if (!empty($this->context->conversation)) {
$xs->element('link', array('rel' => ActivityContext::CONVERSATION,
'href' => $this->context->conversation));
+ $xs->element(ActivityContext::CONVERSATION, null, $this->context->conversation);
+ /* Since we use XMLWriter we just use the previously hardcoded prefix for ostatus,
+ otherwise we should use something like this:
+ $xs->elementNS(array(ActivityContext::OSTATUS => 'ostatus'), // namespace
+ 'conversation', // tag (or the element name from ActivityContext::CONVERSATION)
+ null, // attributes
+ $this->context->conversation); // content
+ */
foreach ($this->context->attention as $attnURI=>$type) {
const INREPLYTO = 'in-reply-to';
const REF = 'ref';
const HREF = 'href';
+ // OStatus element names with prefixes
const OBJECTTYPE = 'ostatus:object-type'; // FIXME: Undocumented!
+ const CONVERSATION = 'ostatus:conversation';
const POINT = 'point';
const MENTIONED = 'mentioned';
- const CONVERSATION = 'ostatus:conversation';
const ATTN_PUBLIC = 'http://activityschema.org/collection/public';
$this->location = $this->getLocation($element);
- $this->conversation = ActivityUtils::getLink($element, self::CONVERSATION);
+ $convs = $element->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::OSTATUS, self::CONVERSATION);
+ foreach ($convs as $conv) {
+ $this->conversation = $conv->textContent;
+ }
+ if (empty($this->conversation)) {
+ // fallback to the atom:link rel="ostatus:conversation" element
+ $this->conversation = ActivityUtils::getLink($element, self::CONVERSATION);
+ }
// Multiple attention links allowed