+++ /dev/null
-/* Copyright 1988, Brown Computer Graphics Group. All Rights Reserved. */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public MAT3 include file
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ----------------------------- Constants ------------------------------ */
- * Make sure the math library .h file is included, in case it wasn't.
- */
-#ifndef HUGE
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define MAT3_DET0 -1 /* Indicates singular mat */
-#define MAT3_EPSILON 1e-12 /* Close enough to zero */
-#define MAT3_PI 3.141592653589793 /* Pi */
-/* ------------------------------ Types --------------------------------- */
-typedef double MAT3mat[4][4]; /* 4x4 matrix */
-typedef double MAT3vec[3]; /* Vector */
-typedef double MAT3hvec[4]; /* Vector with homogeneous coord */
-/* ------------------------------ Macros -------------------------------- */
-/* Tests if a number is within EPSILON of zero */
-#define MAT3_IS_ZERO(N) ((N) < MAT3_EPSILON && (N) > -MAT3_EPSILON)
-/* Sets a vector to the three given values */
-#define MAT3_SET_VEC(V,X,Y,Z) ((V)[0]=(X), (V)[1]=(Y), (V)[2]=(Z))
-/* Tests a vector for all components close to zero */
-#define MAT3_IS_ZERO_VEC(V) (MAT3_IS_ZERO((V)[0]) && \
- MAT3_IS_ZERO((V)[1]) && \
- MAT3_IS_ZERO((V)[2]))
-/* Dot product of two vectors */
-#define MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(V1,V2) \
- ((V1)[0]*(V2)[0] + (V1)[1]*(V2)[1] + (V1)[2]*(V2)[2])
-/* Copy one vector to other */
-#define MAT3_COPY_VEC(TO,FROM) ((TO)[0] = (FROM)[0], \
- (TO)[1] = (FROM)[1], \
- (TO)[2] = (FROM)[2])
-/* Normalize vector to unit length, using TEMP as temporary variable.
- * TEMP will be zero if vector has zero length */
- if ((TEMP = sqrt(MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(V,V))) > MAT3_EPSILON) { \
- TEMP = 1.0 / TEMP; \
- } else TEMP = 0.0
-/* Scale vector by given factor, storing result vector in RESULT_V */
- MAT3_SET_VEC(RESULT_V, (V)[0]*(SCALE), (V)[1]*(SCALE), (V)[2]*(SCALE))
-/* Adds vectors V1 and V2, storing result in RESULT_V */
-#define MAT3_ADD_VEC(RESULT_V,V1,V2) \
- MAT3_SET_VEC(RESULT_V, (V1)[0]+(V2)[0], (V1)[1]+(V2)[1], \
- (V1)[2]+(V2)[2])
-/* Subtracts vector V2 from V1, storing result in RESULT_V */
-#define MAT3_SUB_VEC(RESULT_V,V1,V2) \
- MAT3_SET_VEC(RESULT_V, (V1)[0]-(V2)[0], (V1)[1]-(V2)[1], \
- (V1)[2]-(V2)[2])
-/* Multiplies vectors V1 and V2, storing result in RESULT_V */
-#define MAT3_MULT_VEC(RESULT_V,V1,V2) \
- MAT3_SET_VEC(RESULT_V, (V1)[0]*(V2)[0], (V1)[1]*(V2)[1], \
- (V1)[2]*(V2)[2])
-/* Sets RESULT_V to the linear combination of V1 and V2, scaled by
- * SCALE1 and SCALE2, respectively */
- MAT3_SET_VEC(RESULT_V, (SCALE1)*(V1)[0] + (SCALE2)*(V2)[0], \
- (SCALE1)*(V1)[1] + (SCALE2)*(V2)[1], \
- (SCALE1)*(V1)[2] + (SCALE2)*(V2)[2])
-/* Several of the vector macros are useful for homogeneous-coord vectors */
-#define MAT3_SET_HVEC(V,X,Y,Z,W) ((V)[0]=(X), (V)[1]=(Y), \
- (V)[2]=(Z), (V)[3]=(W))
-#define MAT3_COPY_HVEC(TO,FROM) ((TO)[0] = (FROM)[0], \
- (TO)[1] = (FROM)[1], \
- (TO)[2] = (FROM)[2], \
- (TO)[3] = (FROM)[3])
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(RESULT_V, (V)[0]*(SCALE), (V)[1]*(SCALE), \
- (V)[2]*(SCALE), (V)[3]*(SCALE))
-#define MAT3_ADD_HVEC(RESULT_V,V1,V2) \
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(RESULT_V, (V1)[0]+(V2)[0], (V1)[1]+(V2)[1], \
- (V1)[2]+(V2)[2], (V1)[3]+(V2)[3])
-#define MAT3_SUB_HVEC(RESULT_V,V1,V2) \
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(RESULT_V, (V1)[0]-(V2)[0], (V1)[1]-(V2)[1], \
- (V1)[2]-(V2)[2], (V1)[3]-(V2)[3])
-#define MAT3_MULT_HVEC(RESULT_V,V1,V2) \
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(RESULT_V, (V1)[0]*(V2)[0], (V1)[1]*(V2)[1], \
- (V1)[2]*(V2)[2], (V1)[3]*(V2)[3])
-/* ------------------------------ Entries ------------------------------- */
-/* In MAT3geom.c */
-void MAT3direction_matrix (MAT3mat result_mat, MAT3mat mat);
-int MAT3normal_matrix (MAT3mat result_mat, MAT3mat mat);
-void MAT3rotate (MAT3mat result_mat, MAT3vec axis, double angle_in_radians);
-void MAT3translate (MAT3mat result_mat, MAT3vec trans);
-void MAT3scale (MAT3mat result_mat, MAT3vec scale);
-void MAT3shear(MAT3mat result_mat, double xshear, double yshear);
-/* In MAT3mat.c */
-void MAT3identity(MAT3mat);
-void MAT3zero(MAT3mat);
-void MAT3copy (MAT3mat to, MAT3mat from);
-void MAT3mult (MAT3mat result, MAT3mat, MAT3mat);
-void MAT3transpose (MAT3mat result, MAT3mat);
-int MAT3invert (MAT3mat result, MAT3mat);
-void MAT3print (MAT3mat, FILE *fp);
-void MAT3print_formatted (MAT3mat, FILE *fp,
- char *title, char *head, char *format, char *tail);
-extern int MAT3equal();
-extern double MAT3trace();
-extern int MAT3power();
-extern int MAT3column_reduce();
-extern int MAT3kernel_basis();
-/* In MAT3vec.c */
-void MAT3mult_vec(MAT3vec result_vec, MAT3vec vec, MAT3mat mat);
-int MAT3mult_hvec (MAT3hvec result_vec, MAT3hvec vec, MAT3mat mat, int normalize);
-void MAT3cross_product(MAT3vec result,MAT3vec,MAT3vec);
-void MAT3perp_vec(MAT3vec result_vec, MAT3vec vec, int is_unit);