## Copyright 2002-2004 Andrew Loewenstern, All Rights Reserved
# see LICENSE.txt for license information
+"""Details of how to perform actions on remote peers."""
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
from util import uncompact
class ActionBase:
- """ base class for some long running asynchronous proccesses like finding nodes or values """
+ """Base class for some long running asynchronous proccesses like finding nodes or values.
+ @type caller: L{khashmir.Khashmir}
+ @ivar caller: the DHT instance that is performing the action
+ @type target: C{string}
+ @ivar target: the target of the action, usually a DHT key
+ @type config: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar config: the configuration variables for the DHT
+ @type action: C{string}
+ @ivar action: the name of the action to call on remote nodes
+ @type num: C{long}
+ @ivar num: the target key in integer form
+ @type queried: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar queried: the nodes that have been queried for this action,
+ keys are node IDs, values are the node itself
+ @type answered: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar answered: the nodes that have answered the queries
+ @type found: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar found: nodes that have been found so far by the action
+ @type sorted_nodes: C{list} of L{node.Node}
+ @ivar sorted_nodes: a sorted list of nodes by there proximity to the key
+ @type results: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar results: keys are the results found so far by the action
+ @type desired_results: C{int}
+ @ivar desired_results: the minimum number of results that are needed
+ before the action should stop
+ @type callback: C{method}
+ @ivar callback: the method to call with the results
+ @type outstanding: C{int}
+ @ivar outstanding: the number of requests currently outstanding
+ @type outstanding_results: C{int}
+ @ivar outstanding_results: the number of results that are expected from
+ the requests that are currently outstanding
+ @type finished: C{boolean}
+ @ivar finished: whether the action is done
+ @type sort: C{method}
+ @ivar sort: used to sort nodes by their proximity to the target
+ """
def __init__(self, caller, target, callback, config, action, num_results = None):
- """Initialize the action."""
+ """Initialize the action.
+ @type caller: L{khashmir.Khashmir}
+ @param caller: the DHT instance that is performing the action
+ @type target: C{string}
+ @param target: the target of the action, usually a DHT key
+ @type callback: C{method}
+ @param callback: the method to call with the results
+ @type config: C{dictionary}
+ @param config: the configuration variables for the DHT
+ @type action: C{string}
+ @param action: the name of the action to call on remote nodes
+ @type num_results: C{int}
+ @param num_results: the minimum number of results that are needed before
+ the action should stop (optional, defaults to getting all the results)
+ """
self.caller = caller
self.target = target
self.config = config
return -1
return 0
self.sort = sort
+ #{ Main operation
def goWithNodes(self, nodes):
"""Start the action's process with a list of nodes to contact."""
for node in nodes:
len(self.results) + self.outstanding_results >= abs(self.desired_results)):
+ # Loop for each node that should be processed
for node in self.getNodesToProcess():
+ # Don't send requests twice or to ourself
if node.id not in self.queried and node.id != self.caller.node.id:
self.queried[node.id] = 1
def handleGotNodes(self, nodes):
- """Process any received node contact info in the response."""
+ """Process any received node contact info in the response.
+ Not called by default, but suitable for being called by
+ L{processResponse} in a recursive node search.
+ """
for compact_node in nodes:
node_contact = uncompact(compact_node)
node = self.caller.Node(node_contact)
self.sorted_nodes = self.found.values()
- # The methods below are meant to be subclassed by actions
+ #{ Subclass for specific actions
def getNodesToProcess(self):
"""Generate a list of nodes to process next.
def generateResult(self, nodes):
- """Create the result to return to the callback function."""
+ """Create the final result to return to the L{callback} function."""
return []
class FindValue(ActionBase):
- """Find the closest nodes to the key and check their values."""
+ """Find the closest nodes to the key and check for values."""
def __init__(self, caller, target, callback, config, action="findValue"):
ActionBase.__init__(self, caller, target, callback, config, action)
class GetValue(ActionBase):
+ """Retrieve values from a list of nodes."""
def __init__(self, caller, target, local_results, num_results, callback, config, action="getValue"):
+ """Initialize the action with the locally available results.
+ @type local_results: C{list} of C{string}
+ @param local_results: the values that were available in this node
+ """
ActionBase.__init__(self, caller, target, callback, config, action, num_results)
if local_results:
for result in local_results:
self.results[result] = 1
def getNodesToProcess(self):
- """Nodes are never added, always return the same thing."""
+ """Nodes are never added, always return the same sorted node list."""
return self.sorted_nodes
def generateArgs(self, node):
- """Args include the number of values to request."""
+ """Arguments include the number of values to request."""
if node.num_values > 0:
# Request all desired results from each node, just to be sure.
num_values = abs(self.desired_results) - len(self.results)
raise ValueError, "Don't try and get values from this node because it doesn't have any"
def processResponse(self, dict):
- """Save the returned values, calling the callback each time there are new ones."""
+ """Save the returned values, calling the L{callback} each time there are new ones."""
if dict.has_key('values'):
def x(y, z=self.results):
if not z.has_key(y):
reactor.callLater(0, self.callback, self.target, v)
def generateResult(self):
- """Results have all been returned, now send the empty list to end it."""
+ """Results have all been returned, now send the empty list to end the action."""
return (self.target, [])
class StoreValue(ActionBase):
+ """Store a value in a list of nodes."""
def __init__(self, caller, target, value, num_results, callback, config, action="storeValue"):
+ """Initialize the action with the value to store.
+ @type value: C{string}
+ @param value: the value to store in the nodes
+ """
ActionBase.__init__(self, caller, target, callback, config, action, num_results)
self.value = value
def getNodesToProcess(self):
- """Nodes are never added, always return the same thing."""
+ """Nodes are never added, always return the same sorted list."""
return self.sorted_nodes
def generateArgs(self, node):
- """Args include the value to request and the node's token."""
+ """Args include the value to store and the node's token."""
if node.token:
return (self.target, self.value, node.token), 1