#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include <Airports/simple.hxx>
+#include <sstream>
FGATCDialog *current_atcdialog;
// For the command manager - maybe eventually this should go in the built in command list
void FGATCDialog::FreqDisplay(string ident) {
- // Find the ATC stations within a reasonable range (about 40 miles?)
- //comm_list_type atc_stations;
- //comm_list_iterator atc_stat_itr;
- //double lon = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg");
- //double lat = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg");
- //double elev = fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft");
- /*
- // search stations in range
- int num_stat = current_commlist->FindByPos(lon, lat, elev, 40.0, &atc_stations);
- if (num_stat != 0) {
- } else {
- // Make up a message saying no things in range
- }
- */
//char defaultATCLabel[] = "Enter desired option to communicate with ATC:";
comm_list_type stations;
int found = current_commlist->FindByPos(a.longitude, a.latitude, a.elevation, 20.0, &stations);
if(found) {
+ ostringstream ostr;
comm_list_iterator itr = stations.begin();
while(itr != stations.end()) {
if((*itr).ident == ident) {
- switch((*itr).type) {
- case ATIS:
- freqs[n] = "ATIS - ";
- sprintf(buf, "%.2f", ((*itr).freq / 100.0)); // Convert from KHz to MHz
- // Hack alert!
- if(buf[5] == '3') buf[5] = '2';
- if(buf[5] == '8') buf[5] = '7';
- freqs[n] += buf;
- n++;
- //cout << "ATIS\n";
- break;
- case TOWER:
- freqs[n] = "TOWER - ";
- sprintf(buf, "%.2f", ((*itr).freq / 100.0)); // Convert from KHz to MHz
- // Hack alert!
- if(buf[5] == '3') buf[5] = '2';
- if(buf[5] == '8') buf[5] = '7';
- freqs[n] += buf;
- n++;
- //cout << "TOWER\n";
- break;
- case GROUND:
- freqs[n] = "GROUND - ";
- sprintf(buf, "%.2f", ((*itr).freq / 100.0)); // Convert from KHz to MHz
- // Hack alert!
- if(buf[5] == '3') buf[5] = '2';
- if(buf[5] == '8') buf[5] = '7';
- freqs[n] += buf;
- n++;
- //cout << "GROUND\n";
- break;
- case APPROACH:
- freqs[n] = "APPROACH - ";
- sprintf(buf, "%.2f", ((*itr).freq / 100.0)); // Convert from KHz to MHz
- // Hack alert!
- if(buf[5] == '3') buf[5] = '2';
- if(buf[5] == '8') buf[5] = '7';
- freqs[n] += buf;
- n++;
- //cout << "APPROACH\n";
- break;
- freqs[n] = "DEPARTURE - ";
- sprintf(buf, "%.2f", ((*itr).freq / 100.0)); // Convert from KHz to MHz
- // Hack alert!
- if(buf[5] == '3') buf[5] = '2';
- if(buf[5] == '8') buf[5] = '7';
- freqs[n] += buf;
- n++;
- //cout << "DEPARTURE\n";
- break;
- case ENROUTE: // not really associated with an airport possibly.
- freqs[n] = "ENROUTE - ";
+ if((*itr).type != INVALID) {
+ ostr << (*itr).type;
+ freqs[n] = ostr.str() + " - ";
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", ((*itr).freq / 100.0)); // Convert from KHz to MHz
// Hack alert!
if(buf[5] == '3') buf[5] = '2';
if(buf[5] == '8') buf[5] = '7';
freqs[n] += buf;
+ ostr.seekp(0);
- //cout << "ENROUTE\n";
- break;
- case INVALID: // need to include this to stop the compiler complaining.
- break;