// Repares an array we are looking for
+// The returned Array is needed twice (in getAkt_vers() and in getActualVersion() in the old .revision-fallback) so I puted it in an extra function to not polute the global namespace
function getSearchFor () {
// Add Revision, Date, Tag and Author
$searchFor = array('Revision', 'Date', 'Tag', 'Author');
function getAkt_vers () {
// Init variables
- $next_dir = "";
+ $next_dir = ""; // Directory to start with search
$last_changed = array(
'path_name' => "",
'time' => 0
- $akt_vers = array();
- $res = 0;
+ $akt_vers = array(); // Init return array
+ $res = 0; // Init value for counting the founded keywords
// Searches all Files and there date of the last modifikation and puts the newest File in $last_changed.
- searchDirsRecursive($next_dir, $last_changed);
+ searchDirsRecursive($next_dir, $last_changed); // @TODO small change to API to $last_changed = searchDirsRecursive($next_dir, $time);
// Get file
$last_file = READ_FILE($last_changed['path_name']);
+ // Get all the keywords to search for
$searchFor = getSearchFor();
- // @TODO What does this loop/regex do? Document it, please.
+ // This foreach loops the $searchFor-Tags (array('Revision', 'Date', 'Tag', 'Author') --> could easaly extended in the future)
foreach ($searchFor as $search) {
+ //Searches for "$search-tag:VALUE$" or "$search-tag::VALUE$"(the stylish keywordversion ;-)) in the lates modified file
$res += preg_match('@\$'.$search.'(:|::) (.*) \$@U', $last_file, $t);
+ // This trimms the search-result and puts it in the $akt_vers-return array
if (isset($t[2])) $akt_vers[$search] = trim($t[2]);
} // END - foreach
+ // at least 3 keyword-Tags are needed for propper values
if ($res && $res >= 3) {
- // Prepare content
- preg_match('@(....)-(..)-(..) (..):(..):(..)@', $akt_vers['Date'], $match_d);
+ // Prepare content witch need special treadment
// Prepare timestamp for date
+ preg_match('@(....)-(..)-(..) (..):(..):(..)@', $akt_vers['Date'], $match_d);
$akt_vers['Date'] = mktime($match_d[4], $match_d[5], $match_d[6], $match_d[2], $match_d[3], $match_d[1]);
- // Add Tag if the author is set and is not quix0r (lead coder)
+ // Add author to the Tag if the author is set and is not quix0r (lead coder)
if ((isset($akt_vers['Author'])) && ($akt_vers['Author'] != "quix0r")) {
$akt_vers['Tag'] .= '-'.strtoupper($akt_vers['Author']);
} // END - if
} else {
- // No valid Data from the last modificated file so read the Revision from the Server. Fallback-solution!! Could be removed I think.
+ // No valid Data from the last modificated file so read the Revision from the Server. Fallback-solution!! Should not be removed I think.
$version = GET_URL("check-updates3.php");
// Prepare content
- $akt_vers['Revision'] = trim($version[10]);
- $akt_vers['Date'] = trim($version[9]);
- $akt_vers['Tag'] = trim($version[8]);
- $akt_vers['Author'] = "quix0r";
+ // Only sets not setted or not proper values to the Online-Server-Fallback-Solution
+ if (!isset($akt_vers['Revision']) || $akt_vers['Revision'] == '') $akt_vers['Revision'] = trim($version[10]);
+ if (!isset($akt_vers['Date']) || $akt_vers['Date'] == '') $akt_vers['Date'] = trim($version[9]);
+ if (!isset($akt_vers['Tag']) || $akt_vers['Tag'] == '') $akt_vers['Tag'] = trim($version[8]);
+ if (!isset($akt_vers['Author']) || $akt_vers['Author'] == '') $akt_vers['Author'] = "quix0r";
// Return prepared array
// Reads a directory with PHP files in and gets only files back
function GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY ($baseDir, $prefix, $includeDirs = false, $addBaseDir = true) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix} - Entered!");
// Init includes
$INCs = array();
$FQFN = constant('PATH') . $INC;
// Is this a valid reset file?
- //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."(<font color=\"#0000aa\">".__LINE__."</font>):baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix},baseFile={$baseFile}<br />\n";
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix},baseFile={$baseFile}");
if (((FILE_READABLE($FQFN)) && (substr($baseFile, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) && (substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == ".php")) || (($includeDirs) && (isDirectory($FQFN)))) {
// Remove both for extension name
$extName = substr($baseFile, strlen($prefix), -4);
// Is the extension valid and active?
if (($extId > 0) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($extName))) {
// Then add this file
- //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."(<font color=\"#0000aa\">".__LINE__."</font>): Extension entry ".$baseFile." added.<br />\n";
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Extension entry ".$baseFile." added.");
$INCs[] = $INC;
} elseif ($extId == 0) {
// Add non-extension files as well
- //* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."(<font color=\"#0000aa\">".__LINE__."</font>): Regular entry ".$baseFile." added.<br />\n";
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Regular entry ".$baseFile." added.");
if ($addBaseDir) {
$INCs[] = $INC;
} else {
// Return array with include files
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " - Left!");
return $INCs;