$replyto = 'false';
- $notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content, 'web', 1,
+// $notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content_shortened, 'web', 1,
+ $notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $content_shortened, 'web', 1,
($replyto == 'false') ? null : $replyto);
if (is_string($notice)) {
* @return void
function saveUrls($notice) {
- common_debug("Saving all URLs");
common_replace_urls_callback($notice->content, array($this, 'saveUrl'), $notice->id);
function saveUrl($data) {
list($url, $notice_id) = $data;
- common_debug("Saving $url for $notice_id");
- $file = File::staticGet('url', $url);
- if (empty($file)) {
- common_debug('unknown file/url');
- $file = new File;
- $file->url = $url;
- $file->insert();
- }
- common_debug('File: ' . print_r($file, true));
- $f2p = new File_to_post;
- $f2p->file_id = $file->id;
- $f2p->post_id = $notice_id;
- $f2p->insert();
+ $zzz = File::processNew($url, $notice_id);
if (!defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); }
require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/Memcached_DataObject.php';
+require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File_redirection.php';
+require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File_oembed.php';
+require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File_thumbnail.php';
+require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File_to_post.php';
+//require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File_redirection.php';
* Table Definition for file
/* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */
+ function isProtected($url) {
+ return 'http://www.facebook.com/login.php' === $url;
+ }
+ function saveNew($redir_data, $given_url) {
+ $x = new File;
+ $x->url = $given_url;
+ if (!empty($redir_data['protected'])) $x->protected = $redir_data['protected'];
+ if (!empty($redir_data['title'])) $x->title = $redir_data['title'];
+ if (!empty($redir_data['type'])) $x->mimetype = $redir_data['type'];
+ if (!empty($redir_data['size'])) $x->size = intval($redir_data['size']);
+ if (isset($redir_data['time']) && $redir_data['time'] > 0) $x->date = intval($redir_data['time']);
+ $file_id = $x->insert();
+ if (isset($redir_data['type'])
+ && ('text/html' === substr($redir_data['type'], 0, 9))
+ && ($oembed_data = File_oembed::_getOembed($given_url))
+ && isset($oembed_data['json'])) {
+ File_oembed::saveNew($oembed_data['json'], $file_id);
+ }
+ return $x;
+ }
+ function processNew($given_url, $notice_id) {
+ if (empty($given_url)) return -1; // error, no url to process
+ $given_url = File_redirection::_canonUrl($given_url);
+ if (empty($given_url)) return -1; // error, no url to process
+ $file = File::staticGet('url', $given_url);
+ if (empty($file->id)) {
+ $file_redir = File_redirection::staticGet('url', $given_url);
+ if (empty($file_redir->id)) {
+ $redir_data = File_redirection::where($given_url);
+ $redir_url = $redir_data['url'];
+ if ($redir_url === $given_url) {
+ $x = File::saveNew($redir_data, $given_url);
+ $file_id = $x->id;
+ } else {
+ $x = File::processNew($redir_url, $notice_id);
+ $file_id = $x->id;
+ File_redirection::saveNew($redir_data, $file_id, $given_url);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file_id = $file_redir->file_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file_id = $file->id;
+ $x = $file;
+ }
+ if (empty($x)) {
+ $x = File::staticGet($file_id);
+ if (empty($x)) die('Impossible!');
+ }
+ File_to_post::processNew($file_id, $notice_id);
+ return $x;
+ }
/* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */
+ function _getOembed($url, $maxwidth = 500, $maxheight = 400, $format = 'json') {
+ $cmd = 'http://oohembed.com/oohembed/?url=' . urlencode($url);
+ if (is_int($maxwidth)) $cmd .= "&maxwidth=$maxwidth";
+ if (is_int($maxheight)) $cmd .= "&maxheight=$maxheight";
+ if (is_string($format)) $cmd .= "&format=$format";
+ $oe = @file_get_contents($cmd);
+ if (false === $oe) return false;
+ return array($format => (('json' === $format) ? json_decode($oe, true) : $oe));
+ }
+ function saveNew($data, $file_id) {
+ $file_oembed = new File_oembed;
+ $file_oembed->file_id = $file_id;
+ $file_oembed->version = $data['version'];
+ $file_oembed->type = $data['type'];
+ if (!empty($data['provider_name'])) $file_oembed->provider = $data['provider_name'];
+ if (!isset($file_oembed->provider) && !empty($data['provide'])) $file_oembed->provider = $data['provider'];
+ if (!empty($data['provide_url'])) $file_oembed->provider_url = $data['provider_url'];
+ if (!empty($data['width'])) $file_oembed->width = intval($data['width']);
+ if (!empty($data['height'])) $file_oembed->height = intval($data['height']);
+ if (!empty($data['html'])) $file_oembed->html = $data['html'];
+ if (!empty($data['title'])) $file_oembed->title = $data['title'];
+ if (!empty($data['author_name'])) $file_oembed->author_name = $data['author_name'];
+ if (!empty($data['author_url'])) $file_oembed->author_url = $data['author_url'];
+ if (!empty($data['url'])) $file_oembed->url = $data['url'];
+ $file_oembed->insert();
+ if (!empty($data['thumbnail_url'])) {
+ $tn = new File_thumbnail;
+ $tn->file_id = $file_id;
+ $tn->url = $data['thumbnail_url'];
+ $tn->width = intval($data['thumbnail_width']);
+ $tn->height = intval($data['thumbnail_height']);
+ $tn->insert();
+ }
+ }
if (!defined('LACONICA')) { exit(1); }
require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/Memcached_DataObject.php';
+require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File.php';
+require_once INSTALLDIR.'/classes/File_oembed.php';
+define('USER_AGENT', 'Laconica user agent / file probe');
* Table Definition for file_redirection
/* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */
+ function _commonCurl($url, $redirs) {
+ $curlh = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); // # setup referer header when folowing redirects
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); // # seconds to wait
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $redirs); // # max number of http redirections to follow
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, USER_AGENT);
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // Follow redirects
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_FILETIME, true);
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // Include header in output
+ return $curlh;
+ }
+ function _redirectWhere_imp($short_url, $redirs = 10, $protected = false) {
+ if ($redirs < 0) return false;
+ // let's see if we know this...
+ $a = File::staticGet('url', $short_url);
+ if (empty($a->id)) {
+ $b = File_redirection::staticGet('url', $short_url);
+ if (empty($b->id)) {
+ // we'll have to figure it out
+ } else {
+ // this is a redirect to $b->file_id
+ $a = File::staticGet($b->file_id);
+ $url = $a->url;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // this is a direct link to $a->url
+ $url = $a->url;
+ }
+ if (isset($url)) {
+ return $url;
+ }
+ $curlh = File_redirection::_commonCurl($short_url, $redirs);
+ // Don't include body in output
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
+ curl_exec($curlh);
+ $info = curl_getinfo($curlh);
+ curl_close($curlh);
+ if (405 == $info['http_code']) {
+ $curlh = File_redirection::_commonCurl($short_url, $redirs);
+ curl_exec($curlh);
+ $info = curl_getinfo($curlh);
+ curl_close($curlh);
+ }
+ if (!empty($info['redirect_count']) && File::isProtected($info['url'])) {
+ return File_redirection::_redirectWhere_imp($short_url, $info['redirect_count'] - 1, true);
+ }
+ $ret = array('code' => $info['http_code']
+ , 'redirects' => $info['redirect_count']
+ , 'url' => $info['url']);
+ if (!empty($info['content_type'])) $ret['type'] = $info['content_type'];
+ if ($protected) $ret['protected'] = true;
+ if (!empty($info['download_content_length'])) $ret['size'] = $info['download_content_length'];
+ if (isset($info['filetime']) && ($info['filetime'] > 0)) $ret['time'] = $info['filetime'];
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ function where($in_url) {
+ $ret = File_redirection::_redirectWhere_imp($in_url);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ function makeShort($long_url) {
+ $long_url = File_redirection::_canonUrl($long_url);
+ // do we already know this long_url and have a short redirection for it?
+ $file = new File;
+ $file_redir = new File_redirection;
+ $file->url = $long_url;
+ $file->joinAdd($file_redir);
+ $file->selectAdd('length(file_redirection.url) as len');
+ $file->limit(1);
+ $file->orderBy('len');
+ $file->find(true);
+ if (!empty($file->id)) {
+ return $file->url;
+ }
+ // if yet unknown, we must find a short url according to user settings
+ $short_url = File_redirection::_userMakeShort($long_url, common_current_user());
+ return $short_url;
+ }
+ function _userMakeShort($long_url, $user) {
+ if (empty($user)) {
+ // common current user does not find a user when called from the XMPP daemon
+ // therefore we'll set one here fix, so that XMPP given URLs may be shortened
+ $user->urlshorteningservice = 'ur1.ca';
+ }
+ $curlh = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); // # seconds to wait
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Laconica');
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ switch($user->urlshorteningservice) {
+ case 'ur1.ca':
+ require_once INSTALLDIR.'/lib/Shorturl_api.php';
+ $short_url_service = new LilUrl;
+ $short_url = $short_url_service->shorten($long_url);
+ break;
+ case '2tu.us':
+ $short_url_service = new TightUrl;
+ require_once INSTALLDIR.'/lib/Shorturl_api.php';
+ $short_url = $short_url_service->shorten($long_url);
+ break;
+ case 'ptiturl.com':
+ require_once INSTALLDIR.'/lib/Shorturl_api.php';
+ $short_url_service = new PtitUrl;
+ $short_url = $short_url_service->shorten($long_url);
+ break;
+ case 'bit.ly':
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://bit.ly/api?method=shorten&long_url='.urlencode($long_url));
+ $short_url = current(json_decode(curl_exec($curlh))->results)->hashUrl;
+ break;
+ case 'is.gd':
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://is.gd/api.php?longurl='.urlencode($long_url));
+ $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
+ break;
+ case 'snipr.com':
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://snipr.com/site/snip?r=simple&link='.urlencode($long_url));
+ $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
+ break;
+ case 'metamark.net':
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://metamark.net/api/rest/simple?long_url='.urlencode($long_url));
+ $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
+ break;
+ case 'tinyurl.com':
+ curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.urlencode($long_url));
+ $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $short_url = false;
+ }
+ curl_close($curlh);
+ if ($short_url) {
+ $short_url = (string)$short_url;
+if(1) {
+ // store it
+ $file = File::staticGet('url', $long_url);
+ if (empty($file)) {
+ $redir_data = File_redirection::where($long_url);
+ $file = File::saveNew($redir_data, $long_url);
+ $file_id = $file->id;
+ if (!empty($redir_data['oembed']['json'])) {
+ File_oembed::saveNew($redir_data['oembed']['json'], $file_id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file_id = $file->id;
+ }
+ $file_redir = File_redirection::staticGet('url', $short_url);
+ if (empty($file_redir)) {
+ $file_redir = new File_redirection;
+ $file_redir->url = $short_url;
+ $file_redir->file_id = $file_id;
+ $file_redir->insert();
+ }
+ return $short_url;
+ }
+ return $long_url;
+ }
+ function _canonUrl($in_url, $default_scheme = 'http://') {
+ if (empty($in_url)) return false;
+ $out_url = $in_url;
+ $p = parse_url($out_url);
+ if (empty($p['host']) || empty($p['scheme'])) {
+ list($scheme) = explode(':', $in_url, 2);
+ switch ($scheme) {
+ case 'fax':
+ case 'tel':
+ $out_url = str_replace('.-()', '', $out_url);
+ break;
+ case 'mailto':
+ case 'aim':
+ case 'jabber':
+ case 'xmpp':
+ // don't touch anything
+ break;
+ default:
+ $out_url = $default_scheme . ltrim($out_url, '/');
+ $p = parse_url($out_url);
+ if (empty($p['scheme'])) return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (('ftp' == $p['scheme']) || ('http' == $p['scheme']) || ('https' == $p['scheme'])) {
+ if (empty($p['host'])) return false;
+ if (empty($p['path'])) {
+ $out_url .= '/';
+ }
+ }
+ return $out_url;
+ }
+ function saveNew($data, $file_id, $url) {
+ $file_redir = new File_redirection;
+ $file_redir->url = $url;
+ $file_redir->file_id = $file_id;
+ $file_redir->redirections = intval($data['redirects']);
+ $file_redir->httpcode = intval($data['code']);
+ $file_redir->insert();
+ }
/* the code above is auto generated do not remove the tag below */
+ function processNew($file_id, $notice_id) {
+ static $seen = array();
+ if (empty($seen[$notice_id]) || !in_array($file_id, $seen[$notice_id])) {
+ $f2p = new File_to_post;
+ $f2p->file_id = $file_id;
+ $f2p->post_id = $notice_id;
+ $f2p->insert();
+ if (empty($seen[$notice_id])) {
+ $seen[$notice_id] = array($file_id);
+ } else {
+ $seen[$notice_id][] = $file_id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
$profile = Profile::staticGet($profile_id);
- $final = common_shorten_links($content);
+// $final = common_shorten_links($content);
if (!$profile) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Problem saving notice. Unknown user.');
$notice->reply_to = $reply_to;
$notice->created = common_sql_now();
- $notice->content = $final;
- $notice->rendered = common_render_content($final, $notice);
+ $notice->content = $content;
+ $notice->rendered = common_render_content($content, $notice);
$notice->source = $source;
$notice->uri = $uri;
-id = 129
-url = 2
-mimetype = 2
-size = 1
-title = 2
-date = 1
-protected = 17
-id = K
-url = U
-id = 129
-file_id = 1
-version = 2
-type = 2
-provider = 2
-provider_url = 2
-width = 1
-height = 1
-html = 66
-title = 2
-author_name = 2
-author_url = 2
-url = 2
-id = K
-file_id = U
-id = 129
-url = 2
-file_id = 1
-redirections = 1
-httpcode = 1
-id = K
-url = U
-id = 129
-file_id = 1
-url = 2
-width = 1
-height = 1
-id = K
-file_id = U
-url = U
-id = 129
-file_id = 1
-post_id = 1
-id = K
profile_id = 129
original = 17
file_id = file:id
-post_id = post:id
-profile_id = profile:id
-id = profile:id
-carrier = sms_carrier:id
-id = profile:id
-profile_id = profile:id
-reply_to = notice:id
-notice_id = notice:id
-profile_id = profile:id
-consumer_key = consumer:consumer_key
-consumer_key,token = token:consumer_key,token
-user_id = user:id
-user_id = user:id
-user_id = user:id
-notice_id = notice:id
-subscriber = profile:id
-subscribed = profile:id
-notice_id = notice:id
-user_id = user:id
-file_id = file:id
-file_id = file:id
-file_id = file:id
-file_id = file:id
-post_id = post:id
+post_id = notice:id
class ShortUrlApi
protected $service_url;
+ protected $long_limit = 27;
function __construct($service_url)
private function is_long($url) {
- return strlen($url) >= 30;
+ return strlen($url) >= $this->long_limit;
protected function http_post($data) {
$url = (mb_strpos($orig_url, htmlspecialchars($url)) === FALSE) ? $url:htmlspecialchars($url);
// Call user specified func
- if (isset($notice_id)) {
- $modified_url = call_user_func($callback, array($url, $notice_id));
- } else {
+ if (empty($notice_id)) {
$modified_url = call_user_func($callback, $url);
+ } else {
+ $modified_url = call_user_func($callback, array($url, $notice_id));
// Replace it!
// It comes in special'd, so we unspecial it before passing to the stringifying
// functions
$url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url);
- $display = $url;
- $url = (!preg_match('#^([a-z]+://|(mailto|aim|tel):)#i', $url)) ? 'http://'.$url : $url;
- $attrs = array('href' => $url, 'rel' => 'external');
+ $display = File_redirection::_canonUrl($url);
+ $longurl_data = File_redirection::where($url);
+ if (is_array($longurl_data)) {
+ $longurl = $longurl_data['url'];
+ } elseif (is_string($longurl_data)) {
+ $longurl = $longurl_data;
+ } else {
+ die('impossible to linkify');
+ }
- if ($longurl = common_longurl($url)) {
+ $attrs = array('href' => $longurl, 'rel' => 'external');
+ if ($longurl !== $url) {
$attrs['title'] = $longurl;
- return XMLStringer::estring('a', $attrs, $display);
-function common_longurl($short_url)
- $long_url = common_shorten_link($short_url, true);
- if ($long_url === $short_url) return false;
- return $long_url;
-function common_longurl2($uri)
- $uri_e = urlencode($uri);
- $longurl = unserialize(file_get_contents("http://api.longurl.org/v1/expand?format=php&url=$uri_e"));
- if (empty($longurl['long_url']) || $uri === $longurl['long_url']) return false;
- return stripslashes($longurl['long_url']);
+ return XMLStringer::estring('a', $attrs, $display);
function common_shorten_links($text)
if (mb_strlen($text) <= 140) return $text;
- static $cache = array();
- if (isset($cache[$text])) return $cache[$text];
- // \s = not a horizontal whitespace character (since PHP 5.2.4)
- return $cache[$text] = common_replace_urls_callback($text, 'common_shorten_link');;
-function common_shorten_link($url, $reverse = false)
- static $url_cache = array();
- if ($reverse) return isset($url_cache[$url]) ? $url_cache[$url] : $url;
- $user = common_current_user();
- if (!isset($user)) {
- // common current user does not find a user when called from the XMPP daemon
- // therefore we'll set one here fix, so that XMPP given URLs may be shortened
- $user->urlshorteningservice = 'ur1.ca';
- }
- $curlh = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20); // # seconds to wait
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Laconica');
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- switch($user->urlshorteningservice) {
- case 'ur1.ca':
- $short_url_service = new LilUrl;
- $short_url = $short_url_service->shorten($url);
- break;
- case '2tu.us':
- $short_url_service = new TightUrl;
- $short_url = $short_url_service->shorten($url);
- break;
- case 'ptiturl.com':
- $short_url_service = new PtitUrl;
- $short_url = $short_url_service->shorten($url);
- break;
- case 'bit.ly':
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://bit.ly/api?method=shorten&long_url='.urlencode($url));
- $short_url = current(json_decode(curl_exec($curlh))->results)->hashUrl;
- break;
- case 'is.gd':
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://is.gd/api.php?longurl='.urlencode($url));
- $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
- break;
- case 'snipr.com':
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://snipr.com/site/snip?r=simple&link='.urlencode($url));
- $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
- break;
- case 'metamark.net':
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://metamark.net/api/rest/simple?long_url='.urlencode($url));
- $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
- break;
- case 'tinyurl.com':
- curl_setopt($curlh, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.urlencode($url));
- $short_url = curl_exec($curlh);
- break;
- default:
- $short_url = false;
- }
- curl_close($curlh);
- if ($short_url) {
- $url_cache[(string)$short_url] = $url;
- return (string)$short_url;
- }
- return $url;
+ return common_replace_urls_callback($text, array('File_redirection', 'makeShort'));
function common_xml_safe_str($str)