#include <Cockpit/panel.hxx>
#include <Debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <Include/fg_constants.h>
-#include <Math/mat3.h>
#include <Math/point3d.hxx>
#include <Math/polar3d.hxx>
#include <Math/vector.hxx>
// This never changes -- NHV
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[0][0] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[0][1] = 1.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[0][2] = -0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[0][3] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[1][0] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[1][1] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[1][2] = 1.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[1][3] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[0][0] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[0][1] = 1.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[0][2] = -0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[0][3] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[1][0] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[1][1] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[1][2] = 1.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[1][3] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[2][0] = 1.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[2][1] = -0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[2][2] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[2][3] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[2][0] = 1.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[2][1] = -0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[2][2] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[2][3] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[3][0] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[3][1] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[3][2] = 0.0;
- sgLARC_TO_SSG[3][3] = 1.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[3][0] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[3][1] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[3][2] = 0.0;
+ LARC_TO_SSG[3][3] = 1.0;
// convert sgMat4 to MAT3 and print
static void print_sgMat4( sgMat4 &in) {
- MAT3mat print;
- int i;
- int j;
+ int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
- print[i][j] = in[i][j];
+ printf("%10.4f ", in[i][j]);
+ cout << endl;
- MAT3print( print, stdout);
-// convert convert MAT3 to sgMat4
-static void MAT3mat_To_sgMat4( MAT3mat &in, sgMat4 &out ) {
- out[0][0] = in[0][0];
- out[0][1] = in[0][1];
- out[0][2] = in[0][2];
- out[0][3] = in[0][3];
- out[1][0] = in[1][0];
- out[1][1] = in[1][1];
- out[1][2] = in[1][2];
- out[1][3] = in[1][3];
- out[2][0] = in[2][0];
- out[2][1] = in[2][1];
- out[2][2] = in[2][2];
- out[2][3] = in[2][3];
- out[3][0] = in[3][0];
- out[3][1] = in[3][1];
- out[3][2] = in[3][2];
- out[3][3] = in[3][3];
// Update the view parameters
void FGView::UpdateViewMath( const FGInterface& f ) {
Point3D p;
- sgVec3 v0, minus_z;
- MAT3vec vec, forward;
- sgMat4 sgTMP;
+ sgVec3 v0, minus_z, sgvec, forward;
+ sgMat4 VIEWo, TMP;
if ( update_fov ) {
ssgSetFOV( current_options.get_fov(),
// Psi (roll, pitch, yaw) in case we aren't running LaRCsim as our
// flight model
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- MAT3rotate(R, vec, f.get_Phi());
- // cout << "Roll matrix" << endl;
- // MAT3print(R, stdout);
- sgVec3 sgrollvec;
- sgSetVec3( sgrollvec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
- sgMat4 sgPHI; // roll
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgPHI, f.get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG, sgrollvec );
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- MAT3rotate(TMP, vec, f.get_Theta());
- // cout << "Pitch matrix" << endl;;
- // MAT3print(TMP, stdout);
- MAT3mult(R, R, TMP);
- // cout << "tmp rotation matrix, R:" << endl;;
- // MAT3print(R, stdout);
- sgVec3 sgpitchvec;
- sgSetVec3( sgpitchvec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
- sgMat4 sgTHETA; // pitch
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgTHETA, f.get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG,
- sgpitchvec );
- sgMat4 sgROT;
- sgMultMat4( sgROT, sgPHI, sgTHETA );
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- MAT3rotate(TMP, vec, -f.get_Psi());
- // cout << "Yaw matrix" << endl;
- // MAT3print(TMP, stdout);
- MAT3mult(LOCAL, R, TMP);
- // cout << "LOCAL matrix:" << endl;
- // MAT3print(LOCAL, stdout);
- sgVec3 sgyawvec;
- sgSetVec3( sgyawvec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- sgMat4 sgPSI; // pitch
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgPSI, -f.get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG, sgyawvec );
- sgMultMat4( sgLOCAL, sgROT, sgPSI );
- // cout << "sgLOCAL matrix" << endl;
- // print_sgMat4( sgLOCAL );
+ sgVec3 rollvec;
+ sgSetVec3( rollvec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgMat4 PHI; // roll
+ sgMakeRotMat4( PHI, f.get_Phi() * RAD_TO_DEG, rollvec );
+ sgVec3 pitchvec;
+ sgSetVec3( pitchvec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ sgMat4 THETA; // pitch
+ sgMakeRotMat4( THETA, f.get_Theta() * RAD_TO_DEG, pitchvec );
+ sgMat4 ROT;
+ sgMultMat4( ROT, PHI, THETA );
+ sgVec3 yawvec;
+ sgSetVec3( yawvec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ sgMat4 PSI; // pitch
+ sgMakeRotMat4( PSI, -f.get_Psi() * RAD_TO_DEG, yawvec );
+ sgMultMat4( LOCAL, ROT, PSI );
+ // cout << "LOCAL matrix" << endl;
+ // print_sgMat4( LOCAL );
- // Derive the local UP transformation matrix based on *geodetic*
- // coordinates
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- MAT3rotate(R, vec, f.get_Longitude()); // R = rotate about Z axis
- // printf("Longitude matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(R, stdout);
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- MAT3mult_vec(vec, vec, R);
- MAT3rotate(TMP, vec, -f.get_Latitude()); // TMP = rotate about X axis
- // printf("Latitude matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(TMP, stdout);
- MAT3mult(UP, R, TMP);
- // cout << "Local up matrix" << endl;;
- // MAT3print(UP, stdout);
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgUP,
+ sgMakeRotMat4( UP,
f.get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG,
-f.get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG );
- /*
- cout << "FG derived UP matrix using sg routines" << endl;
- MAT3mat print;
- int i;
- int j;
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
- for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
- print[i][j] = sgUP[i][j];
- }
- }
- MAT3print( print, stdout);
- */
sgSetVec3( local_up, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- sgXformVec3( local_up, sgUP );
+ sgXformVec3( local_up, UP );
// cout << "Local Up = " << local_up[0] << "," << local_up[1] << ","
// << local_up[2] << endl;
// printf( " Alt Up = (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)\n",
// alt_up.x, alt_up.y, alt_up.z);
- // Calculate the VIEW matrix
- MAT3mult(VIEW, LOCAL, UP);
- // cout << "VIEW matrix" << endl;;
- // MAT3print(VIEW, stdout);
- sgMat4 sgTMP2;
- sgMultMat4( sgTMP, sgLOCAL, sgUP );
+ sgMat4 TMP2;
+ sgMultMat4( VIEWo, LOCAL, UP );
+ // cout << "VIEWo matrix" << endl;
+ // print_sgMat4( VIEWo );
// generate the sg view up vector
sgVec3 vec1;
sgSetVec3( vec1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- sgXformVec3( sgview_up, vec1, sgTMP );
+ sgXformVec3( view_up, vec1, VIEWo );
// generate the view offset matrix
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgVIEW_OFFSET, view_offset * RAD_TO_DEG, sgview_up );
- // cout << "sgVIEW_OFFSET matrix" << endl;
- // print_sgMat4( sgVIEW_OFFSET );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( VIEW_OFFSET, view_offset * RAD_TO_DEG, view_up );
+ // cout << "VIEW_OFFSET matrix" << endl;
+ // print_sgMat4( VIEW_OFFSET );
- sgMultMat4( sgTMP2, sgTMP, sgVIEW_OFFSET );
- sgMultMat4( sgVIEW_ROT, sgLARC_TO_SSG, sgTMP2 );
- sgMakeTransMat4( sgTRANS, view_pos.x(), view_pos.y(), view_pos.z() );
- sgMultMat4( sgVIEW, sgVIEW_ROT, sgTRANS );
- // FGMat4Wrapper tmp;
- // sgCopyMat4( tmp.m, sgVIEW );
- // follow.push_back( tmp );
- // generate the current up, forward, and fwrd-view vectors
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- MAT3mult_vec(view_up, vec, VIEW);
+ sgMultMat4( TMP2, VIEWo, VIEW_OFFSET );
+ sgMultMat4( VIEW_ROT, LARC_TO_SSG, TMP2 );
+ // cout << "VIEW_ROT matrix" << endl;
+ // print_sgMat4( VIEW_ROT );
- /*
- cout << "FG derived VIEW matrix using sg routines" << endl;
- MAT3mat print;
- int i;
- int j;
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
- for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
- print[i][j] = sgVIEW[i][j];
- }
- }
- MAT3print( print, stdout);
- */
+ sgMakeTransMat4( TRANS, view_pos.x(), view_pos.y(), view_pos.z() );
- MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- MAT3mult_vec(forward, vec, VIEW);
- // printf( "Forward vector is (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)\n", forward[0], forward[1],
- // forward[2]);
+ sgMultMat4( VIEW, VIEW_ROT, TRANS );
- MAT3rotate(TMP, view_up, view_offset);
- MAT3mult_vec(view_forward, forward, TMP);
+ sgSetVec3( sgvec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgXformVec3( forward, sgvec, VIEWo );
+ // cout << "forward = " << forward[0] << ","
+ // << forward[1] << "," << forward[2] << endl;
+ sgMakeRotMat4( TMP, view_offset * RAD_TO_DEG, view_up );
+ sgXformVec3( view_forward, forward, TMP );
+ // cout << "view_forward = " << view_forward[0] << ","
+ // << view_forward[1] << "," << view_forward[2] << endl;
// make a vector to the current view position
sgSetVec3( v0, view_pos.x(), view_pos.y(), view_pos.z() );
// << surface_south[1] << "," << surface_south[2] << endl;
// now calculate the surface east vector
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgTMP, FG_PI_2 * RAD_TO_DEG, sgview_up );
- // cout << "sgMat4 sgTMP" << endl;
- // print_sgMat4( sgTMP );
- sgXformVec3(surface_east, surface_south, sgTMP);
+ sgMakeRotMat4( TMP, FG_PI_2 * RAD_TO_DEG, view_up );
+ // cout << "sgMat4 TMP" << endl;
+ // print_sgMat4( TMP );
+ sgXformVec3(surface_east, surface_south, TMP);
// cout << "Surface direction directly east" << surface_east[0] << ","
// << surface_east[1] << "," << surface_east[2] << endl;
// cout << "Should be close to zero = "