'),
'refs_link' => 0,
// Add content
$levels['rows'] = $OUT_REFS;
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
} else {
// Output info message
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => $levels['userid'],
'gender' => $levels['gender'],
'refs_link' => 0,
// Load template for level one
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_refs_row', true, $content);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) > 0) {
// At least one sponsor found!
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
// Transfer data to array
$content = array(
'id' => $content['id'],
- 'sw' => $SW,
'gender' => $content['gender'],
'surname' => $content['surname'],
'family' => $content['family'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $message);
} elseif ((isFormSent('edit')) || (isFormSent('del'))) {
// Load all data
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('id') as $id => $sel) {
// Load entry
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` WHERE `id`='%s' LIMIT 1",
// Transfer data to array
$content = array(
'id' => bigintval($id),
- 'sw' => bigintval($SW),
'name' => htmlspecialchars($name),
'rate' => translateComma($rate),
'min' => bigintval($min),
// Entry invalid
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor_pay_404', true, $id);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load main template depending on mode (edit/delete)
// Do we have some paytypes setup?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Prepare variables for listing
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// List alle found payment types
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Remember data in array
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'name' => $content['pay_name'],
'rate' => translateComma($content['pay_rate']),
// Add row
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor_pay_row', true, $content);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load list template
// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// "Translate" some data
$content['actions_action'] = getMessage(sprintf("MEMBER_SURFBAR_ACTION_%s_SUBMIT", $content['actions_action']));
$content['actions_new_status'] = '{--SURFBAR_URL_STATUS_NONE--}';
- // Add color
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_surfbar_actions_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load main template
// Do we have some URLs left?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all URLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// "Translate"/add content
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['url_registered'] = generateDateTime($content['url_registered'], 2);
$content['url_last_locked'] = generateDateTime($content['url_last_locked'], 2);
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_surfbar_urls_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load main template
// There are uncompleted jobs!
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_tasks)) {
// Init infos
$content['infos'] = '';
// Prepare content
$content = merge_array($content, array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'assign_admin' => $content['assigned_admin'],
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'task_type_msg' => $content['task_type_msg'],
// Load default row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_task_rows', true, $content);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
$total = '0';
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Output rows
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['time_trans'] = generateDateTime($content['time_trans'], 3);
$content['reason'] = wordwrap($content['reason'], 15);
// Load row template add points and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_transfer_row', true, $content);
- $total += $content['points']; $SW = 3 - $SW;
+ $total += $content['points'];
} // END - while
// Free memory
if ($unconfirmed > 0) {
// At least one link left to confirm
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// User data found? We can take any field of u.
if (!is_null($content['status'])) {
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'link' => $LINK,
'id' => $ID,
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_unconfirmed_row', true, $content);
} else {
- // Insert color-switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// No user data found
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_unconfirmed_row_404', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Render it in our new listing
// Init unset data
-if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('letter')) { setGetRequestParameter('letter', '{--_ALL2--}'); }
-if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('sortby')) { setGetRequestParameter('sortby', 'userid'); }
-if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('page')) { setGetRequestParameter('page' , 1); }
+if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('letter')) { setGetRequestParameter('letter', ''); }
+if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('sortby')) { setGetRequestParameter('sortby', 'userid'); }
+if (!isGetRequestParameterSet('page')) { setGetRequestParameter('page' , 1); }
// Set base URL
$base = '[<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin';
} else {
$whereStatement = '';
- if ((getRequestParameter('letter') != getMessage('_ALL2')) && (getRequestParameter('letter') != getMessage('_OTHERS')) && (isGetRequestParameterSet('letter'))) {
+ if (isGetRequestParameterSet('letter')) {
// List only persons w
- $whereStatement = " WHERE `family` LIKE '".getRequestParameter('letter') . "%'";
+ $whereStatement = " WHERE `family` LIKE '".getRequestParameter('letter') . "%%'";
} // END - if
// Parse the status or mode parameter
} // END - if
// Load all users
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Merge more data in
$content = merge_array($content, $templateContent);
} // END - if
// Transfer data to array
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['email'] = '[<a href="' . generateEmailLink($content['email'], 'user_data') . '">' . $content['email'] . '</a>]';
$content['lock_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['lock_timestamp'], 2);
$content['refs'] = countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_refs', 'id', 'userid', true);
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_user_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Are there some entries to display?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Translate some data and add color
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['wernis_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['wernis_timestamp'], 2);
// Fix empty message and status
// Append it and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_wernis_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_list_wernis_main', false, $OUT);
// Prepare all entries
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+$OUT = '';
foreach ($result as $entry) {
// Translate some data
$entry['pay'] = translateComma($entry['pay'], true, 5);
- $entry['sw'] = $SW;
// Check reload lock
$reload = YOOMEDIA_CHECK_RELOAD($entry['id'], $entry['reload'], 'textmail');
// Load row template with buttons
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_yoomedia_tm_row', true, $entry);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
-} // END - if
+} // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_list_yoomedia_tm', false, $OUT);
// Edit menu entries
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
- $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
'cnt' => $cnt,
'sel' => $sel,
'menu' => $data['title'],
- 'sw' => $SW,
'act' => adminAddMenuSelectionBox('member', 'act' , 'sel_act[' . $sel . ']', $data['action']),
'what' => adminAddMenuSelectionBox('member', 'what', 'sel_what[' . $sel . ']', $data['what']),
} else {
// Entry not found?
$data = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_404_row', true, $data);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Add row content and current counter
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
$content['cnt'] = $cnt;
// Del menu entries with or without confirmation
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
- $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
} else {
// Entry not found?
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
// Change status (visible / locked)
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
$content['chk'] = countPostSelection();
- $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $sel => $confirm) {
if ($confirm == 1) {
'cnt' => $cnt,
'menu' => $data['title'],
'sel' => $sel,
- 'sw' => $SW,
'visible' => addSelectionBox('yn', $data['visible'], 'visible', $sel),
'locked' => addSelectionBox('yn', $data['locked'] , 'locked' , $sel),
} else {
// Entry not found?
$data = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'sel' => $sel
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_404_row', true, $data);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
// Set sub value
$content['sub'] = $SUB;
- $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
+ $cnt = '0'; $OUT = '';
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Init navigation
$data['navi'] = '';
if (empty($data['title'])) $data['title'] = ' ';
// Add more entries
- $data['sw'] = $SW;
$data['mode'] = 'mem';
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_overview_row', true, $data);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
$DATA = repairOptimizeDatabase();
// Output rows
-$SW = 2; $gain_tabs = '0'; $OUT = '';
+$gain_tabs = '0'; $OUT = '';
foreach ($DATA['tables'] as $row_array) {
// Init variables
$B1 = ''; $B2 = '';
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'b1' => $B1,
'b2' => $B2,
'tpl' => $row_array[0],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_optimize_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Remember rows
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $content);
} elseif ((isFormSent('del')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Delete entries here
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT time, mail_title FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Prepare array for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'time' => $time,
'title' => $title,
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_del_payments_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_del_payments', false, $OUT);
} elseif ((isFormSent('edit')) && (countPostSelection() > 0)) {
// Edit entries
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT time, payment, mail_title, price FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Prepare array for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'time' => $time,
'title' => $title,
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_edit_payments_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_edit_payments', false, $OUT);
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `time`, `payment`, `mail_title`, `price` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_payments` ORDER BY `time` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Make referal levels editable and deletable
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// List already existing categories for editing
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare array for the row template
// @TODO Rewritings: title->mail_title in template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'time' => $content['time'],
'title' => $content['mail_title'],
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_payments_list_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - switch
// Free memory
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $content);
} elseif ((countPostSelection() > 0) && (isFormSent('edit'))) {
// Edit banner
- $SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $sel) {
// Load data
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT url, alternate, visible FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
// Preapre data for the row
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'url' => $url,
'alt' => $alt,
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_refbanner_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_refbanner_edit', false, $OUT);
// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Make referal banner editable and deletable
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Preapre data for the row
// @TODO Rewritings: alt->alternate,cnt->counter,clx->clicks in template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'url' => $content['url'],
'alt' => $content['alternate'],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_refbanner_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
$langFiles = getArrayFromDirectory('inc/language/', '', false, false, array('_de.php'), '.php', '@(\.|\.\.)$@', true, getCurrentLanguage());
// By default nothing is checked, which is isn't right...
-$SW = 2; $OUT = '';
+$OUT = '';
// Get valid languages
$validLanguages = getValidLanguages(getCurrentLanguage());
$content = array(
'source' => $langFile,
'target' => basename($INC),
- 'sw' => $SW,
// Compares, all fine
'target' => basename($INC),
'diff_count' => translateComma(getLanguageComparisonDifference($INC)),
'diff_content' => $diffContent,
- 'sw' => $SW,
// Compares, all fine
$content = array(
'file' => basename($INC),
'lang' => $lang,
- 'sw' => $SW,
// Load template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_repair_lang_row_404', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
} // END - foreach
// Load module's detail statistic
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `action`, `title`, `counter` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_%s_menu` WHERE `what` != '' AND `what` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `counter` DESC",
array($mod), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_mods_stats2_row', true, $content);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
} else {
// Load module statics
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `module`, `title`, `clicks` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_mod_reg` ORDER BY `clicks` DESC, `module` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
if (($content['module'] == 'index') || ($content['module'] == 'login')) {
// Add link to detail statistics
$content['module'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=stats_mods&mod=' . $content['module'] . '%}">' . $content['module'] . '</a>';
} // END - if
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_mods_stats_row', true, $content);
} // END - while
// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Get all rows
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2; $cnt = '0'; $visits = '0';
+ $OUT = ''; $cnt = '0'; $visits = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Count totals
$visits += $content['total_visits'];
// "Translate" some data
$content['last_surfed'] = generateDateTime($content['last_surfed'], 2);
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_surfbar_url_stats_row', true, $content);
- $cnt++; $SW = 3 - $SW;
+ $cnt++;;
} // END - while
// Prepare content
// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Get all rows
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2; $urlArray = '0'; $visits = '0';
+ $OUT = ''; $urlArray = '0'; $visits = '0';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Count totals
$urlArray += $content['visited_urls'];
$visits += $content['total_visits'];
- // Add color switch
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_surfbar_stats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Prepare content
`theme_path` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
- // Init color
- $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Construct IFN
$inc = sprintf("theme/%s/theme.php", $content['theme_path']);
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'link' => $LINK,
'theme_name' => $content['theme_name'],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_theme_edit_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
array_pk_sort($THEMES, array('theme_name'));
// Generate output lines for the template
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+$OUT = '';
foreach ($THEMES['theme_unix'] as $key => $unix) {
// Already installed is default
$formContent = '<div class="admin_note">' . getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_THEME_ALREADY_INSTALLED', $unix) . '</div>';
// Prepare content
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'unix' => $unix,
'theme_name' => $THEMES['theme_name'][$key],
'theme_email' => $THEMES['theme_email'][$key],
// Add row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_theme_import_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
if (empty($OUT)) {
} elseif (isPostRequestParameterSet(('reject'))) {
if (countPostSelection() > 0) {
// Reject mail orders
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach (postRequestParameter('sel') as $id => $value) {
// Secure id number
$id = bigintval($id);
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $id,
'url' => postRequestParameter('url', $id),
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_unlock_emails_redir_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_unlock_emails_redir', false, $OUT);
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '{--ADMIN_URLS_BLOCKED--}');
} elseif ((!isFormSent('lock')) && (!isFormSent('accept')) && (!isFormSent('reject'))) {
// Mail orders are in pool so we can display them
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_main)) {
// Prepare data for the template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 2);
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_unlock_emails_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Entries found so let's list them!
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Transfer data to array
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'gender' => $content['gender'],
'surname' => $content['surname'],
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_unlock_sponsor_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load template
// Do we have some URLs left?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all URLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// "Translate"/add content
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['url_registered'] = generateDateTime($content['url_registered'], 2);
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_unlock_surfbar_urls_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load main template
__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List all online users
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
if ($row['is_admin'] == 'Y') {
// Is an administrator
// Add more content
- $row['sw'] = $SW;
$row['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($row['timestamp'], 2);
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_online_row', true, $row);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Entries found?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// At least one member was online so let's load them all
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while (list($userid, $nick, $last) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
$nick2 = '---';
if (($nick != $userid) && (!empty($nick))) $nick2 = $nick;
// Transfer data to array
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => $userid,
'nickname' => $nick2,
'points' => (countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_points', 'points') - countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_data', 'used_points')),
// Load template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_active_row', true, $content);
- // Switch colors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
} else {
// No member was online today! :-(
$OUT = loadTemplate('guest_active_none_row', true);
$extensions = getArrayFromDirectory('templates/' . getLanguage() . '/html/ext/', 'ext_', false, false, array(), '.tpl', '@(\.|\.\.)$@', false);
// Now iterate through all and load that template file
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+$OUT = '';
foreach ($extensions as $ext_file) {
// We only need the filename!
$template = substr(basename($ext_file), 0, -4);
$content = array(
'name' => substr($template, 4),
'description' => loadTemplate($template, true),
- 'sw' => $SW
// Load the template in a special row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_extensions_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Load main template
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_act) > 0) {
// Load all actions
- $OUT_ACT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT_ACT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_act)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
// @TODO Rewritings: conv->conv_rate,name->conv_name in template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'title' => $content['title'],
'conv' => round($content['conv_rate']),
'name' => $content['conv_name'],
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT_ACT .= loadTemplate('guest_sponsor_act_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Check for pay types
$result_pay = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` ORDER BY `pay_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_pay) > 0) {
// Load all pay types
- $OUT_PAY = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT_PAY = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_pay)) {
- // Prepare data for the row template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT_PAY .= loadTemplate('guest_sponsor_pay_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
} else {
// No pay types setuped so far!
$OUT_PAY = loadTemplate('guest_sponsor_infos_none_row', loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, '{--SPONSOR_NO_ACTIONS_ACTIVATED--}'));
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load all types...
// @TODO Swap this HTML code to templates
- $OUT = "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"300\" class=\"left right top\">\n";
- $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" class="left right top">';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare content for output
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['res'] = translateComma($content['pay_rate'] * $content['pay_min_count']);
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_sponsor_payment_row', false, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
- $OUT .= "</table>\n";
+ } // END - while
+ $OUT .= '</table>';
// Remember the list in table
$content['payment_list'] = $OUT;
$l = 'll'; $r = 'lr';
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
$content['month_rows'] = $OUT;
// Generate category stats
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach ($cat_cnt as $id => $cnt) {
// Prepare data for the template
$data = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cat' => $cats[$id],
'cnt' => $cnt,
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_stats_cats_row', true, $data);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
$content['cats_rows'] = $OUT;
// Load final template
if (SQL_NUMROWS($guest_t10) > 0) {
// Guest clicks
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_stats_header', true, '{--GUEST_TOP_GUEST_STATS--}');
- $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($guest_t10)) {
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_stats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
} // END - if
if (SQL_NUMROWS($mem_t10) > 0) {
// Member clicks
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_stats_header', true, '{--GUEST_TOP_MEMBER_STATS--}');
- $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($mem_t10)) {
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_stats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
} // END - if
`total_logins` DESC
LIMIT {?top10_max?}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2; $cnt = 1;
+$OUT = ''; $cnt = 1;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Init nickname
$content['nickname'] = '';
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cnt' => $cnt,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'nickname' => $content['nickname'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_top10_row_login', true, $content);
- // Switch colors and count one up
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $cnt++;
+ // Count one up
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
if ($cnt < getConfig('top10_max')) {
for ($i = $cnt; $i <= getConfig('top10_max'); $i++) {
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'index' => $i
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_top10_empty5', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
} // END - if
d.last_online DESC
LIMIT {?top10_max?}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2; $cnt = 1;
+$OUT = ''; $cnt = 1;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Init nickname
$content['nickname'] = '';
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cnt' => $cnt,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'nickname' => $content['nickname'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_top10_row_earner', true, $content);
- // Switch colors and count one up
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $cnt++;
+ // Count one up
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
if ($cnt < getConfig('top10_max')) {
for ($i = $cnt; $i <= getConfig('top10_max'); $i++) {
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'index' => $i
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_top10_empty4', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
} // END - if
d.last_online DESC
LIMIT {?top10_max?}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2; $cnt = 1;
+$OUT = ''; $cnt = 1;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Init nickname
$content['nickname'] = '';
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cnt' => $cnt,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'refs' => $content['refs'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_top10_row_refs', true, $content);
- // Switch colors and count one up
- $SW = 3 - $SW; $cnt++;
+ // Count one up
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
if ($cnt < getConfig('top10_max')) {
for ($i = $cnt; $i <= getConfig('top10_max'); $i++) {
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'index' => $i
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_top10_empty5', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
} // END - if
$OUT = '';
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load our winners...
- $SW = 2; $cnt = 1;
+ $cnt = 1;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cnt' => $cnt,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'points' => $content['points'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_list_beg_row', true, $content);
- // Count one up and switch colors
- $cnt++; $SW = 3 - $SW;
+ // Count one up
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
} else {
// No one is interested in our "active rallye" ! :-(
$OUT = '';
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load our winners...
- $SW = 2; $cnt = 1;
+ $cnt = 1;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cnt' => $cnt,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'points' => $content['points'],
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_bonus_row', true, $content);
- // Count one up and switch colors
- $cnt++; $SW = 3 - $SW;
+ // Count one up
+ $cnt++;
} // END - while
} else {
// No one is interested in our "active rallye" ! :-(
// Start switching colors and load all visible categories
// @TODO Rewrite this to use $OUT .= ...
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Default he has not joined
$content['jn'] = ' checked="checked"';
- // Add some more
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
// Load row template and switch colors
loadTemplate('member_cat_row', false, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Load footer template
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_payouts) > 0) {
// List all his requests
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_payouts)) {
// Translate status
$content['status'] = translatePayoutStatus();
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'target_account' => $content['target_account'],
'payout_total' => $content['payout_total'],
'target_bank' => $content['target_bank'],
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_payout_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Load template
loadTemplate('member_payout', false, $OUT);
- }
+ } // END - if
// Free memory
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load all rows
- $content['rows'] = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $content['rows'] = '';
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for output
$rowContent['primera_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($data['primera_timestamp'], 2);
// Load row template
$content['rows'] .= loadTemplate('member_primera_mode_list_row', true, $rowContent);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free result
// Init variables
$rows = '';
$content['counter'] = 0;
- $SW = 2;
// Check for users ref in this level
foreach (getArrayFromRefbackUserRefs(getMemberId(), $content['level']) as $refRow) {
if (is_null($refRow['status'])) $deleted = true;
// Add/"translate" more content
- $refRow['sw'] = $SW;
// @TODO UNUSED: $refRow['status'] = translateUserStatus($refRow['status']);
$refRow['joined'] = generateDateTime($refRow['joined'], '3');
// Count this ref and switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Remember the content
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// List available ref banners
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($row = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
$test = str_replace(getConfig('URL'), getConfig('PATH'), $row['url']); $size = '0';
if ($test == $row['url']) {
if ($size > 0) $row['alternate'] .= ' (' .translateComma(round($size / 102.4) / 10) . ' {--KBYTES--})';
// Add some more data
- $row['sw'] = $SW;
$row['userid'] = getMemberId();
// Add row
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_reflinks_row', true, $row);
- // Switchcolors
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Load final template
// Init variables
$rows = '';
$counter = '0';
- $SW = 2;
// Check for users ref in this level
foreach (getUserReferalPoints(getMemberId(), $content['level']) as $refRow) {
// Add/"translate" more content
- $refRow['sw'] = $SW;
$refRow['clickrate'] = translateComma($refRow['clickrate'], true, 1);
// Load row template
// Count this ref and switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
// Remember the content
// Are there mails left in pool?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load all orders
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Is the ZIP code set? If not, set dashes
if (empty($content['zip'])) $content['zip'] = '---';
// Prepare content for output
+ // @TODO More usage of EL at this array
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'id' => $content['id'],
'cat' => getCategory($content['cat_id']),
'pay' => getPaymentTitlePrice($content['payment_id']),
// Load template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_pool_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
// Load main template
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Mail orders are in pool so we can display them
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'cat_id' => $content['cat_id'],
'payment_id' => $content['payment_id'],
'url' => $content['url'],
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_stats_row', true, $content);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
// Load main template
} elseif (count($urlArray) > 0) {
// List all URLs
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
foreach ($urlArray as $id => $content) {
// "Translate"/insert data
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
if ($content['views_total'] > 0) {
// Include link to stats
$content['views_total'] = '[<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=surfbar_list%}">' . translateComma($content['views_total']) . '</a>]';
// Load row template
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_surfbar_list_row', true, $content);
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - if
// Load main template
array_pk_sort($THEMES, array('theme_name'));
// Generate output lines for the template
-$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+$OUT = '';
foreach ($THEMES['theme_unix'] as $key => $unix) {
$default = '';
if (getCurrentTheme() == $unix) $default = ' selected="selected"';
// Add row
+ // @TODO Move this code into a template
$OUT .= "<tr>
- <td class=\"switch_sw".$SW." bottom right\" align=\"center\" height=\"30\">
+ <td class=\"{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right\" align=\"center\" height=\"30\">
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"member_theme\" class=\"member_normal\" value=\"".$unix."\"".$default." />
- <td class=\"switch_sw".$SW." bottom right\" align=\"center\">".$THEMES['theme_name'][$key]."</td>
- <td class=\"switch_sw".$SW." bottom right\" align=\"center\">
+ <td class=\"{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right\" align=\"center\">".$THEMES['theme_name'][$key]."</td>
+ <td class=\"{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right\" align=\"center\">
<a href=\"mailto:".$THEMES['theme_email'][$key]."?Subject=[Theme:] ".$THEMES['theme_name'][$key]." (".$unix.")'.'\">".$THEMES['theme_author'][$key]."</a>
- <td class=\"switch_sw".$SW." bottom right\" align=\"center\">
+ <td class=\"{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right\" align=\"center\">
<a href=\"".generateDerefererUrl($THEMES['theme_url'][$key])."\" target=\"_blank\">".$THEMES['theme_url'][$key]."</a>
- <td class=\"switch_sw".$SW." bottom\" align=\"center\">v".$THEMES['theme_version'][$key]."</td>
+ <td class=\"{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom\" align=\"center\">v".$THEMES['theme_version'][$key]."</td>
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - foreach
if (empty($OUT)) {
// No themes found???
- $OUT = "<tr>
- <td colspan=\"5\" class=\"bottom\" height=\"80\">
- ".loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, '{--MEMBER_NO_THEMES_FOUND--}')."
+ $OUT = '<tr>
+ <td colspan="5" class="bottom" height="80">
+ ' . loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, '{--MEMBER_NO_THEMES_FOUND--}') . '
} // END - if
// Load template
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
// @TODO This should be somehow rewritten to $row = SQL_FETCHARRAY(), see switch() block above for SQL queries
while (list($tid, $userid, $points, $reason, $stamp) = SQL_FETCHROW($result)) {
// Rewrite points
// Prepare content for template
// @TODO Rewrite: tid->trans_id,stamp->time_trans
$row = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'trans_id' => $tid,
'stamp' => generateDateTime($stamp, 3),
'userid' => $userid,
// Add points and switch color
$totalPoints += $points;
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
__FILE__, __LINE__);
// Output rows
- $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Rewrite points
if ($content['trans_type'] == 'OUT') $content['points'] = '-'.$content['points']."";
// Prepare content for template
- $content['sw'] = $SW;
$content['time'] = generateDateTime($content['time_trans'], 3);
$content['points'] = translateComma($content['points']);
// Add points and switch color
$total += $content['points'];
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
// Mails left for confirmation?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Please confirm these mails!
- $sum = '0'; $OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $sum = '0'; $OUT = '';
// Init content
$content = array();
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => getMemberId(),
'data' => bigintval($DATA),
'type' => $type,
} else {
// Prepare data for template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
'data' => $DATA,
'probl' => $PROBLEM,
// Free result
- // Switch color
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
// Free memory
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Load all rows
- $content['rows'] = ''; $SW = 2;
+ $content['rows'] = '';
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for output
$rowContent = array(
'wernis_amount' => $data['wernis_amount'],
'wernis_account' => $data['wernis_account'],
'wernis_type' => $data['wernis_type'],
- 'sw' => $SW,
// Load row template
$content['rows'] .= loadTemplate('member_wernis_mode_list_row', true, $rowContent);
- $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free result
--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 04/04/2009 *
+ * =================== Last change: 04/04/2009 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : template-functions.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Template functions *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Template-Funktionen *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: $ *
+ * $Date:: $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: $ *
+ * Needs to be in all Files and every File needs "svn propset *
+ * svn:keywords Date Revision" (autoprobset!) at least!!!!!! *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Wrapper until we merged to the EL branch
+function preCompileCode ($code, $template = '', $compiled = false, $full = true, $overwrite = false) {
+ return compileCode($code, false, true, $full);
+// Setter for 'is_template_html'
+function enableTemplateHtml ($enable = true) {
+ $GLOBALS['is_template_html'] = (bool) $enable;
+// Checks wether the template is HTML or not by previously set flag
+// Default: true
+function isTemplateHtml () {
+ // Is the output_mode other than 0 (HTML), then no comments are enabled
+ if (getOutputMode() != 0) {
+ // No HTML
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // Maybe HTML?
+ return $GLOBALS['is_template_html'];
+ }
+// Wrapper for writing debug informations to the browser
+function debugOutput ($message) {
+ outputHtml('<div class="debug_message">' . $message . '</div>');
+// "Fixes" an empty string into three dashes (use for templates)
+function fixEmptyContentToDashes ($str) {
+ // Trim the string
+ $str = trim($str);
+ // Is the string empty?
+ if (empty($str)) $str = '---';
+ // Return string
+ return $str;
+// Color-switch helper function
+function doTemplateColorSwitch ($template, $clear = false, $return = true) {
+ // Is it there?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template])) {
+ // Initialize it
+ initTemplateColorSwitch($template);
+ } elseif ($clear === false) {
+ // Switch color if called from loadTemplate()
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'SWITCH:' . $template);
+ $GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template] = 3 - $GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template];
+ } // END - if
+ // Return CSS class name
+ if ($return === true) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'RETURN:' . $template . '=' . $GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template]);
+ return 'switch_sw' . $GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template];
+ } // END - if
+// Init color switch
+function initTemplateColorSwitch ($template) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'INIT:' . $template);
+ $GLOBALS['color_switch'][$template] = 2;
+// "Getter" for color switch code
+function getColorSwitchCode ($template) {
+ // Prepare the code
+ $code = "{DQUOTE} . doTemplateColorSwitch('" . $template . "', false, false) . {DQUOTE}";
+ // And return it
+ return $code;
+// Output HTML code directly or 'render' it. You addionally switch the new-line character off
+function outputHtml ($htmlCode, $newLine = true) {
+ // Init output
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['output'])) {
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = '';
+ } // END - if
+ // Do we have HTML-Code here?
+ if (!empty($htmlCode)) {
+ // Yes, so we handle it as you have configured
+ switch (getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE')) {
+ case 'render':
+ // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
+ if (getPhpCaching() == 'on') {
+ // Output into PHP's internal buffer
+ outputRawCode($htmlCode);
+ // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
+ if ($newLine === true) print("\n");
+ } else {
+ // Render mode for old or lame servers...
+ $GLOBALS['output'] .= $htmlCode;
+ // That's why you don't need any \n at the end of your HTML code... :-)
+ if ($newLine === true) $GLOBALS['output'] .= "\n";
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'direct':
+ // If we are switching from render to direct output rendered code
+ if ((!empty($GLOBALS['output'])) && (getPhpCaching() != 'on')) { outputRawCode($GLOBALS['output']); $GLOBALS['output'] = ''; }
+ // The same as above... ^
+ outputRawCode($htmlCode);
+ if ($newLine === true) print("\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Huh, something goes wrong or maybe you have edited config.php ???
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '<strong>{--FATAL_ERROR--}:</strong> {--LANG_NO_RENDER_DIRECT--}');
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ } elseif ((getPhpCaching() == 'on') && ((!isset($GLOBALS['header'])) || (count($GLOBALS['header']) == 0))) {
+ // Output cached HTML code
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = ob_get_contents();
+ // Clear output buffer for later output if output is found
+ if (!empty($GLOBALS['output'])) {
+ clearOutputBuffer();
+ } // END - if
+ // Send all HTTP headers
+ sendHttpHeaders();
+ // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
+ compileFinalOutput();
+ // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
+ outputRawCode($GLOBALS['output']);
+ } elseif ((getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE') == 'render') && (!empty($GLOBALS['output']))) {
+ // Send all HTTP headers
+ sendHttpHeaders();
+ // Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
+ compileFinalOutput();
+ // Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
+ outputRawCode($GLOBALS['output']);
+ } else {
+ // And flush all headers
+ flushHeaders();
+ }
+// Compiles the final output
+function compileFinalOutput () {
+ // Add page header and footer
+ addPageHeaderFooter();
+ // Do the final compilation
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = doFinalCompilation($GLOBALS['output']);
+ // Extension 'rewrite' installed?
+ if ((isExtensionActive('rewrite')) && (getOutputMode() != 1)) {
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = rewriteLinksInCode($GLOBALS['output']);
+ } // END - if
+ // Compress it?
+ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (strpos('gzip', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) !== null)) {
+ // Compress it for HTTP gzip
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = gzencode($GLOBALS['output'], 9, true);
+ // Add header
+ sendHeader('Content-Encoding: gzip');
+ } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (strpos('deflate', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) !== null)) {
+ // Compress it for HTTP deflate
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = gzcompress($GLOBALS['output'], 9);
+ // Add header
+ sendHeader('Content-Encoding: deflate');
+ }
+ // Add final length
+ sendHeader('Content-Length: ' . strlen($GLOBALS['output']));
+ // Flush all headers
+ flushHeaders();
+// Main compilation loop
+function doFinalCompilation ($code, $insertComments = true) {
+ // Insert comments? (Only valid with HTML templates, of course)
+ enableTemplateHtml($insertComments);
+ // Init counter
+ $cnt = 0;
+ // Compile all out
+ while (((strpos($code, '{--') !== false) || (strpos($code, '{DQUOTE}') !== false) || (strpos($code, '{?') !== false) || (strpos($code, '{%') !== false)) && ($cnt < 4)) {
+ // Init common variables
+ $content = array();
+ $newContent = '';
+ // Compile it
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('<pre>'.encodeEntities($code).'</pre>');
+ $eval = '$newContent = "' . str_replace('{DQUOTE}', '"', compileCode(escapeQuotes($code))) . '";';
+ //* DEBUG: */ if ($insertComments) die('<pre>'.linenumberCode($eval).'</pre>');
+ eval($eval);
+ //* DEBUG: */ die('<pre>'.encodeEntities($newContent).'</pre>');
+ // Was that eval okay?
+ if (empty($newContent)) {
+ // Something went wrong!
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Evaluation error:<pre>' . linenumberCode($eval) . '</pre>', false);
+ } // END - if
+ // Use it again
+ $code = $newContent;
+ // Count round
+ $cnt++;
+ } // END - while
+ // Return the compiled code
+ return $code;
+// Output the raw HTML code
+function outputRawCode ($htmlCode) {
+ // Output stripped HTML code to avoid broken JavaScript code, etc.
+ print(str_replace('{BACK}', "\\", $htmlCode));
+ // Flush the output if only getPhpCaching() is not 'on'
+ if (getPhpCaching() != 'on') {
+ // Flush it
+ flush();
+ } // END - if
+// Load a template file and return it's content (only it's name; do not use ' or ")
+function loadTemplate ($template, $return = false, $content = array()) {
+ // @TODO Remove this sanity-check if all is fine
+ if (!is_bool($return)) debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'return is not bool (' . gettype($return) . ')');
+ // Set current template
+ $GLOBALS['current_template'] = $template;
+ // Do we have cache?
+ if ((isDebuggingTemplateCache() === false) && (isTemplateCached($template))) {
+ // Evaluate the cache
+ eval(readTemplateCache($template));
+ } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template])) {
+ // Make all template names lowercase
+ $template = strtolower($template);
+ // Init some data
+ $ret = '';
+ if (empty($GLOBALS['refid'])) $GLOBALS['refid'] = '0';
+ // Base directory
+ $basePath = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/html/", getConfig('PATH'), getLanguage());
+ $extraPath = detectExtraTemplatePath($template);;
+ ////////////////////////
+ // Generate file name //
+ ////////////////////////
+ $FQFN = $basePath . $extraPath . $template . '.tpl';
+ // Does the special template exists?
+ if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
+ // Reset to default template
+ $FQFN = $basePath . $template . '.tpl';
+ } // END - if
+ // Now does the final template exists?
+ if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
+ // Count the template load
+ incrementConfigEntry('num_templates');
+ // The local file does exists so we load it. :)
+ $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] = readFromFile($FQFN);
+ // Do we have to compile the code?
+ $ret = '';
+ if ((strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '$') !== false) || (strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '{--') !== false) || (strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '{?') !== false) || (strpos($GLOBALS['tpl_content'], '{%') !== false)) {
+ // Normal HTML output?
+ if (getOutputMode() == '0') {
+ // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster
+ $ret = '<!-- Template ' . $template . ' - Start //-->' . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] . '<!-- Template ' . $template . ' - End //-->';
+ // Prepare eval() command
+ $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = '$ret = "' . getColorSwitchCode($template) . compileCode(escapeQuotes($ret)) . '";';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'js_') {
+ // JavaScripts don't like entities and timings
+ $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = '$ret = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeJavaScriptQuotes($GLOBALS['tpl_content'])) . '");';
+ } else {
+ // Prepare eval() command, other output doesn't like entities, maybe
+ $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = '$ret = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($GLOBALS['tpl_content'])) . '");';
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster
+ $ret = '<!-- Template ' . $template . ' - Start //-->' . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] . '<!-- Template ' . $template . ' - End //-->';
+ $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = '$ret = "' . getColorSwitchCode($template) . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($ret)) . '";';
+ } // END - if
+ } elseif ((isAdmin()) || ((isInstalling()) && (!isInstalled()))) {
+ // Only admins shall see this warning or when installation mode is active
+ $ret = '<div class="para">
+ <span class="guest_failed">{--TEMPLATE_404--}</span>
+<div class="para">
+ (' . $template . ')
+<div class="para">
+ <pre>' . print_r($content, true) . '</pre>
+ <pre>' . print_r($DATA, true) . '</pre>
+ } else {
+ // No file!
+ $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = '404';
+ }
+ }
+ // Code set?
+ if ((isset($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template])) && ($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] != '404')) {
+ // Eval the code
+ eval($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template]);
+ } // END - if
+ // Do we have some content to output or return?
+ if (!empty($ret)) {
+ // Not empty so let's put it out! ;)
+ if ($return === true) {
+ // Return the HTML code
+ return $ret;
+ } else {
+ // Output directly
+ outputHtml($ret);
+ }
+ } elseif (isDebugModeEnabled()) {
+ // Warning, empty output!
+ return 'E:' . $template . ',content=<pre>' . print_r($content, true) . '</pre>';
+ }
+// Detects the extra template path from given template name
+function detectExtraTemplatePath ($template) {
+ // Default is empty
+ $extraPath = '';
+ // Do we have cache?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['extra_path'][$template])) {
+ // Check for admin/guest/member/etc. templates
+ if (substr($template, 0, 6) == 'admin_') {
+ // Admin template found
+ $extraPath = 'admin/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 6) == 'guest_') {
+ // Guest template found
+ $extraPath = 'guest/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 7) == 'member_') {
+ // Member template found
+ $extraPath = 'member/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 7) == 'select_') {
+ // Selection template found
+ $extraPath = 'select/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 8) == 'install_') {
+ // Installation template found
+ $extraPath = 'install/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 4) == 'ext_') {
+ // Extension template found
+ $extraPath = 'ext/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'la_') {
+ // 'Logical-area' template found
+ $extraPath = 'la/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 3) == 'js_') {
+ // JavaScript template found
+ $extraPath = 'js/';
+ } elseif (substr($template, 0, 5) == 'menu_') {
+ // Menu template found
+ $extraPath = 'menu/';
+ } else {
+ // Test for extension
+ $test = substr($template, 0, strpos($template, '_'));
+ // Probe for valid extension name
+ if (isExtensionNameValid($test)) {
+ // Set extra path to extension's name
+ $extraPath = $test . '/';
+ } // END - if
+ }
+ // Store it in cache
+ $GLOBALS['extra_path'][$template] = $extraPath;
+ } // END - if
+ // Return result
+ return $GLOBALS['extra_path'][$template];
+// Loads an email template and compiles it
+function loadEmailTemplate ($template, $content = array(), $userid = '0') {
+ global $DATA;
+ // Make sure all template names are lowercase!
+ $template = strtolower($template);
+ // Is content an array?
+ if (is_array($content)) {
+ // Add expiration to array
+ if ((isConfigEntrySet('auto_purge')) && (getConfig('auto_purge') == '0')) {
+ // Will never expire!
+ $content['expiration'] = '{--MAIL_WILL_NEVER_EXPIRE--}';
+ } elseif (isConfigEntrySet('auto_purge')) {
+ // Create nice date string
+ $content['expiration'] = createFancyTime(getConfig('auto_purge'));
+ } else {
+ // Missing entry
+ $content['expiration'] = '{--MAIL_NO_CONFIG_AUTO_PURGE--}';
+ }
+ } // END - if
+ // Load user's data
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "UID={$userid},template={$template},content[]=".gettype($content));
+ if (($userid > 0) && (is_array($content))) {
+ // If nickname extension is installed, fetch nickname as well
+ if ((isExtensionActive('nickname')) && (isNicknameUsed($userid))) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "NICKNAME!<br />");
+ // Load by nickname
+ fetchUserData($userid, 'nickname');
+ } else {
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "NO-NICK!<br />");
+ /// Load by userid
+ fetchUserData($userid);
+ }
+ // Merge data if valid
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "content()=".count($content)." - PRE<br />");
+ if (isUserDataValid()) {
+ $content = merge_array($content, getUserDataArray());
+ } // END - if
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "content()=".count($content)." - AFTER<br />");
+ } // END - if
+ // Base directory
+ $basePath = sprintf("%stemplates/%s/emails/", getConfig('PATH'), getLanguage());
+ // Detect extra path
+ $extraPath = detectExtraTemplatePath($template);
+ // Generate full FQFN
+ $FQFN = $basePath . $extraPath . $template . '.tpl';
+ // Does the special template exists?
+ if (!isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
+ // Reset to default template
+ $FQFN = $basePath . $template . '.tpl';
+ } // END - if
+ // Now does the final template exists?
+ $newContent = '';
+ if (isFileReadable($FQFN)) {
+ // The local file does exists so we load it. :)
+ $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] = readFromFile($FQFN);
+ // Run code
+ $GLOBALS['tpl_content'] = '$newContent = decodeEntities("' . compileRawCode(escapeQuotes($GLOBALS['tpl_content'])) . '");';
+ eval($GLOBALS['tpl_content']);
+ } elseif (!empty($template)) {
+ // Template file not found!
+ $newContent = '<div class="para">
+ {--TEMPLATE_404--}: ' . $template . '
+<div class="para">
+ <pre>' . print_r($content, true) . '</pre>
+ <pre>' . print_r($DATA, true) . '</pre>
+ // Debug mode not active? Then remove the HTML tags
+ if (!isDebugModeEnabled()) $newContent = secureString($newContent);
+ } else {
+ // No template name supplied!
+ $newContent = '{--NO_TEMPLATE_SUPPLIED--}';
+ }
+ // Is there some content?
+ if (empty($newContent)) {
+ // Compiling failed
+ $newContent = "Compiler error for template " . $template . " !\nUncompiled content:\n" . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'];
+ // Add last error if the required function exists
+ if (function_exists('error_get_last')) $newContent .= "\n--------------------------------------\nDebug:\n".print_r(error_get_last(), true)."--------------------------------------\nPlease don't alter these informations!\nThanx.";
+ } // END - if
+ // Remove content and data
+ unset($content);
+ unset($DATA);
+ // Return content
+ return $newContent;
+// "Getter" for menu CSS classes, mainly used in templates
+function getMenuCssClasses ($data) {
+ // $data needs to be converted into an array
+ $content = explode('|', $data);
+ // Non-existent index 2 will happen in menu blocks
+ if (!isset($content[2])) $content[2] = '';
+ // Re-construct the array: 0=visible,1=locked,2=prefix
+ $content['visible'] = $content[0];
+ $content['locked'] = $content[1];
+ // Call our "translator" function
+ $content = translateMenuVisibleLocked($content, $content[2]);
+ // Return CSS classes
+ return ($content['visible_css'] . ' ' . $content['locked_css']);
+// Generate XHTML code for the CAPTCHA
+function generateCaptchaCode ($code, $type, $DATA, $userid) {
+ return '<img border="0" alt="Code ' . $code . '" src="{%url=mailid_top.php?userid=' . $userid . '&' . $type . '=' . $DATA . '&mode=img&code=' . $code . '%}" />';
+// Compiles the given HTML/mail code
+function compileCode ($code, $simple = false, $constants = true, $full = true) {
+ // Is the code a string?
+ if (!is_string($code)) {
+ // Silently return it
+ return $code;
+ } // END - if
+ // Start couting
+ $startCompile = microtime(true);
+ // Comile the code
+ $code = compileRawCode($code, $simple, $constants, $full);
+ // Get timing
+ $compiled = microtime(true);
+ // Add timing if enabled
+ if (isTemplateHtml()) {
+ // Add timing, this should be disabled in
+ $code .= '<!-- Compilation time: ' . (($compiled - $startCompile) * 1000). 'ms //-->';
+ } // END - if
+ // Return compiled code
+ return $code;
+// Compiles the code (use compileCode() only for HTML because of the comments)
+// @TODO $simple/$constants are deprecated
+function compileRawCode ($code, $simple = false, $constants = true, $full = true) {
+ // Is the code a string?
+ if (!is_string($code)) {
+ // Silently return it
+ return $code;
+ } // END - if
+ // Init replacement-array with smaller set of security characters
+ $secChars = $GLOBALS['url_chars'];
+ // Select full set of chars to replace when we e.g. want to compile URLs
+ if ($full === true) $secChars = $GLOBALS['security_chars'];
+ // Compile more through a filter
+ $code = runFilterChain('compile_code', $code);
+ // Compile message strings
+ $code = str_replace('{--', '{%message,', str_replace('--}', '%}', $code));
+ // Compile QUOT and other non-HTML codes
+ foreach ($secChars['to'] as $k => $to) {
+ // Do the reversed thing as in inc/libs/security_functions.php
+ $code = str_replace($to, $secChars['from'][$k], $code);
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Find $content[bla][blub] entries
+ // @TODO Do only use $content and deprecate $GLOBALS and $DATA in templates
+ preg_match_all('/\$(content|GLOBALS|DATA)((\[([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\])*)/', $code, $matches);
+ // Are some matches found?
+ if ((count($matches) > 0) && (count($matches[0]) > 0)) {
+ // Replace all matches
+ $matchesFound = array();
+ foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
+ // Fuzzy look has failed by default
+ $fuzzyFound = false;
+ // Fuzzy look on match if already found
+ foreach ($matchesFound as $found => $set) {
+ // Get test part
+ $test = substr($found, 0, strlen($match));
+ // Does this entry exist?
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "found={$found},match={$match},set={$set}<br />");
+ if ($test == $match) {
+ // Match found!
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "fuzzyFound!<br />");
+ $fuzzyFound = true;
+ break;
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Skip this entry?
+ if ($fuzzyFound === true) continue;
+ // Take all string elements
+ if ((is_string($matches[4][$key])) && (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) && (!isset($matchesFound[$key.'_' . $matches[4][$key]]))) {
+ // Replace it in the code
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "key={$key},match={$match}<br />");
+ $newMatch = str_replace('[', "['", str_replace(']', "']", $match));
+ $code = str_replace($match, '".' . $newMatch . '."', $code);
+ $matchesFound[$key . '_' . $matches[4][$key]] = 1;
+ $matchesFound[$match] = 1;
+ } elseif (!isset($matchesFound[$match])) {
+ // Not yet replaced!
+ //* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "match={$match}<br />");
+ $code = str_replace($match, '".' . $match . '."', $code);
+ $matchesFound[$match] = 1;
+ }
+ } // END - foreach
+ } // END - if
+ // Return it
+ return $code;
+function addSelectionBox ($type, $default, $prefix = '', $id = '0', $class = 'register_select') {
+ $OUT = '';
+ if ($type == 'yn') {
+ // This is a yes/no selection only!
+ if ($id > 0) $prefix .= '[' . $id . ']';
+ $OUT .= '<select name="' . $prefix . '" class="' . $class . '" size="1">';
+ } else {
+ // Begin with regular selection box here
+ if (!empty($prefix)) $prefix .= '_';
+ $type2 = $type;
+ if ($id > 0) $type2 .= '[' . $id . ']';
+ $OUT .= '<select name="' . strtolower($prefix . $type2) . '" class="' . $class . '" size="1">';
+ }
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'day': // Day
+ for ($idx = 1; $idx < 32; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ break;
+ case 'month': // Month
+ foreach ($GLOBALS['month_descr'] as $idx => $descr) {
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $descr . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ break;
+ case 'year': // Year
+ // Get current year
+ $year = date('Y', time());
+ // Use configured min age or fixed?
+ if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('order', '0.2.1')) {
+ // Configured
+ $startYear = $year - getConfig('min_age');
+ } else {
+ // Fixed 16 years
+ $startYear = $year - 16;
+ }
+ // Calculate earliest year (100 years old people can still enter Internet???)
+ $minYear = $year - 100;
+ // Check if the default value is larger than minimum and bigger than actual year
+ if (($default > $minYear) && ($default >= $year)) {
+ for ($idx = $year; $idx < ($year + 11); $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ } elseif ($default == -1) {
+ // Current year minus 1
+ for ($idx = $startYear; $idx <= ($year + 1); $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '">' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ } else {
+ // Get current year and subtract the configured minimum age
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . ($minYear - 1) . '"><' . $minYear . '</option>';
+ // Calculate earliest year depending on extension version
+ if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('order', '0.2.1')) {
+ // Use configured minimum age
+ $year = date('Y', time()) - getConfig('min_age');
+ } else {
+ // Use fixed 16 years age
+ $year = date('Y', time()) - 16;
+ }
+ // Construct year selection list
+ for ($idx = $minYear; $idx <= $year; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'sec':
+ case 'min':
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx < 60; $idx+=5) {
+ if (strlen($idx) == 1) $idx = '0' . $idx;
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ break;
+ case 'hour':
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx < 24; $idx++) {
+ if (strlen($idx) == 1) $idx = '0' . $idx;
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($default == $idx) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ break;
+ case 'yn':
+ $OUT .= '<option value="Y"';
+ if ($default == 'Y') $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>{--YES--}</option><option value="N"';
+ if ($default != 'Y') $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>{--NO--}</option>';
+ break;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</select>';
+ return $OUT;
+// Insert the code in $img_code into jpeg or PNG image
+function generateImageOrCode ($img_code, $headerSent = true) {
+ // Is the code size oversized or shouldn't we display it?
+ if ((strlen($img_code) > 6) || (empty($img_code)) || (getConfig('code_length') == '0')) {
+ // Stop execution of function here because of over-sized code length
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'img_code ' . $img_code .' has invalid length. img_code()=' . strlen($img_code) . ' code_length=' . getConfig('code_length'));
+ } elseif ($headerSent === false) {
+ // Return an HTML code here
+ return '<img src="{%url=img.php?code=' . $img_code . '%}" alt="Image" />';
+ }
+ // Load image
+ $img = sprintf("%s/theme/%s/images/code_bg.%s",
+ getConfig('PATH'),
+ getCurrentTheme(),
+ getConfig('img_type')
+ );
+ // Is it readable?
+ if (isFileReadable($img)) {
+ // Switch image type
+ switch (getConfig('img_type')) {
+ case 'jpg':
+ // Okay, load image and hide all errors
+ $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($img);
+ break;
+ case 'png':
+ // Okay, load image and hide all errors
+ $image = imagecreatefrompng($img);
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ } else {
+ // Exit function here
+ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("File for image type %s not found.", getConfig('img_type')));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Generate text color (red/green/blue; 0 = dark, 255 = bright)
+ $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
+ // Insert code into image
+ imagestring($image, 5, 14, 2, $img_code, $text_color);
+ // Return to browser
+ sendHeader('Content-Type: image/' . getConfig('img_type'));
+ // Output image with matching image factory
+ switch (getConfig('img_type')) {
+ case 'jpg': imagejpeg($image); break;
+ case 'png': imagepng($image); break;
+ } // END - switch
+ // Remove image from memory
+ imagedestroy($image);
+// Create selection box or array of splitted timestamp
+function createTimeSelections ($timestamp, $prefix = '', $display = '', $align = 'center', $return_array=false) {
+ // Do not continue if ONE_DAY is absend
+ if (!isConfigEntrySet('ONE_DAY')) {
+ // And return the timestamp itself or empty array
+ if ($return_array === true) {
+ return array();
+ } else {
+ return $timestamp;
+ }
+ } // END - if
+ // Calculate 2-seconds timestamp
+ $stamp = round($timestamp);
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*' . $stamp .'/' . $timestamp . '*');
+ // Do we have a leap year?
+ $SWITCH = '0';
+ $TEST = date('Y', time()) / 4;
+ $M1 = date('m', time());
+ $M2 = date('m', (time() + $timestamp));
+ // If so and if current time is before 02/29 and estimated time is after 02/29 then add 86400 seconds (one day)
+ if ((floor($TEST) == $TEST) && ($M1 == '02') && ($M2 > '02')) $SWITCH = getConfig('ONE_DAY');
+ // First of all years...
+ $Y = abs(floor($timestamp / (31536000 + $SWITCH)));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('Y=' . $Y);
+ // Next months...
+ $M = abs(floor($timestamp / 2628000 - $Y * 12));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('M=' . $M);
+ // Next weeks
+ $W = abs(floor($timestamp / 604800 - $Y * ((365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) / 7) - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) / 7)));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('W=' . $W);
+ // Next days...
+ $D = abs(floor($timestamp / 86400 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY'))) - $W * 7));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('D=' . $D);
+ // Next hours...
+ $h = abs(floor($timestamp / 3600 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24) - $W * 7 * 24 - $D * 24));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('h=' . $h);
+ // Next minutes..
+ $m = abs(floor($timestamp / 60 - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 60 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 60) - $W * 7 * 24 * 60 - $D * 24 * 60 - $h * 60));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('m=' . $m);
+ // And at last seconds...
+ $s = abs(floor($timestamp - $Y * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 3600 - ($M / 12 * (365 + $SWITCH / getConfig('ONE_DAY')) * 24 * 3600) - $W * 7 * 24 * 3600 - $D * 24 * 3600 - $h * 3600 - $m * 60));
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('s=' . $s);
+ // Is seconds zero and time is < 60 seconds?
+ if (($s == '0') && ($timestamp < 60)) {
+ // Fix seconds
+ $s = round($timestamp);
+ } // END - if
+ //
+ // Now we convert them in seconds...
+ //
+ if ($return_array) {
+ // Just put all data in an array for later use
+ $OUT = array(
+ 'YEARS' => $Y,
+ 'MONTHS' => $M,
+ 'WEEKS' => $W,
+ 'DAYS' => $D,
+ 'HOURS' => $h,
+ 'MINUTES' => $m,
+ 'SECONDS' => $s
+ );
+ } else {
+ // Generate table
+ $OUT = '<div align="' . $align . '">';
+ $OUT .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="timebox_table dashed">';
+ $OUT .= '<tr>';
+ if (isInString('Y', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_YEARS--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ if (isInString('M', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_MONTHS--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ if (isInString('W', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_WEEKS--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ if (isInString('D', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_DAYS--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ if (isInString('h', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_HOURS--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ if (isInString('m', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_MINUTES--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ if (isInString('s', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center" class="timebox_column bottom"><div class="tiny">{--_SECONDS--}</strong></td>';
+ } // END - if
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ $OUT .= '<tr>';
+ if (isInString('Y', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate year selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_ye" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 10; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= '<option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $Y) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_ye" value="0" />';
+ }
+ if (isInString('M', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate month selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_mo" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 11; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $M) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_mo" value="0" />';
+ }
+ if (isInString('W', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate week selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_we" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 4; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $W) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_we" value="0" />';
+ }
+ if (isInString('D', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate day selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_da" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 31; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $D) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_da" value="0" />';
+ }
+ if (isInString('h', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate hour selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_ho" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 23; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $h) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_ho" value="0" />';
+ }
+ if (isInString('m', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate minute selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_mi" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 59; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $m) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_mi" value="0" />';
+ }
+ if (isInString('s', $display) || (empty($display))) {
+ // Generate second selection
+ $OUT .= '<td align="center"><select class="mini_select" name="' . $prefix . '_se" size="1">';
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx <= 59; $idx++) {
+ $OUT .= ' <option class="mini_select" value="' . $idx . '"';
+ if ($idx == $s) $OUT .= ' selected="selected"';
+ $OUT .= '>' . $idx . '</option>';
+ } // END - for
+ $OUT .= '</select></td>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $prefix . '_se" value="0" />';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ $OUT .= '</table>';
+ $OUT .= '</div>';
+ }
+ // Return generated HTML code
+ return $OUT;
+// Generate a list of administrative links to a given userid
+function generateMemberAdminActionLinks ($userid) {
+ // Make sure userid is a number
+ if ($userid != bigintval($userid)) debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'userid is not a number!');
+ // Define all main targets
+ $targetArray = array('del_user', 'edit_user', 'lock_user', 'add_points', 'sub_points');
+ // Get user status
+ $status = getFetchedUserData('userid', $userid, 'status');
+ // Begin of navigation links
+ $OUT = '[';
+ foreach ($targetArray as $tar) {
+ $OUT .= '<span class="admin_user_link"><a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=' . $tar . '&userid=' . $userid . '%}" title="{--ADMIN_LINK_';
+ //* DEBUG: */ debugOutput('*' . $tar.'/' . $status.'*');
+ if (($tar == 'lock_user') && ($status == 'LOCKED')) {
+ // Locked accounts shall be unlocked
+ } else {
+ // All other status is fine
+ $OUT .= strtoupper($tar);
+ }
+ $OUT .= '_TITLE--}">{--ADMIN_';
+ if (($tar == 'lock_user') && ($status == 'LOCKED')) {
+ // Locked accounts shall be unlocked
+ } else {
+ // All other status is fine
+ $OUT .= strtoupper($tar);
+ }
+ $OUT .= '--}</a></span>|';
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Finish navigation link
+ $OUT = substr($OUT, 0, -1) . ']';
+ // Return string
+ return $OUT;
+// Generate an email link
+function generateEmailLink ($email, $table = 'admins') {
+ // Default email link (INSECURE! Spammer can read this by harvester programs)
+ $EMAIL = 'mailto:' . $email;
+ // Check for several extensions
+ if ((isExtensionActive('admins')) && ($table == 'admins')) {
+ // Create email link for contacting admin in guest area
+ $EMAIL = generateAdminEmailLink($email);
+ } elseif ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('user', '0.3.3')) && ($table == 'user_data')) {
+ // Create email link for contacting a member within admin area (or later in other areas, too?)
+ $EMAIL = generateUserEmailLink($email, 'admin');
+ } elseif ((isExtensionActive('sponsor')) && ($table == 'sponsor_data')) {
+ // Create email link to contact sponsor within admin area (or like the link above?)
+ $EMAIL = generateSponsorEmailLink($email, 'sponsor_data');
+ }
+ // Shall I close the link when there is no admin?
+ if ((!isAdmin()) && ($EMAIL == $email)) $EMAIL = '#'; // Closed!
+ // Return email link
+ return $EMAIL;
+// Output error messages in a fasioned way and die...
+function app_die ($F, $L, $message) {
+ // Check if Script is already dieing and not let it kill itself another 1000 times
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['app_died'])) {
+ // Make sure, that the script realy realy diese here and now
+ $GLOBALS['app_died'] = true;
+ // Set content type as text/html
+ setContentType('text/html');
+ // Load header
+ loadIncludeOnce('inc/header.php');
+ // Rewrite message for output
+ $message = sprintf(getMessage('MAILER_HAS_DIED'), basename($F), $L, $message);
+ // Load the message template
+ loadTemplate('app_die_message', false, $message);
+ // Load footer
+ loadIncludeOnce('inc/footer.php');
+ } else {
+ // Script tried to kill itself twice
+ die('['.__FUNCTION__.':'.__LINE__.']: Script wanted to kill itself more than once! Raw message=' . $message . ', file/function=' . $F . ', line=' . $L);
+ }
+// Display parsing time and number of SQL queries in footer
+function displayParsingTime () {
+ // Is the timer started?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['startTime'])) {
+ // Abort here
+ return false;
+ } // END - if
+ // Get end time
+ $endTime = microtime(true);
+ // "Explode" both times
+ $start = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['startTime']);
+ $end = explode(' ', $endTime);
+ $runTime = $end[0] - $start[0];
+ if ($runTime < 0) $runTime = '0';
+ // Prepare output
+ // @TODO This can be easily moved out after the merge from EL branch to this is complete
+ $content = array(
+ 'run_time' => $runTime,
+ 'sql_time' => translateComma(getConfig('sql_time') * 1000),
+ );
+ // Load the template
+ $GLOBALS['page_footer'] .= loadTemplate('show_timings', true, $content);
+// Output a debug backtrace to the user
+function debug_report_bug ($F, $L, $message = '', $sendEmail = true) {
+ // Is this already called?
+ if (isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
+ // Other backtrace
+ print 'Message:'.$message.'<br />Backtrace:<pre>';
+ debug_print_backtrace();
+ die('</pre>');
+ } // END - if
+ // Set this function as called
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = true;
+ // Init message
+ $debug = '';
+ // Is the optional message set?
+ if (!empty($message)) {
+ // Use and log it
+ $debug = sprintf("Note: %s<br />\n",
+ $message
+ );
+ // @TODO Add a little more infos here
+ logDebugMessage($F, $L, strip_tags($message));
+ } // END - if
+ // Add output
+ $debug .= 'Please report this bug at <a title="Direct link to the bug-tracker" href="" rel="external" target="_blank"></a> and include the logfile from <strong>' . str_replace(getConfig('PATH'), '', getConfig('CACHE_PATH')) . 'debug.log</strong> in your report (you can now attach files):<pre>';
+ $debug .= debug_get_printable_backtrace();
+ $debug .= '</pre>';
+ $debug .= '<div>Request-URI: ' . getRequestUri() . '</div>';
+ $debug .= '<div>Thank you for finding bugs.</div>';
+ // Send an email? (e.g. not wanted for evaluation errors)
+ if (($sendEmail === true) && (!isInstallationPhase())) {
+ // Prepare content
+ $content = array(
+ 'message' => trim($message),
+ 'backtrace' => trim(debug_get_mailable_backtrace())
+ );
+ // Send email to webmaster
+ sendAdminNotification('{--DEBUG_REPORT_BUG_SUBJECT--}', 'admin_report_bug', $content);
+ } // END - if
+ // And abort here
+ app_die($F, $L, $debug);
+// Compile characters which are allowed in URLs
+function compileUriCode ($code, $simple = true) {
+ // Compile constants
+ if ($simple === false) $code = str_replace('{--', '".', str_replace('--}', '."', $code));
+ // Compile QUOT and other non-HTML codes
+ $code = str_replace('{DOT}', '.',
+ str_replace('{SLASH}', '/',
+ str_replace('{QUOT}', "'",
+ str_replace('{DOLLAR}', '$',
+ str_replace('{OPEN_ANCHOR}', '(',
+ str_replace('{CLOSE_ANCHOR}', ')',
+ str_replace('{OPEN_SQR}', '[',
+ str_replace('{CLOSE_SQR}', ']',
+ str_replace('{PER}', '%',
+ $code
+ )))))))));
+ // Return compiled code
+ return $code;
+// Handle message codes from URL
+function handleCodeMessage () {
+ if (isGetRequestParameterSet('code')) {
+ // Default extension is 'unknown'
+ $ext = 'unknown';
+ // Is extension given?
+ if (isGetRequestParameterSet('ext')) $ext = getRequestParameter('ext');
+ // Convert the 'code' parameter from URL to a human-readable message
+ $message = getMessageFromErrorCode(getRequestParameter('code'));
+ // Load message template
+ loadTemplate('message', false, $message);
+ } // END - if
+// Generates a 'extension foo inactive' message
+function generateExtensionInactiveMessage ($ext_name) {
+ // Is the extension empty?
+ if (empty($ext_name)) {
+ // This should not happen
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Parameter ext is empty. This should not happen.');
+ } // END - if
+ // Default message
+ $message = getMaskedMessage('EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXT_INACTIVE', $ext_name);
+ // Is an admin logged in?
+ if (isAdmin()) {
+ // Then output admin message
+ $message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXT_INACTIVE', $ext_name);
+ } // END - if
+ // Return prepared message
+ return $message;
+// Generates a 'extension foo not installed' message
+function generateExtensionNotInstalledMessage ($ext_name) {
+ // Is the extension empty?
+ if (empty($ext_name)) {
+ // This should not happen
+ debug_report_bug(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Parameter ext is empty. This should not happen.');
+ } // END - if
+ // Default message
+ $message = getMaskedMessage('EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED', $ext_name);
+ // Is an admin logged in?
+ if (isAdmin()) {
+ // Then output admin message
+ $message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_EXTENSION_PROBLEM_EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED', $ext_name);
+ } // END - if
+ // Return prepared message
+ return $message;
+// Generates a message depending on if the extension is not installed or not
+// just activated
+function generateExtensionInactiveNotInstalledMessage ($ext_name) {
+ // Init message
+ $message = '';
+ // Is the extension not installed or just deactivated?
+ switch (isExtensionInstalled($ext_name)) {
+ case true; // Deactivated!
+ $message = generateExtensionInactiveMessage($ext_name);
+ break;
+ case false; // Not installed!
+ $message = generateExtensionNotInstalledMessage($ext_name);
+ break;
+ default: // Should not happen!
+ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid state of extension %s detected.", $ext_name));
+ $message = sprintf("Invalid state of extension %s detected.", $ext_name);
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ // Return the message
+ return $message;
+// Print code with line numbers
+function linenumberCode ($code) {
+ if (!is_array($code)) $codeE = explode("\n", $code); else $codeE = $code;
+ $count_lines = count($codeE);
+ $r = 'Line | Code:<br />';
+ foreach($codeE as $line => $c) {
+ $r .= '<div class="line"><span class="linenum">';
+ if ($count_lines == 1) {
+ $r .= 1;
+ } else {
+ $r .= ($line == ($count_lines - 1)) ? '' : ($line+1);
+ }
+ $r .= '</span>|';
+ // Add code
+ $r .= '<span class="linetext">' . encodeEntities($c) . '</span></div>';
+ }
+ return '<div class="code">' . $r . '</div>';
+// Determines the right page title
+function determinePageTitle () {
+ // Config and database connection valid?
+ if ((isConfigLocalLoaded()) && (isConfigurationLoaded()) && (SQL_IS_LINK_UP()) && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.1.6'))) {
+ // Init title
+ $TITLE = '';
+ // Title decoration enabled?
+ if ((getConfig('enable_title_deco') == 'Y') && (getConfig('title_left') != '')) $TITLE .= trim(getConfig('title_left')) . ' ';
+ // Do we have some extra title?
+ if (isExtraTitleSet()) {
+ // Then prepent it
+ $TITLE .= getExtraTitle() . ' by ';
+ } // END - if
+ // Add main title
+ $TITLE .= getConfig('MAIN_TITLE');
+ // Add title of module? (middle decoration will also be added!)
+ if ((getConfig('enable_mod_title') == 'Y') || ((!isWhatSet()) && (!isActionSet())) || (getModule() == 'admin')) {
+ $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getModuleTitle(getModule());
+ } // END - if
+ // Add title from what file
+ $mode = '';
+ if (getModule() == 'login') $mode = 'member';
+ elseif (getModule() == 'index') $mode = 'guest';
+ if ((!empty($mode)) && (getConfig('enable_what_title') == 'Y')) $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getTitleFromMenu($mode, getWhat());
+ // Add title decorations? (right)
+ if ((getConfig('enable_title_deco') == 'Y') && (getConfig('title_right') != '')) $TITLE .= ' ' . trim(getConfig('title_right'));
+ // Remember title in constant for the template
+ $pageTitle = $TITLE;
+ } elseif ((isInstalled()) && (isAdminRegistered())) {
+ // Installed, admin registered but no ext-sql_patches
+ $pageTitle = '[-- ' . getConfig('MAIN_TITLE') . ' - ' . getModuleTitle(getModule()) . ' --]';
+ } elseif ((isInstalled()) && (!isAdminRegistered())) {
+ // Installed but no admin registered
+ $pageTitle = '{--SETUP_OF_MAILER--}';
+ } elseif ((!isInstalled()) || (!isAdminRegistered())) {
+ // Installation mode
+ $pageTitle = '{--INSTALLATION_OF_MAILER--}';
+ } else {
+ // Configuration not found!
+ $pageTitle = '{--NO_CONFIG_FOUND_TITLE--}';
+ // Do not add the fatal message in installation mode
+ if ((!isInstalling()) && (!isConfigurationLoaded())) addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, '{--NO_CONFIG_FOUND--}');
+ }
+ // Return title
+ return decodeEntities($pageTitle);
+// Checks wethere there is a cache file there. This function is cached.
+function isTemplateCached ($template) {
+ // Do we have cached this result?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_cache'][$template])) {
+ // Generate FQFN
+ $FQFN = generateCacheFqfn($template);
+ // Is it there?
+ $GLOBALS['template_cache'][$template] = isFileReadable($FQFN);
+ } // END - if
+ // Return it
+ return $GLOBALS['template_cache'][$template];
+// Flushes non-flushed template cache to disk
+function flushTemplateCache ($template, $eval) {
+ // Is this cache flushed?
+ if ((isDebuggingTemplateCache() === false) && (isTemplateCached($template) === false) && ($eval != '404')) {
+ // Generate FQFN
+ $FQFN = generateCacheFqfn($template);
+ // And flush it
+ writeToFile($FQFN, $eval, true);
+ } // END - if
+// Reads a template cache
+function readTemplateCache ($template) {
+ // Check it again
+ if ((isDebuggingTemplateCache()) || (!isTemplateCached($template))) {
+ // This should not happen
+ debug_report_bug('Wether debugging of template cache is enabled or template ' . $template . ' is not cached while expected.');
+ } // END - if
+ // Is it cached?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template])) {
+ // Generate FQFN
+ $FQFN = generateCacheFqfn($template);
+ // And read from it
+ $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template] = readFromFile($FQFN);
+ } // END - if
+ // And return it
+ return $GLOBALS['template_eval'][$template];
+// Escapes quotes (default is only double-quotes)
+function escapeQuotes ($str, $single = false) {
+ // Should we escape all?
+ if ($single === true) {
+ // Escape all (including null)
+ $str = addslashes($str);
+ } else {
+ // Escape only double-quotes but prevent double-quoting
+ $str = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", str_replace('"', "\\\"", $str));
+ }
+ // Return the escaped string
+ return $str;
+// Escapes the JavaScript code, prevents \r and \n becoming char 10/13
+function escapeJavaScriptQuotes ($str) {
+ // Replace all double-quotes and secure back-ticks
+ $str = str_replace('"', '\"', str_replace("\\", '{BACK}', $str));
+ // Return it
+ return $str;
+// Send out mails depending on the 'mod/modes' combination
+// @TODO Lame description for this function
+function sendModeMails ($mod, $modes) {
+ // Load hash
+ if (fetchUserData(getMemberId())) {
+ // Extract salt from cookie
+ $salt = substr(getSession('u_hash'), 0, -40);
+ // Now let's compare passwords
+ $hash = encodeHashForCookie(getUserData('password'));
+ // Does the hash match or should we change it?
+ if (($hash == getSession('u_hash')) || (postRequestParameter('pass1') == postRequestParameter('pass2'))) {
+ // Load the data
+ $content = getUserDataArray();
+ // Clear/init the content variable
+ $content['message'] = '';
+ // Which mail?
+ // @TODO Move this in a filter
+ switch ($mod) {
+ case 'mydata':
+ foreach ($modes as $mode) {
+ switch ($mode) {
+ case 'normal': break; // Do not add any special lines
+ case 'email': // Email was changed!
+ $content['message'] = '{--MEMBER_CHANGED_EMAIL--}' . ': ' . postRequestParameter('old_email') . "\n";
+ break;
+ case 'pass': // Password was changed
+ $content['message'] = '{--MEMBER_CHANGED_PASS--}' . "\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown mode %s detected.", $mode));
+ $content['message'] = '{--MEMBER_UNKNOWN_MODE--}' . ': ' . $mode . "\n\n";
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ } // END - foreach
+ if (isExtensionActive('country')) {
+ // Replace code with description
+ $content['country'] = generateCountryInfo(postRequestParameter('country_code'));
+ } // END - if
+ // Merge content with data from POST
+ $content = merge_array($content, postRequestArray());
+ // Load template
+ $message = loadEmailTemplate('member_mydata_notify', $content, getMemberId());
+ if (getConfig('admin_notify') == 'Y') {
+ // The admin needs to be notified about a profile change
+ $message_admin = 'admin_mydata_notify';
+ $sub_adm = '{--ADMIN_CHANGED_DATA--}';
+ } else {
+ // No mail to admin
+ $message_admin = '';
+ $sub_adm = '';
+ }
+ // Set subject lines
+ $sub_mem = '{--MEMBER_CHANGED_DATA--}';
+ // Output success message
+ $content = '<span class="member_done">{--MYDATA_MAIL_SENT--}</span>';
+ break;
+ default: // Unsupported module!
+ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unsupported module %s detected.", $mod));
+ $content = '<span class="member_failed">{--UNKNOWN_MODULE--}</span>';
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ } else {
+ // Passwords mismatch
+ $content = '<span class="member_failed">{--MEMBER_PASSWORD_ERROR--}</span>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Could not load profile
+ $content = '<span class="member_failed">{--MEMBER_CANNOT_LOAD_PROFILE--}</span>';
+ }
+ // Send email to user if required
+ if ((!empty($sub_mem)) && (!empty($message))) {
+ // Send member mail
+ sendEmail($content['email'], $sub_mem, $message);
+ } // END - if
+ // Send only if no other error has occured
+ if (empty($content)) {
+ if ((!empty($sub_adm)) && (!empty($message_admin))) {
+ // Send admin mail
+ sendAdminNotification($sub_adm, $message_admin, $content, getMemberId());
+ } elseif (getConfig('admin_notify') == 'Y') {
+ // Cannot send mails to admin!
+ $content = '{--CANNOT_SEND_ADMIN_MAILS--}';
+ } else {
+ // No mail to admin
+ $content = '<span class="member_done">{--MYDATA_MAIL_SENT--}</span>';
+ }
+ } // END - if
+ // Load template
+ loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $content);
+// Generates a 'selection box' from given array
+function generateSelectionBoxFromArray ($options, $name, $optionValue, $optionContent = '', $extraName = '') {
+ // Start the output
+ $OUT = '<select name="' . $name . '" size="1" class="admin_select">
+<option value="X" disabled="disabled">{--PLEASE_SELECT--}</option>';
+ // Walk through all options
+ foreach ($options as $option) {
+ // Add the <option> entry
+ if (empty($optionContent)) {
+ // ... from template
+ $OUT .= loadTemplate('select_' . $name . $extraName . '_option', true, $option);
+ } else {
+ // Direct HTML code
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $option[$optionValue] . '">' . $option[$optionContent] . '</option>';
+ }
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Finish selection box
+ $OUT .= '</select>';
+ // Prepare output
+ $content = array(
+ 'selection_box' => $OUT,
+ 'module' => getModule(),
+ 'what' => getWhat()
+ );
+ // Load template and return it
+ return loadTemplate('select_' . $name . $extraName . '_box', true, $content);
+// Prepares the header for HTML output
+function loadHtmlHeader () {
+ // Run two filters:
+ // 1.) pre_page_header (mainly loads the page_header template and includes
+ // meta description)
+ runFilterChain('pre_page_header');
+ // Here can be something be added, but normally one of the two filters
+ // around this line should do the job for you.
+ // 2.) post_page_header (mainly to load stylesheet, extra JavaScripts and
+ // to close the head-tag)
+ // Include more header data here
+ runFilterChain('post_page_header');
+// Adds page header and footer to output array element
+function addPageHeaderFooter () {
+ // Init output
+ $OUT = '';
+ // Add them all together. This is maybe to simple
+ foreach (array('page_header', 'output', 'page_footer') as $pagePart) {
+ // Add page part if set
+ if (isset($GLOBALS[$pagePart])) $OUT .= $GLOBALS[$pagePart];
+ } // END - foreach
+ // Transfer $OUT to 'output'
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = $OUT;
+// Generates meta description for current module and 'what' value
+function generateMetaDescriptionCode () {
+ // Only include from guest area and if sql_patches has correct version
+ if ((getModule() == 'index') && (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.1.6'))) {
+ // Construct dynamic description
+ $DESCR = '{?MAIN_TITLE?} ' . trim(getConfig('title_middle')) . ' ' . getTitleFromMenu('guest', getWhat());
+ // Output it directly
+ $GLOBALS['page_header'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . $DESCR . '" />';
+ } // END - if
+ // Remove depth
+ unset($GLOBALS['ref_level']);
+// Generates an FQFN for template cache from the given template name
+function generateCacheFqfn ($template, $mode = 'html') {
+ // Is this cached?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template])) {
+ // Generate the FQFN
+ $GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template] = sprintf(
+ "%s_compiled/%s/%s.tpl.cache",
+ getConfig('CACHE_PATH'),
+ $mode,
+ $template
+ );
+ } // END - if
+ // Return it
+ return $GLOBALS['template_cache_fqfn'][$template];
+// "Fixes" null or empty string to count of dashes
+function fixNullEmptyToDashes ($str, $num) {
+ // Use str as default
+ $return = $str;
+ // Is it empty?
+ if ((is_null($str)) || (trim($str) == '')) {
+ // Set it
+ $return = str_repeat('-', $num);
+ } // END - if
+ // Return final string
+ return $return;
+// [EOF]
return addPointsThroughReferalSystem($subject, $userid, $points, false, 0, false, 'direct');
+// Wrapper for redirectToUrl but URL comes from a configuration entry
+function redirectToConfiguredUrl ($configEntry) {
+ // Load the URL
+ redirectToUrl(getConfig($configEntry));
// Wrapper function to redirect from member-only modules to index
function redirectToIndexMemberOnlyModule () {
// Do the redirect here
return (getTotalFatalErrors() > 0);
-// Wrapper until we merged to the EL branch
-function preCompileCode ($code, $template = '', $compiled = false, $full = true, $overwrite = false) {
- return compileCode($code, false, true, $full);
// Setter for HTTP status
function setHttpStatus ($status) {
$GLOBALS['http_status'] = (string) $status;
return $GLOBALS['http_status'];
-// Setter for 'is_template_html'
-function enableTemplateHtml ($enable = true) {
- $GLOBALS['is_template_html'] = (bool) $enable;
-// Checks wether the template is HTML or not by previously set flag
-// Default: true
-function isTemplateHtml () {
- // Is the output_mode other than 0 (HTML), then no comments are enabled
- if (getOutputMode() != 0) {
- // No HTML
- return false;
- } else {
- // Maybe HTML?
- return $GLOBALS['is_template_html'];
- }
* Send a HTTP redirect to the browser. This function was taken from DokuWiki
* (GNU GPL 2; and modified to fit into mailer project.
return $GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'];
-// Wrapper for writing debug informations to the browser
-function debugOutput ($message) {
- outputHtml('<div class="debug_message">' . $message . '</div>');
// Is given userid valid?
function isValidUserId ($userid) {
// Do we have cache?
return $str;
-// "Fixes" an empty string into three dashes (use for templates)
-function fixEmptyContentToDashes ($str) {
- // Trim the string
- $str = trim($str);
- // Is the string empty?
- if (empty($str)) $str = '---';
- // Return string
- return $str;
// [EOF]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="hidden" name="template[$content[id]]" value="$content[mail_template]" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[mail_template]]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">
$content[cnt]. {--ENTRY_DELETE--}:
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[sel]]" value="$content[menu]" />
- <td colspan="2" class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td colspan="2" class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
$content[cnt]. {--ENTRY_MODIFY--}:
- <td align="right" class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="right" class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="sel[$content[sel]]" value="$content[menu]" class="admin_normal" size="30" maxlength="50" />
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<textarea name="sel_desc[$content[sel]]" class="admin_normal" rows="10" cols="30">$content[descr]</textarea>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center"><strong>$content[id]</strong>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center"><strong>$content[id]</strong>
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<select name="admin[$content[id]]" size="1" class="admin_select">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
<select name="mode[$content[id]]" size="1" class="admin_select">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" class="admin_normal" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="center">
<strong>{--MRECEIVE_ID--} $content[id]:</strong>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
$content[value] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[comment]%})
<input type="hidden" name="id[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" colspan="2" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" colspan="2" align="center">
<strong>{--MRECEIVE_ID--} $content[id]:</strong>
<input type="hidden" name="id[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">{--MREC_VALUE--}: </td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">{--MREC_VALUE--}: </td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="val[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[value]" size="3" maxlength="5" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">{--MREC_COMMENT--}: </td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">{--MREC_COMMENT--}: </td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="text" name="comm[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[comment]" size="25" maxlength="255" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[id]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[title]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[id]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[title]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" height="25">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" height="25">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" height="25">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" height="25">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="text" name="title[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[title]" size="20" maxlength="255" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="text" name="rate[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[rate]" size="5" maxlength="10" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="text" name="min_points[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[min_points]" size="5" maxlength="10" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
$content[rallye_id] <input type="hidden" claass="admin_normal" name="sel[$content[rallye_id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<select name="rallye_id[$content[rallye_id]]" size="1" class="admin_select">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="text" name="level[$content[rallye_id]]" class="admin_normal" size="5" maxlength="20" value="$content[price_level]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="text" name="points[$content[rallye_id]]" class="admin_normal" size="8" maxlength="20" value="$content[points]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="text" name="infos[$content[rallye_id]]" class="admin_normal" size="15" maxlength="255" value="$content[info]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[id]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[field_name]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[id]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[field_name]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[module]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[module]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
<input type="radio" name="mod[$content[module]]" class="admin_normal" value="Y"$content[y_default] /> {--YES--}<br />
<input type="radio" name="mod[$content[module]]" class="admin_normal" value="N"$content[n_default] /> {--NO--}
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
$content[id] <input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
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$content[account_fee] {?POINTS?}
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<strong>{--CATEGORY_ID--} $content[id]:</strong>
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_REQUEST_PARAMETER_DEFAULT--}:</td>
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_SHORT_NAME--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_DATA_SEPERATOR--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_DATA_SEPERATOR--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_REQUEST_TYPE--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_REQUEST_TYPE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_ROW_SEPERATOR--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_ROW_SEPERATOR--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_CHARSET--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_CHARSET--}:</td>
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$content[time] {--_SECONDS--} ($content[title])
<input type="hidden" name="id[$content[id]]" value="1" />
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<a href="$content[url]" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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<input type="password" name="pass2[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" size="10" maxlength="255" />
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<select name="mode[$content[id]]" size="1" class="admin_select">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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<textarea class="admin_normal" name="description[$content[id]]" rows="3" cols="30">$content[description]</textarea>
- <td width="33%" align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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<input type="text" name="account_fee[$content[id]]" size="5" maxlength="10" value="$content[account_fee]" />
<span class="tiny">({?POINTS?})</span>
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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<input type="text" name="transfer_fee[$content[id]]" size="5" maxlength="10" value="$content[transfer_fee]" />
<span class="tiny">({?POINTS?})</span>
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" valign="top" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
[output_system_mode] => EMAIL
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" valign="top" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
[package_active] => Y
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" valign="top" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="text" name="free_months_no_fee[$content[id]]" size="5" maxlength="10" value="$content[free_months_no_fee]" />
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" valign="top" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="text" name="interest_plus[$content[id]]" size="5" maxlength="10" value="$content[interest_plus]" />%
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" valign="top" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="text" name="interest_minus[$content[id]]" size="5" maxlength="10" value="$content[interest_minus]" />%
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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<span class="tiny">({?POINTS?})</span>
- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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- <td align="center" valign="top" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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({--EMAIL_SENDER--}: {%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}; {%pipe,getPaymentTitlePrice=$content[payment_id]%}; {%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%})
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-left:5px">{--ADMIN_NETWORK_CHARSET--}:</td>
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="time[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[time]" size="3" maxlength="5" />{--_SECONDS--}
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">{--PAY_PAYMENT--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">{--PAY_PRICE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="price[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[price]" size="5" maxlength="8" />
<span class="tiny">({?POINTS?})</span>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">{--PAY_TITLE--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">{--PAY_TITLE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="text" name="title[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[title]" size="25" maxlength="255" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="305" align="right">{--RALLYE_TITLE--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="265" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="305" align="right">{--RALLYE_TITLE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="265" align="center">
<input type="text" name="title[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" size="30" maxlength="255" value="$content[title]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_DESCR--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_DESCR--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="center">
<textarea name="descr[$content[id]]" cols="30" rows="6" class="admin_normal">$content[descr]</textarea>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">{--RALLYE_TEMPLATE--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="center">$content[templ]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">{--RALLYE_TEMPLATE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="center">$content[templ]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="200" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_START_DAY--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="290" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="200" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_START_DAY--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="290" align="center">
<div>$content[s_day]. $content[s_month]. $content[s_year]</div>
<div>$content[s_hour]: $content[s_min]: $content[s_sec]</div>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="200" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_END_DAY--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="290" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="200" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_END_DAY--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="290" align="center">
<div>$content[e_day]. $content[e_month]. $content[e_year]</div>
<div>$content[e_hour]: $content[e_min]: $content[e_sec]</div>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="305" align="right">{--RALLYE_MIN_USERS_MINI--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="265" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="305" align="right">{--RALLYE_MIN_USERS_MINI--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="265" align="center">
<input type="text" name="min_users[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" size="5" maxlength="20" value="$content[min_users]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="305" align="right">{--RALLYE_MIN_PRICES_MINI--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="265" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="305" align="right">{--RALLYE_MIN_PRICES_MINI--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="265" align="center">
<input type="text" name="min_prices[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" size="5" maxlength="20" value="$content[min_prices]" >
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
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<input type="hidden" name="url_userid[$content[url_id]]" value="$content[url_userid_raw]" />
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+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="url[$content[url_id]]" size="20" maxlength="255" value="$content[url]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="23%" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="23%" align="center">
{--EMAIL_SENDER--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[sender]%}</strong>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="23%" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="23%" align="center">
{--EMAIL_SUBJECT--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">{%pipe,encodeEntities=$content[subject]%}</strong>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" width="54%" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" width="54%" align="center">
{--EMAIL_TEXT--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">$content[text]</strong>
- <td colspan="2" align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{--EMAIL_PAYMENT--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">{%pipe,getPaymentTitlePrice,translateComma=$content[payment_id]%}</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
{--EMAIL_CATEGORY--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">{%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%}</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{--EMAIL_RECEIVERS--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">$content[sent]</strong> ({--EMAIL_RUIDS--}:
<strong class="admin_misc">{%pipe,convertReceivers=$content[receivers]%}</strong>)
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{--USERS_LINKS--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">$content[unconfirmed]</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
{--EMAIL_POOL_TYPE--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">{%pipe,translatePoolType=$content[data_type]%}</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{--EMAIL_TSEND--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">$content[target_send]</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{--EMAIL_URL--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc"><a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}"
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
{--EMAIL_TIMESTAMP--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">$content[timestamp]</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" colspan="2">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" colspan="2">
<div><strong class="admin_misc">$content[url]</strong></div>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
{--_UNUSED--}:<br />
<strong class="admin_misc">---</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom admin_del_link" colspan="3">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom admin_del_link" colspan="3">
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=del_email&mid=$content[id]%}">{--ADMIN_DELETE_NORMAL_MAIL--}</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" style="padding-left: 2px" width="30">$content[i].</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-left: 2px" width="30">$content[i].</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" rowspan="2">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center" rowspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" colspan="3" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="3" align="center">
Erweiterung nicht auffindbar!
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center"><strong>$content[id]</strong>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center"><strong>$content[id]</strong>
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" /></td>
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
$content[cnt]. {--ENTRY_DELETE--}:
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[sel]]" value="$content[menu]" />
- <td colspan="2" class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td colspan="2" class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
$content[cnt]. {--ENTRY_MODIFY--}:
- <td align="right" class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="right" class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">
- <td class="admin_edit switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="admin_edit {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="text" name="sel[$content[sel]]" value="$content[menu]" class="admin_normal" size="30" maxlength="50" />
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<a href="$content[email_link]">$content[login]</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<a href="mailto:$content[email]">$content[email]</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[surname]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[family]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[email]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[joined]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[notified]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[surname]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[family]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[email]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[joined]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[notified]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" class="admin_normal" name="id[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{%pipe,translateComma=$content[account_fee]%} {?POINTS?}
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]$content[cnt]$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_user&userid=$content[userid]%}">$content[userid]</a>$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[win1]<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[beg_points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]$content[cnt]$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_user&userid=$content[userid]%}">$content[userid]</a>$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[win1]<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[beg_points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]$content[cnt]$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[win1]<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>$content[win2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]$content[cnt]$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[win1]{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[win1]<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>$content[win2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]" width="30" align="right">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="30" align="right">
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%} left" width="50" align="center">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[surname]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[family]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[email]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">$content[remote_addr]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">$content[surname]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">$content[family]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">$content[email]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">$content[remote_addr]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top">
<a href="{%url=confirm.php?hash=$content[user_hash]%}" target="_blank">{--CONFIRMATION_LINK--}</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right"><strong>$content[id]</strong>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right"><strong>$content[id]</strong>
<input type="hidden" name="id[$content[id]]" value="1" />
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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<select name="is_active[$content[id]]" class="admin_select" size="1">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
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<td align="center" style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
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- <td class="switch_sw1" align="center">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
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<div class="pre">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
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+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ADMIN_IMPRINT_SELECT_ROW--} - $content[imprint_key]" name="id[$content[imprint_key]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-left:5px">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" colspan="4">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="4">
<span class="admin_failed large">$content[problem]:</span> $content[data]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[link]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[subject]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[cat]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[link]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[subject]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[cat]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[network_param_id]" class="admin_normal" name="sel[$content[network_param_id]]" value="1" />
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[network_type_id]" class="admin_normal" name="sel[$content[network_type_id]]" value="1" />
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[network_id]" class="admin_normal" name="sel[$content[network_id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
$content[network_short_name]:<br />
href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_network_types&network=$content[network_id]%}" title="{--ADMIN_NETWORK_LIST_TYPES_LINK_TITLE--}">T</a>|<a
href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_network_ARRAY_TRANSLATION&network=$content[network_id]%}" title="{--ADMIN_NETWORK_LIST_ARRAY_TRANSLATION_LINK_TITLE--}">RC</a>|<a
href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_network_error_codes&network=$content[network_id]%}" title="{--ADMIN_NETWORK_LIST_ERROR_CODES_LINK_TITLE--}">EC</a>]
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
[<a href="$content[network_reflink]" target="_blank" title="$content[network_title]">$content[network_title]</a>]
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
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+ <td align="center" width="5%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
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+ <td align="center" width="10%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[action]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" width="5%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[what]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" width="10%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[timestamp]</td>
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[payout_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[status]</td>
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+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[status]</td>
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[end]</td>
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+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,generateAdminLink=$content[admin_id]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[start]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[end]</td>
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+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" rowspan="5">$content[select]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_TITLE--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_DESCR2--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_ADMIN_ID--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_TSTART--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<strong>{--RALLYE_TEND--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_TEMPLATE2--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_AUTO_ADD--}:</strong><br />
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_rallyes&rallye=$content[id]&auto=$content[auto]%}" title="$content[auto_title]">{%pipe,translateYesNo=$content[auto_add_new_user]%}</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<strong>{--RALLYE_ACTIVE--}:</strong><br />
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_rallyes&rallye=$content[id]&activate=$content[active]%}" title="$content[active_title]">{%pipe,translateYesNo=$content[is_active]%}</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
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<strong>{--RALLYE_NOTIFY--}:</strong><br />
<a ref="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_rallyes&rallye=$content[id]&notify=$content[notify]%}" title="$content[notify_title]">{%pipe,translateYesNo=$content[send_notify]%}</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<strong>{--RALLYE_NOTIFIED--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" colspan="3">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" colspan="3">
<strong>{--RALLYE_ASSIGNED_PRICES--}:</strong><br />
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=config_rallye_prices&rallye=$content[id]%}">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[prices_cnt]%}</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" colspan="2">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="2">
<strong>{--RALLYE_ASSIGNED_USERS--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" colspan="3">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" colspan="3">
<strong>{--RALLYE_MIN_USERS_MINI--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" colspan="2">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="2">
<strong>{--RALLYE_MIN_PRICES_MINI--}:</strong><br />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="240" colspan="2"><strong>{--SURNAME_FAMILY--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" width="160"><strong>{--SPONSOR_POINTS_LEFT--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="100"><strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="240" colspan="2"><strong>{--SURNAME_FAMILY--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" width="160"><strong>{--SPONSOR_POINTS_LEFT--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="100">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="100">
[<strong><a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_sponsor&id=$content[id]%}" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_DETAILS_LINK_TITLE--}">$content[id]</a></strong>]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="240" colspan="2">
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<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" width="160">
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[<strong><a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=edit_sponsor&id=$content[id]&mode=add_points%}" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ADD_POINTS_LINK_TITLE--}">$content[points]</a></strong>]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="100">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="100">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="160"><strong>{--SPONSOR_CREATED--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="160"><strong>{--ADMIN_LAST_ONLINE--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" width="160"><strong>{--REMOTE_IP--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="160"><strong>{--SPONSOR_CREATED--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="160"><strong>{--ADMIN_LAST_ONLINE--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" width="160"><strong>{--REMOTE_IP--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="100">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="100">
[<strong><a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=lock_sponsor&id=$content[id]%}">{%pipe,sponsorTranslateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</a></strong>]
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+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="header_column bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="header_column bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[actions_id]" name="id[$content[actions_id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
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<a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=surfbar_stats&url_id=$content[url_id]%}">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[url_views_total]%}</a>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
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<a title="{--ADMIN_REGISTER_EXTENSION_TITLE--}" href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=extensions&reg_ext=$content[id]%}">{--ADMIN_REGISTER_EXTENSION--}</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<a href="{%url=mailid.php?userid=$content[userid]&$content[link]=$content[id]%}" target="_blank">{--CLICK_NOW--}</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[email]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[email]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" colspan="4">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="4">
- <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--_UID--}:</strong></td>
- <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--GENDER--}:</strong></td>
- <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--SURNAME--}:</strong></td>
- <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--FAMILY--}:</strong></td>
- <td width="20%" align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top"><strong>{--USER_NICKNAME--}:</strong></td>
+ <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--_UID--}:</strong></td>
+ <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--GENDER--}:</strong></td>
+ <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--SURNAME--}:</strong></td>
+ <td width="20%" align="center" class="right top {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--FAMILY--}:</strong></td>
+ <td width="20%" align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top"><strong>{--USER_NICKNAME--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[surname]</td>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[family]</td>
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[userid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">$content[surname]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">$content[family]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--EMAIL--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--REMOTE_IP--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--REF_UID--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--ACCOUNT_STATUS--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--UNCONFIRMED_LINKS--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--EMAIL--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--REMOTE_IP--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--REF_UID--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--ACCOUNT_STATUS--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--UNCONFIRMED_LINKS--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[email]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[REMOTE_ADDR]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[links]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[email]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[REMOTE_ADDR]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,generateUserProfileLink=$content[refid]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateUserStatus=$content[status]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[links]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--TOTAL_POINTS--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--MAILS_SENT--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--CLICK_RATE--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--POINTS_LOCKED--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--TOTAL_REFERALS--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--TOTAL_POINTS--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--MAILS_SENT--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--CLICK_RATE--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--POINTS_LOCKED--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--TOTAL_REFERALS--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[emails_sent]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[rate]%}%</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[locked]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[refs]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
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+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[rate]%}%</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[locked]%} {?POINTS?}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[refs]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--LOCK_REASON--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--LOCK_TIMESTAMP--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--_UNUSED--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--_UNUSED--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw]"><strong>{--_UNUSED--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--LOCK_REASON--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--LOCK_TIMESTAMP--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--_UNUSED--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--_UNUSED--}:</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}"><strong>{--_UNUSED--}:</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[lock_reason]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[lock_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">---</td>
- <td align="center" class="right switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">---</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">---</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[lock_reason]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[lock_timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">---</td>
+ <td align="center" class="right {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">---</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">---</td>
<td height="22" colspan="5" class="admin_title">{%pipe,generateMemberAdminActionLinks=$content[userid]%}</td>
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[wernis_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[wernis_amount]%}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[wernis_type] bottom right">$content[wernis_timestamp]</td>
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[wernis_type] bottom" align="center">$content[wernis_api_status]</td>
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} wernis_type_$content[wernis_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[wernis_amount]%}</td>
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[id]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[name]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[reload] {--_HOURS--}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[wait] {--_SECONDS--}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[remain]%}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[pay] €</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[id]</td>
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+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[reload] {--_HOURS--}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[wait] {--_SECONDS--}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[remain]%}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[pay] €</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[id]</td>
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- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[reload] {--_HOURS--}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[wait] {--_SECONDS--}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[remain]%}</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[pay] €</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center" style="padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[id]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[name]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[reload] {--_HOURS--}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[wait] {--_SECONDS--}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[remain]%}</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[pay] €</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center" style="padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px">
<form accept-charset="utf-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_yoomedia_tm%}" method="post">
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<input type="hidden" name="last_locked[$content[url_id]]" value="NOW()" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<a href="$content[url]" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
Bitte angeben:<br />
<textarea name="lock_reason[$content[url_id]]" rows="2" cols="15"></textarea>
- <td colspan="2" align="center" class="error fatal switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td colspan="2" align="center" class="error fatal {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=$content[mode]edit&sub=$content[action]%}">$content[action]</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td width="25%" align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[cnt].
+ <td width="25%" align="right" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[cnt].
- <td width="25%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td width="25%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
$content[menu] <input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[sel]]"
- <td width="25%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
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{--IS_VISIBLE--} $content[visible]</td>
- <td width="25%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td width="25%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
{--IS_LOCKED--} $content[locked]</td>
\ No newline at end of file
- <td colspan="2" class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td colspan="2" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
$content[cnt]. {--ENTRY_MODIFY--}:
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="right" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="sel[$content[sel]]" value="$content[menu]" class="admin_normal" size="30" maxlength="50" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
$content[mod] <input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="text" class="admin_normal" name="title[$content[id]]" size="20" maxlength="255" value="$content[title]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%} ($content[action])
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[title]%} (<span class="admin_misc">$content[module]</span>)
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[b1]$content[tpl]$content[b2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[b1]$content[rep]$content[b2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[b1]$content[opt]$content[b2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[b1]$content[sum]$content[b2]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[b1]$content[sav]$content[b2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[b1]$content[tpl]$content[b2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[b1]$content[rep]$content[b2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[b1]$content[opt]$content[b2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[b1]$content[sum]$content[b2]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[b1]$content[sav]$content[b2]</td>
-<div id="sql_row_$content[i]" class="sql_row switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+<div id="sql_row_$content[i]" class="sql_row {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
SQL-Abfrage: <span class="sql_data">{%pipe,secureString=$content[sql_str]%}</span>
(numRows=<span class="sql_data">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[num_rows]%}</span>,affected=<span class="sql_data">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[affected]%}</span>) |
Script: <span class="sql_data">$content[file]</span> |
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right left" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right left" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<a title="{--ADMIN_REGISTER_EXTENSION_TITLE--}" href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=extensions&reg_ext=$content[id]%}">{--ADMIN_REGISTER_EXTENSION--}</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right left" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right left" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td width="80%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td width="80%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<ul style="margin-left: 0px">
<li style="white-space: normal">{--ADMIN_TASK_SUBJECT--}: <strong>$content[subject]</strong></li>
<li style="white-space: normal">{--ADMIN_TASK_CREATED--}: <strong>$content[task_created]</strong></li>
- <td width="20%" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right" valign="top" style="padding-top: 40px">
+ <td width="20%" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right" valign="top" style="padding-top: 40px">
- <td align="right" class="admin_task_left switch_sw$content[row_sw] $content[bottom]">
+ <td align="right" class="admin_task_left {%template,ColorSwitch%} $content[bottom]">
- <td align="center" class="admin_task_right switch_sw$content[row_sw] $content[bottom]">
+ <td align="center" class="admin_task_right {%template,ColorSwitch%} $content[bottom]">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
$content[time] {--_SECONDS--}
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<strong>{--REF_LEVEL--} $content[level]:</strong>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
$content[percents]% <span class="tiny">({--ID_SELECT--} $content[id])</span>
<input type="hidden" name="id[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">{--REF_LEVEL--}: </td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="left">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">{--REF_LEVEL--}: </td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="left">
<input type="text" name="level[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[level]" size="3" maxlength="5" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">{--REF_PERCENT--}: </td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="left">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">{--REF_PERCENT--}: </td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="left">
<input type="text" name="perc[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[percents]" size="3" maxlength="5" />%
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right" width="200">{--ADMIN_EDIT_BANNER_URL--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="350">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right" width="200">{--ADMIN_EDIT_BANNER_URL--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" width="350">
<input type="hidden" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="url[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[url]" size="40" maxlength="255" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]" align="right">{--ADMIN_EDIT_ALTERNATE--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="right">{--ADMIN_EDIT_ALTERNATE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="text" name="alternate[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="$content[alt]" size="30" maxlength="255" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">{--ADMIN_SELECT_BANNER_ACTIVE--}:</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[vis]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">{--ADMIN_SELECT_BANNER_ACTIVE--}:</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[vis]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" colspan="2">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" colspan="2">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" name="sel[$content[id]]" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<img src="$content[url]" alt="$content[alt]" border="0" title="$content[alt]" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" colspan="2">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="2">
-<div class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2">
+<div class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom2">
Das Sprachpaket <span class="data">$content[file]</span> (Sprache:
<span class="data">$content[lang]</span>) wurde nicht gefunden.
-<div class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2">
+<div class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom2">
Das Sprachpaket <span class="data">$content[target]</span> hat genau so viele Einträge wie <span class="data">$content[source]</span>.
-<div class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2">
+<div class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom2">
Das Sprachpaket <span class="data">$content[target]</span> hat <span class="data">$content[diff_count]</span> Unterschiede zu <span class="data">$content[source]</span>:
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" name="sel[$content[id]]" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="active[$content[id]]" value="$content[theme_active]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<a href="{%pipe,generateDerefererUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank">$content[url]</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[unix]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[theme_name]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[unix]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[theme_name]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<a href="mailto:$content[theme_email]?Subject=[Theme:] $content[name] ($content[unix])">$content[theme_author]</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">
<a href="{%pipe,generateDerefererUrl=$content[theme_url]%}" target="_blank">$content[theme_url]</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">v$content[theme_ver]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">v$content[theme_ver]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="hidden" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="url_userid[content[url_id]]" value="$content[url_url_userid_raw]" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<a href="$content[url]" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]" align="center">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}" align="center">
<input type="radio" name="sel[$content[id]]" value="$content[url]" />
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[url]</td>
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">$content[url]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right" align="center">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="sel[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="sender[$content[id]]" value="$content[sender]" />
<input type="hidden" name="url[$content[id]]" value="$content[url]" />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right admin_misc" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right admin_misc">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right" align="center">
<a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right admin_misc" align="center">
<span class="admin_note" title="{%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%}">$content[cat_link]</span>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right admin_misc" align="center">
<span class="admin_note" title="{%pipe,getPaymentTitlePrice=$content[payment_id]%}">$content[pay_link]</span>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right admin_misc" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top right admin_misc" align="center">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] top admin_misc" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top admin_misc" align="center">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<input type="checkbox" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[id]" name="id[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<a href="$content[email]">{%pipe,translateGender=$content[gender]%} $content[surname] $content[family]</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<input type="checkbox" class="admin_normal" title="{--ID_SELECT--} $content[url_id]" name="url_id[$content[url_id]]" value="1" />
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td align="center" class="bottom right switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<a href="{%pipe,generateFrametesterUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank" title="{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}">{--ADMIN_TEST_URL--}</a>
- <td align="center" class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
- <td class="active_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid] ($content[nickname])</td>
- <td class="active_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
- <td class="active_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td class="active_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[userid] ($content[nickname])</td>
+ <td class="active_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
+ <td class="active_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td class="register_right switch_sw$content[sw]">$content[cat]</td>
+ <td class="register_right {%template,ColorSwitch%}">$content[cat]</td>
<td width="20" class="guest_normal switch_$content[sw]">
<input type="radio" class="guest_normal" name="cat[$content[id]]" value="Y"$content[def_y] />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="100">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center" width="100">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="160">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center" width="160">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center" width="160">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center" width="160">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[idx].</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[start].{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[userid]%}.$content[end]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[start].{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[ref]%}.$content[end]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[start].{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[infos]%}.$content[end]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[idx].</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[start].{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[userid]%}.$content[end]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[start].{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[ref]%}.$content[end]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[start].{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[infos]%}.$content[end]</td>
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="225">$content[title]: </td>
+ <td align="right" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="225">$content[title]: </td>
<td class="guest_title bottom" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px" width="225">
<div class="nobr"><strong>1 {?POINTS?}</strong> = <strong>$content[conv] $content[name]</strong></div>
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_COUNT--}:</td>
+ <td align="right" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_COUNT--}:</td>
<td class="guest_title bottom" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px" width="225">
<div class="nobr"><strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[pay_rate]%} {?POINTS?}</strong></div>
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_VALUE--}:</td>
+ <td align="right" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_VALUE--}:</td>
<td class="guest_title bottom" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px" width="225">
<div class="nobr"><strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[pay_min_count]%} $content[pay_currency]</strong></div>
- <td class="bottom switch_sw$content[sw]" height="50" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px">
+ <td class="bottom {%template,ColorSwitch%}" height="50" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px">
<input type="radio" name="pay_type" class="guest_normal" value="$content[id]" />
<div align="right">($content[pay_min_count] $content[pay_currency] = $content[res] {?POINTS?})</div>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] guest_stats_l bottom" colspan="3">$content[cat]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] guest_stats_r bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} guest_stats_l bottom" colspan="3">$content[cat]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} guest_stats_r bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="right" width="250">$content[title]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" width="50">$content[counter]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="right" width="250">$content[title]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" width="50">$content[counter]</td>
- <td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[index]</td>
- <td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[index]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row4 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[index]</td>
- <td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[index]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row4 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">---</td>
+ <td class="top10_row5 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">---</td>
- <td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
- <td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
- <td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[userid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row5 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
- <td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[total_logins]%}</td>
- <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
- <td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[userid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[total_logins]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row4 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row5 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
- <td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[refs]%}</td>
- <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
- <td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[userid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[refs]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row4 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row5 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[userid]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[userid]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="right">$content[cat]</td>
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="right">$content[cat]</td>
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center">
{--YES--} <input type="radio" name="cat[$content[id]]" class="member_normal" value="Y"$content[jy] />
{--NO--} <input type="radio" name="cat[$content[id]]" class="member_normal" value="N"$content[jn] />
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="100">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center" width="100">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="100">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center" width="100">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="160">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" align="center" width="160">
- <td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center" width="160">
+ <td class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" align="center" width="160">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[userid]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[userid]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[payout_total]%} $content[type]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[target_account]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[target_bank]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[payout_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[status]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[payout_total]%} $content[type]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[target_account]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">{%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[target_bank]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[payout_timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[status]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[primera_amount]%} Primera</td>
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- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[primera_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom">{%pipe,PRIMERA_TRANSFER_STATUS=$content[primera_type]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[primera_amount]%} Primera</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[primera_account]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[primera_timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom">{%pipe,PRIMERA_TRANSFER_STATUS=$content[primera_type]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
$content[refid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
$content[refid] ({%pipe,fixEmptyContentToDashes=$content[nickname]%})
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<form accept-charset="utf-8" action="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=refback%}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="$content[id]" />
<input type="submit" name="edit" class="member_submit" value="{--MEMBER_REFBACK_EDIT_SUBMIT--}" />
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
$content[refid] ($content[nickname])
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<form accept-charset="utf-8" style="paddin-bottom:0px">
<input type="button" name="edit" class="member_submit disabled" title="{--MEMBER_REFBACK_DELETED_TITLE--}"
disabled="disabled" value="{--MEMBER_REFBACK_DELETED_SUBMIT--}" />
- <td align="center" class="member_refbanner switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="member_refbanner {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<img src="$content[url]" alt="$content[alternate]" title="$content[alternate]" border="0" />
- <td align="center" class="member_refbanner switch_sw$content[sw]">
+ <td align="center" class="member_refbanner {%template,ColorSwitch%}">
<div class="pre"><a href="{?URL?}/click.php?user=$content[userid]&banner=$content[id]"
target="_blank"><img src="{?URL?}/view.php?user=$content[userid]&banner=$content[id]"
alt="$content[alternate]" title="$content[alternate]" border="0" /></a></div>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<a href="{%pipe,generateDerefererUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank" title="{--MEMBER_TEST_URL--}">{--MEMBER_SURFBAR_TEST_URL--}</a>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
- <td class="transfer_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="transfer_row1 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<div class="transfer_row1">$content[trans_id]</div>
- <td class="transfer_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="transfer_row2 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<div class="transfer_row2">$content[time]</div>
- <td class="transfer_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="transfer_row3 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<div class="transfer_row3">$content[party_userid]</div>
- <td class="transfer_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td class="transfer_row4 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
<div class="transfer_row4">$content[reason]</div>
- <td class="transfer_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">
+ <td class="transfer_row5 {%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">
<div class="transfer_row5">$content[points]</div>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top" colspan="5">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top" colspan="5">
<span class="member_failed large">$content[probl]:</span> $content[data]
\ No newline at end of file
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top" colspan="4">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} top" colspan="4">
<span class="member_failed large">$content[probl]:</span> $content[data]
\ No newline at end of file
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
[<a href="{%url=mailid.php?userid=$content[userid]&$content[type]=$content[data]%}" target="_blank" title="{--CONFIRM_LINK--}">$content[data]</a>]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
[<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=unconfirmed&$content[type]=$content[data]%}">{--EMAIL_DETAILS_LINK--}</a>]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[timestamp]</td>
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" style="padding-right:5px">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">$content[timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="right" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" style="padding-right:5px">
{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
[<a href="{%url=mailid.php?userid=$content[userid]&$content[type]=$content[data]%}"
target="_blank" title="{--CONFIRM_LINK--}">$content[data]</a>]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right">
[<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=unconfirmed&$content[type]=$content[data]%}">{--EMAIL_DETAILS_LINK--}</a>]
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom">$content[timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[wernis_amount]%} Wernis</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,bigintval=$content[wernis_account]%}</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[wernis_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom">{%pipe,translateWernisTransferStatus=$content[wernis_type]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[wernis_amount]%} Wernis</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,bigintval=$content[wernis_account]%}</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[wernis_timestamp]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} wernis_type_$content[raw_type] bottom">{%pipe,translateWernisTransferStatus=$content[wernis_type]%}</td>