SGVec3d pos = aircraft - _gsCart; // relative vector from gs antenna to aircraft
// The positive GS axis points along the runway in the landing direction,
// toward the far end, not toward the approach area, so we need a - sign here:
- double dot_h = -dot(pos, _gsAxis);
- double dot_v = dot(pos, _gsVertical);
- _gsDirect = atan2(dot_v, dot_h) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ double comp_h = -dot(pos, _gsAxis); // component in horiz direction
+ double comp_v = dot(pos, _gsVertical); // component in vertical direction
+ //double comp_b = dot(pos, _gsBaseline); // component in baseline direction
+ //if (comp_b) {} // ... (useful for debugging)
+// _gsDirect represents the angle of elevation of the aircraft
+// as seen by the GS transmitter.
+ _gsDirect = atan2(comp_v, comp_h) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+// At this point, if the aircraft is centered on the glide slope,
+// _gsDirect will be a small positive number, e.g. 3.0 degrees
+// Aim the branch cut straight down
+// into the ground below the GS transmitter:
+ if (_gsDirect < -90.0) _gsDirect += 360.0;
double deflectionAngle = target_gs - _gsDirect;
if (falseCoursesEnabledNode->getBoolValue()) {
+// GS is documented to be 1.4 degrees thick,
+// i.e. plus or minus 0.7 degrees from the midline:
+ SG_CLAMP_RANGE(deflectionAngle, -0.7, 0.7);
+// Many older instrument xml frontends depend on
+// the un-normalized gs-needle-deflection.
+// Apparently the interface standard is plus or minus 3.5 "volts"
+// for a full-scale deflection:
_gsNeedleDeflection = deflectionAngle * 5.0;
_gsNeedleDeflection *= signal_quality_norm;
- SG_CLAMP_RANGE(deflectionAngle, -0.7, 0.7);
_gsNeedleDeflectionNorm = (deflectionAngle / 0.7) * signal_quality_norm;
_gsAxis = tangentVector(_gs->geod(), gs_radial);
// GS baseline unit tangent vector
- // (perpendicular to the runay along the ground)
- SGVec3d baseline = tangentVector(_gs->geod(), gs_radial + 90.0);
- _gsVertical = cross(baseline, _gsAxis);
+ // (transverse to the runay along the ground)
+ _gsBaseline = tangentVector(_gs->geod(), gs_radial + 90.0);
+ _gsVertical = cross(_gsBaseline, _gsAxis);
} // of have glideslope
} // of found LOC or ILS