application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/footer.ctp -text
application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/footer_msg.ctp -text
application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/header.ctp -text
+application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/header_extras_hook.ctp -text
application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/home.ctp -text
application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/login_failed.ctp -text
application/ship-simu/templates/de/code/login_form.ctp -text
* @param $requestInstance An instance of a class with an Requestable interface
* @param $responseInstance An instance of a class with an Responseable interface
* @return void
- * @todo 0% done
public function execute (Requestable $requestInstance, Responseable $responseInstance) {
// Execute the parent execute method
parent::execute($requestInstance, $responseInstance);
- // Implement this!
- $requestInstance->debugInstance();
- $this->partialStub("Please implement this method.");
+ // Day of birth set?
+ if (!$requestInstance->isRequestElementSet('birth_day')) {
+ // Day of birth isn't set
+ $requestInstance->requestIsValid(false);
+ // Add a message to the response
+ $responseInstance->addFatalMessage('day_of_birth_unset');
+ } // END - if
+ // Month of birth set?
+ if (!$requestInstance->isRequestElementSet('birth_month')) {
+ // Month of birth isn't set
+ $requestInstance->requestIsValid(false);
+ // Add a message to the response
+ $responseInstance->addFatalMessage('month_of_birth_unset');
+ } // END - if
+ // Year of birth set?
+ if (!$requestInstance->isRequestElementSet('birth_year')) {
+ // Year of birth isn't set
+ $requestInstance->requestIsValid(false);
+ // Add a message to the response
+ $responseInstance->addFatalMessage('year_of_birth_unset');
+ } // END - if
+ // Is the request still valid?
+ if (!$requestInstance->isRequestValid()) {
+ // Abort here
+ throw new FilterChainException($this, self::EXCEPTION_FILTER_CHAIN_INTERCEPTED);
+ } // END - if
+ // Now comes the final check
+ $birthCheck = mktime(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ $requestInstance->getRequestElement('birth_day'),
+ $requestInstance->getRequestElement('birth_month'),
+ $requestInstance->getRequestElement('birth_year')
+ );
+ // Is there a number or such? (we don't care about the value itself here)
+ if (empty($birthCheck)) {
+ // Validation has failed
+ $requestInstance->requestIsValid(false);
+ // Add a message to the response
+ $responseInstance->addFatalMessage('birthday_invalid');
+ // Abort here
+ throw new FilterChainException($this, self::EXCEPTION_FILTER_CHAIN_INTERCEPTED);
+ } // END - if