-# Written by Petru Paler
+# Written by Petru Paler, Uoti Urpala, Ross Cohen and John Hoffman
+# Modified by Cameron Dale
# see LICENSE.txt for license information
+# $Id: bencode.py 268 2007-08-18 23:45:45Z camrdale-guest $
+"""Functions for bencoding and bdecoding data.
+@type logger: C{logging.Logger}
+@var logger: the logger to send all log messages to for this module
+@type decode_func: C{dictionary} of C{function}
+@var decode_func: a dictionary of function calls to be made, based on data,
+ the keys are the first character of the data and the value is the
+ function to use to decode that data
+@type bencached_marker: C{list}
+@var bencached_marker: mutable type to ensure class origination
+@type encode_func: C{dictionary} of C{function}
+@var encode_func: a dictionary of function calls to be made, based on data,
+ the keys are the type of the data and the value is the
+ function to use to encode that data
+@type BencachedType: C{type}
+@var BencachedType: the L{Bencached} type
from types import IntType, LongType, StringType, ListType, TupleType, DictType
-from re import compile
+import logging
+ from types import BooleanType
+except ImportError:
+ BooleanType = None
+ from types import UnicodeType
+except ImportError:
+ UnicodeType = None
from cStringIO import StringIO
-int_filter = compile('(0|-?[1-9][0-9]*)e')
+logger = logging.getLogger('DebTorrent.bencode')
def decode_int(x, f):
- m = int_filter.match(x, f)
- if m is None:
+ """Bdecode an integer.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to decode
+ @type f: C{int}
+ @param f: the offset in the data to start at
+ @rtype: C{int}, C{int}
+ @return: the bdecoded integer, and the offset to read next
+ @raise ValueError: if the data is improperly encoded
+ """
+ f += 1
+ newf = x.index('e', f)
+ try:
+ n = int(x[f:newf])
+ except:
+ n = long(x[f:newf])
+ if x[f] == '-':
+ if x[f + 1] == '0':
+ raise ValueError
+ elif x[f] == '0' and newf != f+1:
raise ValueError
- return (long(m.group(1)), m.end())
-string_filter = compile('(0|[1-9][0-9]*):')
+ return (n, newf+1)
def decode_string(x, f):
- m = string_filter.match(x, f)
- if m is None:
+ """Bdecode a string.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to decode
+ @type f: C{int}
+ @param f: the offset in the data to start at
+ @rtype: C{string}, C{int}
+ @return: the bdecoded string, and the offset to read next
+ @raise ValueError: if the data is improperly encoded
+ """
+ colon = x.index(':', f)
+ try:
+ n = int(x[f:colon])
+ except (OverflowError, ValueError):
+ n = long(x[f:colon])
+ if x[f] == '0' and colon != f+1:
raise ValueError
- l = int(m.group(1))
- s = m.end()
- return (x[s:s+l], s + l)
+ colon += 1
+ return (x[colon:colon+n], colon+n)
+def decode_unicode(x, f):
+ """Bdecode a unicode string.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to decode
+ @type f: C{int}
+ @param f: the offset in the data to start at
+ @rtype: C{int}, C{int}
+ @return: the bdecoded unicode string, and the offset to read next
+ """
+ s, f = decode_string(x, f+1)
+ return (s.decode('UTF-8'),f)
def decode_list(x, f):
- r = []
+ """Bdecode a list.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to decode
+ @type f: C{int}
+ @param f: the offset in the data to start at
+ @rtype: C{list}, C{int}
+ @return: the bdecoded list, and the offset to read next
+ """
+ r, f = [], f+1
while x[f] != 'e':
- v, f = bdecode_rec(x, f)
+ v, f = decode_func[x[f]](x, f)
return (r, f + 1)
def decode_dict(x, f):
- r = {}
+ """Bdecode a dictionary.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to decode
+ @type f: C{int}
+ @param f: the offset in the data to start at
+ @rtype: C{dictionary}, C{int}
+ @return: the bdecoded dictionary, and the offset to read next
+ @raise ValueError: if the data is improperly encoded
+ """
+ r, f = {}, f+1
lastkey = None
while x[f] != 'e':
k, f = decode_string(x, f)
- if lastkey is not None and lastkey >= k:
+ if lastkey >= k:
raise ValueError
lastkey = k
- v, f = bdecode_rec(x, f)
- r[k] = v
+ r[k], f = decode_func[x[f]](x, f)
return (r, f + 1)
-def bdecode_rec(x, f):
- t = x[f]
- if t == 'i':
- return decode_int(x, f + 1)
- elif t == 'l':
- return decode_list(x, f + 1)
- elif t == 'd':
- return decode_dict(x, f + 1)
- else:
- return decode_string(x, f)
-def bdecode(x):
- try:
- r, l = bdecode_rec(x, 0)
- except IndexError:
- raise ValueError
- if l != len(x):
- raise ValueError
+decode_func = {}
+decode_func['l'] = decode_list
+decode_func['d'] = decode_dict
+decode_func['i'] = decode_int
+decode_func['0'] = decode_string
+decode_func['1'] = decode_string
+decode_func['2'] = decode_string
+decode_func['3'] = decode_string
+decode_func['4'] = decode_string
+decode_func['5'] = decode_string
+decode_func['6'] = decode_string
+decode_func['7'] = decode_string
+decode_func['8'] = decode_string
+decode_func['9'] = decode_string
+#decode_func['u'] = decode_unicode
+def bdecode(x, sloppy = 0):
+ """Bdecode a string of data.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to decode
+ @type sloppy: C{boolean}
+ @param sloppy: whether to allow errors in the decoding
+ @rtype: unknown
+ @return: the bdecoded data
+ @raise ValueError: if the data is improperly encoded
+ """
+ try:
+ r, l = decode_func[x[0]](x, 0)
+# except (IndexError, KeyError):
+ except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError):
+ logger.exception('bad bencoded data')
+ raise ValueError, "bad bencoded data"
+ if not sloppy and l != len(x):
+ raise ValueError, "bad bencoded data"
return r
def test_bdecode():
+ """A test routine for the bdecoding functions."""
assert 0
except ValueError:
-def bencode_rec(x, b):
- t = type(x)
- if t in (IntType, LongType):
- b.write('i%de' % x)
- elif t is StringType:
- b.write('%d:%s' % (len(x), x))
- elif t in (ListType, TupleType):
- b.write('l')
- for e in x:
- bencode_rec(e, b)
- b.write('e')
- elif t is DictType:
- b.write('d')
- keylist = x.keys()
- keylist.sort()
- for k in keylist:
- assert type(k) is StringType
- bencode_rec(k, b)
- bencode_rec(x[k], b)
- b.write('e')
- else:
- assert 0
+bencached_marker = []
+class Bencached:
+ """Dummy data structure for storing bencoded data in memory.
+ @type marker: C{list}
+ @ivar marker: mutable type to make sure the data was encoded by this class
+ @type bencoded: C{string}
+ @ivar bencoded: the bencoded data stored in a string
+ """
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ """
+ @type s: C{string}
+ @param s: the new bencoded data to store
+ """
+ self.marker = bencached_marker
+ self.bencoded = s
+BencachedType = type(Bencached('')) # insufficient, but good as a filter
+def encode_bencached(x,r):
+ """Bencode L{Bencached} data.
+ @type x: L{Bencached}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ assert x.marker == bencached_marker
+ r.append(x.bencoded)
+def encode_int(x,r):
+ """Bencode an integer.
+ @type x: C{int}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ r.extend(('i',str(x),'e'))
+def encode_bool(x,r):
+ """Bencode a boolean.
+ @type x: C{boolean}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ encode_int(int(x),r)
+def encode_string(x,r):
+ """Bencode a string.
+ @type x: C{string}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ r.extend((str(len(x)),':',x))
+def encode_unicode(x,r):
+ """Bencode a unicode string.
+ @type x: C{unicode}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ #r.append('u')
+ encode_string(x.encode('UTF-8'),r)
+def encode_list(x,r):
+ """Bencode a list.
+ @type x: C{list}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ r.append('l')
+ for e in x:
+ encode_func[type(e)](e, r)
+ r.append('e')
+def encode_dict(x,r):
+ """Bencode a dictionary.
+ @type x: C{dictionary}
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @type r: C{list}
+ @param r: the currently bencoded data, to which the bencoding of x
+ will be appended
+ """
+ r.append('d')
+ ilist = x.items()
+ ilist.sort()
+ for k,v in ilist:
+ r.extend((str(len(k)),':',k))
+ encode_func[type(v)](v, r)
+ r.append('e')
+encode_func = {}
+encode_func[BencachedType] = encode_bencached
+encode_func[IntType] = encode_int
+encode_func[LongType] = encode_int
+encode_func[StringType] = encode_string
+encode_func[ListType] = encode_list
+encode_func[TupleType] = encode_list
+encode_func[DictType] = encode_dict
+if BooleanType:
+ encode_func[BooleanType] = encode_bool
+if UnicodeType:
+ encode_func[UnicodeType] = encode_unicode
def bencode(x):
- b = StringIO()
- bencode_rec(x, b)
- return b.getvalue()
+ """Bencode some data.
+ @type x: unknown
+ @param x: the data to encode
+ @rtype: string
+ @return: the bencoded data
+ @raise ValueError: if the data contains a type that cannot be encoded
+ """
+ r = []
+ try:
+ encode_func[type(x)](x, r)
+ except:
+ logger.exception('could not encode type '+str(type(x))+' (value: '+str(x)+')')
+ assert 0
+ return ''.join(r)
def test_bencode():
+ """A test routine for the bencoding functions."""
assert bencode(4) == 'i4e'
assert bencode(0) == 'i0e'
assert bencode(-10) == 'i-10e'
except AssertionError:
+ import psyco
+ psyco.bind(bdecode)
+ psyco.bind(bencode)
+except ImportError:
+ pass