Set current storage backend
name storage backend to use. see "list".
- bin/console storage move [table]
+ bin/console storage move [table] [-n 5000]
Move stored data to current storage backend.
table one of "photo" or "attach". default to both
+ -n limit of processed entry batch size
return $help;
$current = StorageManager::getBackend();
- $r = StorageManager::move($current, $tables);
- $this->out(sprintf('Moved %d files', $r));
+ $total = 0;
+ do {
+ $moved = StorageManager::move($current, $tables, $this->getOption('n', 5000));
+ if ($moved) {
+ $this->out(date('[Y-m-d H:i:s] ') . sprintf('Moved %d files', $moved));
+ }
+ $total += $moved;
+ } while ($moved);
+ $this->out(sprintf(date('[Y-m-d H:i:s] ') . 'Moved %d files total', $total));