return true;
+static int
+fgOptLanguage( const char *arg )
+ globals->set_locale( fgInitLocale( arg ) );
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptLon( const char *arg )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", parse_degree( arg ));
+ fgSetDouble("/position/longitude-deg", parse_degree( arg ));
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/airport-id", "");
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptLat( const char *arg )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", parse_degree( arg ));
+ fgSetDouble("/position/latitude-deg", parse_degree( arg ));
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/airport-id", "");
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptAltitude( const char *arg )
+ fgSetBool("/sim/presets/onground", false);
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", atof( arg ));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft",
+ atof( arg ) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptUBody( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "UVW");
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/uBody-fps", atof( arg ));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/uBody-fps",
+ atof( arg ) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptVBody( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "UVW");
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/vBody-fps", atof( arg ));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/vBody-fps",
+ atof( arg ) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptWBody( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "UVW");
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/wBody-fps", atof(arg));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/wBody-fps",
+ atof(arg) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptVNorth( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "NED");
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-north-fps", atof( arg ));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-north-fps",
+ atof( arg ) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptVEast( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "NED");
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-east-fps", atof(arg));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-east-fps",
+ atof(arg) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptVDown( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "NED");
+ if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-down-fps", atof(arg));
+ else
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/speed-down-fps",
+ atof(arg) * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptVc( const char *arg )
+ // fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "knots");
+ // fgSetDouble("/velocities/airspeed-kt", atof(arg.substr(5)));
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "knots");
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/airspeed-kt", atof(arg));
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptMach( const char *arg )
+ fgSetString("/sim/presets/speed-set", "mach");
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/mach", atof(arg));
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptRoc( const char *arg )
+ fgSetDouble("/velocities/vertical-speed-fps", atof(arg)/60);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptFgRoot( const char *arg )
+ globals->set_fg_root(arg);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptFgScenery( const char *arg )
+ globals->set_fg_scenery(arg);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptFov( const char *arg )
+ parse_fov( arg );
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptGeometry( const char *arg )
+ bool geometry_ok = true;
+ int xsize = 0, ysize = 0;
+ string geometry = arg;
+ string::size_type i = geometry.find('x');
+ if (i != string::npos) {
+ xsize = atoi(geometry.substr(0, i));
+ ysize = atoi(geometry.substr(i+1));
+ } else {
+ geometry_ok = false;
+ }
+ if ( xsize <= 0 || ysize <= 0 ) {
+ xsize = 640;
+ ysize = 480;
+ geometry_ok = false;
+ }
+ if ( !geometry_ok ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unknown geometry: " << geometry );
+ "Setting geometry to " << xsize << 'x' << ysize << '\n');
+ } else {
+ "Setting geometry to " << xsize << 'x' << ysize << '\n');
+ fgSetInt("/sim/startup/xsize", xsize);
+ fgSetInt("/sim/startup/ysize", ysize);
+ }
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptBpp( const char *arg )
+ string bits_per_pix = arg;
+ if ( bits_per_pix == "16" ) {
+ fgSetInt("/sim/rendering/bits-per-pixel", 16);
+ } else if ( bits_per_pix == "24" ) {
+ fgSetInt("/sim/rendering/bits-per-pixel", 24);
+ } else if ( bits_per_pix == "32" ) {
+ fgSetInt("/sim/rendering/bits-per-pixel", 32);
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unsupported bpp " << bits_per_pix);
+ }
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptTimeOffset( const char *arg )
+ fgSetInt("/sim/startup/time-offset",
+ parse_time_offset( arg ));
+ fgSetString("/sim/startup/time-offset-type", "system-offset");
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptStartDateSys( const char *arg )
+ fgSetInt("/sim/startup/time-offset", parse_date( arg ) );
+ fgSetString("/sim/startup/time-offset-type", "system");
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptStartDateLat( const char *arg )
+ fgSetInt("/sim/startup/time-offset", parse_date( arg ) );
+ fgSetString("/sim/startup/time-offset-type", "latitude");
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptStartDateGmt( const char *arg )
+ fgSetInt("/sim/startup/time-offset", parse_date( arg ) );
+ fgSetString("/sim/startup/time-offset-type", "gmt");
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptNetHud( const char *arg )
+ fgSetBool("/sim/hud/net-display", true);
+ net_hud_display = 1; // FIXME
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptTraceRead( const char *arg )
+ string name = arg;
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Tracing reads for property " << name);
+ fgGetNode(name.c_str(), true)
+ ->setAttribute(SGPropertyNode::TRACE_READ, true);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptTraceWrite( const char *arg )
+ string name = arg;
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Tracing writes for property " << name);
+ fgGetNode(name.c_str(), true)
+ ->setAttribute(SGPropertyNode::TRACE_WRITE, true);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptViewOffset( const char *arg )
+ // $$$ begin - added VS Renganathan, 14 Oct 2K
+ // for multi-window outside window imagery
+ string woffset = arg;
+ double default_view_offset = 0.0;
+ if ( woffset == "LEFT" ) {
+ default_view_offset = SGD_PI * 0.25;
+ } else if ( woffset == "RIGHT" ) {
+ default_view_offset = SGD_PI * 1.75;
+ } else if ( woffset == "CENTER" ) {
+ default_view_offset = 0.00;
+ } else {
+ default_view_offset = atof( woffset.c_str() ) * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+ }
+ /* apparently not used (CLO, 11 Jun 2002)
+ FGViewer *pilot_view =
+ (FGViewer *)globals->get_viewmgr()->get_view( 0 ); */
+ // this will work without calls to the viewer...
+ fgSetDouble( "/sim/current-view/heading-offset-deg",
+ default_view_offset * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES );
+ // $$$ end - added VS Renganathan, 14 Oct 2K
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptVisibilityMiles( const char *arg )
+ double visibility = atof( arg ) * 5280.0 * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/visibility-m", visibility);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptRandomWind( const char *arg )
+ double min_hdg = sg_random() * 360.0;
+ double max_hdg = min_hdg + (20 - sqrt(sg_random() * 400));
+ double speed = 40 - sqrt(sg_random() * 1600.0);
+ double gust = speed + (10 - sqrt(sg_random() * 100));
+ setup_wind(min_hdg, max_hdg, speed, gust);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptWind( const char *arg )
+ double min_hdg, max_hdg, speed, gust;
+ if (!parse_wind( arg, &min_hdg, &max_hdg, &speed, &gust)) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "bad wind value " << arg );
+ }
+ setup_wind(min_hdg, max_hdg, speed, gust);
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptWp( const char *arg )
+ parse_wp( arg );
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptFlightPlan( const char *arg )
+ parse_flightplan ( arg );
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static int
+fgOptConfig( const char *arg )
+ string file = arg;
+ try {
+ readProperties(file, globals->get_props());
+ } catch (const sg_exception &e) {
+ string message = "Error loading config file: ";
+ message += e.getFormattedMessage();
+ SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, message);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ return FG_OPTIONS_OK;
+static map<string,size_t> fgOptionMap;
+struct OptionDesc {
+ char *option;
+ bool has_param;
+ enum OptionType type;
+ char *property;
+ bool b_param;
+ char *s_param;
+ int (*func)( const char * );
+ } fgOptionArray[] = {
+ {"language", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptLanguage },
+ {"disable-game-mode", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/game-mode", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-game-mode", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/game-mode", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-splash-screen", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/splash-screen", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-splash-screen", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/splash-screen", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-intro-music", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/intro-music", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-intro-music", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/intro-music", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-mouse-pointer", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/mouse-pointer", false, "disabled", 0 },
+ {"enable-mouse-pointer", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/mouse-pointer", false, "enabled", 0 },
+ {"disable-random-objects", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/random-objects", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-random-objects", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/random-objects", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-freeze", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/freeze/master", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-freeze", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/freeze/master", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-fuel-freeze", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/freeze/fuel", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-fuel-freeze", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/freeze/fuel", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-clock-freeze", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/freeze/clock", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-clock-freeze", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/freeze/clock", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-anti-alias-hud", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/hud/antialiased", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-anti-alias-hud", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/hud/antialiased", true, "", 0 },
+ {"control", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/control-mode", false, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-auto-coordination", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/auto-coordination", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-auto-coordination", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/auto-coordination", true, "", 0 },
+ {"browser-app", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/browser-app", false, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-hud", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/hud/visibility", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-hud", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/hud/visibility", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-panel", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/panel/visibility", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-panel", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/panel/visibility", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-sound", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/sound/audible", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-sound", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/sound/audible", true, "", 0 },
+ {"airport", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/presets/airport-id", false, "", 0 },
+ {"airport-id", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/presets/airport-id", false, "", 0 },
+ {"runway", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/presets/runway", false, "", 0 },
+ {"offset-distance", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/sim/presets/offset-distance", false, "", 0 },
+ {"offset-azimuth", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/sim/presets/offset-azimuth", false, "", 0 },
+ {"lon", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptLon },
+ {"lat", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptLat },
+ {"altitude", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptAltitude },
+ {"uBody", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptUBody },
+ {"vBody", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptVBody },
+ {"wBody", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptWBody },
+ {"vNorth", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptVNorth },
+ {"vEast", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptVEast },
+ {"vDown", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptVDown },
+ {"vc", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptVc },
+ {"mach", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptMach },
+ {"heading", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/sim/presets/heading-deg", false, "", 0 },
+ {"roll", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/sim/presets/roll-deg", false, "", 0 },
+ {"pitch", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/sim/presets/pitch-deg", false, "", 0 },
+ {"glideslope", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", false, "", 0 },
+ {"roc", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptRoc },
+ {"fg-root", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptFgRoot },
+ {"fg-scenery", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptFgScenery },
+ {"fdm", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/flight-model", false, "", 0 },
+ {"aero", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/aero", false, "", 0 },
+ {"aircraft-dir", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/aircraft-dir", false, "", 0 },
+ {"model-hz", true, OPTION_INT, "/sim/model-hz", false, "", 0 },
+ {"speed", true, OPTION_INT, "/sim/speed-up", false, "", 0 },
+ {"trim", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/presets/trim", true, "", 0 },
+ {"notrim", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/presets/trim", false, "", 0 },
+ {"on-ground", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/presets/onground", true, "", 0 },
+ {"in-air", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/presets/onground", false, "", 0 },
+ {"fog-disable", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/rendering/fog", false, "disabled", 0 },
+ {"fog-fastest", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/rendering/fog", false, "fastest", 0 },
+ {"fog-nicest", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/fog", false, "nicest", 0 },
+ {"disable-distance-attenuation", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/environment/distance-attenuation", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-distance-attenuation", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/environment/distance-attenuation", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-clouds", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/environment/clouds/status", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-clouds", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/environment/clouds/status", true, "", 0 },
+#ifdef FG_USE_CLOUDS_3D
+ {"disable-clouds3d", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/clouds3d", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-clouds3d", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/clouds3d", true, "", 0 },
+ {"fov", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptFov },
+ {"disable-fullscreen", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/fullscreen", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-fullscreen", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/startup/fullscreen", true, "", 0 },
+ {"shading-flat", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/shading", false, "", 0 },
+ {"shading-smooth", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/shading", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-skyblend", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/skyblend", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-skyblend", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/skyblend", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-textures", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/textures", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-textures", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/textures", true, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-wireframe", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/wireframe", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-wireframe", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/rendering/wireframe", true, "", 0 },
+ {"geometry", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptGeometry },
+ {"bpp", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptBpp },
+ {"units-feet", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/units", false, "feet", 0 },
+ {"units-meters", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/units", false, "meters", 0 },
+ {"time-offset", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptTimeOffset },
+ {"time-match-real", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/time-offset-type", false, "system-offset", 0 },
+ {"time-match-local", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/startup/time-offset-type", false, "latitude-offset", 0 },
+ {"start-date-sys", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptStartDateSys },
+ {"start-date-lat", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptStartDateLat },
+ {"start-date-gmt", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptStartDateGmt },
+ {"hud-tris", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/hud/frame-stat-type", false, "tris", 0 },
+ {"hud-culled", false, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/hud/frame-stat-type", false, "culled", 0 },
+ {"atc610x", false, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "dummy", 0 },
+ {"atlas", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"httpd", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"jpg-httpd", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"native", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"native-ctrls", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"native-fdm", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"native-gui", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"opengc", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"garmin", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"nmea", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"props", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"telnet", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"pve", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"ray", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"rul", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"joyclient", true, OPTION_CHANNEL, "", false, "", 0 },
+ {"disable-network-olk", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/networking/olk", false, "", 0 },
+ {"enable-network-olk", false, OPTION_BOOL, "/sim/networking/olk", true, "", 0 },
+ {"net-hud", false, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptNetHud },
+ {"net-id", true, OPTION_STRING, "sim/networking/call-sign", false, "", 0 },
+ {"trace-read", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptTraceRead },
+ {"trace-write", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptTraceWrite },
+ {"view-offset", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptViewOffset },
+ {"visibility", true, OPTION_DOUBLE, "/environment/visibility-m", false, "", 0 },
+ {"visibility-miles", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptVisibilityMiles },
+ {"random-wind", false, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptRandomWind },
+ {"wind", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptWind },
+ {"wp", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptWp },
+ {"flight-plan", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptFlightPlan },
+ {"config", true, OPTION_FUNC, "", false, "", fgOptConfig },
+ {"aircraft", true, OPTION_STRING, "/sim/aircraft", false, "", 0 },
+ {0}
// Parse a single option
static int
parse_option (const string& arg)
+ if ( fgOptionMap.size() == 0 ) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ OptionDesc *pt = &fgOptionArray[ 0 ];
+ while ( pt->option != 0 ) {
+ fgOptionMap[ pt->option ] = i;
+ i += 1;
+ pt += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // General Options
+ if ( (arg == "--help") || (arg == "-h") ) {
+ // help/usage request
+ return(FG_OPTIONS_HELP);
+ } else if ( (arg == "--verbose") || (arg == "-v") ) {
+ // verbose help/usage request
+ } else if ( arg.find( "--show-aircraft") == 0) {
+ } else if ( arg.find( "--prop:" ) == 0 ) {
+ string assign = arg.substr(7);
+ string::size_type pos = assign.find('=');
+ if ( pos == arg.npos || pos == 0 ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Bad property assignment: " << arg );
+ }
+ string name = assign.substr(0, pos);
+ string value = assign.substr(pos + 1);
+ fgSetString(name.c_str(), value.c_str());
+ // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Setting default value of property "
+ // << name << " to \"" << value << '"');
+ } else if ( arg.find( "--" ) == 0 ) {
+ size_t pos = arg.find( '=' );
+ string arg_name;
+ if ( pos == string::npos ) {
+ arg_name = arg.substr( 2 );
+ } else {
+ arg_name = arg.substr( 2, pos - 2 );
+ }
+ map<string,size_t>::iterator it = fgOptionMap.find( arg_name );
+ if ( it != fgOptionMap.end() ) {
+ OptionDesc *pt = &fgOptionArray[ it->second ];
+ switch ( pt->type ) {
+ fgSetBool( pt->property, pt->b_param );
+ break;
+ if ( pt->has_param && pos != string::npos ) {
+ fgSetString( pt->property, arg.substr( pos + 1 ).c_str() );
+ } else if ( !pt->has_param && pos == string::npos ) {
+ fgSetString( pt->property, pt->s_param );
+ } else if ( pt->has_param ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' needs a parameter" );
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' does not have a parameter" );
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( pos != string::npos ) {
+ fgSetDouble( pt->property, atof( arg.substr( pos + 1 ) ) );
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' needs a parameter" );
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPTION_INT:
+ if ( pos != string::npos ) {
+ fgSetInt( pt->property, atoi( arg.substr( pos + 1 ) ) );
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' needs a parameter" );
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( pt->has_param && pos != string::npos ) {
+ add_channel( pt->option, arg.substr( pos + 1 ) );
+ } else if ( !pt->has_param && pos == string::npos ) {
+ add_channel( pt->option, pt->s_param );
+ } else if ( pt->has_param ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' needs a parameter" );
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' does not have a parameter" );
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( pt->has_param && pos != string::npos ) {
+ pt->func( arg.substr( pos + 1 ).c_str() );
+ } else if ( !pt->has_param && pos == string::npos ) {
+ pt->func( 0 );
+ } else if ( pt->has_param ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' needs a parameter" );
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Option '" << arg << "' does not have a parameter" );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unknown option '" << arg << "'" );
+ }
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unknown option '" << arg << "'" );
+ }
// General Options
if ( (arg == "--help") || (arg == "-h") ) {
// help/usage request
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unknown option '" << arg << "'" );