FGAircraftModel current_model; // FIXME: add to globals
static ssgEntity *
find_named_node (ssgEntity * node, const string &name)
return 0;
FGAircraftModel::FGAircraftModel ()
: _model(0),
_selector(new ssgSelector),
FGAircraftModel::update (int dt)
- sgMat4 VIEW_ROT;
+ sgMat4 sgTRANS;
long elapsed_ms = (_current_timestamp - _last_timestamp) / 1000;
do_animation(_animations[i], elapsed_ms);
- FGViewer *pilot_view =
- (FGViewer *)globals->get_viewmgr()->get_view( 0 );
- sgMat4 sgTRANS;
- // FIXME: this needs to be unlinked from the viewer
- // The lon/lat/alt should come from properties and the
- // calculation for relative position should probably be
- // added to SimGear.
- sgMakeTransMat4( sgTRANS, pilot_view->getRelativeViewPos() );
- sgVec3 ownship_up;
- sgSetVec3( ownship_up, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- sgMat4 sgROT;
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT, -90.0, ownship_up );
+ FGViewer *current_view =
+ (FGViewer *)globals->get_viewmgr()->get_view( view_number );
- sgMat4 sgTUX;
- sgCopyMat4( sgTUX, sgROT );
- if (view_number == 0) {
- // FIXME: This needs to be unlinked from the viewer
- // The lon/lat/alt should come from properties and the
- // calculation for relative position should probably be
- // added to SimGear.
- // Note that the function for building the LOCAL matrix
- // or redone using plib. Should probably be moved to Simgear.
- // (cockpit_ROT = LOCAL from viewer).
- sgMat4 tmpROT;
- sgCopyMat4( tmpROT, pilot_view->get_COCKPIT_ROT() );
- sgMat4 cockpit_ROT;
- sgCopyMat4( cockpit_ROT, tmpROT );
- // Make the Cockpit rotation matrix (just juggling the vectors).
- cockpit_ROT[0][0] = tmpROT[1][0]; // right
- cockpit_ROT[0][1] = tmpROT[1][1];
- cockpit_ROT[0][2] = tmpROT[1][2];
- cockpit_ROT[1][0] = tmpROT[2][0]; // forward
- cockpit_ROT[1][1] = tmpROT[2][1];
- cockpit_ROT[1][2] = tmpROT[2][2];
- cockpit_ROT[2][0] = tmpROT[0][0]; // view_up
- cockpit_ROT[2][1] = tmpROT[0][1];
- cockpit_ROT[2][2] = tmpROT[0][2];
- sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, cockpit_ROT );
- sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgTRANS );
- } else {
- // FIXME: Model rotation need to be unlinked from the viewer.
- // When the cockpit rotation gets removed from viewer
- // then it'll be easy to apply offsets and get the equivelant
- // of this "VIEW_ROT" thing.
- sgCopyMat4( VIEW_ROT, pilot_view->get_VIEW_ROT());
- sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, VIEW_ROT );
- sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgTRANS );
- }
+ // FIXME: this class needs to be unlinked from the viewer
+ // get transform for current position in the world...
+ sgMakeTransMat4( sgTRANS, current_view->getRelativeViewPos() );
+ // get a copy of the LOCAL rotation from the current view...
+ sgCopyMat4( LOCAL, current_view->get_LOCAL_ROT() );
+ // Make the MODEL Rotation (just reordering the LOCAL matrix
+ // and flipping the model over on its feet)...
+ MODEL_ROT[0][0] = -LOCAL[2][0];
+ MODEL_ROT[0][1] = -LOCAL[2][1];
+ MODEL_ROT[0][2] = -LOCAL[2][2];
+ MODEL_ROT[0][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ MODEL_ROT[1][0] = LOCAL[1][0];
+ MODEL_ROT[1][1] = LOCAL[1][1];
+ MODEL_ROT[1][2] = LOCAL[1][2];
+ MODEL_ROT[1][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ MODEL_ROT[2][0] = LOCAL[0][0];
+ MODEL_ROT[2][1] = LOCAL[0][1];
+ MODEL_ROT[2][2] = LOCAL[0][2];
+ MODEL_ROT[2][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ // add the position data to the matrix
+ MODEL_ROT[3][0] = SG_ZERO;
+ MODEL_ROT[3][1] = SG_ZERO;
+ MODEL_ROT[3][2] = SG_ZERO;
+ MODEL_ROT[3][3] = SG_ONE;
+ sgPostMultMat4( MODEL_ROT, sgTRANS );
sgCoord tuxpos;
- sgSetCoord( &tuxpos, sgTUX );
+ sgSetCoord( &tuxpos, MODEL_ROT );
_position->setTransform( &tuxpos );
// end of model.cxx
#include "viewer.hxx"
+// Norman's Optimized matrix rotators! //
+static void fgMakeLOCAL( sgMat4 dst, const double Theta,
+ const double Phi, const double Psi)
+ SGfloat cosTheta = (SGfloat) cos(Theta);
+ SGfloat sinTheta = (SGfloat) sin(Theta);
+ SGfloat cosPhi = (SGfloat) cos(Phi);
+ SGfloat sinPhi = (SGfloat) sin(Phi);
+ SGfloat sinPsi = (SGfloat) sin(Psi) ;
+ SGfloat cosPsi = (SGfloat) cos(Psi) ;
+ dst[0][0] = cosPhi * cosTheta;
+ dst[0][1] = sinPhi * cosPsi + cosPhi * -sinTheta * -sinPsi;
+ dst[0][2] = sinPhi * sinPsi + cosPhi * -sinTheta * cosPsi;
+ dst[0][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[1][0] = -sinPhi * cosTheta;
+ dst[1][1] = cosPhi * cosPsi + -sinPhi * -sinTheta * -sinPsi;
+ dst[1][2] = cosPhi * sinPsi + -sinPhi * -sinTheta * cosPsi;
+ dst[1][3] = SG_ZERO ;
+ dst[2][0] = sinTheta;
+ dst[2][1] = cosTheta * -sinPsi;
+ dst[2][2] = cosTheta * cosPsi;
+ dst[2][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][0] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][1] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][2] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][3] = SG_ONE ;
+// Since these are pure rotation matrices we can save some bookwork
+// by considering them to be 3x3 until the very end -- NHV
+static void MakeVIEW_OFFSET( sgMat4 dst,
+ const float angle1, const sgVec3 axis1,
+ const float angle2, const sgVec3 axis2 )
+ // make rotmatrix1 from angle and axis
+ float s = (float) sin ( angle1 ) ;
+ float c = (float) cos ( angle1 ) ;
+ float t = SG_ONE - c ;
+ sgMat3 mat1;
+ float tmp = t * axis1[0];
+ mat1[0][0] = tmp * axis1[0] + c ;
+ mat1[0][1] = tmp * axis1[1] + s * axis1[2] ;
+ mat1[0][2] = tmp * axis1[2] - s * axis1[1] ;
+ tmp = t * axis1[1];
+ mat1[1][0] = tmp * axis1[0] - s * axis1[2] ;
+ mat1[1][1] = tmp * axis1[1] + c ;
+ mat1[1][2] = tmp * axis1[2] + s * axis1[0] ;
+ tmp = t * axis1[2];
+ mat1[2][0] = tmp * axis1[0] + s * axis1[1] ;
+ mat1[2][1] = tmp * axis1[1] - s * axis1[0] ;
+ mat1[2][2] = tmp * axis1[2] + c ;
+ // make rotmatrix2 from angle and axis
+ s = (float) sin ( angle2 ) ;
+ c = (float) cos ( angle2 ) ;
+ t = SG_ONE - c ;
+ sgMat3 mat2;
+ tmp = t * axis2[0];
+ mat2[0][0] = tmp * axis2[0] + c ;
+ mat2[0][1] = tmp * axis2[1] + s * axis2[2] ;
+ mat2[0][2] = tmp * axis2[2] - s * axis2[1] ;
+ tmp = t * axis2[1];
+ mat2[1][0] = tmp * axis2[0] - s * axis2[2] ;
+ mat2[1][1] = tmp * axis2[1] + c ;
+ mat2[1][2] = tmp * axis2[2] + s * axis2[0] ;
+ tmp = t * axis2[2];
+ mat2[2][0] = tmp * axis2[0] + s * axis2[1] ;
+ mat2[2][1] = tmp * axis2[1] - s * axis2[0] ;
+ mat2[2][2] = tmp * axis2[2] + c ;
+ // multiply matrices
+ for ( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
+ dst[0][j] = mat2[0][0] * mat1[0][j] +
+ mat2[0][1] * mat1[1][j] +
+ mat2[0][2] * mat1[2][j];
+ dst[1][j] = mat2[1][0] * mat1[0][j] +
+ mat2[1][1] * mat1[1][j] +
+ mat2[1][2] * mat1[2][j];
+ dst[2][j] = mat2[2][0] * mat1[0][j] +
+ mat2[2][1] * mat1[1][j] +
+ mat2[2][2] * mat1[2][j];
+ }
+ // fill in 4x4 matrix elements
+ dst[0][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[1][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[2][3] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][0] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][1] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][2] = SG_ZERO;
+ dst[3][3] = SG_ONE;
+// Taking advantage of the 3x3 nature of this -- NHV
+inline static void MakeWithWorldUp( sgMat4 dst, const sgMat4 UP, const sgMat4 LOCAL )
+ sgMat4 tmp;
+ float a = UP[0][0];
+ float b = UP[1][0];
+ float c = UP[2][0];
+ tmp[0][0] = a*LOCAL[0][0] + b*LOCAL[0][1] + c*LOCAL[0][2] ;
+ tmp[1][0] = a*LOCAL[1][0] + b*LOCAL[1][1] + c*LOCAL[1][2] ;
+ tmp[2][0] = a*LOCAL[2][0] + b*LOCAL[2][1] + c*LOCAL[2][2] ;
+ tmp[3][0] = SG_ZERO ;
+ a = UP[0][1];
+ b = UP[1][1];
+ c = UP[2][1];
+ tmp[0][1] = a*LOCAL[0][0] + b*LOCAL[0][1] + c*LOCAL[0][2] ;
+ tmp[1][1] = a*LOCAL[1][0] + b*LOCAL[1][1] + c*LOCAL[1][2] ;
+ tmp[2][1] = a*LOCAL[2][0] + b*LOCAL[2][1] + c*LOCAL[2][2] ;
+ tmp[3][1] = SG_ZERO ;
+ a = UP[0][2];
+ c = UP[2][2];
+ tmp[0][2] = a*LOCAL[0][0] + c*LOCAL[0][2] ;
+ tmp[1][2] = a*LOCAL[1][0] + c*LOCAL[1][2] ;
+ tmp[2][2] = a*LOCAL[2][0] + c*LOCAL[2][2] ;
+ tmp[3][2] = SG_ZERO ;
+ tmp[0][3] = SG_ZERO ;
+ tmp[1][3] = SG_ZERO ;
+ tmp[2][3] = SG_ZERO ;
+ tmp[3][3] = SG_ONE ;
+ sgCopyMat4(dst, tmp);
// Implementation of FGViewer.
FGViewer::init ()
- if ( _type == FG_LOOKAT ) {
- set_reverse_view_offset(true);
- }
- if ( _type == FG_RPH ) {
- set_reverse_view_offset(false);
- }
-_heading_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
// Adjust LOCAL to current world_up vector (adjustment for planet location)
- sgPostMultMat4( LOCAL, UP );
+ MakeWithWorldUp( LOCAL, UP, LOCAL );
+ // copy the LOCAL matrix to COCKPIT_ROT for publication...
+ sgCopyMat4( LOCAL_ROT, LOCAL );
// make sg vectors view up, right and forward vectors from LOCAL
sgSetVec3( _view_up, LOCAL[0][0], LOCAL[0][1], LOCAL[0][2] );
sgSetVec3( right, LOCAL[1][0], LOCAL[1][1], LOCAL[1][2] );
- // generate the heading offset matrix using heading_offset angle(s)
+ // Eye rotations.
+ // Looking up/down left/right in pilot view (lookfrom mode)
+ // or Floating Rotatation around the object in chase view (lookat mode).
+ // Generate the offset matrix to be applied using offset angles:
if (_type == FG_LOOKAT) {
// Note that when in "chase view" the offset is in relation to the
// orientation heading (_heading_deg) of the model being looked at as
// it is used to rotate around the model.
- sgMakeRotMat4( VIEW_HEADINGOFFSET, _heading_offset_deg -_heading_deg, _world_up );
+ (_heading_offset_deg - _heading_deg) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, _world_up,
+ _pitch_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, right );
if (_type == FG_RPH) {
- // generate the view offset matrix using orientation offset (heading)
- sgMakeRotMat4( VIEW_HEADINGOFFSET, _heading_offset_deg, _view_up );
+ // generate the view offset matrix using orientation offsets
+ _heading_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, _view_up,
+ _pitch_offset_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, right );
- // create a tilt matrix using orientation offset (pitch)
- sgMakeRotMat4( VIEW_PITCHOFFSET, _pitch_offset_deg, right );
if (_type == FG_LOOKAT) {
// transfrom "offset" and "orientation offset" to vector
sgXformVec3( position_offset, position_offset, UP );
- sgXformVec3( position_offset, position_offset, VIEW_HEADINGOFFSET );
- sgXformPnt3( position_offset, position_offset, VIEW_PITCHOFFSET );
+ sgXformVec3( position_offset, position_offset, VIEW_OFFSET );
sgVec3 object_pos, eye_pos;
// copy to coordinates to object...
VIEW[3][2] = _view_pos[2];
VIEW[3][3] = 1.0f;
- // copy the LOCAL matrix to COCKPIT_ROT for publication...
- sgCopyMat4( COCKPIT_ROT, LOCAL );
// the VIEW matrix includes both rotation and translation. Let's
-void FGViewer::fgMakeLOCAL( sgMat4 dst, const double Theta,
- const double Phi, const double Psi)
- SGfloat cosTheta = (SGfloat) cos(Theta);
- SGfloat sinTheta = (SGfloat) sin(Theta);
- SGfloat cosPhi = (SGfloat) cos(Phi);
- SGfloat sinPhi = (SGfloat) sin(Phi);
- SGfloat sinPsi = (SGfloat) sin(Psi) ;
- SGfloat cosPsi = (SGfloat) cos(Psi) ;
- dst[0][0] = cosPhi * cosTheta;
- dst[0][1] = sinPhi * cosPsi + cosPhi * -sinTheta * -sinPsi;
- dst[0][2] = sinPhi * sinPsi + cosPhi * -sinTheta * cosPsi;
- dst[0][3] = SG_ZERO;
- dst[1][0] = -sinPhi * cosTheta;
- dst[1][1] = cosPhi * cosPsi + -sinPhi * -sinTheta * -sinPsi;
- dst[1][2] = cosPhi * sinPsi + -sinPhi * -sinTheta * cosPsi;
- dst[1][3] = SG_ZERO ;
- dst[2][0] = sinTheta;
- dst[2][1] = cosTheta * -sinPsi;
- dst[2][2] = cosTheta * cosPsi;
- dst[2][3] = SG_ZERO;
- dst[3][0] = SG_ZERO;
- dst[3][1] = SG_ZERO;
- dst[3][2] = SG_ZERO;
- dst[3][3] = SG_ONE ;
// Matrices...
virtual const sgVec4 *get_VIEW() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return VIEW; }
virtual const sgVec4 *get_VIEW_ROT() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return VIEW_ROT; }
- virtual const sgVec4 *get_COCKPIT_ROT() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return COCKPIT_ROT; }
+ virtual const sgVec4 *get_LOCAL_ROT() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return LOCAL_ROT; }
virtual const sgVec4 *get_UP() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return UP; }
- // Public flags...
- virtual bool get_reverse_view_offset() const { return _reverse_view_offset; }
// Part 4: frustrum data setters and getters
// sgVec3 _view_forward;
// sg versions of our friendly matrices
// Transformation matrix for the view direction offset relative to
inline void set_dirty() { _dirty = true; }
inline void set_clean() { _dirty = false; }
- // from lookat
- void fgMakeLookAtMat4 ( sgMat4 dst, const sgVec3 eye, const sgVec3 center,
- const sgVec3 up );
- // from rph
- void fgMakeViewRot( sgMat4 dst, const sgMat4 m1, const sgMat4 m2 );
- void fgMakeLOCAL( sgMat4 dst, const double Theta,
- const double Phi, const double Psi);
// add to _heading_offset_deg
inline void incHeadingOffset_deg( double amt ) {
_reverse_view_offset = val;
-// public:
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // setter functions
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// inline void set_sea_level_radius( double r ) {
-// // data should be in meters from the center of the earth
-// set_dirty();
-// sea_level_radius = r;
-// }
+#endif // _VIEWER_HXX
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // accessor functions
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// inline int get_type() const { return _type ; }
-// inline int is_a( int t ) const { return get_type() == t ; }
-// inline bool is_dirty() const { return _dirty; }
-// inline double get_sea_level_radius() const { return sea_level_radius; }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // derived values accessor functions
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#endif // _VIEWER_HXX